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<lukego> Hey this morning I finally finished hand-soldering my Glasgow. I'm working on getting up the nerve to power it up now and see if it blows smoke :) I never assembled a PCB before. Any board-specific tips on how best to apply power from a bench supply, how much current would be good to start with, and what diagnostic tests to try before hooking up USB etc?
<tnt> You pretty much have to start at the nominal 5V (or 4.5V but not much lower) since the LM3880 will keep everything shutdown below 4.1V
<tnt> 100mA should be plenty for current limit.
<tnt> Might not be able to use OCP because of the large 150u bulk cap that will sink a current spike at power up ..
<lukego> Thanks! Really beginner question - how do I work out where to put power into the board? (supposing I'll use a bench supply rather than USB power)
<tnt> Just checked my rev c1 is at 28 mA on power up.
<lukego> Just find something that says GND and something that says 5V on the silkscreen or is that too simplistic?
<tnt> Well ... I have a female usb-a wired to banana plugs I use for those tests ...
<tnt> but you could solder wires to TP8 and TP12 and feed 5V there.
<tnt> actually TP13/TP14 is better.
<d1b2> <Attie> if you're nervous of shorts, then you can start with 5v and a low-ish current limit - tens of milliamps (but as @tnt says, don't trip on OC)... as you raise the current limit, the voltage should start to come up too (if it doesn't then you probably have a hard short somewhere)
<tnt> You can also just check for shorts before hand via the TP
<d1b2> <Attie> TP13 / TP14 are here (if you don't have the layout to hand)
<d1b2> <Attie> true - though that won't show up downstream shorts / high current conditions
<lukego> Thanks for the tips! I'm a serious beginner here so even terms like "test point" are only vaguely understood but I have google so a little nudge in the right direction goes a long way :)
<lukego> I have all the deets loaded up in KiCad but just not practiced at reading schematics yet
<lukego> I made a picture of the PCB and the internet has already identified at least one part that I goofed :) need a routine for checking orientations.
<lukego> aside - is there any document explaining how to interpret Glasgow silkscreen? I've been kind of making educated guesses but sometimes I get confused/lazy while trying to concentrate on e.g. not putting too much hot air onto something that I already started
<tnt> U12 ?
<lukego> also - I guess I'll also need to work out how to program the initial bitstream onto the board. I guess I'll find instructions on github? (if not then hints welcome because that's hopefully a step coming soon)
<tnt> No you don't.
<tnt> The fpga is loaded dynamically by the FX2
<tnt> and the FX2 has a ROM bootloader so its base firmware is also loaded dynamically.
<lukego> oh that's neat
<tnt> You need to load a serial number and some stuff in the eeprom. There is a 'factory' command in the CLI tool.
<tnt> `glasgow factory --rev C1`
<tnt> that should be pretty much all that's needed.
<tnt> then you can run the self test application.
<lukego> I'm looking forward to this :-) I actually don't know much about what Glasgow does to be honest... I just decided to get into electronics, and the board seemed about the same complexity as what I want to be able to make one day, and it seems like a tool that will be handy for making new boards, and it was right there on Github, so I just started learning to put one together and sooner or later it'll be time to RTFM :)
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<whitequark> hey, can anyone sell me a glasgow?
<whitequark> well, my friend really
<whitequark> but i'll be the one buying
<whitequark> attie?
<whitequark> tnt: i think fx2 doesn't have a rom *bootloader*
<whitequark> i think it just has some hard logic
<thasti> y
<tnt> really ? you don't think it's some rom runnon on the 8051 at boot ?
<whitequark> tnt: it doesnt work just on boot...
<whitequark> you can poke xram in real time if you want even
<whitequark> concurrently with fw
<tnt> good point.
<whitequark> also the interface looks like hard logic
<whitequark> exactly 2 requests, very simple conditions, very simple function
<electronic_eel> strange why they went for hard logic. wouldn't it be much easier to load some simple data from a small rom into ram on reset?
<whitequark> electronic_eel: that might be how the EEPROM boot works
<whitequark> but the USB "boot" (really it's more like how a debugger works...) is a lot more reliable this way
<whitequark> the device is truly unbrickable so long as you don't disable USB
<electronic_eel> so you mean once the hard logic has detected that there is an eeprom with the correct signature, it loads stuff from a rom inside the fx2 to read the eeprom?
<whitequark> no no
<whitequark> the USB boot and the EEPROM boot are completely separate
<whitequark> i'm 95% sure the USB boot is hard logic
<whitequark> the EEPROM boot can be any traditional ROM boot, quite possibly is
<electronic_eel> ah, ok, so the whole sequence that checks the eeprom id and reads the eeprom is code from a internal rom
<whitequark> it *might*
<whitequark> i don't know for sure
<whitequark> the EEPROM sequence can override all xdata so it can't be xdata-mapped I think
<whitequark> so i don't know where the ROM would live in
<whitequark> since well
<whitequark> i guess it might have internally swap the code memory for the ROM without copying it anywhere?
<whitequark> thasti: was that a response to me or just a typo?
<thasti> whitequark: just a typo, sry
<tnt> The eeprom bootloader can only load 16k. you need a 2nd stage bootloader if you want all 64k loaded.
<electronic_eel> whitequark: don't you have the whole verilog source or something from the 8051 core used on the fx2?
<electronic_eel> maybe they have some bank swapping or some other logic for such a bootloader in there
<electronic_eel> tnt: so you mean they maybe put the bootloader rom somewhere above 16k?
<tnt> I honestly don't know the fx2 well enough to speculate. It was just a limitation of the bootloader that was noted in the app note I looked at 30min ago and that I thought might be relevant here.
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<d1b2> <Attie> @whitequark is the friend EU/UK based? I have one left that is a little naughty, but likely fine in use.
<d1b2> <Attie> (I've been meaning to see if I can isolate the issue / rectify it)
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<whitequark> attie: europe but not eu
<whitequark> electronic_eel: not the fx2, nrf24le1
<whitequark> attie: a little naughty is fine, i can debug it
<whitequark> electronic_eel: yeah, it's possible that the eeprom bootloader lives up there
<d1b2> <Attie> @whitequark - the "naughty" is a high impedance path between two pins - self test pins-ext shows as ~90% failure (neighbour follows driven pin)... It's ~50 MOhm IIRC (very hand wavey), so I wouldn't expect it to be an issue if you have any drive on it
<d1b2> <Attie> if that sounds okay, could I email you to continue the discussion?
<whitequark> attie: that's totally fine, pins-ext is just broken
<whitequark> yeah, please go ahead
<d1b2> <Attie> ah, interesting (it was the only board that exhibited the issue)
<d1b2> <Attie> i'll email now
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