<esden> Fun fact... red led are incredibly consistent between types and vendors
Reds are probably one of the oldest "chemistries", right?
As opposed to, say, blues
I made a red LED in undergrad lab once! using a bit of wax applied with a toothpick as a mask
i still have twinges of regret about not taking that class
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<esden> I would love to carve out some time to do ASIC design. That would be a lot of fun. 🙂 But obviously it is not the same as doping one's own silicon. 😄
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<crobi> I remember a lab mate spent nearly a whole year working on a board to characterize our lab's experimental LEDs on a cube sat. sure was an entertaining time hearing his revision calls and design meetings for that project.
finding myself wondering about the spectral response of the detector... problem is underconstrained without it
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<esden> @crobi ohh yeah, I will not reach that level of accuracy. 🙂
<esden> @sorear those photos are mostly just for documentation purposes. Not quantitative measurements. Also I am being told that the devices meant for analysis are always relative measurements and require careful calibration and reference sources.
<esden> So nothing I will do will end up satisfying anyone with metrological aspirations.
it's a shame because nearly any measuring device _can_ be used if the relevant documentation exists
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<Nana> g'day everyone, can someone tell me whether there is already a possibility to delay my output for the scripting interface (e.g. UART / SPI / I2C) or to wait a few ms after sending before something is sent again?
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[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] whitequark pushed 2 commits to main [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JYlfX
<Attie> @Nana can you clarify? anything wrong with calling asyncio.sleep()?
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[glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #281: P and N pins are swapped on revC2 - https://git.io/JY8BX
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ugh, this cursed ice40 differential input thing
electronic_eel: that lattice tech note changelog indicates it swapped how it talked about _A and _B in 1.4, lol
agg: oh, good catch
seems like they confused it themselves
certainly in icestorm/nextpnr you have to place the SB_IO only on the B site
and the resulting input is then seen as though the B is the non-inverting/positive input
the lattice technote also talks about only placing the SB_IO at "one" IO site, but doesn't say which
I wouldn't be surprised if something stupid happens like icecube/radiant adds an inverter if you place it at the A site
do you know of another lattice document than this lvds tech note that explains it in more detail? i would have expected the tech library document to explain it, but it didn't explain the _A and _B (or at least I didn't see it)
I can't find anything, the tech library doesn't mention the SB_LVDS_INPUT attribute option at all
do they expect the users to check with a scope or what?
it gives a partial enumeration for IO_STANDARD not including any differential modes
wonder if it was hacked in after siliconblue wrote the tech lib guide....
i've used lvds input on ice40, though not recently, and haven't tried with icecube, though I did recently manage to install icecube
but it's super annoying, have to create a fake nic named eth0 for licensing or whatever, so not hugely inspired to see what madness it does
<gatecat> the inconsistency gets worse when you find the up5k has the A pins as positive
I mean, at least they fixed it, right
<gatecat> and therefore the up5k needs constraints on the A side
<gatecat> I guess so
the comment in nmigen suggests that it is differently between the ice40 variants (LP/HX/UP/...)
I'm pretty sure the nmigen comment is correct, modulo any tricks icecube plays if you try and use it for synthesis instead of nextpnr
I mean it also basically doesn't matter, just use PinsN in the platform or invert=True or whatever
v tiresome
(I mean, obviously it matters hugely that it's the right way around, but you could just always pretend the A input is also the non-inverting input and make it ok in the platform)
the glasgow schematics show the lvds pins as _N and _P. the schematics will be used as reference by addon and gateware developers. so it should somewhat match reality...
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The pinout documents have "True" and "Complement" noted for each pin.
the 5k does
my hx8k pinout doesn't, let me see if there's a new one
tnt: where is this noted? the HX8K pinout one doesn't have it
ok, nm, I didn't check the hx one
I guess for those TN1253 points it out.
[glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #281: P and N pins are swapped on revC2 - https://git.io/JY8zU
electronic_eel: btw in your comment ... figure 2 is "output pair", not input pair.
all the figures with input pair point to 'B' being non-inverting.
oh! input and output pairs are different!
oh, yea, good point, fig 3 clearly shows B as +
and fig 5 too
output really doesn't matter, AFAIK the invert is done in a lut, it's all pseudo diff, not a true diff output driver.
this is really designed to confuse the users
the original bug report from wq was that the pin designators in the schematics are wrong. since they can be used for input and output, and they are swapped for in/out, the designators can't ever be correct the way they are done now
well ... not really ... as I said ... output doesn't matter you can swap freely.
hmm, won't the input also usually go to a lut where you can swap?
or better invert
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so this seems more like a documentation problem to me. making this mess easy to grasp for addon and gateware devs
electronic_eel: sure you "could" swap, but for input the toolchain won't do it for you.
and you also need the constraint on the positive pin.
(or rather the toolchain won't do it for you if you're doing the sane thing and using io reg)
hmm, "constraint on the positive pin" - could you explain that in more detail?
remember that i'm a fpga noob...
tn1253 fig 9, the note on the input.
when using a lvds input in the ice40, you "only" create 1 single input port on the top level and connect ti to a single SB_IO instance on the "positive" pin.
The negative one is implicit
(and actually _must_not_ be wired or even declared on the top level or that shows up as a conflict)
so the A/-ve pad number never shows up in your design, you only talk about the B/+ve pad number, and the toolchain knows since it's differential it needs to compare against the A/-ve pad
and it then outputs 0/1 depending on if the B/+ve pad is </> the A/-ve pad respectively
you could invert this yourself in the gateware, but it has a true sense in hardware
but the output doesn't - you just drive any two pins you like, one to 0 and one to 1, the hardware doesn't care and is totally symmetric for output, so there's no hardware sense to which is positive
tnt: and configuring the negative input is automatically done by the toolchains, both icestorm and lattice?
(icecube, lattice is for ecp5 not ice40)
ignore me, was thinking of diamond, lol
but for the diff output you need to actually create two SB_IOs in your code
so if you wanted, the glasgow schematic could have _P for the B pins and _N for the A pins, and it would match the hardware comparators, and you could make the outputs also match that
so it would make more sense to name the pins in the schematics according to input
(interesting side note is that you can't have bidirectional diff I/Os ...)
so you need to fully reconfigure the fpga to swap from input to output?
and no partial reconfig on the ice40
you also need somewhat different external resistors for lvds-compatible input vs output too, right?
input is just one resistor across the P/N pins, output needs a three-resistor divider to do fake lvds
the TN1253 verilog example for a differential output actually also uses _B for P and _A for N
agg: well .. given that the series resistor will see no current (or virtually none) for inputs, the output network can be used for inputs.
but it also says very explicitly (I suppose this was the 1.4 update) "Connect the positive or true polarity side of the differential pair to the DPxxA input "
lvds is current-mode so I guess it depends on the compliance of the source but yea it's probably ok
oh, hm
yea, flipped it in my head, you're right
well current through the term resistor ...
doesn't matter
no current through the comparator.
I think you end up with slightly different term resistors but not enough to cause issues
I had 140R for the middle output resistor on a 3v3 vccio which was already kinda rounded
yeah, you'll need to tweak a bit.
but I'm sure 490mV is going to be fine too in practice
[glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #281: P and N pins are swapped on revC2 - https://git.io/JY8ah
[glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #281: P and N pins are swapped on revC2 - https://git.io/JY8Ve
[glasgow] esden commented on issue #259: revC LED type and resistor selection - https://git.io/JY8Vw
[glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #259: revC LED type and resistor selection - https://git.io/JY8VF
[glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #259: revC LED type and resistor selection - https://git.io/JY8w5
[glasgow] esden commented on issue #259: revC LED type and resistor selection - https://git.io/JY8ol