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<siontx> Hello @ all
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<siontx> I have some Problem with a Samsung GT-9100G I cant connect it Tod USB Windows show s me only unkown USB device
<siontx> Heer this system is on the device http://db.tt/LOQWJMHk
<whitequark> codeworkx: a guy I know is currently developing a FOSS RIL replacement (GSM only). It already performs voice calls, data is ongoing
<whitequark> would you merge such a thing to CM upstream?
<whitequark> erm, RIL for I9100
<siontx> And if I try to flash a kernel Form recovery mode I get this message http://db.tt/pQ7vCt97
<codeworkx> whitequark: replicant?
<whitequark> codeworkx: he's not affiliated, but yes, replicant will certainly use it
<codeworkx> i know this stuff
<codeworkx> is far away from usable
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<siontx> Have skme
<whitequark> what I'm talking about
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<siontx> Have some one perhaps the right rooted cwm signed kernel for me to root the device via recovery mode ?
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<siontx> or a how to for building a rooted kernel Form stock Firmware that is signed
<siontx> I have try
<siontx> Some kernels but no one works Tod flash Form recovery mode :(
<codeworkx> whitequark: let's wait till it's rock stable
<whitequark> codeworkx: doesn't have anything to do with replicant by itself. when/if replicant will come to SGS2, it'll use that RIL.
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> I was just asking if you're generally opposed to that kind of merges or not
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<siontx> codeworkx can you hell me ?
<siontx> help not hell hate mobilephone IRC ^^
<codeworkx> siontx: #teamhacksung-support
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<siontx> THX
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