pepijndevos: to use your rpi for flashing an FPGA it's now possible to use netcat :-)
trabucayre: does it use USB CDC for communication?
I also thought about something like this for flashing iCE40 with compressed bitstreams (which ice40 don't support): just stream a compressed bitstream into a programmer, the programmer decompresses it on the fly and programs the FPGA/SPI flash
in my case it's a just support of '|' (ie a read for stdin)
I have a github issue to support a gzip compressed bitstream.
Oh, apparently, you're talking about regular rpi, not pico
yep. I've forget everyone is focused to the pico
<trabucayre "I have a github issue to support"> My idea was to improve performance for slow JTAG interfaces. For example, Colorlight i5 board has a CMSIS-DAP JTAG probe, which is extremely slow. If you feed a compressed bitstream instead of a regular one, you can cut programming time in half, for example.
Same thing for ULX3S. Luckily, ECP5 supports compressed bitstreams out of the box.
I've added the colorlight i5 in my order list :)
for ULX3S the ft232R is a problem :-/
bitbanging is always slow
Maybe one day I write a damn fast firmware for that colorlight programmer chip.
IIRC I achieved 10MHz JTAG bitbang speed on STM32F103
it's a thing I need to improve for openFPGALoader. By default it use 6MHz freq
I must to configure freq to fit max allowed speed for the target FPGA
I investigated this problem for iceprog which also uses 6MHz iirc. The main issue was synchronous USB access which limits the overall speed by a great amount.
For iceprog you can't do better if you just change the frequency to 24MHz. Nothing changes, really.
with openFPGALoader you need to use --freq to configure freq
the only device where the freq is changed is gowin -> 2.5MHz
for i5 I need something to plug the board :)