welp, I kinda forgot the format for the nextpnr ROUTING attribute
My regex is kinda broken now that I added a bunch of new things
seems dest;pip;1;
Tang Nano is running a globally clocked blinky
trabucayre, if I have two boards plugged in, how do I tell openFPGALoader which one to use?
ah -d /dev/ttyUSB2
or --ftdi-serial
bitstream doesn't work on TEC0117
pastbin ?
of what?
I don't think it's an openFPGALoader problem this time
you saif doesn't work -> my first idea is "openFPGALoader is again broken" :)
just my own fuckery
I'm happy because it's not my fault ;-)
pff Need to work with ISE ;-(
trabucayre, maybe you DO know the solution to the problem though. I recall you looked a bit into the checksum stuff in the header.
In a 1.9.6 vendor generated bitstream it starts with 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
while my bitstream starts with 1011011010100001
that's.... not even the same length...
ok with 1.9.6 all my scripts are broken :-/
I'm still using 1.9.3 for fuzzing, but the 1.9.3 programmer is even more broken, so I can only use openFPGALoader and the 1.9.6 programmer
good mix :)
and... I can still load a vendor bitstream generated with 1.9.3 sooo...
aha, but what does not work is loading a 1.9.3 bitstream with a 1.9.6 programmers. wtfffff
it's funny... or not
ah no, that's just the security bit
alright, false alarm...
so it's just my Apicula bitstream that's somehow fucked up
pfff set_option seems different
don't want -device or -pn ...
oh yea, the tcl is completely different
okay so... old code with new DB still works, means fuzzing and chipdb are ok
new gowin_pack with old nextpnr json also works, meaning the old parts of the packer are at least fine
so either I broke the nextpnr script, or the new bits are wrong...
ah, actually in both cases the checksum fails, due to secure bit I assume, so it's not a programmer problem... something is just wrong with my clock routing
yea okay, there is just something legit wrong with clock routing on GW1N-9
secur bit add a new line in header (after line 6)
(in my note)
I bet there is just some enable bit that I'm missing that causes everything to parse just fine, but not actually turn on the clock
Like... I can parse a vendor bitstream, I can pack/unpack my own, but my own is just dead.
And only on GW1N-9, on GW1N-1 everything is fine.