my experiment was with ECP5 + ft600 (theoretial max at 200 MB/s). i had to do use ping pong buffers and make sure they were large enough to not cause buffer underruns.
ft60x wants you to make full 4k transfers in one go. and then there are, like @atx says, long gaps between USB transactions.
can you tell me more about the buffering in ft60x?
i'm pretty sure revE will use fx3, but just in case someone convinces me otherwise, i'd like to understand potential pitfalls of ft600
kbeckmann: oh oops, sorry I got confused ... (there is like 2 usb3 IF chips and I manage to confuse them ...)
Wouldn't using a FTDI part sort of clash with the Glasgow name story ? :)
tnt: shrug. suppose cypress discontinues fx3 tomorrow. what am i going to do?
i find it exceedingly unlikely that i'll go for ft600 but that doesn't mean i want to be ignorant of the possibility
(a reasonable answer to "what am i going to do?" that doesn't involve ft600 is LUNA on another ECP5, though this gets weirdly FPGA-heavy...)
I was just looking up the ecp-5g prices vs ft601 prices to suggest that :p But it's not as "unbrickable" though.
(even if the first ecp5 config is supposed to be fixed, it's still on a programmable device somewhere that could get erased)
one more thing with ft60x to consider is that it can operate in different modes. 245 mode which is quite straight forward vs the multi channel mode which i have not used myself. it seems to lack a bit in the documentation, but it might lead to higher throughput on the ft601. the apertus folks have been doing some benchmarking around this recently and also wrote a rust driver which uses way less
cpu than the official driver.
i am not aware of any more pitfalls, and it might be that the issues i saw were caused by my own code.
the thing with requiring full 4k transfers - isn't that problem with usb itself, not just this particular ic? the host just queries the device instantly again if it received a full buffer. otherwise the device has to wait for the next cycle, giving much higher latency and lower throughput.
electronic_eel: the ft60x has internal fifo buffers, and i think what happens when you do shorter transfer, is that they become short usb transfers as well. it could've queued up and combined multiple short transfers into a larger one when the usb phy is ready for a new packet, but i am not sure it does this.
kbeckmann: I don't think it would be a good idea if the ft60x began to combine multiple internal buffers into one usb transfer. because a common pattern for encoding data in usb streams is to encode the data depending on the position within the usb transfer. for example the first byte of a usb transfer is some status bits or encodes the type of transfer or similar, and the rest of the transfer is data of another kind. ftdi uses this scheme
themselves when using one of their uart modes
if the ic would combine and reorder the buffers, you'd completely lose control over what goes together into one usb transfer
<kbeckmann> Good point. My naive implementation connected a fifo straight to the ft600 which led to terrible performance which is why I went for the ping pong solution.
ok, that sounds basically the same as the fx2
[glasgow] thasti commented on pull request #215: Update SPI signal terms to COPI / CIPO - https://git.io/JTLnn
wrote my first glasgow applet today :) thanks for this amazing piece of hard/soft/gateware!
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[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #215: Update SPI signal terms to COPI / CIPO - https://git.io/JTU4c
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #215: Update SPI signal terms to COPI / CIPO - https://git.io/JTL2W
[glasgow] whitequark commented on pull request #215: Update SPI signal terms to COPI / CIPO - https://git.io/JTL2z
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #216: applet.interface.freq_counter: implement a frequency and duty-cycle counter - https://git.io/JTLw9
[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #216: applet.interface.freq_counter: implement a frequency and duty-cycle counter - https://git.io/JTU6D
[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #216: applet.interface.freq_counter: implement a frequency and duty-cycle counter - https://git.io/JTU6D
[glasgow] attie synchronize pull request #216: applet.interface.freq_counter: implement a frequency and duty-cycle counter - https://git.io/JTU6D
[glasgow] attie commented on pull request #216: applet.interface.freq_counter: implement a frequency and duty-cycle counter - https://git.io/JTLiR