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<d1b2> <mwick83> hi everyone! I just got my own glasgow thanks to @Attie and I started to experiment a bit with the cli tool and the spi_master applet. Well, what I instantly started to think about is how the glasgw framework is supposed to be used in a scripted environment. What I mean: Suppose I have more or less complex SPI device, which I want to interact with, but not by calling multiple calls to the cli tool, but by running a loop/event based script, e.g. I'm
<d1b2> sending a command, get the response and depending on the repsonse I send something else and so on. I saw the run-repl command, which is should work for very simple scripting, but I would rather like to write my code in a separate python file. How would such a scenario be best implemented? Do I write my own Applet that subclasses from the SPIMaster Applet? Or does the "cli" have an exported API for such scenarios that I can import and make use of in my own python
<d1b2> script?
<tnt> I think at the moment you pretty much have to write your own applet.
<tnt> alternatively you can make your own applet that act as a server through some RPC mechanism to interacti with whatever external script you need.
<d1b2> <mwick83> @tnt okay, thanks. I see, I thought I was missing something obvious. So, yeah, I guess writing my own applet would be the way to go
<d1b2> <Attie> glad you received it ok!
<d1b2> <Attie> i'd also suggest writing your own applet... possibly extending the existing, and overlaying the run(), or possibly adding an interact() function if that suits
<d1b2> <mwick83> yes, that's what I hand in mind. Just wanted to make sure, I didn't miss an obvious API of the cli for such scenarios
<d1b2> <Attie> don't forget that only the first execution will build and load the bitstream, so subsequent executions of the same applet should be pretty quick
<d1b2> <mwick83> It's not that easy to get a quick overview of the intended usage of the applet/cli flow 😉
<d1b2> <mwick83> actually, I'm not quite sure how to organize my workspace for such more or less personal / custom applets
<tnt> AFAIR I think being to import some python module and interact programatically in a larger app is a goal but ... not done yet.
<d1b2> <mwick83> is there a flow/possibility to manage own applets kind of out-of-tree?
<electronic_eel> mwick83: whitequark thought about a way to have out-of-tree applets, but IIRC there wasn't a clean and easy way to do it. so it is currently not implemented yet
<d1b2> <mwick83> Got it, thanks
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<whitequark> electronic_eel: there is, I believe, using pip
<whitequark> it's just that I haven't got around to it
<electronic_eel> ah, so I misremembered
<d1b2> <Attie> a similar mechanism to pytest's plugins perhaps?
<whitequark> regarding the original question of mwick83 though, it is also reasonably easy to run glasgow applets (or their chunks) in the Python REPL; it's not currently discoverable though
<whitequark> Attie: I think so, there's basically one setuptools mechanism for that
<electronic_eel> how would the import work for an external applet?
<d1b2> <Attie> sounds good
<electronic_eel> is it using more ... than we currently have to go out of the tree?
<whitequark> no, you'd just go `from glasgow import`
<whitequark> since the setuptools plugin would also reference glasgow explicitly, no way around that
<d1b2> <Attie> iirc, you define a custom entrypoint for the package (alongside the CLI entrypoint), using a special name... other packages are then able to discover their plugins for example
<electronic_eel> but then you don't call the normal glasgow cli from the shell, but your own program
<electronic_eel> or am I wrong there?
<d1b2> <Attie> so here, glasgow as it stands would be updated to "discover" other installed packages that provide relevant entrypoints
<whitequark> electronic_eel: with setuptools plugins, you'd just get extra applets in the list
<d1b2> <Attie> re mwick83's original question, I was considering suggesting something like pexpect to drive the python interface
<whitequark> that's horrible
<d1b2> <Attie> haha, okay... maybe not
<whitequark> re "I saw the run-repl command, which is should work for very simple scripting, but I would rather like to write my code in a separate python file.
<whitequark> "
<whitequark> you can do something like `exec(open(""))` in the REPL
<whitequark> and we should probably just add an option to run-repl that executes a file so this isn't necessary
<d1b2> <Attie> yeah, fair
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<d1b2> <Attie> this seems to be a non-trivial problem, as it's necessary to call device.demultiplexer.flush frequently
<d1b2> <Attie> currently in run-repl, "frequently" = between each statement
<whitequark> Attie: REPL should be already calling that internally
<whitequark> if you mean for scripts, then you only need to flush *there* while waiting on user input or somesuch
<d1b2> <Attie> it is, i was referring to the concept of handing over to a file instead of using the cli as it stands
<d1b2> <Attie> ah, okay
<d1b2> <Attie> ... but presumably it's important for the user script to hop into an async function fairly quicly, otherwise other things will jam up?
<whitequark> it really depends on the applet
<d1b2> <Attie> okay
<whitequark> most applets we have are request-response where you get natural synchronization points
<d1b2> <Attie> i thought i was nearly there with a PR, but i'm not sure it holds up well enough at the moment
<whitequark> there are a few issues, for example the whole REPL stuff really ought to parse toplevel code (or REPL stanzas) in async mode
<whitequark> but that requires uh, python 3.8? 3.9?
<whitequark> something very recent
<d1b2> <Attie> ok
<d1b2> <Attie> i'll put that one down for now, even though it would be very nice to have
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<whitequark> okay, it's 3.8
<whitequark> New in version 3.8: ast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT can now be passed in flags to enable support for top-level await, async for, and async with.
<d1b2> <Attie> is 3.7 support a hard requirement still?
<whitequark> no. 3.9 got released, so we can (and should) bump our minimum python version to 3.8
<whitequark> the policy is to support at least two latest python releases
<d1b2> <Attie> ok, i might keep playing with it for a bit, even if it's not merged / useful for a little while
<whitequark> i think we can merge it if/when you implement it
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