alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<elliottcable> Hi, all
<elliottcable> chiper ⑊ thinking about it, why?
<elliottcable> micahjohnston?
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ it happens in OS X.
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ That's the entire point of CoreStorage, and what they sell to the public as “Fusion” drives.
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ It does pre-emptive algorithmic caching of user-content, yes,
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ But, far more importantly and usefully, it does *extremely* intelligent pre-emptive caching of *system* content.
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ Re-phrased: OS X, or rather, Apple engineers, can't know too much about *your* data and code(machine code), so there can only be “fairly” simple (not really. but relatively so.) caching based on a simple ML approach to analyzing your access patterns;
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ ... but they *can* know a hell of a lot about the OS's data and code, and can do a hell of a lot of powerful, intelligent swapping of OS data to and from the faster storage media (whether that's moving it up to an SSD-layer CoreStorage PV, or all the way up to one of the controlled disk's enslaved on-board cache, or even all the way into system RAM.)
<elliottcable> um, lemme see if I still have a list of the relevant manpages; there's some really interesting reading in here
<elliottcable> eh. got nothing, fuck.
<elliottcable> nobody here. whatevs.
* elliottcable sighs
<elliottcable> bbl food, I suppose.
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ if you show up, I'm going to be diving into Paws-work within an hour or so, for the next 8 or so after that. #workday #whee
<chiper> elliottcable: because I just happen to own
<chiper> and have been looking for a project to build in node
<chiper> I've already started a project foundation. I'm digging around in my files for the schema I created for taskian
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: !
<elliottcable> hiiii
<elliottcable> chiper ⑊ I'm planning to make this very specifically GitHub-projects *only*.
<elliottcable> and I'd also make it paid, because it doesn't sound fun or innovative to make, so it's a waste of my time otherwise.
<elliottcable> or something
<elliottcable> payment model I was planning:
<chiper> like, tied into github issues?
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> up to five FOSS repositories for free;
<elliottcable> payment for any private repos, or more than five repos of any type
<elliottcable> repos where you don't create actual ToDos don't count against that
<chiper> ah, yes, that would be useful. we've wanted something like that in the past
<elliottcable> (i.e. using it as an overview of GitHub Issues' aggregated Task Lists *only*, is free)
<elliottcable> They only count against your total if you start adding non-Issues tasks
<chiper> for clients who could use access to issues, but we don't want accessing the repo
<elliottcable> exactly.
<elliottcable> This is intended to be tied into GitHub for access.
<elliottcable> Anybody with access to the repo, can access the task list; anybody who can create issues, can create tasks;
<elliottcable> and anybody anywhere *ever* can create tasks on public repos.
<elliottcable> micahjohnston!
<elliottcable> :)
<elliottcable> PAWS ME BITCH
<elliottcable> how's your schedule tonight? test tomorrow? I wanna coeeeedddddd.
<micahjohnston> yeah test tomorrow
<micahjohnston> perhaps a bit o paws
<micahjohnston> I gotta learn these pieces for this music test
<micahjohnston> like, they're like 20% of 30% of the whole class's grade
<elliottcable> kk
<micahjohnston> but I should still do what I can :p
<elliottcable> nah, focus on school
<elliottcable> Paws can wait, and I have other shit I can do without your help, easily
<elliottcable> it's all code-copying drudgery
<elliottcable> with a smattering of API design fun,
<elliottcable> and terrible cross-browser debugging un-fun.
<micahjohnston> ok cool
<micahjohnston> i crossed a minor milestone today on the getting-over-ex front :p
<micahjohnston> she made a joke and I said she was dumb, jokingly
<elliottcable> oh?
<micahjohnston> all my friends pile the joking hate on me
<micahjohnston> including her
<micahjohnston> just a joke but like
<micahjohnston> so then she was like
<micahjohnston> take it back
<micahjohnston> also half jokingly but she takes things strangely seriously
<micahjohnston> and I didn't and she got mad and left and I didn't give a shit
<micahjohnston> lol
<purr> lol
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> excellent.
<elliottcable> This girl doesn't sound like the highest quality of person.
<elliottcable> Just sayin' that as somebody nosy who cares too much.
<micahjohnston> :P
<micahjohnston> idk she's definitely a hypocrite/double-standardy person
<micahjohnston> self-admittedly sometimes but that doesn't make it better :p
<micahjohnston> that's basically the approach she takes towards relationships too, like she is super jealous, yet does things that would make her very jealous and upset were they done to her
<micahjohnston> anyway pawspawspaws
<elliottcable> pawspaws?
<elliottcable> well, okay. Do you have HTTP?
<micahjohnston> ya
<elliottcable> → #Paws.Nucleus
* elliottcable pokes micahjohnston
<elliottcable> he died D:
sephr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<micahjohnston> sorry got distracted
<elliottcable> is fine
<elliottcable> trying to figure out how to implement a getter()
<elliottcable> Just getting into Anamanaguchi.
<elliottcable> I've always liked Jetpack Blues, Sunset Hues
<elliottcable> but as with most artists, I *just* realized “They have other music. And most of it is really great. OMGYAY.”
<purrrrrr> [muPaws.js] elliottcable pushed 4 new commits to Master:
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master 264aca6 elliottcable: (- re style) Cleaning up the section-headers.
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master 7d13d5f elliottcable: (- fix) Repairing minor bugs impacting the examples
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master 5ab8128 elliottcable: (- re fix) Shortening the reactor debugging output quite a bit
<purrrrrr> [muPaws.js] elliottcable pushed 4 new commits to Master:
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master 39d1da3 elliottcable: (- re style) Re-aligning return statements
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master c8799c6 elliottcable: (- re style) Re-considering how I utilize the `new` keyword
<purrrrrr> muPaws.js/Master 1327f99 elliottcable: (- fix) Not starting on --help
<micahjohnston> hi elliottcable
<elliottcable> XKCD makes me so happy, sometimes.
<elliottcable> time.jpg, for instance, is just endlessly excellent
Nuck has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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<elliottcable> HI
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<elliottcable> PURR HI
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<elliottcable> HI PURR
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<elliottcable> hi anybody-who-isn't-purr?
<purr> elliottcable: hi!
<elliottcable> shuttup purr
<elliottcable> God, I hate browsers. And debugging. Etc.
<elliottcable> I'm gonna go buy a Windows machine. brb.
<Nuck> oh god why
<Nuck> why would you do that elliottcable
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> hi, alexgordon!
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ need a device to test Windows code and Windows browsers on
<alexgordon> hi elly
<Nuck> Oh alex gets a hi and I don't :<
<alexgordon> hi Nuck
<Nuck> IT's cause I'm black ;_;
<alexgordon> IT's cause I'm a jew ^_^
<elliottcable> IT'S cause I'm a purr
<Nuck> alexgordon: Ah, I see. elliott feels guilty for murdering all the jews, so he is nice to you
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊
<alexgordon> 444
<elliottcable> LOOKIE LOOKIE
<elliottcable> success on ALL PLATFORMS, BITCH
<elliottcable> except lower IEs
<elliottcable> hence, gonna drop by best buy and buy the cheapest Windows box I can, I guess
<elliottcable> idk
<Nuck> How the fuck does testling work on iPhones
<Nuck> Emulator?
<Nuck> elliottcable: Also you missed IE6 support bro
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ hm?
<elliottcable> nah, he's got actual iDevices plugged in or some shit.
<elliottcable> he was telling me about it a couple weeks ago, before the support showed up on the site.
<elliottcable> dude.
<elliottcable> is the BEST THING
<elliottcable> This is Microsoft, doing something Right™.
<elliottcable> wget --help is so intimidating
<elliottcable> wget --help | wc -l # 167
<elliottcable> I mean, fucking *seriously*.
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> dude
<elliottcable> download ALLLLLL OF THE THINGS
<Nuck> curl --help | wc -l # 153
<Nuck> Everything that interfaces with the internet
<elliottcable> 79% [==================================================> ] 645,419,953 398KB/s eta 3m 13s
<elliottcable> gughrghhrhhg
<elliottcable> I dislike waitingggg
<alexgordon> elliottcable
<elliottcable> Oh. My fucking god.
<elliottcable> Windows XP startup sound.
<elliottcable> GOD it's been a long time since I've heard that.
<elliottcable> Also. Holy shit. Computers are powerful, nowadays.
<elliottcable> I'm running four VMs, on a 27" external display; as well as a fullscreen'd Silverlight from on my Retina display.
<elliottcable> this little fucker of a laptop is *screaming*. And it doesn't seem to be breaking a sweat.
<alexgordon> elliottcable is rich
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ what
<elliottcable> anyway
<elliottcable> XP. God. How does I even do this.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: you are
<alexgordon> yess you are
<elliottcable> I have to install an old version of Visual Studio (free) into my XP
<elliottcable> (free)
<elliottcable> but it's all a pain
<elliottcable> debugging in IE6. Ugh.
<alexgordon> (rich)
<elliottcable> god damnit IE6
<elliottcable> XP what even ARE you.
<elliottcable> JESUS.
<elliottcable> SO MUCH BULLSHIT
<elliottcable> Come collect shit with me.
<elliottcable> This is fun and really pretty.
<elliottcable> Well, I conquered IE6.
<elliottcable> Sorta.
<elliottcable> Still having a ton of issues.
brr has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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<elliottcable> FUCK me.
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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<elliottcable> alexgordon!
<elliottcable> hello.
<elliottcable> I'm working in IE6.
<elliottcable> It's fuckin' weird.
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> alexgordon!
<alexgordon> elliottcable: jesus on toast WHY
<elliottcable> because.
<elliottcable> compat.
<elliottcable> 100%.
<elliottcable> IE6-10, FF2+, Saf 3-6 ...
<elliottcable> etcetetcetctetetet.
sephr has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> hi devyn
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<elliottcable> ucawiutawiuheaoithoisrys
<elliottcable> I hate everything
<elliottcable> but especially NPM and IE6
<chiper> why are you wasting time on IE6? are you targeting china?
<chiper> even IE7 is down to 0.5%
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devyn_ is now known as devyn
<elliottcable> Users will want it.
<elliottcable> And the less popular the browser, the more likely a JS shim will continue to be necessary.
<chiper> mmm, 23" Dell Ultrasharps are down to $200
<elliottcable> hi.
<elliottcable> Fuck.
<elliottcable> god.
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript.
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows.
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6.
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging” (and I use that term *very* loosely) tools from 2005.
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging *SOMEBODY ELSE'S* annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging" tools,
<elliottcable> not only am I debugging *SOMEBODY ELSE'S* annoying JavaScript, on Windows, for IE6, using ancient, unsupported “debugging" tools, but *that somebody else*, is TJ Holowaychuk.
<elliottcable> I'm currently, meta-figuratively, “literally in hell.”
<elliottcable> oh, did I mention that the ancient debugger crashes approximately half of the time there's an error it should catch and debug?
<elliottcable> which means I have to restart the VM to make it work again.
<elliottcable> and that the VM takes approximately thirty seconds to gain a DHCP lease from my parent O.S. before it'll boot?
<elliottcable> I hate EVERYTHING.
<elliottcable> So fucking MUCH.
<elliottcable> oh. on top of all of that: I have the beer-shits, and have to rush to the restroom every fifteen minutes.
<elliottcable> divide that by the rate of debugger-VM-crashing, and I manage approximately ten debugger-cycles in between nasty, time-consuming diarrhea-shits.
<elliottcable> Ain't life a peach?
<elliottcable> I'm alert()-debugging.
<elliottcable> In the real world. It's a thing I'm doing.
<elliottcable> fughatwrat.
abumirqaan has joined #elliottcable
<elliottcable> who's abumirqaan?
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<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<sephr> elliottcable: do you still use git-blog?
<sephr> for any non-tumblr blog
<elliottcable> what?
<elliottcable> it has nothing to do with tumblr
<elliottcable> but it “still” runs
<elliottcable> by which I mean it generated the last version of the site, which is static, because git-blog is static
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ why do you ask?
<sephr> i mean since all of your blogs are tumblr powered
<sephr> do you still have a git-blog blog
<sephr> and thanks
<sephr> ΩF:∅ is considering getting a blog again
chiper has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<alexgordon> sephr: yahoo powered
<elliottcable> since when is anything I do tumblr-powered
<elliottcable> I don't remotely understand tumblr
<elliottcable> the only tumblr I have is the channel chat-log tumblr
<alexgordon> both of them
<elliottcable> and I only use tumblr for that so everybody can contribute easily