elliottcable: so I'm doing a group project with someone… who is only ever available at 2:30am, and even then, sporadically. bitch. >_>
how much bitcoins for paws.js?
whitequark ⑊ thanks for the link. Saved with extreme prejudice.
whitequark ⑊ lol. You don't even know Paws!
elliottcable: like that matters
whitequark ⑊ I'm just offering bitcoin and stale cookies to steal the attention of people who're already interested in the project. I want *more* of their attention, not somebody to write it for me.
one does not simply “know” paws.
one must date paws first.
I could always just throw money at a contract coder. Believe me, it's not like I haven't thought of it.
Yeah, Paws needs a little wining and dining. Maybe a good romantic comedy.
* whitequark
scratches his head
And even then, she won't disgorge her operational semantics until the third date.
She's a prude like that.
But to answer your question:
you don't get it :) it's not like I'm going to work _just_ for money (and stale cookies, which are evidently equivalent of money)
she'll also want you to spend a lot on her, at least at first
but she's worth it
I dunno, I'm pretty sure I offered Micha 50 BTC at one point.
Wasn't entirely serious, but there you go.
whitequark ⑊ well, maybe it's time for you to get interested in Paws. ;)
she's available Tuesday after 8, I hear. Why don't you call her up?
oh my god i've given my programming language a gender kill me now
on the serious note... I promised to roll out a beta of Foundry on about 15th July
oh man, I don't really have time to do that right now, but uhhh
so that's what I'm doing in near future
I was joking. Wait, do you think you could actually teach Paws?
I forget, what's Foundry?
elliottcable: my ruby dialect for embedded sw
whitequark: baaasically, it's a language designed around concurrency. think coroutine procedures (but not quite, and more flexible) + a data access model somewhat like STM
and the latter moreso than thef ormer.
right, right, and with asynchronicity and the STM-like data access model, the potential for automatic parallelism
CPS-ish, yes, but the actuality is a bit lower-level (subcontinuations that I call “executions”), and then abstracted away a bit to be somewhat procedural-looking
Current status: Arguing with CoffeeScript people because their shit is unintuitive. ಠ_ಠ
elliottcable: you seen delimited continuations?
I kinda get the idea (awesome) but didn't catch up on the formal semantics yet
I can *barely* wrap my head around them
yeah ditto same place exactly.
My high-level opinion was “irrelevant / inapplicable to Paws”
and with my mind-state in life right now, anything that I can't state to myself in terms of Paws, I don't have room to care about )'=
I can't be a generalist when I'm trying to keep an entire fucking abstracted stack of programming-environment sane in my head
... breathing?!
and it sucks. because I'm missing out on a lot of shit I wish I could understand.
* whitequark
calls an ambulance
Did I ever hook you up with Bluebie?
VIM hilights xxd output? that's fucking cool.
* whitequark
has expected some wires there...
wires? what?
elliottcable: well
how do you debug hardware?
well, holy fuck, I'll be interested to see what's causing this… o__o
I don't do anything with hardware. Confused. Are you working with hardware right now?
oh, that's right, Foundry.
* elliottcable
slaps self
devyn ⑊ causing what?
ok so the one on the left is the correct output, and the one on the right is this output that is correct at first and then suddenly diverges somewhat
oh, wait
and ends up being a somewhat significantly different file size
I thought that message was from whitequark.
am SO much less confused now
9:00 AM here.
anyway, it diverges at address 04c0, with 0161 000a 00f6 in the correct output, which is, indeed, correct. but in the wrong output, it's like 0161 000d 0a00 f600
Time to turn the subs on and get productive.
so somehow the endian got swapped and an extra byte snuck in
what the fuck, windows?
Just watched a lizard-squirrel run by my window.
I kid you not, whatever the fuck it was looked exactly what one might expect the offspring of a grey squirrel and a common green gecko to look like.
Fucking squizzards. Fuzzy little creepy-ass bastards.
I'm gonna sleep. Too tired to deal with windows weirdness.
oh nvm
elliottcable: doing drugs again?
<e o7
I got it
I love all of you have my codebabies
To my complete surprise, it turns out that I've only used the word “codebaby” *once* before in this channel.
I feel like it's something I say weekly.
Wow, ryah was in here for a while. I forgot about that.
You *do* all realize that you're intellectually enslaved to the programming equivalent of the Hypercube guy, right?
or whatever the fuck it was.
Timecube. That.
elliottcable: lol, so, the bug, man… the bug… I opened the file as "w", not "wb" — which is identical on Unix, but on Windows, without the 'b', it adds a '\r' before every '\n' from the C IO calls
“No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.”
Man, I should just say shit that crazy, then *I'd* be famous *too*
yaaaay I fixed a stupid bug
* devyn
Ugh every time I visit this. DO NOT KNOW IF TROLL.
Let it be known that whitequark hates javascript.
-- any kind of javascript
Let it be known that whitequark hates any kind of javascript.
oh, it's ಠ_ಠ
-hates whitequark
whitequark: whitequark hates semicolonless javascript, javascript, and any kind of javascript.
ಠ_ಠ whitequark
Let it be known that elliottcable disapproves of whitequark.
-hates elliottcable
elliottcable: elliottcable hates mordof, darkf, colds, Express, having to make things complex so that they seem simple, Node.js, oftn-bot, fear of words, albel727, all of you, very much, prophile, reddit, alexgordon ಠ_ಠing ಠ_ಠ, his_hoofiness, single-threaded software, unnecessary semicolons, google, google’s style guides, Owl City, cats, Cracked, mikolalysenko, chjj, dnyy, upgrayedd, Katie K., Java, PHP, Deleware, david_mark, alcohol, pot, Deamonboy, rea
“all of you, very much”
well-played, past-me.
Let it be known that whitequark hearts LLVM.
-wholoves elliottcable
elliottcable: elliottcable is loved by devyn, locks, sephr, IamTash, gqbe, mix, little_boys, and brr.
-find a
elliottcable: Found: bot, test, nuck, !, and clouds
-find (c)
elliottcable: Found: where is the love (c)
-where is the love (a)
elliottcable: var t=this; this.r=function(t,_,s){return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(acc,k){return _(acc,k,t[k])},s)}
have you seen µpaws.js? it's an insane fucking mess.
Like, it's mired down to the point where I literally cannot continue to develop on it.
"elliottcable: have you seen [something I made]? it's an insane fucking mess." :D
So, I bit the bullet, and decided that since I now have a *working Paws*, now that I've proven to myself that the concepts are sound and that it's *doable*,
oh, I didn't see the "mess" at the end there
it's time to re-do it in a way that I can actually accrue contributors with.
i.e. something that Micah and Devyn can meaningfully contribute to, so we can move this project forward as a whole.
elliottcable: I'm not a fan of *any* music service
That means using all the common tools, and writing clean standard code, and documenting, and testing, and blah-de-blah.
wait a little bit of time and I'll explain what I like
Anyway, it *works*, but the problem is this: http://ell.io/iKYck
even *I* can't make heads nor tails of it when something goes wrong, and given that everything is completely fucking untested and there's absolutely no error-checking or sanity verificatiomn anywhere in it, things go wrong *constantly*.
So, moving on to the more *conceptually* complex shit ... I don't have the mind-space to *both* be trying to figure out whether it makes any fucking sense to call into an execution paused within on bubble from another parallel co-enclosed bubble **and** try and figure out why I'm getting `undefined is not an object` errors, at the same time.
which isn't surprising, or news to anybody, anywhere, ever.
µpaws.js served its' purpose: rapidly prototyping the boring but messy core shit in Paws, so we could work out the kinks in the object system and execution model in our own heads.
(Also, to give me a mental rallying-point, something I could point at and say “I did a real thing!”, instead of banging my head against these ideas for three years with nothing to show for it.)
it's time to move on, and apparently, CoffeeScript is where we're moving on *to*. >,>
judofyr ⑊ how's life? We haven't talked in ages.
yorick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Arrested Development season 4 has been released
and I was too busy reading Getting.Started.md
because I tried to say "life is good"
oh shit
getting.starded.markdown is a thing
forgot completely about that
should proooooobably re-read that and fix it/finish it
1. clean implementation of the core concepts
2. working fowards into time-travel and distribution and the IPP
let me rephrase: AD4 has been released, the sun is shining and it's hot here in Norway, this has been a chill weekend = life is good
*then* 3. documentation and advertisement
judofyr ⑊ by the way, you should contribute to Paws. ;)
despite CoffeeScript.
Wow, this write-up is actually pretty clear.
I mean, it's still confusing, because I suck terribly at explaining Paws, but it's better than anything I've managed before.
yeah, although you never mention why you do the locals['locals'], what affix does (or does it only handle the back-and-forth?) and where's the print?
I don't know what any of those questions mean D:
where does it say anything about locals[locals]?
is that confusing enough that I truly need a bullet-point below to explain?
oh, I didn't read it properly: you do mention that you want to store it in the locals
“handle the back-and-forth?”
affix is like Array#push
affix: Array#push
prefix: Array#unshift
but where's the "get it out of the locals to print it"?
unaffix: Array#pop
unprefix: Array#shift
oh. that's a really good point.
I got side-tracked and never added a line of code later to actually print what I'd assigned, which is super-confusing when somebody's expecting that.
elliottcable: I looked at the definition of `affix` is the source; do you use Function.prototype.length to detect how many times you must coproduce?
don't go digging into the source. worst idea ever. I wasn't kidding when I said it was insane.
but, if you must know,
look at the definition of Execution.synchronous() near the top of the file.
That's what's used to “generate” aliens from the JavaScript-function-implementations of various things down below
I'm mostly wondering about the coproduction "protocol": are all arities defined on the executions/functions/whatever, or do the caller say like "now I pass 3 args" or "this is the last arg"
the actual generation is done iteratively by World.applyGlobals()
er, are you talking about in Paws, or are we talking about the implementation you're looking at?
I have trouble talking about both at once. Sorry. :x
not sure :)
answer in terms of Paws, I think, if I understood the question correctly:
there's no methodology of telling how many more “arguments” a “function” can take.
which sounds confusing, but makes sense when you understand that arguments aren't actually a thing.
it's easier to look at it as there being a certain number of “holes” in a ‘function’, and as you pass things to it, those holes are used-up
when they're all used up, the function is completely “spent.” It doesn't matter if you try to dump any more data on it to fill holes, nothing will happen.
does that remotely answer your question?
remotely? yes
Wow, that was the weirdest error I've ever gotten out of CoffeeScript.
forgot the arrow after the constructor in a class-definition. The error message it generated was completely incomprehensible, and the generated code was even more confusing.
fuckin' C-script. ಠ_ಠ
ಠ_ಠ CoffeeScript
Let it be known that elliottcable disapproves of CoffeeScript.
judofyr ⑊ I'm surprised you don't already know this shit about Paws. I thought we sat down and talked about it quite a bit, once upon a time.
elliottcable: I know parts and bits, but I still stumble when I see actual code
* elliottcable
Bro, I *invented* that shit, have been working in it for three years, and it still confuses the shit out of me.
It's a language that's *designed* to make absolutely no sense until it's abstracted.
It's a bit like trying to make heads-n-tails of something by reading the LLVM bytecode.
hey, LLVM bytecode is pretty clear
Sure, a sufficiently badass neckbeard from the 1970s could read and write raw x86 fluently, without getting confused, after half a decade of doing so.
Most of us can't do that, though.
Paws is a high-level VM, and cPaws is the “bytecode.”
(In fact, micahjohnston made a spirited attempt to convince me to re-design it such that the jux-stream *was* a bytecode; and he managed to implement something pretty close to that with zippers in his haskell implementation, as I understand it.)
AHLVM? Asynch, high-level VM?
okay, done.
whitequark ⑊ Paws boils down to a series of “juxtapositions.”
There's only a single operator in the syntax, that of whitespace.
`foo bar`
you can “indirect” that operator with parenthesis:
`foo (bar)`
that's the entirety of the “syntax.” Which isn't really a syntax at all, because it's not yet actually a programming language.
grrrr, grooveshark did not muck with my own uploaded file
judofyr ⑊ haven't the slightest fucking clue.
It took me a solid three days to write that example. Because I suck at Paws.
I'll stare at it for a moment and see if I can figure it out, if you like. (=
Oh. I'm an idiot.
The reason that stage() thing keeps happening, is that executions that don't have something *useful* to return, don't return *at all*.
and if you use the ()-pattern (“call pattern”) to stage them, then you yourself are implicitly unstaged, “waiting for a return value.”
follow, so far?
so, if we just did:
ah, yeah
infra affix() (locals) (infra empty())
then “us” (the global-routine that all of this code is in) would stop right there, and nothing else would happen.
it's like using a callcc and no one calls the continuation?
so, to avoid that, we use stage() to *explicitly* cause the very last staging of this routine we're calling into.
every staging up until the last one (every “argument” except the last argument) can be done implicitly and easily;
but the last staging (last “argument” we do explicitly.
exactly like that, yes.
this is a particular oddity of the API I designed for the core aliens.
like affix().
affix can't meaningfully return any value; it *changes state*, it doesn't *compute a value*
so I opted, instead of building an “Okay I'm done, here's <nothing>” value into the system,
or having some boring and unsemantic convention such as returning an empty string-ish,
I decided that the most semantic thing (even if it's not very easy to *write* at this layer of abstraction), would be to signify no-return-value by, uh, not returning.
those two lines, are more clearly written:
infra affix() (locals) (infra empty())
infra charge() (locals) (infra length() (locals))
which basically boils down to, “add an element to this locals-array, and then “charge” that element”
(`charge()` takes an index)
next question then: what does charge do? and how does that work when you call length() after affixing?
do you remember how ownership works?
(e.g. wouldn't it return one number off?)
nope, because arrays are one-indexed in Paws
That was a decision made in December 2009, when Paws was still a series of long and involved threads on Google Wave.
it actually resulted in about 2/3rds of the people I had involved in Paws at the time, leaving in a huff.
* elliottcable
I've always been a bit unconventional. ;)
so, charging, has to do with ownership
before I even try to *explain* it, let me tell you *why* that line's there.
that line contributes to *ordering* the following code in the file.
Since the language is inherently asynchronous and massively concurrent, obviously, there's gotta be some way for ordering sequential tasks or intra-dependant tasks.
Ownership is that way.
makes sense
code that's going to run, can “own” (verb.) data, to declare to the system that it's going to do things involving that data.
very simple locks-like system.
can get read-ownership or write-ownership.
I was wondering how you would guarantee that the affix() would happen before the length() though
when it's done with some data, it can disown it.
good question!
that's the inverse of why we use stage() the way I explained!
when we do that last staging, via stage() (*explicitly*), it's because we don't want to be unstaged ...
... because the *implicit* stagings, like `infrastructure affix() (locals)`, *do* unstage us.
So, basically, the back-and-forth coproduction between ourselves and the `affix` routine, is synchronous.
that is beacause those implicit justapoxitions (like juxtaposing `(locals)` against it), result in us being unstaged; where we then “wait”, and are later staged again by affix() when it has some more data for us.
with me so far?
this pattern is what we call “coproductive argumentation”.
coproductively argumented routines, like most of those aliens provided by the system (affix, charge, stage ... all being examples you've seen),
expect to *first* be staged with *you* (the ‘caller’)
which is what those two empty parenthesis do:
`affix()` is the first implicit-staging happening, and is equivalent to:
affix( arguments.caller ) in JavaScript
since it's an *implicit* staging; as I mentioned earlier, this involves unstaging *us*, the caller,
so the very first thing a coproductively-argumented routine is going to do, is take the value it just got, and stage it again, *with itself*. Which resumes us, with them.
Still with me?
after that, it can consume as many arguments as it may be specified as needing, each time re-staging us, the caller, which it now has a handle on, when it's ready for its next argument
the ()'s in that syntax are implicit-stagings, and then the last one is explicit; thus, after the line containing d=, we can continue doing other things.
that's exactly what happens in the linked code.
with me?
however, there's no *assignment* at this level of abstraction (we haven't implemented it yet!), so, Lisp-like, we just toss it inside the parenthesis.
what happened with empty() ?
empty() just generates a new, meaningless object.
think of it as `new Object()`a
right, but won't have to stage c with that object?
except our core object is an array, not a dictionary, so in this case, it's being used more like `new Array()`
which is why the second argument to stage() is that object
the “return value” from `infrastructure affix() (locals)`
is the *execution* for affix
because it hasn't consumed all of its arguments yet, and it just returned itself to us one last time, expecting its last argument
that execution, is the *first* argument to stage()
then, on the next line, an empty() is the *second* argument to stage()
well, I still don't see how this ensures that the first `infrastructure execution stage()` (which does affix) is executed before the second (which does length())
I just literally said “... oh.”
out loud.
and made that sort-of-sick face that makes me look like an idiot.
or, what happens after we've called stage() with two arguments?
Barring ownership considerations, stagings are guaranteed to process in-order.
but, you're right, that may very-well be a race condition on multiple cores.
I don't have a working multi-threaded Paws yet to test that out. /=
it'd be easy to work around that with ownership, though; you'd just need a hell of a lot more boilerplate code up there to set-up the ownership constraints around that call. hm.
I'm going to create an issue for that.
to remind me to look into it in-depth in the framework of my planned semantics. You may have sussed out a substantial bug.
Anyway. Ignore it for the moment. Any further questions?
elliottcable: so the next code (line 12-19) will push two two values to the object we just allocated: the label "‡" and the existing infra-object
s/two two/two/
basically building an assignment-pair out of them
which somehow dictates the scoping rules further down the file
(the 10th example is implementing actual assignment as a useful, call-able routine)
question: what makes Paws suddenly look into the new object when it tries to lookup "‡"
'k, time to discuss the actual semantics of juxtaposition
`<foo> bar`
(to be clear: I'm not talking about `foo bar`, which is *two* juxtapositions, the first of which is special; I'll get to that in a moment. I'm talking about the juxtaposition of `bar` against a given value that we already have in-hand, which we'll call <foo>.)
if <foo> is an `execution`, you already understand what happwns:
the call-pattern abstraction.
specifically, exactly three things happen, in order: <foo>, the execution, is clone()'d. The clone thereof, is stage()'d. Then we, ourselves, are unstage()'d.
treating each object in the `thing` as a “pair” (that is, another `thing`, the first element of which is a `label`, and the second of which is any other value),
it iterates over them in reverse-order, pulling out ones where that `label` compares truthfully with the key we're find()'ing.
Thus: find() returns the *value* from the *last* pair in the thing, having a key matching the key-being-searched-for.
simple enough?
bringing it back to your original question:
we laboriously created a pair that looks like this: (‡, <infra>)
so that when it find()'s through <locals>, which looks like (..., (‡, <infra>)), it returns <infra>.
now, back to discussing juxtapositions.
the *first* label in an expression is implicitly juxtaposed against `locals`, which we'll call $ for a moment
so `foo bar` is $['foo']['bar']
in many of the later lines in the file, that's $['‡']['affix']... or similar
which means it looks in $, which looks like [ ... , ['‡', <infra>] ], and finds <infra>
reducing that line to <infra>['affix']
so, the {} itself right-off-the-bat, points to the *start* of it (or, as this implementation looks at it, it points at the whole thing)
in the example you linked to, we're passing a pristine execution (that when eventually staged, will simply print “success!”), *as a value* (as a continuation) to affix
clear at all?
forgive me if I over-explain everything. I've seen too many people make bad assumptions and get completely confused about Paws.
they're staged with 1. the *caller*-execution, 2. the left-side (value), and 3. the right-side (‘key’)
so, up at #L42-L44, we're putting together that list of parameters;
which, as you said earlier, is self, my.routine, locals;
and then we're argumenting the “find” algorithm with that, priming it for easy realization
with me?
the rest should be fairly obvious, it seems to me
we proceed to expose the “implementation” bag within the function-body, by storing it on the locals; then we can call the function, and it will operate as intended.
honestly, I haven't the slightest fucking clue what's going on with the receiver(parameters) thing
I can't figure out for the life of me why I'm doing that, but I'm sure there's a reason
I take the same approach in the (much *much* more complicated) implement.assignment example
that whole receiver() business made my head dizzy
what is my.locals?
Dude, if that's the only thing that makes your head dizzy about that file, then you're wayyyyy smarter than me
my.locals is the locals *of my.routine*
look up at the routine literal again:
it does: locals['implementation']['util']...
which means locals['implementation'] needs to exist.
The only place where, right out of the gate, `implementation` is *defined*, is on the locals of the root-level execution.
To use it in *sub*-routines, we need to add it to their locals from the outside.
yet more bootstrapping. get it?
where's the connection from my.routine to my.locals?
gives us parameters = [<me>, my.routine, "locals"]
I'm going have nightmares where everything I read looks like "‡ execution stage"
okay, 46-46 is creating a new pair on the end of our root-locals, just like we've done a billion times elsewhere,
I thought I understood L54, but no. `receiver() (‡ empty())` returns the receiver of Thing. that is an execution that requires two arguments (rv, here). correct?
50-51 is setting the key of that pair to "my.locals",
and 52-54 is setting the *value* of that pair, to the result of receiver.apply(parameters)
which means, given our parameters,
setting that value to the result of my_routine.find('locals')
oh duhhhhh
which reminds me *why* we do all that.
really great way to explain it.
Function.toString() is gonna return some function-y shit. It's overridden.
But in this case, we want the *objecty-stringy-ness* of our function.
so we do Object.prototype.toString.apply(our_function).
common JavaScript trick. yeah?
this is the Paws equivalent of *that*.
We're grabbing the *object* receiver (which preforms a find), and effectively `apply()`ing it to our *execution*.
Because if we just juxtaposed against our execution, since it's an execution, it would *stage* it. Not at all what we want.
storing the result of looking-up 'locals' on my_routine, in my_locals
but didn't Thing.receiver take two arguments (one list and one "here"?)
oh wait
here, a thing, and a key
looks up key on the thing
I'm mixing up the coproducer thingie
yep, no coproduction going on here
except for the routine affix() and charge() and such
so every execution literal/AST has its own "locals"?
there's absolutely no scoping *built in* at this level of abstraction.
if you want to “expose” something to a sub-routine, lexically or otherwise, you have to explicitly grab their locals and copy the data you want over.
that's all abstracted away quickly.
why wouldn't just `my.routine locals` work again?
because that'd *call* my.routine
remember, although you're used to the looks of it from other languages, parentheses *aren't* a call.
they're indirection. irrelevant to the call.
so the next juxtaposition uses the *execution*-receiver
I get your example of Function.toString() now
* elliottcable
Execution is_a Thing
but you want Thing's receive, not Execution's
this is all hax.
probably wouldn't be necessary.
you can only execute this routine once though
easy enough to expose find().
I'm confused again: does calling my.route automatically clone it, or is that something you have to do inside the routine (when implementing a function call with coproduction)?
calling it *by juxtaposition* clones it.
but any other methodology, you'd have to clone it if you wanted it cloned.
basically, jux-powered coproductive-argumentation (JPCA!) leaves behind a series of one-off clones that are never used again.
what happens to the `locals` if you clone it. is it shared?
currently, shared.
that's actually a thing that's changing once I can copy the implementation over.
One of the big up-in-the-air design elements is how to *fork* the locals, along with forks of execution-path.
if we clone something twice, and resume it with different arguments, how do we “fork” the locals?
the goal being to have some sort of inherently-forking data-structure instead of a simple list.
yeah, I was wondering how to deal with recursive function calls
(where you want to set `locals` to different values in the same "stack frame")
* elliottcable
generally speaking, you clone it *first*, and then do your thing, and then call the clone
but as you mentioned that leaves questions about locals
another item for the new Issues repository :D
I'm pretty sure what I'd decided to do for the immediate future, is shallow-copy the locals object *itself*.
Allowing for shadowing “earlier” definitions with “later” ones, but allowing the sharing of data at deeper levels of depth.
Very naïve, but puts off dealing with the problem.
Needs more thought. (=
is the plan that the parser of the "proper" language will be implemented on top of this? so calling "foo.bar(123)" still uses the jux system of cPaws.js?
or, more likely: "foo bar(123)"
there will never be another “parser.” Paws isn't meant to be parsed.
Paws programs are *shared* as something like bytecode, or a binary;
more accurately, a frozen, mostly-binary, data-space representation.
Those representations are *built up*, originally, obviously, from some sort of code; but that code is not intended to be standardized, nor is it intended to be universally-shared.
cPaws is only a bootstrapping language.
Think of it a little bit like this:
You know RPython? Or that restricted Ruby subset the RubySpec project uses?
that's a bit like cPaws.
(restricted Python subset that PyPy uses, yes)
*but*, there's not any one standard “superset”, like there is fully-Ruby or full-Python;
instead, there's an infinitude of possible languages, built out on top of cPaws.
none of which are intended to be syntax/code-loading compatible.
Instead, they are *run* by whatever handles them, and they gradually result in what is called a Unit
and then, at some point, when the construction is “finished” for a given value of finished, that program-state can be frozen: a frozen Unit.
this is all very tightly tied into the distribution mechanic.
Operations are intended to change the program-data-space (what we call the “data graph”) in a particular way; and those changes can progress across implementation boundaries
but must these languages on top of Paws be parseable/runnable by cPaws, or could you create a parser and "compile" to cPaws?
at any point, that entire graph can be frozen and serialized; or a graph can be loaded from a serialization.
not at all.
first off, you'll never *compile* to cPaws.
second, there's two ways to write code that *isn't* raw-cPaws, and result in Paws-stuff-happening.
One, is the obvious “write a new parser for your own syntax/whatever/system, and ensure it follows Paws semantics and federates via the Paws distribution protocol.”
only *my* Paws implementations will be necessarily using cPaws, as well as the specifications, of course.
But the far more interesting one, and the one I spend most of my time thinking about ... the one *my* implementations are designed for ... is the “IPP.”
or P₃.
the Paws PreProcessor, or more generally, an “Interpretative Pre-Processor.”
It's one of my more insane ideas, if I do say so myself. I get a lot of incredulous responses when I try to explain it.
Basically, I was dead-set on Paws' Units being *compilable*, for a given value of the term; that is, at runtime, I don't want the AST, executions' code-data bodies, being modifiable.
But, despite that, I wanted better-than-lisp-y self-modification abilities.
So, an IPP-powered Paws environment progresses through two, completely unrelated, stages of execution:
The first, self-modification stage, *all* external-world-accessing/modifying functionality is black-holed. Disabled. Inaccessible. If you try to access it, basically, nothing happens.
but, instead, a special API allowing access-to and modification-of the AST and source-code itself, is temporarily *enabled*.
During this process, every single time that API is accessed, the code is re-run.
Finally, when the code preforms a full realization without any new access to that API, it's considered “fully preprocessed,” that preprocessing API is disabled, external-access is again allowed, and *true* interpretation of the code is allowed to begin.
This means that the source-code can progressively self-modify, even modifying later parts that self-modify, until it's “constructed” itself into a final, stable state.
yeah, I think I've heard about this before
Yes, that sounds slow as all ungodly hell (running the entire setup process possibly hundreds, thousands of times);
but it's not any different than a compilation phase or similar: once it's done, you won't be *running* it again, because you'll be storing your program as a frozen Unit after the first time you do that.
So, it's a bit like self-compiling code. It compiles itself once, and then it's no longer in a source-code state.
Since, in the self-modifying state, it's still a full programming language (not some half-arsed shit seperated like M4 or even worse the CPP),
you can have libraries that *also* define *syntax*.
that is, define ways to process syntax into a slightly-less-abstracted form ... which can then, itself, be processed ... etcetcetc.
in this way, syntax is meant to be built, just like the semantics, from-the-ground-up, bootstrapped from within the language.
And, more importantly,
*also* just like the semantics, it's meant to be defined entirely by libraries / frameworks. Not by the language designer, myself.
I like it
There's an entire plan in my head built ontop of these foundational pieces
what I've described thus far is “the Nucleus.”
You just spent several hours trying to decipher about 100 lines of Nucleus-level code.
there's “Paws' Core” on top of that, which is an absolutely minimal set of abstractions to “fill out” and “fatten up” the Nucleus; they're meant to be a bare-minimum shared-standard of sanity.
Writing code at the Core-supported level of abstraction will still be difficult, but *doable*. Not mind-bendingly painful.
Core includes basic shit like assignment, copying, iteration, etcetcetc.
conspicuously, it will *not* include any form of inheritance, or object-orientation/object-abstraction. It will adhere as closely as possible to the spirit of Nucleus that I've already shown you a bit of.
then, on top of Core, I intend for people to *create programming languages*
one of which I, myself, have: “Paws' Fullness.”
and how many years until you're there? :D
Fullness being a langauge developed on top of [Nucleus+Core], something with true object-orientation/inheritance, with all sorts of nice syntactic sugar and helpful stuff
originally, the plan was seven years.
unfortunately, I'm only about two years' into my schedule, and it's *been* about three and a half.
But, I have high-hopes for garnering some support and attention soon. need to get a *cleaner*, contribute-to-able, working-example out the door;
and I also need to start implementing some of the more *exciting* stuff, to get the attention and time of the smart people I value.
I'm fairly certain I'll never keep devyn, or micahjohnston, or alexgordon's attention *until* I have something concrete to show for, say, time-machines. or distribution.
and to get those things, I need a clean codebase I can innovate on top of.
I'd like to have that by the end of the summer, basically.
right now I really have no idea what to do with Paws: really terrible writing uPaws code, and I don't know enough about uPaws.js to contribute…
* elliottcable
but you *could* contribute to Paws.js.
I have a little more to do before I can start pointing you at un-done stuff; I need to port some more over from the clusterfuck-that-is-µpaws.js
and I doubt I could talk anybody else into doing *that* task.
it's too ugly and I'm the only one who knows what the hell's going on.
but once it's ported over a little more, we've got obvious shit that can be worked on:
if you write some tests, I can implement stuff ;)
I need the parser ported. Parsers are easy to understand, easy to implplement, and nicely-uncoupled from the rest of the code.
I need the debugging code ported.
Or, rather,
I need *all* of the debugging-code thrown away and ignored; and I need *some* debugging code of some sort, written.
sorry, er, debugging-output-code.
Stuff for printing out a Thing in a pretty way to the terminal. Stuff for showing the state of an AST within an execution.
There's extant, and quite-beautiful stuff in µpaws.js that you can *run* to show you the kind of output I'm talking about, but the code is the most spaghetti, tangled, bullshit mess I've ever written in my life.
(Seriously. I've never written any code worse than µpaws.js; and there's no part of *it* that's worse than the D() code.)
It's not even interesting. Just fucking confusing.
If you really want to contribute, we can talk about it more.
But we've been talking for hours. If you're interested, but want to wait, why don't we schedule a time to dive into “showing you where to contribute?”
unless you seriously have another five hours sitting infront of you, un-spoken-for, right now.
nah, right now I need to get some sleep
* elliottcable
thought as much
What're you doing tomorrow? It's a holiday 'round these parts, so I'll have the entire day free.
We can sit down and work out how to work together.
For whatever it's worth: you have no idea how much I appreciate the interest.
getting tired of feeling like the Timecube guy, only possibly crazier.
17:00 UTC (or maybe earlier) tomorrow
judofyr ⑊ tweet at me, unless I'm already online in here. (=
will do
see ya
judofyr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
alexgordon: “03. puerto rican cousins [prod. gordon voidwell and alex kestner]”, Das Racist: <http://tinysong.com/IOKr>, “Song of Mor'du”, Patrick Doyle, Billy Connolly, Alex Norton, Carey Wilson, Scott Davies & Gordon Neville: <http://tinysong.com/1bZaT>, “Cutting Ferns/Alex Dan MacIsaac's/Brenda Stubbert's Reel/Mutt's Favorite Reel/Bernadette's Reel/Lady Gordon Of Gordonstown”, Jerry Holland: <http://tinysong.com/fw6K>
Obviously the T. Mills song is purr's anthem.
'k. bbl. all dressed.
-topic Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways…
elliottcable: SyntaxError: Syntax is `s/expression/replacetext/gi`.
elliottcable: have fun
elliottcable changed the topic of #elliottcable to: Puppy paws patter placidly through the pale passageways…