Title: Language guide nMigen toolchain 0.3.dev143 documentation (at nmigen.info)
whitequark: I'm pretty sure pysim will also break on a 208GiB Signal
not necessarily, actually
as long as you only use the low bits i think it might be f... ah no
the mask will be that long
it will
So nMigen probably also has some point where it can't feasibly represent some signals.
it already rejects signals over 16 Mbits in back.rtlil
Verilog only requires support for 64 Kbits, and Yosys flat out breaks on 4 Gbits (the lexer has UB at that point)
(or had, I might have fixed it)
I'm gonna lower that to 1 Mbit, I think
I would suggest a 64kbit limit for now
daveshah: thanks, will do
iirc even 128kbit ish was killing performance in some cases
oh yeah I misremembered
hm, wait
how are things like memory init values handled?
these could very reasonably grow Big
in yosys or?
oh yeah, hmm
nmigen emits a single $meminit cell with \DATA connected immediately to a constant
so no wires there
alright, good enough then
(for nmigen at least; yosys still make a SigSpec out of it, hmmmm)
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how are $meminit with non-const ADDR / DATA useful?
mwk: lets you do things like mem[0] = 1+1;
without having to evaluate it in the frontend, i gess
oh, hm
but doesn't the frontend already have to know how to evaluate const expressions for things like cell parameters anyway?
no idea
yeah, it does
also for things like wire widths
... petition to change it to parameters instead of ports during memory inference redesign?
don't have an immediate objection but there may be a subtlety I'm missing
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Am I missing something or are the ECP5 PLLs and other clock management cells not yet supported by yosys?
They are supported fine
Looking through cells_sim.v I don't see the instantiation templates.
They are in cells_bb.v
daveshah: are PLLs actually simulatable?
It seems difficult to model (to me)
It can be done, but it's usually a hack in verilog. I've done it by making a behavioral model of what a PLL does, but it's really hard to match the actual loop dynamics.
Hmm... when I try to instantiate the EHXPLL yosys is happy and nextpnr seems fine through most of the process but then throws an assertion during routing.
Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'nextpnr_ecp5::assertion_failure'