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<brins0> anyone around who knows much about the CM9 audio stack used on the i9300?
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<stickyboy> brins0: Isn't it Wolfson Micro's audio stack?
<whitequark> btw
<whitequark> did anyone notice that there is a small delay before the screen turns on after you press power on SGS2?
<whitequark> that's at least partly the RIL's fault (not counting the time CPU comes out of low-power mode)
<Espenfjo> hm?
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: yes
<Espenfjo> brins0: xplodwild and codeworxk do know something about it, they wrote it
<whitequark> Espenfjo: the guy who rewrites SGS2 ril just told me that
<xplodwild> brins0: what's going on?
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<WoutAFK> whitequark: who is rewriting the sgs2 ril?
<Espenfjo> WoutAFK: Still no RIL crashes for me
<WoutAFK> with pin?
<WoutAFK> turned off my pin, and it has been fine since
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<Espenfjo> With pin
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<WoutAFK> strange
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