trabucayre, do you think it'd be possible to bitbang JTAG on a Raspberry? IIRC some parts of the process need specific speeds
yes of course. It's I have done for the ULX3S which uses an ft232rl
In fact using GPIOs to have a JTAG bitbang is in my TODO since 1 year
I've seen tries to integrate a jtag framework in linux kernel, but seems not in the mainline
Hmmm, so I guess only problem is if the pi has enough ram to use nextpnr
Well I guess for CI I could just build bitstreams online and only upload them on the pi. But if I'm making a Gowin HAT, people would probably like to run yosys and nextpnr on the pi itself.
building something in a RPI is a strange thing to me :)
the talk is done by a colleague, I'm coauthor
I mean, at what point does something stop being a target and starts being a full computer?
Obviously if you're going to be compiling stuff *for* a raspberry pi *all day* better get into cross-compiling, but if you're using the pi to program something else, it's no longer a target...
It might still be mind numbingly slow to PnR a CPU on the Pi... but it should be possible I think
Certainly for a blinky it might be less of a hassle to just PnR on the Pi than ssh the bitstream over. At that point what are you even using the pi for
Yes of course. I'm agree
With modern "embedded" board it's difficult to see limit...
On my machine PnR of attosoc takes a gb of ram it seems. Not sure how much it'd be on a 32 bit system, but... seems to be within reach
Takes the same to just do a blinky so... probably just the chipdb. ugh... need to write a better nextpnr target
gw1n-1 is definitely doable it seems
In fact adding yosys, nextpnr, etc. to buildroot is in my todolist too
openFPGALoader (outdated) is available (not my fault) ;-)
rpi4 is a 64bits quadcore with plenty of RAM
Yea. The zero is only 512mb though. seems a better match for these low-end fpga's. tec0117 and pi zero are... roughly the same size
zero is more or less rpi1 with a different form factor
ohhh I forgot Gowin can also get the bitstream over SPI as a slave, so the Pi could just upload the bitstream. that sounds cool
Boards with onbard jtag are really great... But I need boards without too :)
pepijndevos: I'm unable to see doc about using SPI to load a bitstream
It can use external spi flash right?
TN653 explains how to use JTAG to program external Flash
You can't exactly program it, but it can load a bitstream in spi master and spi slave mode.
Normally you use master mode and the slave is the spi flash
but you can also use slave mode, and a microcontroler can load a bitsream directly
Maybe they call it PC mode, I don't remember