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<cr1901_modern> SimRefinery tour cc: fseidel
<cr1901_modern> Excellent work natarii:
<fseidel> cr1901_modern: sweet
<fseidel> I'm curious if this is actually the latest release, given how much is unimplemented
<fseidel> I sort of figured it would be more of a finished product
<cr1901_modern> Well, it's as good as were gonna get for now :P
<cr1901_modern> Unless it's an extremely elaborate hoax
<fseidel> oh, I hope I don't come off as complaining
<fseidel> just surprised given that it was shipped to a company for training use
<andlabs> [00:26:23] <cr1901_modern> SimRefinery tour cc: fseidel
<andlabs> it's a hacked prototype.
<andlabs> fuck.
<andlabs> fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck
<andlabs> 20 fucking 20
<andlabs> oh wait
<andlabs> that's chevron the company, not chevron some game hacker
<fseidel> oh yeah, that's not a cracktro, lol
<cr1901_modern> Brb changing my hacker name to chevron
<fseidel> honestly, that would be even wilder, if there was a cracked version of this floating around
<natarii> thanks cr1901_modern :)
<natarii> re: simrefinery, is it actually playable at all? or just a mockup
<cr1901_modern> Looks very incomplete
<Foone> yeah. seems to be mostly a mockup
<Foone> there's enough detail that it's definitely the real thing though, not some fake like some people were fearing
<Foone> you can scroll around the map, look at "units" (Which are buildings), look at some reports, but time never advances and you can't build anything new
<Lord_Nightmare> Foone: it shares a lot of ui source code with simcity, most likely
<Lord_Nightmare> ...and we have the simcity source code, in the trademark-stripped-and-released-as-gplv2 "micropolis" iteration
<Lord_Nightmare> ... so it might be possible to leverage that to reverse engineer out the differing parts of the code and actually FINISH it
<Lord_Nightmare> or at the very least, maybe fix the nopped out time etc, though likely the actual 'backend' code for the chemical plant modules isn't really done either...
<superctr> i don't think there would be much similarity between Micropolis and other "Sim" games, or even other ports of SimCity
<superctr> if anything the source code has diverged over time, as new features have been added and existing parts (such as the UI) have been modified
<Sarayan> while it's amusing from an historical point of view, there's benn finished logistics games since then including chemical ones. There is no need to complete it since all that exists is some graphics and a partial ui
<Foone> it looks a little like simant and simearth, but the UI is definitely not an exact match to any of them
<Lord_Nightmare> true
<Lord_Nightmare> it shares some random art assets with simfarm, as you pointed out
<Foone> looking closer, yeah, it's definitely simfarm
<Sarayan> Is there something special at address cc000 in a isa-era pc? Some specific rom?
<cr1901_modern> I don't recall boot roms beginning that early
<Sarayan> oh yeah, c0000-dffff is device roms
<Foone> boot roms are at C800:0000 through F400:0000 (early) or E000:0000 (later)
<Sarayan> Foone: What could make a rom at cc000 bootable?
<cr1901_modern> f400 is definitely inclusive on IBM PCs. I know b/c I've burned my own EPROMs to test :P
<Sarayan> there is a bios, unclear whether it's hacked
<cr1901_modern> (the extra EPROM slot)
<Sarayan> (pf2012/taito wolf arcade board)
<Foone> it'd just need to have the first two bytes be 55 AA
<Sarayan> they're not
<Sarayan> code starts at the very beginning of the rom
<Foone> that's a BIOS thing, so presumably that board doesn't use a PC BIOS
<Sarayan> trident_tgui9680_bios.bin
<Sarayan> kinda
<Sarayan> the non-biod rom has a bootable block image starting at 4000+
<Sarayan> bios
<Sarayan> flop.bin: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID "WOLF-SYS", sectors/cluster 4, root entries 112, sectors 8160 (volumes <=32 MB), sectors/FAT 6, sectors/track 32, serial number 0x5090150, label: "WOLF-SYSTEM", FAT (12 bit), followed by FAT
<Sarayan> there's 4M of rom fwiw
<Foone> interesting
<Sarayan> the funny part is that there is some code before 4000 (not that much) that says "Booting 1st process..." and "Booting 2nd process..."
<Sarayan> And the boot sector at 4000 has "Booting 3rd process..."
<Sarayan> oh damn, the very first thing that <4000 code does is a read sectors from drive (int 13 ah=2)
<Sarayan> the main board and the arcade stuff are connected through eisa and... floppy connector
<Sarayan> somebody at taito and a foone-shaped sense of humour
<Sarayan> s/and/had/
<Sarayan> let's see, read one sector drive 0 head 0 cylinder 0 sector 1 to address 7c00
<Sarayan> drive 0 that's a:, right?
<Foone> usually, yes
<cr1901_modern> ah=2 would be the third floppy drive
<cr1901_modern> ah=80 is the first hard drive
<Sarayan> cr: you're thinking dl there
<Sarayan> ah is the subfunction
<cr1901_modern> Why can't I ever be right about something anymore *grumbles*
<Sarayan> oh fun
<Sarayan> the code at the beginning of the rom expects to have been copied at 0000:7c00
<Sarayan> cc000 is something else
<Sarayan> probably a third rom that's filled with a boot screen
<Sarayan> ok, this is getting completely nonsensical
<Sarayan> whatever
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<cr1901_modern> Foone: looks like time advances in this screenshot?
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<Foone> cr1901_modern: yeah, the screenshot seems to be from a later version
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<balrog> Foone: time seems to advance in the available version?
<balrog> cr1901_modern: ^
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<cr1901_modern> ZrX-oMs: Noted for later!
<cr1901_modern> balrog: Ahhh, maybe Foone and I missed that.
<balrog> cr1901_modern: it seems most of the menu-based controls are implemented and some of the button-based ones are not
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