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[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #207: applet.internal.selftest: permit pin mapping to be direct instead of swapped - https://git.io/JUgND
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #207: applet.internal.selftest: permit pin mapping to be direct instead of swapped - https://git.io/JUHZR
[glasgow] whitequark commented on pull request #207: applet.internal.selftest: permit pin mapping to be direct instead of swapped - https://git.io/JUHZo
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #208: Method to list connected Glasgow boards - https://git.io/JUHnw
[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #207: applet.internal.selftest: permit pin mapping to be direct instead of swapped - https://git.io/JUgND
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #207: applet.internal.selftest: permit pin mapping to be direct instead of swapped - https://git.io/JUHny
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<Attie> oh wow, sorry for the inadvertant spam everyone
<Attie> now that i've got things nearly done re group buy / shipping / etc..., it's time to actually try and use my glasgow!
Mine arrived today
<Attie> thinking about i2s first
big thanks Attie!
<Attie> oh yay 🙂
<Attie> glad you got it / no problem!
The Hermes deliverer was... very quick knocking on the door
<Attie> oh?
I think they were just in a rush (thanks to constant performance pressures)
They didn't hang about 😅
I should write a PR with some OS X instructions
also remember what I needed the damn thing for
Silkscreen manga, no?
<Attie> ha
<Attie> @russss did you get it going okay on osx?
I haven't tried building an applet yet, but the python code worked fine out of the box (though I have non-stock Python through homebrew) and I have used yosys before so I don't expect problems
...famous last words
<Attie> nice - gl
Attie: re i2s - what kind of functions do you have in mind?
play a wav file from commandline? create a interface to pulseaudio (maybe pipe-sink/source)? receive i2s and store it into a file?
<Attie> i'd like to do playout and capture, stereo (and up)... if/when i get that going, then probably bi-dir too
<Attie> i was thinking into / out of a wav file
<Attie> but no reason not to look at rendering to/from an audio device too!
<Attie> i'm currently working on a project with I2S, so it's handy, and it's a simple enough protocol to get myself up and going with glasgow / nmigen
I just looked it up and pulseauidio pipe-sink and pipe-source look like nice interfaces for this kind of thing. but I haven't used them before
<Attie> me either, but that sounds good
oh yeah ktemkin has a homebrew tap for all this stuff on macos now and it all works perfectly