Title: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (at imgur.com)
My ultimate goal is to prepare .bench file from given TrustHUB benchmarks so that I will be able to prepare a graph (using .bench). From this graph, I will be able to extract features of a circuit such as Logic Gate Fan-in, Multiplexer input/output, loops in a circuit or any other information of circuit that can be included in a dataset.
I have also checked this :https://www.reddit.com/r/yosys/comments/85rm6u/a_problem_in_converting_into_bench_format/
Title: A problem in converting into bench format : yosys (at www.reddit.com)
My question is what should be the proper sequence of commands to convert
benchmarks are verilog files btw
azzizi_: Yosys doesn't have a write_bench command
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azzizi_: To know the commands yosys supports, feel free to run "yosys" in its interactive mode and then issue the command "help"
All of the various write formats will show up at the end of the list.
So I can't use write_bench in Yosys but in ABC right ?
That sounds about right
So may I ask if you think I should include the 'techmap' and the 'dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib' commands?
I'm not much of an expert with the techmap commands, so I'd have to defer to someone else for that answer.
Thank you ..should I wait here ? I am curious because these two commands are only different to what Clifford suggested in the reddit link I had posted earlier
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Let's see if daveshah is around at all ....?
azzizi_: are you currently doing the techmapping and then the bench writeout is failing?
or are you currently *not* including the techmap commands
<Zipcpu> Also in the imgur it is written that the write_bench command is for ABC I think maybe
Nothing is failing though...but I wonder if I am doing it correctly
because the .bench and .blif format that I am getting, do not have a regular pattern from which I can proceed further. In .bench files I am getting LUTs instead of gates. I gates in .bench and .blif files are incomprehensible
and you're expecting NAND's instead of LUTs.
you need to pass your liberty file to your techmap command, i think
you're only mapping FFs to your liberty file, not anything else, so everything else is yosys internal cells, which apparently are LUTs
May I bother you by asking what the proper sequence of commands should be
i think it should be as simple as replacing `techmap` with `techmap -map mycells.lib`. but i've never done anything like this, so this is educated guesswork.
Thanks very much for the response
hmm actually, if that doesn't work, try adding `abc -liberty mycells.lib` after the dfflibmap pass
and that is the extent of my ability (and desire) to guess at this. good luck!
Okay I will let you know the update
thanks again
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