I'm not convinced that initial on a wire is legal at all
I'm tempted to just revert the damn PR
whatever this is supposed to do, the result is that yosys treats the 'wire ... = const' line as a continuous assignment (reasonable), and the 'initial' block as if it was a combinatorial always block (not reasonable), resulting in multiple-drivers situation
I think it would be valid if it was reg instead of wire
and always instead of initial
yes, because then the line would just set the *initial* value
... except then it'd be a latch
Yeah for some reason I thought i and j were constants
then initial might have made sense
Yeah its just nonsense
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Hi all, I'm working on a basic PS/2 mouse design for ice40 FPGA. icetime gives me a timing estimate of 1000006.33 ns. How can I fix this?
Trust the timing estimates from nextpnr, I think
That will give the longest combinational path for your design anyway
The default makefile uses arache-pnr, should I switch to nextpnr?
Yes, arachne-pnr has been dead for a while
Yeah, for about a year arachne-pnr has been replaced by nextpnr-ice40
Ok, nextpnr gives me the following: ERROR: timing analysis failed due to presence of combinatorial loops, incomplete specification of timing ports, etc.
Do you have latches in your design? That would probably break icetime too
How do I tell? I don't have much experience.
Can you upload the log somewhere? I can't remember exactly what it is, but Yosys will probably warn on it
Since latches are something to be avoided as much as possible
You most often get them from an incomplete case specification
In that situation it needs to preserve the original value, since reaching an unspecified case is a no-op
ps2_byte_writer.v:37: Warning: Identifier `\parity' is implicitly declared.
ps2_byte_writer.v:52: Warning: Identifier `\done_bit' is implicitly declared.
Even ignoring the possible presence of latches, this is something you need to fix
If you add "`default_nettype none" to the top of your source files, Yosys will error if you implicitly declare a variable
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by default they are wires though, which is fine
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Correct, but it's a bad habit to rely on implicit declaration of wires
Warning: multiple conflicting drivers for top.\DUT.write_count [3]:
port Q[3] of cell $techmap\DUT.$auto$proc_dlatch.cc:417:proc_dlatch$598 ($dlatch)
port Q[3] of cell $techmap\DUT.$auto$proc_dlatch.cc:417:proc_dlatch$627 ($dlatch)
Yes, you have latches
And multiple signal drivers
Latch inferred for signal `$paramod\ps2_bit_writer\clock_divider=10.\read_bit' from process `$paramod\ps2_bit_writer\clock_divider=10.$proc$ps2_bit_writer.v:57$427': $auto$proc_dlatch.cc:417:proc_dlatch$581
I see. I think I know where the issue is. I'm setting that net from two combinational processes
Anyway, here's the direct answer to your question: you have latches in your design, and timing analysis on latches is really difficult
I should be incrementing in a sequential block
Thanks, I'll try fixing that.
The simulator (iverilog) doesn't care about it at all. Should I be running synthesis alongside simulation all the time?
It is *valid* to have latches in your design
That doesn't make it a good idea
So, as far as iverilog is concerned, your design is valid, and its job is to simulate that
I'm not sure how Verilator handles latches, but it probably lints them at least
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