customminer changed the topic of #gridcoin to: Gridcoin [GRC] v3.5.7.1 Leisure Upgrade | #gridcoin-games #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-otc | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage:
HViD has joined #gridcoin
<stevescoins> maybe, but he wasnt triggered. probaly doesnt have a degree in victim-American studies
HViD has left #gridcoin [#gridcoin]
<apc> #safespace
bob21 has joined #gridcoin
RoyalPhay has joined #gridcoin
<RoyalPhay> fkinglag. you are a horrible horrible person.
<apc> I need more beer
<apc> and I quit drinking
<apc> so I definitely need more beer
<RoyalPhay> water?
* apc gets more beer
<RoyalPhay> you quit drinking water
<RoyalPhay> sounds sad
<apc> water is fucking poison
<RoyalPhay> like your words
<apc> dihydrogen monoxide kills more people than car crashes and shootings combined
<RoyalPhay> when you don't know what something means, just say yes
<Mercosity> yes
<RoyalPhay> gooooodd
<RoyalPhay> Peppernrino does that to me all the time
<Mercosity> Yes
HViD has joined #gridcoin
<stevescoins> yall know what fish DO in water? I aint drinkin that stuff.
<moisesm123> I´m back :)
<Mercosity> We all breahe the air.
<Mercosity> *breathe
<stevescoins> b/c fish cant do those nasty things in air ;)
<Mercosity> Birds do.
<Peppernrino> nobody knows what fish farts smell like
<stevescoins> damn, now i cant breather air either
<Mercosity> Ever heard one fart?
<Mercosity> Sounds travel farther under water.
<stevescoins> we need a BOINC project to model the effects of fish farts on the global environment
<apc> they tried that in star trek IV
<apc> spock didn't approve
<stevescoins> spock dont approve of much. the only time he was ever cool was wehn he had the beard
<Mercosity> How far can a Tuna fart be heard under water? Depending on temerature of water.
<Mercosity> *temperature
<stevescoins> and the size of the net the tuna is in
<Mercosity> can I have it with cheese.
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Sorry Peppernrino, you don't have enough funds (you're 0.9728500000000002 GRC short).
<Peppernrino> nice
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 3 33
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.15789474 GRC on active users customminer, lestus, AJG, RoyalPhay, aybiss, fediverse, GRCB0T, stevescoins, WhitesoxCrypto, Phay, pine_cone, KatBot, moisesm123, dyce_, apc, Mercosity, bob21, HViD, Jonbvn! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino *Thumbs up*
<stevescoins> tunafish salad and cheese and pickle sammich....mmm
<Mercosity> soryy sent that to the wrong place!
<Mercosity> Tanks!!
<stevescoins> thanks Pepperminio
<aybiss> (y)
<stevescoins> thats ok, would rather talk about sammiches than fish farts
<aybiss> heh that was meant to be thumbs up... looks more like zoidberg claw
<Mercosity> (y) with cheese?
<stevescoins> never tried it? its good
<Mercosity> (w) needs teeth!
<jamezz> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 29 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 2.9 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00002464 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.46 / RAC (estimated): 9431.7 / magnitude (estimated): 14.48)
<Mercosity> Have a lolly ===(%)
<Mercosity> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 5 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00001304 / $ (per day): $0.01 / $ (per 30 days): $0.25 / RAC (estimated): 4024.2 / magnitude (estimated): 7.66)
<Mercosity> Never seems to get any better the more I look at it?
<Mercosity> 'watched pot never boils', 'roling stone gathere no moss', 'bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'.
<Mercosity> a watched stone is worth a hand in the bush.
<moisesm123> ty
<Mercosity> Pearl of wisdow you know - oogles of googles.
<RoyalPhay> fkinglag: do you want my 3ds?
<RoyalPhay> I think he's mad at me for calling him a fuggot
<RoyalPhay> Peppernrino. sorry I did that
<RoyalPhay> oh. check out the new.. uh.. oh, Star Trek movie in theatres
<Peppernrino> fixed my wifi problem!
<Peppernrino> with an ethernet cable
HViD has quit []
<customminer> lol
<apc> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 10.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00008919 / $ (per day): $0.06 / $ (per 30 days): $1.68 / RAC (estimated): 92305.5 / magnitude (estimated): 52.41)
<apc> one day imma be a griddionaire
<apc> I keep forgetting there's a new star trek movie
Aprexer has joined #gridcoin
<lestus> hey peeps
<lestus> how's everyone's weekend
<aybiss> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: aybiss (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
<aybiss> !cpid 0cd7082d3d231f5b24adc4843103f44a
<KatBot> Error: CPID not found.
<RoyalPhay> I'm proud of you pepperoni
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 0 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00000000 / $ (per day): $0.00 / $ (per 30 days): $0.00 / RAC (estimated): 0.0 / magnitude (estimated): 0.00)
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<lestus> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 2 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 38.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00032598 / $ (per day): $0.20 / $ (per 30 days): $6.13 / RAC (estimated): 329998.4 / magnitude (estimated): 191.53)
<AJG> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: AJG (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
<RoyalPhay> Peppernrino. you deserve a raise
<RoyalPhay> cruel fate lol
<Dashaiva> !cpid e01b123564533740fd65b1d1aa2214b1
<KatBot> Magnitude: 374.32 | GRC/Day: 74.86434141 | BTC/Day: 0.00063710 | USD/Day: $0.40 | USD/Month: $12.00
<aybiss> if my cpid is not found by the calculator do i have to send another beacon
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 438 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 74.9 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00063710 / $ (per day): $0.40 / $ (per 30 days): $11.98 / RAC (estimated): 419235.6 / magnitude (estimated): 374.32)
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<RoyalPhay> aybiss: have you tried giving up?
<aybiss> royalphay i've been tempted
<RoyalPhay> Just look at Dashaiva. he's rich
<aybiss> beacon... everytime i think of it i hear mallory archer... "damn that trudi beacon"
<RoyalPhay> lol
<RoyalPhay> ARCHER
<RoyalPhay> Lana
<RoyalPhay> Lana
Ameobea has joined #gridcoin
Ameobea is now known as Ameo
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> lestus: Going well, and yourself?
<apc> my niece caught a mud guppie yesterday
<apc> I caught nothing
<apc> but moss
<lestus> customminer: been busy moving furniture around and tidying up the flat
<customminer> cool
<lestus> feel like two days stolen from me.. :(
<Peppernrino> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 17 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 56 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00047673 / $ (per day): $0.30 / $ (per 30 days): $8.93 / RAC (estimated): 475324.8 / magnitude (estimated): 280.10)
stevescoins has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
MiXa1972 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<lestus> RoyalPhay: lol archer
<Phay> sup lettuce
<Mercosity> Gobillty Gook!
<Mercosity> Gobillty Gook!
<Mercosity> Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, thats all I ever get.
<Mercosity> 26 degrees dry - 'cause I'm inside - don't know whats happening outside - and don't care - 'puter time.
* MrControll begins handing out coffie
* fkinglag returns with gin and tonic
<jamezz> its been oddly hot in seattle , 2 weeks now... where it is supposed to rain rain rain... interesting...
<Phay> hello.
<Phay> my name
<Mercosity> Anything funny happen to anyone today/"\ ¬--|__|
<jamezz> most this summer past 2 months have been oddly above average tempature
<Phay> is octamus prime
<jamezz> octipus prime?
<jamezz> octicock?
<Mercosity> Not optimus prime again I thought he was dead!?
<Mercosity> NOnoNO!
<Phay> uh
<Phay> jamezz
<Mercosity> I hate that guy!
<Phay> do you know if kickasstorrents truely requires a "free account" now?
<Mercosity> Just know they're off /"\.
<apc> kat is gone. if anything is asking you to register it's bogus
<Mercosity> Oalley Doallie.
<Mercosity> [eztv]
<Mercosity> Tor + [eztv] = óóóóh!!
<moisesm123> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 12 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 26 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00022166 / $ (per day): $0.14 / $ (per 30 days): $4.11 / RAC (estimated): 21347.3 / magnitude (estimated): 130.24)
<moisesm123> !cpid
<KatBot> Usage: !cpid <cpid>
<fediverse> solo miners: 2906, 46.6% of them active
<fediverse> (If you want to see details for a certain cpid, use: !cpid some_cpid_value_here )
<moisesm123> !cpid 45272229fb8fca150b3af5136f4799dd
<KatBot> Magnitude: 130.24 | GRC/Day: 26.04735389 | BTC/Day: 0.00022166 | USD/Day: $0.14 | USD/Month: $4.20
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 12 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 26 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00022166 / $ (per day): $0.14 / $ (per 30 days): $4.11 / RAC (estimated): 21347.3 / magnitude (estimated): 130.24)
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<fkinglag> gonna make a martini after this
<fkinglag> never made one before
stevescoins has joined #gridcoin
Phay has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
stevescoins has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
MrControll has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 47.0.1/20160623154057]]
<Ameo> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: Ameo (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
Phay has joined #gridcoin
<fkinglag> !stats
<GRCB0T> Title: KickassTorrents is Back With a Bang! | MobiPicker (at
<fkinglag> hi Phay
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 2 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 24.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00020715 / $ (per day): $0.13 / $ (per 30 days): $3.87 / RAC (estimated): 175670.9 / magnitude (estimated): 121.71)
<fkinglag> are you new?
<Phay> damn
<Ameo> not really new, but haven't been active in a while.
<Phay> fire alarms are going of near my apartments
<Phay> I have surge protectors and battery back ups
<Phay> nothing went out for me ;)
<Phay> besides internet for 3min
<fkinglag> aren't you just the coolest
<fkinglag> Phay is the coolest person here
<fkinglag> amirite Peppernrino?
<Phay> sry
<Phay> was looking in the mirror
<Ameo> man, I wish the client wasn't so unstable
<Ameo> it crashes when I do just about anything
<Phay> which one ameo
<Ameo> windows
<Phay> no like.
<Phay> boinc or gridcoin wallet
<Ameo> oh, wallet
<Phay> oh
<Phay> so define crash sry.
<Ameo> I typed `help` into the console and the application died lol
<Ameo> just random stuff like that; usually not reproducable
<Phay> like.. as sad as it is. I keep it open for like 5-10 min before I do anything
<Ameo> just a little rough around the edges
<Phay> yeah...
<Phay> it's "fragile"
<Ameo> lol
<Phay> not really fragile but..
<Phay> idk the word
<Phay> poor caraka
mnk has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<Phay> more like: It has too much for the program to handle
bob21 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Ameo> that's a fair way to put it
bob21 has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> like my cock
<Phay> it's just too much for girls :\
<Phay> that's why I've got Peppernrino tho
<Ameo> !cpid 34b6a748a19d2c04535bf4ec63e2eef0
<KatBot> Magnitude: 19.21 | GRC/Day: 3.84201410 | BTC/Day: 0.00003270 | USD/Day: $0.02 | USD/Month: $0.60
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 57 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 3.8 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00003270 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.61 / RAC (estimated): 97010.3 / magnitude (estimated): 19.21)
<Phay> damn. I wonder what mine is
<Phay> !stats Phay
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 69 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 3.6 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00003028 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.56 / RAC (estimated): 9202.8 / magnitude (estimated): 17.79)
<Phay> !dickweed stats
<Phay> look at yopu
<Phay> doin' better than my 2 phones
<Phay> not bad dude
<Phay> fkinglag 's got some fkingswag
<Mercosity> !cpid 9ff2b091f67327b7d8e5b75fb5337514
<KatBot> Magnitude: 7.66 | GRC/Day: 1.53262591 | BTC/Day: 0.00001304 | USD/Day: $0.01 | USD/Month: $0.30
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 5 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00001304 / $ (per day): $0.01 / $ (per 30 days): $0.24 / RAC (estimated): 4024.2 / magnitude (estimated): 7.66)
<Phay> ROFL
<Phay> wtf.
<lestus> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 2 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 38.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00032598 / $ (per day): $0.20 / $ (per 30 days): $6.05 / RAC (estimated): 329998.4 / magnitude (estimated): 191.53)
<Phay> panzee scheme with Kickass torrents atm boys
<Phay> It asks for you to make an account
<fkinglag> omg lettuce has a higher mag than me
<Phay> then the account asks for you credit card
<Phay> LOL
<Mercosity> Don't do it.
<Ameo> I think they changed domains phay
* fkinglag hucks Zach_S at lestus
<Phay> they just changed again again
<Phay> they change so often
<Phay> but the site was just "taken" down
<Ameo> seems to be legit
<Phay> the dev caught, but the site just came back up like 2 days ago
<Mercosity> wot u looking for
fediverse has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Phay> but try downloading a torrent/magnet
<Phay> it says you need an account
<lestus> wow and i thought my mag was low
<Mercosity> could be a mirror.
<Phay> You must create a Free Account to access KickassTorrents
<Phay> i mean you check yourself :V you'll get the same thing :V
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Ameo> oh really
<Ameo> fuck that
<Phay> see it?
<Ameo> srry - didn't bother to go that far :/
<Ameo> ya
<Phay> yeah. the "make account page" asks for a CC# lol
<Phay> $0 charge. lol. my ass
<Mercosity> scam
<Phay> yes. Let me give a company/site made for distributing "FREE" torrents, my card to pay for things
<lestus> fkinglag: that's why i rained 160grc on friday :p
<Phay> Come join my new group guys, it's called #logic
<lestus> sharing is caring
<Phay> jk jk. idk that site
<fkinglag> nice lestus
<Phay> lettuce. you dah man
<Phay> fkinglag
<Phay> I asked this earlier..
<fkinglag> phay
<Phay> do you want my 3dS?
<fkinglag> wat u ask
<fkinglag> no
<Phay> hmm
<fkinglag> nope
<Phay> I think I already asked that then :I
<fkinglag> nope nope nope nope nope nope
<Phay> and you said the same thing
<Phay> lol
<Phay> Rino doesn't want it
<Phay> you don't
<Phay> fucking hell. I wanna give it to someone for free, and make them get like one game possibly and play with me eventually
<fkinglag> :(
<lestus> Phay: I'll play with you without a game :p
<Phay> oh bby
<fkinglag> I have like no time for handheld console, even if it is a 3ds
* Phay takes off shirt
<fkinglag> which is very nice
<fkinglag> I carry around my GBA with mer
<fkinglag> -r
<Phay> -r
<lestus> i got a psvita
<lestus> ..
<Phay> lucky
<Phay> thaz the shit man
<fkinglag> I don't like wasting my phone battery
<Phay> I don't like wasting time
<fkinglag> I can play GTA:SA on my phone lol
<Phay> fkingshit
<fkinglag> what a time to be alive
<Phay> I can play touch the butt with myself
<Phay> no power required
<fkinglag> yeah that too Phay
<fkinglag> and butts
<Phay> multiplayer options
<lestus> Phay: Powered by SteakTM and BBQSauceTM
<Phay> up to 3 people
<Phay> lol
<fkinglag> yo Phay why don't you fking Mumble?
<lestus> mumble mumble mumble.. happy?
<Phay> I'm about to get on discord with a friend
<Phay> "about"
<Phay> like an hour
<Phay> or something
<Phay> I'll get in mumble if you are the only one there
<fkinglag> the gridcoin channel on bitshares mumble
<fkinglag> fuzzy idles
<lestus> fkinglag: pm details
<Phay> pass?
<fkinglag> I think he listens ._.
<Phay> fkinglag: pm pics
<fkinglag> I'll l post details here
<fkinglag> one sec
<Phay> oh bby
* Phay takes of undershirt
<Mercosity> Here's a new on for you all - when I run diagnostics on the wallet I get: CPID not part of team gridcoin. Total RAC for team gridcoin below 100.No projects on team gridcoin.
<Mercosity> WTF
<Phay> the fuck
<Phay> not part of gridcoin
<Phay> *team
<Phay> uh... what
<Mercosity> don't know?
<Phay> no idea
<fkinglag> OKAY
<Phay> KA
<lestus> Mercosity: you def joined gridcoin team for the project?
<Mercosity> Yup! on the pool but also solo
<Phay> fkinglag. stick it in
<fkinglag> Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3
<lestus> thnx
<lestus> i'll be on there in about 6 hours
<lestus> (at work atm)
<fkinglag> lol
<lestus> i'll test it quickly now though
<lestus> port?
<Phay> I am Phay
<Phay> Phaydren
<fkinglag> lestus = Phay
<Phay> Phaydren = Phay
<Mercosity> if I list cpids it shows:[
<Mercosity> {
<Mercosity> "Command" : "cpids"
<Mercosity> },
<Mercosity> {
<Mercosity> "CPID" : "9ff2b091f67327b7d8e5b75fb5337514",
<Mercosity> "Project" : "rosetta@home",
<Mercosity> "RAC" : 233.00000000,
<Mercosity> "Team" : "gridcoin",
<Phay> lestus is some other person
<Mercosity> "Debug Info" : ""
<Mercosity> },
<Mercosity> {
<Mercosity> "Project" : "yafu",
<lestus> dahell?
<fkinglag> nvm
<Phay> nvm
<Phay> lemme get my water
<Phay> ;)
<lestus> project: waifu
<lestus> fknlag have you said anything?
<lestus> can't hear anything
<Phay> are you okay?
<fkinglag> lestus try using the mumble audio wizard thing?
<Phay> you're a wizard harry
<lestus> on iphone..
<Phay> are you using Pumble?
<lestus> nah
<lestus> Mumble
zerolint has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Phay> no
<fkinglag> try mumbling into ur iphone lestust
<fkinglag> -t
<lestus> i switch to push-to-talk
<lestus> yea i been asking if anyone can hear me
<Phay> nah man
<Phay> do you A: have headphones
<Phay> I'd just do it when you get home
<lestus> wasn't registered ..
<lestus> yea anyways
<lestus> i'll do it from comp later
zerolint has joined #gridcoin
<frank0051> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 172.41379310 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5219$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5601$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.52396921$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Phay> Peppernrino
<fkinglag> Peppernrino:
<Mercosity> I'm in mumble
<jamezz> i went to pull out any other old machines now that i had all 64 bit stuff up and expect p4
<jamezz> but no , there is another dual core athlon
<Phay> "I'm in mumble"
<Phay> -Mercosity 2016
<jamezz> yeah for phay ! i can mumble enough while i toke this romulan
<Phay> for some reason. I can't remember who you are
<Phay> and it's bothering me
<jamezz> ima go fish the next box , that i know has to be a p4... all these machines end up with nvidia
<jamezz> im jamezz
<jamezz> nice to meet you Phay
<jamezz> im new to #gridcoin
<Phay> hmm
<Phay> I know
<jamezz> although I am not new to freenode
<Phay> I just..
<Phay> feel like I'm mixing you up with someone
<jamezz> if that person a dick?
<jamezz> if so then its ok
<Phay> are you also slimeball?
<jamezz> cuz i am too
<jamezz> yep
<Phay> ok then it's you
<Phay> kk
<jamezz> you didnt answer yes or no , it was rhetorical
<jamezz> odd you know me as slimeball as i keep that client idle not to get rained on
<jamezz> only know when some rain hit it and I dry off
<Phay> shh
<Phay> sshhhhh
<Phay> Only sleep now
<Mercosity> Hey jamezz wht don't you join us in mumble?
<Mercosity> *why
<jamezz> I don't really see a point... Per my experiance the past few weeks , being new and yes I know irc you get new people all the time fly by night yada yada , but not part of the " regular #gridcoin clique " and would just be sitting there listening , when I could just read what is said here.. Conf
<jamezz> conf's are nothing new...
<jamezz> really dont much feel welcome here , so joining a conf... heh
<jamezz> few bad seeds ruin it for all :( no jamezz voice
<jamezz> but thanks for invite
<Phay> coulda just said no
<Phay> lol
RoyalPhay has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<fkinglag> wat
<Mercosity> Ok, sad though. You don't seem so shy here.
<Mercosity> I've talked to Phay and fkinglag - nice guys.
<Mercosity> Never take things too seriously on here.
<fkinglag> Phay is the worst
<Mercosity> Sh!t Stirrer - =========O
sudonull has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Rain?
SudoNull- has joined #gridcoin
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<lestus> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 2 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 38.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00032598 / $ (per day): $0.20 / $ (per 30 days): $6.14 / RAC (estimated): 329998.4 / magnitude (estimated): 191.53)
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<WhitesoxCrypto> moaning gridsters!!
<lestus> moanmoar
<lestus> !price
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00000885,"Low":0.00000801,"Volume":39418.64039130,"Last":0.00000851,"BaseVolume":0.32448254,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-01T03:57:52.74","Bid":0.00000823,"Ask":0.00000851,"OpenBuyOrders":78,"OpenSellOrders":596,"PrevDay":0.00000877,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000856 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000913 BTC, min: 0.00000750 BTC, change: -4.04%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000851 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
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<Mercosity> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 5 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00001304 / $ (per day): $0.01 / $ (per 30 days): $0.25 / RAC (estimated): 4024.2 / magnitude (estimated): 7.66)
<Mercosity> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4658EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.490155EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.458536EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
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<customminer> !tip Peppernrino 1000
<GRCtip> customminer tipped Peppernrino 1000 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> Ty to peppernrino for editing the mumble call.
<customminer> !rainactive 100
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 9.09090909 GRC on active users Erkan_Yilmaz, bob21, jamezz, SvartH, fediverse, zerolint, YajuuSenpai, GRCB0T, WhitesoxCrypto, lestus, xms! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer your appearance awakened everyone (incl. the 11 sleeping souls) in this channel
<customminer> !rain 90 90
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1 GRC on slimeball, marix, RTMoney_, Jonbvn, sbits, captainolm, fediverse, Asp, Erkan_Yilmaz, Eskorbuto, psychu, Gary760, Deviantone, ss7, ChanServ, _whitelogger, Mithian, SvartH, lestus, CircinusPrime, desertsky, PenumbraDuFromag, Sander96, jamezz, Newtronic, cbrrr, Hooker63, HeyMerlin, kiebitz, aem, xXUnRealXx, vasifumi, rocch, cyberkev1, dyce_, Ameo, Chick3nman, Aprexer, wavis, Katiee, cell, IRC_Br
<GRCtip> moorbsen, CptFlashbang, Phay, NeuralMiner, varesa, greo, xms, WhitesoxCrypto, squiddly, leetsp33ch, pine_cone, kopykat, Gunde, moisesm123, apc, GRCB0T, tr0nic_, realw98, FifthGB, Peppernrino, chatcat_, Corosauce, fkinglag, Malignae, u77, Tahvok, GRCtip, pocketprotector, cibban, Erawan, caraka, zerolint, YajuuSenpai, KatBot, tom12, YugoEliatrop, coinictus, rvina, Nycti, teslax, Zach_S, m1ndgames, vega40k, alfabit, Dashaiva, MPenguin, Bouowmx, AJG! Type "/msg
<GRCtip> for info.
<fediverse> customminer if you ever need someone to go in jail for you, I'm your man
<customminer> ping!
<coinictus> wow ty
<jamezz> wow ty
<Peppernrino> ty customminer. <3333333
<customminer> :)
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.30769231 GRC on active users coinictus, Erkan_Yilmaz, SvartH, lestus, GRCB0T, YajuuSenpai, bob21, customminer, jamezz, fediverse, xms, zerolint, WhitesoxCrypto! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino
<jamezz> ty
<Tahvok> Morning!
<jamezz> funny i just grabbed my laptop for the 6hr .2grc faucet tap and then
<jamezz> :)
<Tahvok> I've just realized... Where is grcidle??
<Tahvok> Erkan_Yilmaz: well, I used to tell people to move to otc some time ago
<customminer> Tahvok: Yeah, it looks like it's been down for a few days. Might be worth tweeting sepulcher about it?
<Peppernrino> every time mercosity talks, i hear his voice now. lol
<customminer> also donate, because he's paying for the server out of his own pocket :P
<customminer> haha
<GRCB0T> Title: #gridcoin-irpg Idle RPG: Game Info (at
<customminer> he has a soothing voice
<GRCB0T> Title: Albert Mikaelyan auf Twitter: "@WinstonTew Hey! GRCidle is dead again :( Please give us GRC god back!" (at
<Tahvok> customminer: is the soundcloud ready?
<Peppernrino> i kinda just wanna sit and here him tell stories sometime
<Peppernrino> hear*
<Peppernrino> i'm high.
<Tahvok> Oh... Just remembered that I can't send anything using the wallet -_-
<Tahvok> Will try from cli now..
<customminer> Tahvok: Uploading it to soundcloud right now
<Tahvok> \o/
<Peppernrino> \o/
<Peppernrino> i'm even higher now.
<customminer> It'll be like an hour at least before it's uploaded.
<Peppernrino> and like... quintuple archived.
<Tahvok> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5306$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5601$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.52396921$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<Tahvok> O_o
<Tahvok> KatBot is back
<Peppernrino> tahvok: it's really good man.
<Peppernrino> make sure you come next time. <3
* Peppernrino slaps Tahvok around a bit with a large trout
<Peppernrino> !tip tahvok 1
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped tahvok 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Tahvok> What? Am I missing something?
<Peppernrino> the mumble
<Peppernrino> gotta watch preacher!
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> wish me luck.
<Tahvok> !tip Peppernrino 5 good luck!
<GRCtip> Sorry Tahvok, you don't have enough funds (you're 0.07597346000000016 GRC short).
<Tahvok> I guess no luck..
<Tahvok> !tip Peppernrino 3 good luck!
<GRCtip> Tahvok tipped Peppernrino 3 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Tahvok> This stock of 70 grc I had rained pretty fast..
<customminer> Yeah the mumble session was pretty cool
<customminer> we had ~13 users attend
<customminer> 3 or 4 from outside the community
<Tahvok> Nice!
<Tahvok> <Gridcoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
<Tahvok> Is the comment for me or for the recepient?
<customminer> Not sure
<customminer> I'll send you an gridcoin with a comment, see if you can spot a comment? Can you provide an wallet address?
<Tahvok> sec
<Tahvok> SALcexjaYjEoieLXuLmwpvhHcxyPqw1J9g
<customminer> alright, wallet is starting up, i'll send the transaction in a couple mins
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<Tahvok> Wait.. I'll just send to you
<Tahvok> Give me an address
<customminer> SDSv1MEJeQUaeYun3EmoFAQhLQ83mCkJxW
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<Tahvok> Forgot to change the comment.. Anyway tell me if you get 'For GRC god!' comment
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<Tahvok> Ok, I was stupid.. Sent it to my own address :P
<Tahvok> Sent it now..
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> good morning, gentle people of the Gridcoin world
<fediverse> morning, who else is awake besides us? Do you know what's happening with Albert@Home ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> it's a test project for Einstein@home, it better function
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Hangouts - YouTube (at
<customminer> test projects tend to not be whitelisted
<customminer> ah, it was fediverse asking about albert, not an user haha
<customminer> more coffee!
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: Did you get a chance to see my project brainstorming steem post?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I skimmed the begin a little only
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I am behind in a few things here
<customminer> no worries
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<customminer> Tahvok: No comment in the transaction details : /
<customminer> !tip Tahvok 100
<GRCtip> customminer tipped Tahvok 100 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> perhaps it'd be good to list also - additionally - the perhaps upcoming changes for the whitelist
<Erkan_Yilmaz> you mention what is needed for a BOINC project to be accepted
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> and then at end you could say: additionally if you support https, ... you make sure your project ...
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> about boinc cost, I think it'd be fair to also list the malaria control's decision to not use BOINC anymore
<Erkan_Yilmaz> a superblock does not come daily
<Erkan_Yilmaz> cc 3 points for now customminer
<Erkan_Yilmaz> and tbh, I don't like the title: "Anyone can make "
<Erkan_Yilmaz> they hsould have some idea of sys admin stuff at least
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I mean if they leave their yard open so anyone can edit their own RAC to be whatever, no need to make a BOINC project at all in the first place
<customminer> yeah true, but getting a project running in the first place requires sysadmin and programming experience
<Erkan_Yilmaz> not sure, with the docker it could be even for laymen easy
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I hope the cosmology admin made the docker good
<customminer> yeah true, but then you'd still need to create a work unit to distribute
<Erkan_Yilmaz> but you are right, if the future-boinc admin installs all himself:
<Erkan_Yilmaz> he'd give up first befoe completing
<customminer> yeah
<customminer> they'd maybe get the website working but then not progress past that
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<Tahvok> customminer: bumper.. I'll just donate with no comment..
<Tahvok> customminer: how do you get so much grc with grctip?
<customminer> Tahvok: Buying it from exchanges then sending it to my tipping balance.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !hangout
<fediverse> see here how you can join a mumble session yourself:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud (at
<customminer> ah gotcha, didn't spot your link to soundcloud hah!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
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<Tahvok> customminer: how do yoyu send to the tipping balance?
<customminer> Tahvok: /msg grctip address
<Tahvok> I remember asking this some months ago... The answer was 'you can't' :/
<customminer> what? it's pretty simple
<customminer> /msg grctip help
<Tahvok> customminer: yeah, I just added to my balance
<Tahvok> Anyway, I've donated 1k grc to sepulcher, hope others will follow too
<Tahvok> !rainactive 50 50
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 3.84615385 GRC on active users KatBot, jamezz, Erkan_Yilmaz, fediverse, SvartH, Peppernrino, greo, customminer, xms, coinictus, GRCB0T, bob21, YajuuSenpai! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok may you never get a bad genesis block
<customminer> cool
<customminer> ty
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci Tahvok, may your downloaded blocks also not have too many Orphans
<customminer> lol
<Tahvok> Erkan_Yilmaz: that's a nice message to add to the bot ;)
<customminer> haha
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
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<Emptybeerbottle> Good morning
<Tahvok> A serious question
<Tahvok> Will you ever fill that bottle?
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> YAFU challenge: the top5 users making the most points for team gridcoin were: NeuralMiner HeyMerlin Gunde kiebitz and grcnode
<GRCB0T> Title: erkan_yilmaz comments on YAFU team challenge (2016-07-25 - 2016-08-01) (at
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<customminer> huzzah, in the top 5! :D
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fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> yay :-)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx for the power
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !challenge stats grcnode
<fediverse> position #8 of 1158 Gridcoin users. (average rank = #23 (A), median rank = #22.5, participated in 2 team challenges)
<fediverse> (A): for all users (Gridcoin + other teams) in 11 challenges
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<customminer> cool
<customminer> 50% uploaded.. damn my upload speed is dreadful! :( lol
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<moisesm123> morning
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<customminer> morning moisesm123, how are you? :)
<moisesm123> good :)
<customminer> has it stopped raining yet? :P
<moisesm123> a little. Some small rains
<moisesm123> the street is still soaked
* Erkan_Yilmaz just sees there is a challenge on WCG besides our own
<Erkan_Yilmaz> still on for >1 month
<customminer> ooh, we're not far from #1
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<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: Could you provide links to the challenges in that steem post please?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> done
<Erkan_Yilmaz> "so crunching WCG will make your team get points in both challenges:"
<Erkan_Yilmaz> never been better to crunch WCG ;-)
<customminer> :D
<HViD> what is WCG?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !wcg
<fediverse> World Community Grid is a project by IBM
<GRCB0T> Title: IBM World Community Grid (at
<HViD> are all projects contributing to it?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> can you rephrase ? or I need more coffee
<HViD> just trying to understand what its about
<HViD> is it a specific project or does all projects count for that challenge?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> WCG is 1 BOINC project from many, e.g. !seti is also a boinc project
<HViD> the WCG isnt on the project list on the - can that be true?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> ask the pool admin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> just checked, it isn't there. no idea why
* Erkan_Yilmaz just added another disadvantage to !pool: "not every BOINC project addable;"
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !pool
<KatBot> Pool:
<GRCB0T> Pool:
<fediverse> There is a Gridcoin pool available:
<fediverse> - it's easier for newcomers to get started, e.g. you get faster GRC this way (instead of longer waiting time for solo mining)
<fediverse> - disadvantages: 5% fee; you don't get pool rain; your BOINC work is attributed to the pool, not under your name; you can't vote in Gridcoin polls
<GRCB0T> Title: Pool (beta) (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Pool (beta) (at
<customminer> HViD: The pool doesn't support world community grid, they've got a lot of homebrew code
<moisesm123> 07/31/20160:055:08:36:0463,640112
<moisesm123> 07/30/20160:058:04:28:5264,035116
<moisesm123> 07/29/20160:056:06:48:5863,604112
<moisesm123> Statistics DateTotal Run Time
<moisesm123> (y:d:h:m:s)Points GeneratedResults Returned
<moisesm123> 07/31/20160:055:08:36:0463,640112
<moisesm123> 07/29/20160:056:06:48:5863,604112
<moisesm123> 07/30/20160:058:04:28:5264,035116
<moisesm123> nice
<moisesm123> :)
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fediverse has joined #gridcoin
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Mercosity has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Greetings and Salutations.
<Mercosity> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 5 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00001304 / $ (per day): $0.01 / $ (per 30 days): $0.25 / RAC (estimated): 4024.2 / magnitude (estimated): 7.66)
<Mercosity> Slow day. SSSSllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwW!
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<HViD> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: HViD (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> you were only in the pool, right HViD ? then this command won't work for you
<Erkan_Yilmaz> if you ever solo mine, then your cpid can be added
* fkinglag does some drugs
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<fkinglag> good morning GRC world
<fkinglag> !pricebtc
<fkinglag> !usd
<GRCB0T> {"ticker":{"base":"BTC","target":"USD","price":"625.47095430","volume":"42308.34794717","change":"-0.12230493","markets":[{"market":"Anxpro","price":"624.17199000","volume":14.26729171},{"market":"BitFinex","price":"625.94000000","volume":27855.13414753},{"market":"Bitstamp","price":"623.98000000","volume":3777.87133126},{"market":"BTC-E","price":"620.10800000","volume":5564.16955},{"marke
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<GRCB0T> t":"C-Cex","price":"644.99000000","volume":6.42274742},{"market":"","price":"631.29660000","volume":1470.86879417}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000854 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000866 BTC, min: 0.00000789 BTC, change: 7.29%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000851 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5327$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.6999$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.53697248966$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
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<Jybrael> Hi
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<Combined2857> how large is the gc blockchain ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> <1102486958 bytes
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<apc> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 10.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00008919 / $ (per day): $0.06 / $ (per 30 days): $1.67 / RAC (estimated): 92305.5 / magnitude (estimated): 52.41)
<Jybrael> o.o
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<Combined2857> it takes ages to sync
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<Combined2857> Nobody knows the size of the GC blockchain ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> your question was answered above, Combined2857
<Erkan_Yilmaz> check out also commands: !snapshot and/or !blocks
<Combined2857> oh alright thanks Erkan_Yilmaz
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !snapshot
<fediverse> You can download Gridcoin's blockchain faster:
<fediverse> 1. as admin, inside the wallet: Go to menu: "Rebuild Block Chain" > "Download Blocks", or
<fediverse> (help how to use the snapshot via command: !snapshot howto )
<Combined2857> !snapshot howto
<fediverse> 1. get the archived snapshot zip file via command: !snapshot
<fediverse> 2. navigate to data dir: e.g. for windows: /%appdata%/GridcoinResearch/ and for linux: /home/your_user/.GridcoinResearch/
<fediverse> 3. delete everything, except: gridcoinresearch.conf, wallet.dat and walletbackup folder
<fediverse> (make also sure that your .conf file has uptodate Gridcoin nodes, see (or !addnodes) )
<fediverse> 4. extract the snapshot to folder from step2
<fediverse> 5. launch the Gridcoin client
<GRCB0T> Title: List of Addnodes - Gridcoin (at
<Combined2857> thanks
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<HViD> !stake
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<HViD> how do I advertise a beacon?
<Combined2857> !help
<GRCB0T> (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
<HViD> found it. but can I run a pool-project and a solo-project in the same boinc instance?
<Gunde> yes
<HViD> thanks. So many questions :) My CPID in the wallet is still shown as Investor. How do I fix this?
<Gunde> pool does only payout to wallet and if you don´t use account manager to both in boinc client then sure
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<HViD> I only use account manager for the pool project
<Gunde> Follow the steps for solo
<Gunde> ok
<HViD> the solo project I created directly in boinc
<Combined2857> Is there a way to get a reward for the packages I have already analyzed in BOINC before I started with gridcoin ?
<Gunde> investor mode could be that teamchange and cpid is not added in superblock yet (1 superblock per day)
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<HViD> so I just wait and it should come eventually?
<Gunde> after that it would be able to advertise a beacon and if minimum rac reached
<Gunde> just wait
<HViD> ok
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<customminer> It's currently being processed by soundcloud, hopefully it'll be ready soon :)
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<customminer> okly took like.. 5hours to upload hah!
<Gunde> Great customminer
<Gunde> hehe
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<Gunde> first subscriber
<Gunde> "This track can’t be played right now. Please try again later."
<Gunde> Will give it some time then
<customminer> yeah :( it's being processed by soundcloud
<fkinglag> woot!
<customminer> 1.2GB large
<fkinglag> can't wait to listen to what I missed
<fkinglag> and then some...
<Gunde> huge!, that was she said.
* Gunde grab a beer and spam F5
<customminer> lol :P
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.92307692 GRC on active users YajuuSenpai, Mercosity, fkinglag, HViD, KatBot, Erkan_Yilmaz, Jybrael, greo, Combined2857, apc, stevescoins, Gunde, GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<coinictus> morning customminer
<customminer> morning coinictus
<fkinglag> \o/
<Mercosity> Tanks!!
<fkinglag> !rain 9 90
<Jybrael> Thank you mate
<GRCtip> Sorry fkinglag, you don't have enough funds (you're 0.15056425999999945 GRC short).
<fkinglag> oh
<fkinglag> uh
<fkinglag> this is embarassing
<fkinglag> !rain 8 80
<Combined2857> Is there a way to get a reward for the packages I have already analyzed in BOINC before I started with gridcoin ?
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! fkinglag rained 0.1 GRC on xms, NeuralMiner, Eskorbuto, Zach_S, realw98, GRCB0T, psychu, mnk, Bouowmx, rocch, pro, teslax, cell, Mithian, CptFlashbang, dyce_, CircinusPrime, IRC_Brokenware, FifthGB, Gunde, desertsky, greo, Sander96, Malignae, tr0nic_, xXUnRealXx, Chick3nman, Jybrael, Mercosity, Dashaiva, tom12, Nycti, HeyMerlin, Erkan_Yilmaz, coinictus, u77, SvartH, SudoNull-, sbits, squiddly, Expanse, Peppernrino, Typh
<GRCtip> mrarturas, varesa, aem, Aprexer, cbrrr, Tahvok, jamezz, apc, bob21, moorbsen, Gary760, slimeball, MPenguin, YajuuSenpai, GRCtip, Newtronic, pine_cone, KatBot, caraka, YugoEliatrop, captainolm, Asp, RTMoney_, Corosauce, zerolint, alfabit, WhitesoxCrypto, m1ndgames, eyeknock, arunpyasi, cibban, PenumbraDuFromag, lestus, kopykat, Emptybeerbottle, cyberkev1, ss7! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Emptybeerbottle> rip
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks fkinglag \o/
<Gunde> Sweet, have worked on the roof all day with rain. And now here to!
<Jybrael> Can I use bionic on my laptop?
<fkinglag> Jybrael yes
<Jybrael> But its a very old laptop
<Jybrael> About 10 years old
<Gunde> !rainactive
<Eskorbuto> tyy
<GRCtip> Usage: !rainactive <amount> [max active users]
<Gunde> !rainactive 7.48518927
<Newtronic> :)
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Gunde rained 0.44030525 GRC on active users Eskorbuto, customminer, coinictus, Combined2857, Newtronic, GRCB0T, Emptybeerbottle, greo, apc, stevescoins, YajuuSenpai, Mercosity, KatBot, fkinglag, Jybrael, HViD, Erkan_Yilmaz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Jybrael> Thanks you bro
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Gunde \p/
<HViD> thanks for the rains
<Mercosity> Tanks!
<sbits> did I miss something about the idle game? It hasn't been running for a couple days now
<Tahvok> Thanks fkinglag!
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Tahvok> !rainactive 10 50
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.5 GRC on active users KatBot, fediverse, sbits, apc, Combined2857, Gunde, YajuuSenpai, Mercosity, coinictus, greo, Jybrael, Eskorbuto, customminer, GRCB0T, stevescoins, Newtronic, Erkan_Yilmaz, HViD, fkinglag, Emptybeerbottle! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok you're our honoured guest today. Do you have some time for our regular hugging-the-trees-in-the-neigbhourhood-meetings?
<Gunde> !8ball Greetings
<fediverse> cannot predict now
<fkinglag> Erkan_Yilmaz now has his bot/cistern online
<Jybrael> Thank you bro
<Gunde> thx Tahvok
<fkinglag> !pricebtc
<fkinglag> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<GRCB0T> {"ticker":{"base":"BTC","target":"USD","price":"623.90465546","volume":"43224.00524609","change":"-0.61153503","markets":[{"market":"Anxpro","price":"626.52968000","volume":14.98152625},{"market":"BitFinex","price":"624.01000000","volume":28435.36623149},{"market":"Bitstamp","price":"622.51000000","volume":3843.39531027},{"market":"BTC-E","price":"620.57800000","volume":5770.4293},{"market
<Combined2857> stop giving me coins guys I haven't set up my wallet yet !
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
<GRCB0T> ":"C-Cex","price":"642.00000000","volume":6.3539011},{"market":"","price":"629.68590000","volume":1541.74634368},{
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000854 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000866 BTC, min: 0.00000796 BTC, change: 7.29%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000851 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5329$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.6999$ (C-CEX)
<Tahvok> So we have 3 bots that provide !usd now...
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.53697248966$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<customminer> 95% processed audio file
<Tahvok> Combined2857: they're saved with GRCtip so don't worry. You just transfer them when you have a working wallet
<stevescoins> thanks all
<Combined2857> ah right thanks
<HViD> when I look at my projects in Boinc they say "communication postponed x minutes" am I doing something wrong?
<customminer> no
<HViD> the WCG wont start - just keeps going with the status
<fkinglag> customminer process faster
<customminer> it got to 100%...but then it lied!
<Jybrael> O.O
<customminer> right, off to walk the dog - hopefully it'll be ready in a few mins...
* fkinglag charges Twatter powers
<frank0051> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5303$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.6999$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.53697248966$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<Mercosity> Tanks!
<fkinglag> omg customminer wtf the grc soundcloud has no twitter ;(
<Emptybeerbottle> gasp.
<fkinglag> you can connect it to a twitter
<fkinglag> then it will spit out tweets for you
<fkinglag> and then I can have the automated tweets that I spit out tag the account name
<Emptybeerbottle> Like the soundcloud spits fire
<fkinglag> and flame mix tapes
<NeuralMiner> what up guys
<Tahvok> yo o/
<fkinglag> \o
<NeuralMiner> looks like we killed the challenge. everybody ready for the next one?
<Jybrael> O.O
<Jybrael> !price
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00000851,"Low":0.00000806,"Volume":11112.89895344,"Last":0.00000851,"BaseVolume":0.09399933,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-01T14:46:26.42","Bid":0.00000846,"Ask":0.00000860,"OpenBuyOrders":77,"OpenSellOrders":598,"PrevDay":0.00000806,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000854 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000866 BTC, min: 0.00000798 BTC, change: 7.02%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000851 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
moisesm123 has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: grctest auf Twitter: "Brainstorming new BOINC projects - steem post: @GridcoinNetwork @Beyond_Bitcoin @BOINCprojects @BOINCworkshop #BOINC" (at
<fkinglag> customminer I mean for soundcloud page
<fkinglag> there is no twitter listed because you didn't set it up with ur twitter :|
<customminer> Gotcha, I'll add that when I get back
<fkinglag> alright
<customminer> Sent you the wrong tweet
<GRCB0T> Title: grctest auf Twitter: "Gridcoin Hangout #001 released! @GridcoinNetwork @Beyond_Bitcoin @BOINCprojects #Gridcoin #BOINC #Consensus $GRC" (at
<fkinglag> I'll use that tweet for now
<fkinglag> I can favorite/like it in soundcloud later for more exposure :D
<customminer> OK the Gridcoin Hangout is live on now
<customminer> Gogogo
* fkinglag hustles
<Mercosity> Wots the next chalenge neuralminer?
<GRCB0T> Title: Challenge Chat | BOINCstats/BAM! (at
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<Mercosity> Thak you - heading there now.
<Mercosity> *Thank
<NeuralMiner> no prob
<fkinglag> damn customminer could have put a GRC image or something for the track bro
stevescoins has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> what projects do you suggest in WCG
dt3105Chat has joined #gridcoin
<MrControll> No idea if this is appropriate for WCG, but I'm still toying with the idea of using BOINC to calculate Pi.
<Chick3nman> how would you split it up?
<Jybrael> Hmm
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> efficiently distributing work has been my issue with several of my BOINC projects
<MrControll> Having no idea the answer to that question is one particular reason I haven't done anything with it...
<customminer> fkinglag: it should have a gridcoin image, to be fair it was processing for ages and I've not used SoundCloud before
<Chick3nman> Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula
<Chick3nman> will allow you to do it
<Chick3nman> seemingly
<Chick3nman> its slightly more efficient than the already in use's_formula
<GRCB0T> Title: Bellard's formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
<fkinglag> customminer fair enough, glad we can get all of this going :D
<NeuralMiner> Mercosity, i havent crunched WCG in a really long time. Peppernrino or HeyMerlin might have better insight on which apps to crunch inside WCG.
Ameo has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Ok, all are worthy causes - but some might need more help than others? How many of the team have you signed on as of now?
<Mercosity> I suppose you're heading this up?
<NeuralMiner> nah. i believe customminer is the one that sets up the team challenges.
<NeuralMiner> i just sound the horns.
MPenguin has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<fkinglag> and unleash the hounds
MPenguin has joined #gridcoin
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bob21 has joined #gridcoin
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<Ameo> is the irpg bot ever coming back?
<Ameo> oh - I just read chat history
<Ameo> please ignore
<Ameo> !stats
<Emptybeerbottle> !btcv
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 57 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 3.8 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00003304 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.62 / RAC (estimated): 97010.3 / magnitude (estimated): 19.21)
<Emptybeerbottle> !btc
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000854 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000866 BTC, min: 0.00000799 BTC, change: 6.88%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.00086 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000961 BTC (cryptomic)
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000854 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000866 BTC, min: 0.00000799 BTC, change: 6.88%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.00086 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000961 BTC (cryptomic)
Jybrael has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
arunpyasi has joined #gridcoin
<fkinglag> Phay pinche puta baka gaijin
<Mercosity> TankS!
Shingles has joined #gridcoin
Musicman9566 has joined #gridcoin
<Musicman9566> grctip
<fkinglag> why aren't we more excited for coinomi ?
<NeuralMiner> i'm pretty stoked.
<Emptybeerbottle> I'm excited for the shepherds pie I'm about to eat.
<fkinglag> gross
<NeuralMiner> "Alright, great news! I finally found a co-dev!" awesome.
<fkinglag> huh?
<GRCB0T> Title: New Coin Launch Announcement - GRC - GridCoin - Page 1167 - Gridcoin GRC - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<NeuralMiner> GRC dev.
* fkinglag pokes Zach_S
<fkinglag> looks extremely promising
<Peppernrino> who's vaporbutts?
Quezacoatl has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> i was about to do a reddit post lol
<Peppernrino> good morning everyone!
<Quezacoatl> Hiho, Tahvok are you there? Were you able to sync on arch?
<fediverse> time zone appropriate greetings (tzag), who else is awake besides us? Do you know what's happening with RADIOACTIVE@HOME ?
<NeuralMiner> it's good news. hopefully the UI gets some work soon.
<fkinglag> I think I'll make my first steemit post about this co-dev news
<fkinglag> woot
<Quezacoatl> What? A co-dev?!
* fkinglag boops Zach_S
<NeuralMiner> yeah. Rob just posted.
<GRCB0T> Title: New Coin Launch Announcement - GRC - GridCoin - Page 1167 - Gridcoin GRC - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<Zach_S> wat
<Quezacoatl> BAMBAMBAM
<fkinglag> Zach_S ^
<Zach_S> i dunno what that means
<Peppernrino> that was quick lol
<Zach_S> yeah i read it and have absolutely no clue
<Zach_S> fkinglag, whats it mean
<fkinglag> Phay, whats it mean
<Tahvok> Quezacoatl: yeah
<Tahvok> You have a problem with arch?
bob21 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Zach_S> you cant explain fkinglag?
<Tahvok> Anyway, I'm running for a train. Tell me what's up, I'll see the message later Quezacoatl
<fkinglag> im busy Zach_S
<fkinglag> ask around Zach_S
<Peppernrino> it's awesome news zach_s. what are you confused about?
<Zach_S> uh
<Peppernrino> our wallet is written in .net, and we need a c++ dev.
<Zach_S> i dont know
<Peppernrino> to make it better, ande more linux-able
<Zach_S> i mean I understand that theres now a co-dev
<Peppernrino> .net doesn't play nice with linux, so some of the more useful features of the wallet are denied to them.
<customminer> Peppernrino: vaporbutts is me on reddit lol
<Peppernrino> like voting
<Zach_S> but i know none of the context related to this
<Peppernrino> ok customminer. just so you know i was paying attention. cross promotion, yo.
<Zach_S> Peppernrino, yeah I know that much, one of my favorite games cant work on linux because the launcher uses .NET
<Combined2857> Is there a way to get a reward for the packages I have already analyzed in BOINC before I started with gridcoin ?
<customminer> cool
<customminer> Zach_S: not even with wine?
Asp has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> you should listen to the soundcloud recording zach_s
<Zach_S> i dont use linux
<Peppernrino> clear it rigth up for you
<Peppernrino> maybe
<Peppernrino> you will
<Zach_S> but i know the game doesnt work with it
<Peppernrino> yet
<Zach_S> well maybe someone can get it to work
<jamezz> !stats
<Peppernrino> have you tried wine?
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 29 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 2.9 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00002490 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.46 / RAC (estimated): 9431.7 / magnitude (estimated): 14.48)
<Peppernrino> or bodhi playonlinux?
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> Combined2857, not really. but you'll keep your RAC, so you have a head start on someone starting from scratch.
<spassbold> yay new dev
<Peppernrino> right?
<Zach_S> i barely even know what wine is because as I said I dont use linux
<Combined2857> thanks NeuralMiner
<Zach_S> but I know of the issue
<Peppernrino> wine makes windows things work in linux
<NeuralMiner> no prob.
<Peppernrino> like a virtualization sorta
<spassbold> this is realy realy great news
<GRCB0T> Title: New Coin Launch Announcement - GRC - GridCoin - Page 1165 - Gridcoin GRC - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<jamezz> after finding yet another spare amd cpu/nvidia gpu machine in my closet i think ima do a local linux client with gpu capability
<Peppernrino> jamezz has weird closets.
<Zach_S> i dont understand how its such great news because I dont know about the problems of gridcoin
<Peppernrino> dev'ing costs money and time
<Peppernrino> we have things to fix, and now we have someone to fix them.
<Peppernrino> that's pretty much it.
<Peppernrino> every time we had a problem, we had to bug rob and wait for him to fix it.
<Zach_S> oh
<Zach_S> now I understand
<Peppernrino> :D
* Peppernrino does a celebratory dab
<jamezz> ya me either , i just smoket he stuff
<jamezz> smoke*
<Zach_S> is dab a weed term
<Peppernrino> yes
<Peppernrino> like a vaporizing bong
<customminer> not the dance move
<Peppernrino> yeah i meant the dance move
<Peppernrino> lol
<Zach_S> dance move?
<Zach_S> never heard of it
<Zach_S> at all
<Peppernrino> you throw both of your arms to one side in the air, and place your head in the pocket of the folded elbow
<jamezz> dab is a term , small bit
<jamezz> like a dab vs dollop
<jamezz> :P
<Peppernrino> "a dab'll do ya." - super glue commercial
<Peppernrino> zach_s: watch me whip
<Peppernrino> now watch me nae nae...
Ameo has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<Zach_S> k
<fkinglag> k
<Zach_S> damn it I hate my name, i wanna use my actual IRC name
<Zach_S> but on this network it was already registered
<Zach_S> strange because I joined this network a while back like 6 months ago and it was fine
<Peppernrino> dab ^\
<Zach_S> how do I kick that guy out from my name
<GRCB0T> Title: Hopsin - ILL Mind of Hopsin 8 - YouTube (at
<Peppernrino> dance move
<GRCB0T> Title: Joseph Krug (Pomona College, Claremont) on ResearchGate - Expertise: Algorithms, Software Engineering, Programming Languages (at
<Peppernrino> zach_s: ghost
<Peppernrino> only way
<Zach_S> uh
<Zach_S> what>
<Peppernrino> ghost your nick
<Peppernrino> it tells you when it's available or something
<Peppernrino> and then register it, if they havene't already...
<Zach_S> says not online
<Peppernrino> take it then
<Zach_S> but what I said was it was registered...
<Peppernrino> then you're fucked
<Zach_S> and i thought it might have been me that did it but i think I checked and confirmed it wasnt
<Zach_S> how do I force the guy out of my nick
<Peppernrino> there was people staeling nicks...
<Zach_S> as in unregister him
<Peppernrino> you can't.
<Zach_S> i'll find his house
<Zach_S> IRL
<Zach_S> and make him
<Peppernrino> you can complain to freenode, but they won't take you seriously.
<spassbold> if that's the guy behind augur even that's also perfect publicity wise
<Peppernrino> what's this quant..?
<NeuralMiner> i believe it's what the finance project was crunching for... stock prediction.
<spassbold> quant?
<NeuralMiner> i think.
<Zach_S> whats a quant?
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Finance (at
<spassbold> gridcoin finance i think
<Peppernrino> rob mentioned the new dev would be excited about it
<Zach_S> that site looks horrid
<spassbold> yeah it is
<Peppernrino> hush, you.
<Peppernrino> i like green and black
<Peppernrino> lol
<Zach_S> why the stupid gradients
<spassbold> the new dev also has a background as a quant (predicting stock market)
<Zach_S> im not talking about the color scheme
<Peppernrino> you don't like the buttons?
<spassbold> it's not beautiful no lol
<Peppernrino> or the top?
<Zach_S> i mean the layout and unnecessary gradients and stuff
<Zach_S> on the top and in the log in title box
<Zach_S> they look stupid
<Peppernrino> there's literally 2 gradients.
<Peppernrino> it's not that bad.
<Zach_S> no each of the buttons are gradients too but verticle
<Zach_S> but the point is that it overall looks bad
<Zach_S> though i dont have an account so maybe the screen after you log in looks better
<Peppernrino> maybe if the gradients were switched it would look fine
<Peppernrino> change the flow of the eye to top-down, and left-right
<Peppernrino> instead of top-right
<Zach_S> i should go
<Peppernrino> haha
<Zach_S> im in a complaining mood right now
<Peppernrino> meh
wavis has joined #gridcoin
<Zach_S> im tired anyway
<Peppernrino> holy einstein@home credits.
<Peppernrino> 57,600 today. :)
<Peppernrino> 57,200*
<fkinglag> Peppernrino does the eistein downtime effect WU ?
<Zach_S> i havent been crunching much
<Zach_S> i keep interupting the crunching for several hours at a time
<Peppernrino> not sure fkinglag
<Peppernrino> i could go see if i have work units if you wnat
<Peppernrino> zach_s: stop doing things.
<Zach_S> nah
<Zach_S> i got more witcher 3 to play
<Peppernrino> i forego all types of life in the pursuit of more BOINC.
<Zach_S> at least my laptop is crunching now
<Zach_S> though I had to turn it way down cause of heat problems with the cpu
<Zach_S> im gonna sleep now
* fkinglag tucks in Zach_S
<jamezz> omg i love this project , well least the payout... in 3-4 days payout same as my highest project in the month ive been up and crunching wu's so almost 3 week GRC...
<jamezz> crazy
Chick3nman has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Tahvok> I agree with Zach_S regarding bad layout of the site. I even though of helping customminer with the site regarding design, but then I realized I don't have time for this :(
Chick3nman has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> fkinglag: added a gridcoin logo to the soundcloud recording
<Tahvok> jamezz: you mean payout in credits or in mag?
<fkinglag> u tie ur SC to twatter, customminer?
xarious has joined #gridcoin
<jamezz> both
<jamezz> twice mag
<jamezz> but i see why now
<jamezz> rendering farm
xarious has quit [Client Quit]
<jamezz> so , ok so its equal
<customminer> fkinglag: just added a twitter link
<jamezz> mag and payout are 2x
xarious has joined #gridcoin
<jamezz> is it your twitter i am lurking customminer?
<customminer> @grctester ?
<jamezz> there are @fkinglag's even
<jamezz> ya
<fkinglag> customminer but did you tie your soundcloud to twitter?!
<customminer> yeah
<fkinglag> oh good
<customminer> oh wait no
<customminer> 2secs
<fkinglag> haha
<xarious> Hey Guys, I'm getting a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error when I start my wallet, does anyone know how to fix it?
Ameo has joined #gridcoin
<Tahvok> Ok.. It's freaking hot... Need do cool down
<jamezz> so Tahvok , i cant answer that... unfortunatly i can only give you the 2 peices of info i just did
<Tahvok> !rainactive 20 80
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.54054054 GRC on active users xarious, jamezz, Zach_S, captainolm, Ameo, sbits, Erkan_Yilmaz, GRCB0T, fediverse, Emptybeerbottle, xms, KatBot, HViD, NeuralMiner, wavis, fkinglag, Gunde, SvartH, Dashaiva, Mercosity, greo, squiddly, Peppernrino, spassbold, Sander96, frank0051, dt3105Chat, Chick3nman, Combined2857, Eskorbuto, coinictus, zerolint, Quezacoatl, Musicman9566, Newtronic, customminer, MrControll!
<GRCtip> GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok may the 4 speculating Gridcoin Gods let never let your router go down
<fkinglag> \o/
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
<Ameo> ty
<Combined2857> <3
<jamezz> im just as confused as before and ty
<NeuralMiner> xarious, has your wallet ever worked?
<Tahvok> jamezz: what's up with secrets?
<xarious> yes
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<xarious> @neuralminer yes it worked for a long time just started doing this
<dt3105Chat> Thanks
<customminer> fkinglag: alright, properly linked my twitter to the beyondbitcoin soundcloud account
<Tahvok> Oh.. just saw that you've answered..
<jamezz> well i can copy paste from the manager i dont care i just dont understand beyond just the mag collumn and next to it there is just % so im not sure if there is a 2nd factor im not seeing for magnitude
<customminer> xarious: Check your gridcoinresearch.conf file - if it's empty or corrupted, replace the contents.
<jamezz> no i dont think i did answer it
<fkinglag> yay customminer
<NeuralMiner> can you check the debug file? xarious C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\GridcoinResearch\debug.log
<NeuralMiner> ^also what customminer said
<vega40k> always
<fkinglag> customminer it worked \o/
<jamezz> because i have other machines , just 1 machine my desktop doesnt represent all what 12 my machines
<jamezz> i have 3 in that project..
<xarious> @neuralminer I've got two debug.log
<NeuralMiner> debug.log
<customminer> xarious: gridcoinresearch.conf file ok?
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<NeuralMiner> also check the file cm posted earlier
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<xarious> @customminer yeah gridcoinresearch.conf looks ok
<customminer> xarious: ok, did this just start occuring recently? Like after a hard-crash?
<xarious> @customminer yeah it started happening right after a power outage
<customminer> xarious: Your blockchain could be corrupted in that case.
<customminer> xarious: If there's nothing in the debug.log (last few lines) that look like an obvious error then it's probably the blockchain, the solution to which is backing up (saving, making copies and relocating) the wallet.dat files (including walletbackup folder) and the config file, then delete the rest of the files in the folder. You'll need to start from scratch
<customminer> syncing, so you could use the snapshot to speed up this process. I must reiterate, do not delete the wallet.dat files under any circumstances (these are your coins).
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<Mercosity> Tanks!!
<fkinglag> I made a thing!!!!!!
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<Emptybeerbottle> Anything happening today?
<Tahvok> I need to revive my blog as well..
<xarious> @customminer great the client is opening again, i'm just re downloading the block chain now, thanks a lot!
<customminer> xarious: Excellent, great to hear :)
<customminer> fkinglag: "a bit of a s crew" you mean a small crew?
<Tahvok> Can anyone give a link to soundcloud?
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Hangout #001 by Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud (at
<Quezacoatl> that one?
<fkinglag> oops
<Mercosity> Just had my server freeze for the 1st time! Whammo!
<Peppernrino> want to clarify: a dab is more about the act of "dabbing" the substance onto the nail than the size of the "dab" itself.
<bugzc> Does anyone know how much approx the blockchain currently occupies on disk?
<customminer> bugzc: 632MB
<Peppernrino> 1.58GB
<customminer> LOL
<Peppernrino> for the neural network
<customminer> ah yeah for the neural network
<fkinglag> customminer, fixed
<customminer> fkinglag: cool :)
<fkinglag> ty
<bugzc> Ty
<fkinglag> !tip customminer 1
<GRCtip> fkinglag tipped customminer 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> fkinglag: Yeah, see how those bots instantly posted to your thread too?
<fkinglag> which ones?
<Mercosity> Running in outta space!?
<Peppernrino> steemit bots?
<fkinglag> the asimov one is defs a bot
<fkinglag> so annoying
<customminer> fkinglag: Yeah, the asimov one, and a couple that just say 'cool post, upvoted.'
<Mercosity> DreamIt bots.
<customminer> fkinglag: The steem community is working out how to counter bots like this
<fkinglag> ah
<Mercosity> On the Jazz.
<Mercosity> Server back up again, nothing termainal - just said enoughs enough.
<Mercosity> termainal - now thats a word?
<Mercosity> Blue sky dreaming!
<Ameo> fkinglag: great post! There's a dead link in the quote tho
<fkinglag> yeah Ameo, it's because steemit's link thing to leave the site is broken
* fkinglag shrugs
<fkinglag> isn't working, yet? AFAIK
<fkinglag> and thx for the retweet Peppernrino <3
<fkinglag> !tip Peppernrino 1
<GRCtip> fkinglag tipped Peppernrino 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> steem power gains interest.
<Peppernrino> hm.
<Peppernrino> i like the shit out of this thing.
<Peppernrino> ty fkinglag. :)
<Tahvok> customminer: could you add a list of the users present in hangout?
<customminer> Tahvok: I don't have an exact list of those who attended
<customminer> myself RTMoney Fuzzy peppernrino fkinglag mercosity Erkan NeuralMiner brindleswan caraka... erm..
<customminer> ok I'll throw those into the description, anyone else present that I can't remember? rino?
<fkinglag> too bad fucking Phay wasn't there
<NeuralMiner> that's all i can remember too.
<NeuralMiner> oh, spass
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<customminer> oh yeah
<Mercosity> Shame there isn't a copy of the texts as Well?
<vega40k> !tip Peppernrino 0.1
<GRCtip> vega40k tipped Peppernrino 0.1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fkinglag> Mercosity on the contrary...
<Mercosity> Off camera stuff.
<fkinglag> although why would you want any of that shit?
<vega40k> !rainactive 3.1
<fkinglag> it's just Peppernrino and I saying fork you to me
<Mercosity> Come on - Transparency.
<GRCtip> Sorry vega40k, your rain to active users (3.1 GRC) is too small (min. 0.1 GRC). Increase the amount or decrease max active users.
<vega40k> withdraw now
<vega40k> .....
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<customminer> Mercosity: Good point, lessons learned - screenshot of attendees and pastebin of chat.
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<fkinglag> I can give you this
<fkinglag> because I don't care I guess
<customminer> vega40k: It means that you're tipping less than 0.1 GRC to each active user rather than your balance being less than 0.1 GRC
<Tahvok> A brief introduction of who's speaking would be great as well
<vega40k> yes i know , sry
<Tahvok> I'm kinda lost of who's who..
<xarious> @customminer I just finished downloading the blockchain and everything is back up and running, thanks for your help!
<vega40k> !tip xarious 1
<GRCtip> vega40k tipped xarious 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<vega40k> u are welcome
<xarious> thanks!
<Mercosity> You know that people always want to know what the chat was about. Gives them an insight into the people they're dealing with.
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<Mercosity> Aleviates fear of the unknown. After all it takes a certain amount of commitment.
<Tahvok> No need to feel sorry, it's the first hangout. Just take a note, and make sure to implement the 'fixes' next time
<fkinglag> here's the chat log from mumble during the hangout
<GRCB0T> Title: TheP(aste) - For all your pasting needs! (at
CarloGD has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Good man.
<fkinglag> it was nothing
<fkinglag> lots of it will be incoherent without the context of the audio running alongside
<CarloGD> hello!
<fediverse> hi
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<CarloGD> anyone can help syncin wallet? Downloaded but dont know how to apply it
<Peppernrino> customminer, tahvok: i think i took a screenie of attendees
<Mercosity> Yeah I know still makes interesting reading. Whilst listening to the unedited version including the preamble.
<NeuralMiner> what OS CarloGD
<CarloGD> NeuralMiner Win10
<NeuralMiner> !snapshot
<fediverse> You can download Gridcoin's blockchain faster:
<fediverse> 1. as admin, inside the wallet: Go to menu: "Rebuild Block Chain" > "Download Blocks", or
<fediverse> (help how to use the snapshot via command: !snapshot howto )
<NeuralMiner> !snapshot howto
<fediverse> 1. get the archived snapshot zip file via command: !snapshot
<fediverse> 2. navigate to data dir: e.g. for windows: /%appdata%/GridcoinResearch/ and for linux: /home/your_user/.GridcoinResearch/
<fediverse> 3. delete everything, except: gridcoinresearch.conf, wallet.dat and walletbackup folder
<fediverse> (make also sure that your .conf file has uptodate Gridcoin nodes, see (or !addnodes) )
<fediverse> 4. extract the snapshot to folder from step2
<fediverse> 5. launch the Gridcoin client
<GRCB0T> Title: List of Addnodes - Gridcoin (at
<NeuralMiner> there yo ugo CarloGD
<Mercosity> Efficiency!
<CarloGD> NeuralMiner thanks a lot!!
<Tahvok> Anyone has info of what's up with Katiee?
<Tahvok> The hangout just spoke of her :P
<NeuralMiner> no prob CarloGD
<CarloGD> NeuralMiner and how to know mine GRC adress
<NeuralMiner> click "receive coins"
<Peppernrino> customminer: can we maybe edit the chat to be more coherent, and paste it with the description on soundcloud?
<CarloGD> NeuralMiner Ok, ty!! o/
<Peppernrino> !tip neuralminer 1
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped neuralminer 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> !tip erkan_yilmaz 1
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped erkan_yilmaz 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<NeuralMiner> good lookin out homie
<customminer> Peppernrino: maybe if we have the chat log?
<customminer> ah cool we've got the chat log, a screenshot of the attendees would be handy, I'm pretty sure we've covered most users
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
<Gunde> Thanks guys for that hangout 10/10 dudes
<Gunde> Really enjoy listen to it and got great thought if the things in topic.
<vega40k> !google mumble
<Gunde> As meantion before in forum about the challanges it would need some rethink about it and about WCG there "might" be more health to it for now to project rain and to step up the share of magnitude to this and others more.
<Gunde> I will try to give more value and as i promised i will rain again to it.
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
<Gunde> Others thoght was great and you guys did agree to an got similair thought as you.
<Gunde> I enjoy it and i bet that new user will do it to.
<customminer> Gunde: Thanks :)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !mumble cc vega40k
<fediverse> see here how you can join a mumble session yourself:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud (at
<customminer> Gunde: Your attendance would be most welcome next time too :D
<Gunde> I might join next time
<customminer> cool, you don't need to talk - listening and typing in the chat window is sufficient if shy :)
<customminer> I think several users may be permanently idling there too
<Gunde> It was great to se a view from dev and those who are more informed to cryptocurrency and been in gridcoin far longer then me. My experience is mostly only for boinc and so on.
* fkinglag grumbles
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<customminer> Gunde: Listened to the entire thing?
<Gunde> Yepp
<Gunde> 2hours 18min 33 sec
<fkinglag> >4 hours including the overtime
<customminer> Gunde: cool
<Gunde> Fuzzy taking over alot at end but i like it
<fkinglag> lol
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<Peppernrino> this multiple posting media madness is going well.
<Peppernrino> !steemit
<customminer> Gunde: Yeah, he's very enthusiastic about BeyondBitcoin and Steem, but to be fair we were asking him direct questions & it was just natural flow of conversation. We had pretty much covered all voted upon BOINC/Gridcoin topics by that point.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I didn't ask him questions, but he chipped in himself on my comments about BeyondBitcoin ;-)
<Peppernrino> is there any sort of affiliate sign up page for steem?
<Peppernrino> !steemit
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<Peppernrino> :D
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
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<Peppernrino> there. did some retweets with pepper's account. should get way more exposure now.
<Peppernrino> she has a little over 18K followers now. :D
<Peppernrino> and it's around lunch time in america
<Mercosity> T'was good.
<fkinglag> \o/
<Gunde> customminer: yea notice that from his channel, hard to say stop to. Great view after all so no problem for me.
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<customminer> Peppernrino: nice one :D just pm'd you after having noticed that on my email haha
<customminer> Peppernrino: No, I don't believe there's an affiliate system.. there should be though.
<customminer> Gunde: He's also the guy providing the mumble server/room, so I wouldn't want to ask him to stop lol. We can edit afterwards if it goes too off-topic, we felt it was beneficial for the rest of the community to hear about steem plans.
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<Yoduza> trump tu ru rump
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<Emptybeerbottle> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: Emptybeerbottle (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
<Peppernrino> wow 23 plays on the soundcloud already!
<Emptybeerbottle> Nice.
<Peppernrino> indeed.
<Peppernrino> got some strong ears out there..
<Peppernrino> customminer: it IS still beta... we'll see what the future brings.
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.2 GRC on active users dt3105Chat, Erkan_Yilmaz, HViD, Ameo, greo, Tahvok, jamezz, customminer, Musicman9566, coinictus, fkinglag, Gunde, Dashaiva, stevescoins, xarious, Mercosity, spassbold, NeuralMiner, zerolint, wavis! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino may the 2 speculating Gridcoin Gods let your wife satisfy all your needs
<customminer> yeah man, pretty cool we've got a few listeners already :)
<Ameo> ty :)
<Peppernrino> i figured 30 people EVER, would listen to it.
<Peppernrino> almost 30 in 5h
<Peppernrino> this is great.
<Peppernrino> np ameo
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.2 GRC on active users d_o_c, Musicman9566, HViD, Emptybeerbottle, bugzc, NeuralMiner, GRCB0T, jamezz, Erkan_Yilmaz, fediverse, stevescoins, Yoduza, Ameo, Quezacoatl, Dashaiva, spassbold, CarloGD, wavis, zerolint, Zach_S! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino may the 2 busy Gridcoin Gods let 3 of your haters fall in a coma this instant
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Peppernrino \o/
<Peppernrino> noooooo
<Peppernrino> you're nothing without haters. :(
<kopykat> ty pper
<Peppernrino> !rain 42 42
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 1 GRC on TyphooN-, slimeball, fediverse, xarious, u77, apc, cell, Expanse, Chick3nman, d_o_c, HViD, CircinusPrime, wavis, Ameo, marix, GRCB0T, Terravale, Phay, MrControll, pro, SudoNull-, vega40k, bugzc, pine_cone, Dashaiva, psychu, leetsp33ch, Emptybeerbottle, Yoduza, MPenguin, ChanServ, sbits, frank0051, Gary760, m1ndgames, Corosauce, captainolm, IRC_Brokenware, Jonbvn, WhitesoxCrypto, Hooker63, cha
<GRCtip> "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino is always welcome at our parties
* MrControll begins handing out coffee.
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Peppernrino \o/
<MrControll> ...blaze it?
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<Peppernrino> not blaze it, die antwoord
<Peppernrino> tha fackin ansur...
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<stevescoins> nice
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Emptybeerbottle_ is now known as Emptybeerbottle
<Gunde> customminer: Only got goo feedback, no need was more then great as hangout so no problem as i can see for it. But next time some balance for all the mic might be great, was low volume for few.
* Peppernrino wipes off the goo
<Mercosity> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 5 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00001384 / $ (per day): $0.01 / $ (per 30 days): $0.25 / RAC (estimated): 4024.2 / magnitude (estimated): 7.66)
<NeuralMiner> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 1220.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.01101926 / $ (per day): $6.76 / $ (per 30 days): $202.66 / RAC (estimated): 1742767.3 / magnitude (estimated): 6,101.47)
<customminer> Gunde: Yeah, the problem is that every user has setup their audio differently and has different mics
<customminer> brb dinner
<Gunde> k
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00000935,"Low":0.00000838,"Volume":35269.66965739,"Last":0.00000903,"BaseVolume":0.31042919,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-01T18:52:33.28","Bid":0.00000903,"Ask":0.00000935,"OpenBuyOrders":84,"OpenSellOrders":587,"PrevDay":0.00000844,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<Peppernrino> i'm gonna do some testing if anybody wants to join me
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000902 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000909 BTC, min: 0.00000835 BTC, change: 6.75%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<Peppernrino> maybe later
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000903 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<Peppernrino> ahem
<Ameo> damn Neural; that's pretty legit
<Emptybeerbottle> Nice, back up to 900
<Peppernrino> gunde: you feel like testing mics?
<Peppernrino> i'm gonna do some recordings and make sure my voice isn't so stonery
<Mercosity> Should have a sound check and introduction for each member who wants to talk.
<Peppernrino> yeah.
<Peppernrino> q'uelle bon idee
<Gunde> Peppernrino: sure anytime
<Peppernrino> alright. maybe we'll set up a sound test for later
<Gunde> k
<Peppernrino> where in the world are you? is it late?
<Mercosity> who?
<Peppernrino> gunde
<Mercosity> EU
<Peppernrino> mercosity: did you have push-to-talk enabled?
<Gunde> 21:08
<Peppernrino> oh ok, maybe we should do it now then :P
<Mercosity> Yes on my mouse.
<Gunde> ^^
<Peppernrino> i'm gonna test the yeti pro. the webcam mic leaves something to be desired
<Peppernrino> i was using a c920
<Gunde> ok fire it up and see
<Mercosity> Headphones and mike. Sure you can still hear lots of background noise though.
<Peppernrino> k i gotta install a driver first :P
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci for your 3 rains, Peppernrino
<wavis> fediverse: !usd
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !usd cc wavis
<KatBot> $1 USD = 183.63705139 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5554$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.63$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.55598613$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
MrControll has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 47.0.1/20160623154057]]
* Peppernrino sets switch to cardioid, and watches the magic of driver installs...
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<Gunde> let the magic do the thing
<NeuralMiner> thanks Ameo
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Musicman9566 has joined #gridcoin
<caraka> morning peeps
<Musicman9566> :-) Hello from a newbie
<caraka> welcome Musicman9566
<Musicman9566> Thank you, have gotten some good help here
<caraka> have you got your boinc and wallet all set up?
<NeuralMiner> sup caraka
<Musicman9566> Yes, and doing a little mining
<NeuralMiner> customminer, did we ever decide on whether to put wuprop up for vote?
<caraka> nice Musicman9566
<caraka> just flipped this media machine from ubuntu wily to jessie, rebuilding all the toys
<caraka> including irc :P
<Emptybeerbottle> Welcome Musicman9566!
<Musicman9566> Thanks Emptybeerbottle
<Musicman9566> Glad to be here
<Musicman9566> I would like to say to say thanks to whoever is responsible for "raining" some gridcoins my way. Not sure how it all works but it sure is nice to check my balance and find a little "egg" in the nest.
<caraka> If it turned up magicaly in your wallet is is project rain.
<caraka> Someone in the same project or competition is showering you..
<stevescoins> that would be nice of them
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<customminer> morning caraka
<customminer> NeuralMiner: I think a vote on wuprop is a good idea, I believe we agreed to give non-ssl projects some extra time
<Peppernrino> yo caraka
<Peppernrino> the mumble chat is on FIRE btw
<caraka> excellent Peppernrino!
<NeuralMiner> customminer, cool. i think voting on wuprop right away is a great idea. are you setting it up, or is it something i can do?
<caraka> I trust you knocked it down to about 100MB?
<customminer> NeuralMiner: agreed
<Musicman9566> caraka Is that someone who is working on the same project(s) as I am and have succeeded to reap gridcoin from that project?
<Peppernrino> we're doing mic checks
<Peppernrino> mercosity sounds a million times better. me too. and erkan
<Peppernrino> it's very nice
<customminer> caraka: no, like 1.2GB lols
<customminer> took a few hours to upload haha
<customminer> Does anyone want to take the initiative regarding contacting non-ssl projects on their ssl status?
<customminer> There's like 8-10 affected projects
<NeuralMiner> i'll do it.
<caraka> You can get high quality voice nly audio down to about 50MB per half hour. :P
<caraka> I do it for my radio show every week
<GRCB0T> Title: Project SSL Certifications (at
<customminer> caraka: what tool would you use to do that?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Gunde: any probs with the audio ?
<NeuralMiner> cool. i'll get started on it.
Musicman9566 has quit []
<Gunde> i´m fine
<Erkan_Yilmaz> good
<caraka> customminer: I don't see climateprediction in your list anywhere on that post. Am I blind?
<customminer> caraka: good point, I don't have climateprediction on the list and it doesn't have SSL
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<Erkan_Yilmaz> who wants to test their mics in the mumble ? now is the time
<Erkan_Yilmaz> 4 people there
<GRCB0T> Title: grcnode/ at master · grctest/grcnode · GitHub (at
<customminer> (doesn't include cpdn either)
<Peppernrino> caraka: the output was the same as the input.
<Peppernrino> 48K .wav
<Peppernrino> no sacrificing quality for time. i had to install the program. it'll go much faster next time.
<Peppernrino> i'll just do it the day of.
<caraka> next time just SaveAs 96kbps, 32bit mp3 or ogg and you'll cut that in half with no loss of quality
<caraka> and soundcloud will thank you, and so will those on metered connections
<Peppernrino> fine
<caraka> There will be a 'radio' preset in your software for export. use that and its settings
<Tahvok> Hey caraka!
<caraka> good evening Tahvok
<caraka> are you compiling your AURs with qt5?
<Tahvok> I found a bug, I think in qt.. And not sure how to debug it
<Tahvok> caraka: of course, you already asked that a few times :)
<caraka> and if so, has your app indicator disappeared with qt5?
<caraka> just checking? :P
<Tahvok> app indicator?
<Tahvok> What's that?
<Tahvok> You mean the systray?
<caraka> It disappeared then. :D
<caraka> yes
<Tahvok> Nop
<Tahvok> It's there for me
<caraka> interesting. I thought so
<caraka> It's a Unity bug, not a qt5 bug
<Tahvok> Could you help me debug the issue I'm having?
<caraka> It's still there for me in debian. but not in ubuntu unity
<Peppernrino> caraka: "At the time of this writing, SoundCloud converts all uploads to 128kbps Mp3 format for streaming purposes."
<Peppernrino> :o
<Peppernrino> so fuck it then
<caraka> perfect Peppernrino!
<caraka> yeah, fuck it
<Peppernrino> might as well give them what they want
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> should i rerender?
<caraka> nope
<Peppernrino> or do we like the play count?
<Peppernrino> lol
<caraka> they are doing it for you
<NeuralMiner> customminer, we're not worried about any projects rated C or above, correct?
<Peppernrino> oh yeah
<Peppernrino> der
<NeuralMiner> just fail/broken/no ssl?
<caraka> derpp
<Peppernrino> hm
<Peppernrino> so if it's already 128, would they convert it again?
<customminer> NeuralMiner: Yeah, C and above is better than nothing. Fail/Broken(mismatched/T)/no-ssl are the priority to remove.
<caraka> which means, redord, edit and upload. thye do the rest
<Peppernrino> that would eb fucked up
<Tahvok> If you go to the 'send to' window, and click on 'amount' box, your all wallet is getting stuck, and according to top, it just keeps allocating more memory, as if there's a memory leak
<caraka> ouch
<customminer> not in ubuntu, though I think caraka's client is still using qt4 than qt5, right?
<caraka> I havn't seen that one
<Tahvok> I have checked with someone on ubuntu, and he didn't have this problem
<Tahvok> So I think it's happening with latest qt5 (as arch has everything latest)
<caraka> stable is built with qt5, daily is built with qt4. I'm studying the differences
<Tahvok> Could you help me to debug it somehow?
<caraka> it could be something with the latest qt5. We've had to tweak just to use the older qt5, as you know
<Tahvok> I have no idea where to start with c++ debuging..
<caraka> first thing is to capture the build log and we'll pick through all the errors
<NeuralMiner> customminer, looks like collatz is now getting a B rating. nice.
<customminer> cool
<caraka> they are mostly harmless errors because of all the old code, which makes finding real errors difficult
<Tahvok> There are no errors during the build, only warnings
<Tahvok> I'll capture it now
<Tahvok> A huge paste incoming
<caraka> don't paste it here you will get kicked automatically!
<Tahvok> I'm not that stupid :D
<GRCB0T> Title: Themerkle - Brave Bitcoin Browser Secures Funding And Announces September Launch - NEWS - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<caraka> actually, if we're going to talk about a potential security issue, let's go to PM
<Peppernrino> we need to make a gridcoin browser
<Peppernrino> wtf
<Peppernrino> tahvok: pastebin.
<caraka> Tahvok actually, if we're going to talk about a potential security issue, let's go to PM
<Peppernrino> stupid.
<caraka> don;lt put the pastebin here
<Tahvok> caraka: is it a security issue?
<caraka> possibly
<Peppernrino> ^
<caraka> we have a PM open
<Tahvok> Yeah
<Tahvok> I'm just building now, will paste there as soon as it finishes
<caraka> no worries
spassbold has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Tahvok> Just trying to understand: how could this be a security issue?
<caraka> PM
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<GRCB0T> Title: Anonymous auf Twitter: "Pika, Pikaaaa! Pokémon GO Creator & Niantic CEO's Twitter Account Hacked & His password was" (at
<Peppernrino> customminer: wavis was also at the chat
xarious has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> yeah
<wavis> huh?
<wavis> I'm a noob. still trying to find a working RPM download or source...
boswald has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> whatsa rpm?
<Tahvok> Were there rpm packages?
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: ... be part of it ...]
<NeuralMiner> RPM package manager, Peppernrino. ironically enough.
<NeuralMiner> used to stand for red hat package manager.
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
<Tahvok> Not sure if suse packages would work on other distros..
<Tahvok> It appears that it does create fedora packages..
<Tahvok> wavis: what distro do you have?
Musicman9566 has joined #gridcoin
<wavis> Tahvok fedora 23. I can't find an RPM download from the links on though
<Tahvok> You can find the download links at the bottom
<Tahvok> customminer: not sure if I said it already, but I've been thinking of moving the download links to separate page, and creating a big 'Download' button at the top near the logo
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !wallet linux
<fediverse> get the Gridcoin wallet software for your linux OS from here:
<fediverse> see also
<Tahvok> Exactly because of this problem
<GRCB0T> Title: gridcoin-stable : “Gridcoin” team (at
<GRCB0T> Title: gridcoin-daily : “Gridcoin” team (at
<GRCB0T> Title: AUR (en) - gridcoinresearch-qt (at
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<wavis> I've clicked through just about everything I could find on that "Marix's OpenSuse & Fedora RPMs" link Tahvok
HighTower24 has joined #gridcoin
<Tahvok> I just clicked on 'fedora 23' on the right...
<wavis> thanks. maybe I just need coffee.
<wavis> I could swear I did that
<Tahvok> Also, it's a working repository
<Tahvok> You might want to add it to the fedoras package manager, and install it from there
<Tahvok> Then update from this repo as well
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<customminer> Tahvok: If we point users towards download buttons as the first thing they see, they'll ignore tutorials and run into issues with configuration.
<CptFlashbang> Hello everybody
<Erkan_Yilmaz> hi CptFlashbang
<fediverse> hello, gentle people of the Gridcoin world.
<CptFlashbang> I havent used this program for a while...
<CptFlashbang> Erkan_Yilmaz, is this how it works
<CptFlashbang> Erkan_Yilmaz, whats new in the GRC world?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !news
<fediverse> 'wcg challenge starts on august 2' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-01 23:13)
<fediverse> 'audio file of the gridcoin conference released:' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-01 23:13)
<fediverse> 'please suggest/vote for the topics (1) for this saturday's audio conference. the leading topics are: (2). (1) (2)' (by: Erkan, 2016-07-27 01:22)
<GRCB0T> Title: Dev of Augur, Truthcoin and former options trader is the new dev for Gridcoin! : gridcoin (at
<fediverse> ( -> Do you want to add Gridcoin related news? See the help for adding/showing news: !news howto)
<GRCB0T> Title: take part in the World Community Grid challenge (August 2-9) + get Gridcoins : gridcoin (at
<GRCB0T> Title: [Announcement] Gridcoin Hangout #001 Released! (SoundCloud) -€” Steemit : gridcoin (at
TyphooN` has joined #gridcoin
<Tahvok> customminer: I don't see any other wallet worrying of their user not finding the tutorial when they want to know how to use it/mine for it
<customminer> Tahvok: Yeah, except we've got a complicated system - pool vs solo vs investor
<Tahvok> Yeah I know that.. But most users still want to download first - deal with questions/issues later..
<Tahvok> That's just the logic of most simple users..
<apc> kill 'em all and let science sort it out!
<lestus> lol
<Peppernrino> god is missing
<jamezz> here lets piss people off , before i lay back down and lets goto my desktop with my laptop and do this!!
<slimeball> !rainactive 4.2528767
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! slimeball rained 0.1329024 GRC on active users CptFlashbang, MrControll, fkinglag, YajuuSenpai, stevescoins, Gunde, Tahvok, AJG, NeuralMiner, lestus, Mercosity, jamezz, KatBot, fediverse, Peppernrino, HighTower24, kopykat, customminer, Ameo, Erkan_Yilmaz, xms, GRCB0T, zerolint, greo, Bouowmx, tom12, wavis, Emptybeerbottle, apc, caraka, vasifumi, Yoduza! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> slimeball I hope you like these 3 muffins from this very fresh muffin basket
<jamezz> !rainactive 22.84526207
<CptFlashbang> oh, hey Peppernrino. Didnt know about the news command, nice add
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! jamezz rained 0.71391444 GRC on active users KatBot, NeuralMiner, lestus, apc, stevescoins, caraka, kopykat, vasifumi, Gunde, MrControll, slimeball, zerolint, fkinglag, Mercosity, Yoduza, greo, customminer, wavis, Peppernrino, Bouowmx, fediverse, xms, Tahvok, Ameo, YajuuSenpai, GRCB0T, CptFlashbang, tom12, Erkan_Yilmaz, HighTower24, AJG, Emptybeerbottle! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> jamezz may your green-up-arrow always stay green
<xms> thx
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks guys! \o/
<MrControll> ...WOOP
<Bouowmx> oi
<Yoduza> thanks
<apc> tytyty
<stevescoins> ty both!
<jamezz> thats all i had there... its only a lil sorry
<CptFlashbang> wow, thansk
<jamezz> but i always just toss it at you guys... but i had some saved here
<Tahvok> !rainactive 20 80
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.625 GRC on active users fkinglag, Emptybeerbottle, KatBot, greo, Yoduza, customminer, tom12, CptFlashbang, NeuralMiner, Peppernrino, wavis, Ameo, fediverse, caraka, zerolint, xms, slimeball, GRCB0T, Bouowmx, MrControll, AJG, jamezz, Mercosity, kopykat, lestus, HighTower24, Gunde, Erkan_Yilmaz, vasifumi, stevescoins, apc, YajuuSenpai! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok you are making the other rain-makers stand in awe to you :-)
<jamezz> usually i dont rain what u toss at me here... i mean the whole point... but always ALWAYS every cent there
<xms> thx
<MrControll> ...I'm going to fetch the rain bucket
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
<CptFlashbang> Does anybody know if GRC has real world value?
<jamezz> now back to laying down , shitty day they screwed me over on my grandmothers funeral and changed it last minute so i was at the cemitary and all services were 1hr north of seattle... soooo have a nice day ppl... enjoy mining... i am enjoying that part... and learning
<jamezz> yes it does
<apc> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 179.99419947 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5405$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.63$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.549$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<jamezz> and being early in it , im sure will be nice... like early stock options at microsoft :P
<jamezz> like when in the USA gold and marijuana were the same price per ounce
<jamezz> $220
<jamezz> now weeds $160 and gold is like $1200
<Bouowmx> ayy
<customminer> CptFlashbang: Yes
<HViD> I'd still rather have an ounce of weed :D
<stevescoins> good for potheads...better for goldbugs lol
<jamezz> i see a future in GRC... and on that note... i do have another 4th amd cpu nvidia gpu box i found around the house.. #3 , im sure the P4 ill pimp i got 4gb for it and a 3.2ghz dual core cpu and since the rest in house are windows cept mac ima go linux
<jamezz> no good for people whom had gold
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00000935,"Low":0.00000838,"Volume":34767.66254757,"Last":0.00000900,"BaseVolume":0.30688068,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-01T21:35:32.66","Bid":0.00000892,"Ask":0.00000906,"OpenBuyOrders":84,"OpenSellOrders":588,"PrevDay":0.00000845,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<jamezz> wish i had invested , i blew threw so many oz back when prices were the same
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000876 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000909 BTC, min: 0.00000835 BTC, change: 3.55%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.0009 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<apc> I traded my gold for silver
<jamezz> like 1999-2000 really 2001 is what bit it
<apc> so I could put it in a little kiddy pool and swim in it
<jamezz> i like your thinking apc
<CptFlashbang> See I would like to have a dedicated mining rig but... money
<HViD> Are memory/hdd something to worry about when crunching boinc?
<apc> I think it depends on the project
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<jamezz> i helped a friend move , and he said i could keep any change i find.... found a coin that was $5 and i had no idea... he said keep it.. ended up being a 1/4oz gold... I got $380 for it gold weight in 2010.
<NeuralMiner> is there a guide on how to create a wallet vote?
<MrControll> O.o
<jamezz> i dont know how , and i looked
<jamezz> i know how to use google
<jamezz> i thought the damn howto is missing lots of info , also the google cloud thing could be re-written... there some easlier steps if anyone wants to take advantage of them...
<jamezz> it took me weeks , even asking questions here and hanging here for get things working
<jamezz> to*
<apc> indeed I found the howto to assume the user knows a lot more than a newbie can be expected to know
<jamezz> and i follow guides very well.. i mean it worked solo
<NeuralMiner> customminer, how long does a poll usually run for? i'm looking at the addpoll command.
<customminer> NeuralMiner: 2 weeks for a whitelist, a month for foundation
<NeuralMiner> cool.
<NeuralMiner> 2 weeks it is.
<lestus> i'm onboard with WCG challenge
<lestus> switched active projects on all rigs already
<Peppernrino> maybe make a steem post about the poll?
<Peppernrino> :)
<lestus> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 27 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 38.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00034475 / $ (per day): $0.21 / $ (per 30 days): $6.34 / RAC (estimated): 329998.4 / magnitude (estimated): 191.53)
greo has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<apc> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 10.5 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00009433 / $ (per day): $0.06 / $ (per 30 days): $1.74 / RAC (estimated): 92305.5 / magnitude (estimated): 52.41)
<apc> hrm my research owed is always 0
<apc> and I only ever get PoR payments. haven't gotten a PoS yet
<Peppernrino> oh snap!
<Peppernrino> i should probably be getting pepper to post the steemit things to tumblr as well
<Peppernrino> !!!
<Peppernrino> that's a lot more exposure, to people that aren't necessarily following you.
<Quezacoatl> !stats
<fediverse> user not found: Quezacoatl (Contact Erkan_Yilmaz to get your CPID included. Until then: you can also use '!cpid someCPIDhere', but that cpid gets then known by others)
<Quezacoatl> ah :)
fediverse has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Mercosity> !stats
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Quezacoatl you are added, try again please. cc Mercosity
<Quezacoatl> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 0 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 0.8 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00000747 / $ (per day): $0.00 / $ (per 30 days): $0.14 / RAC (estimated): 303.0 / magnitude (estimated): 4.15)
<Quezacoatl> which CPID did you add for me? ;) I have quite some
<Erkan_Yilmaz> yes, I just saw, you have like 10 or so :-)
<NeuralMiner> damn son.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> see PM, Quezacoatl
<apc> anyone else use BAM and have old detached projects popping up on hosts while still being detached?
<NeuralMiner> yeah. happens randomly.
<NeuralMiner> bam can be buggy at times.
<NeuralMiner> especially if you set up groups.
<apc> I'm getting it all the time on all hosts
<apc> daily anyway
<NeuralMiner> weird. i definitely dont get it that often. if you attach it in bam, sync, then detach again, does it clear them?
<apc> they clear when I manually sync
<apc> but they come back
<apc> and there's no way to remove them from the project list in bam
<NeuralMiner> the hosts? you can uncheck "attach".
<apc> yeah, they aren't attached
<apc> and I'll do a detach-all
<apc> no way to remove the projects
<NeuralMiner> yeah, i've had problems with attach/detach all.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci for the 3 rains in 2 mins, jamezz slimeball Tahvok
<NeuralMiner> nope. projects cant be deleted as far as i could find.
<jamezz> np
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
<jamezz> yall hit me , bout time i do something back that isnt reflection of drops
<apc> whenever I catch them coming back I'm going through, setting them to no new work and resetting them
<apc> maybe they're trying to resume old work before detaching for reals
<apc> but I don't wanna deal with it on all my different hosts
<NeuralMiner> nah, that's what "delayed detach" does; waits until WUs finish then detaches.
<apc> hrmm
<apc> screwy
<jamezz> man , i think i <3 BURP
<jamezz> its ram dependant as hell but <3
<apc> hmm I have 32gigs in this box. enough?
<jamezz> my desktop has 32gb yes
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<jamezz> even a dual core athlon with 6gb seems fine as its running on a headless box in the livingroom
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<jamezz> but linux it bitched needs 4gb min
<jamezz> 2 linux binarys under it i guess , 1 6gb 1 4gb
<jamezz> windows seems 6gb is fine too
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<jamezz> over other ram intensive projects i tried on my 9590/32gb/gtx750ti so far BURP doin my system best
<jamezz> but thats just me
<jamezz> i love seeing like customminer's post earlier and his 16 cores
<apc> how can you tell your performance? and how can you tell it's ram intensive? just from watching the process?
<jamezz> well , i watched the linux cli terminal when i requested in linux
<jamezz> got 2 4 proc 3.8gb google cloud instances crunching cpu
boswald has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<jamezz> works better than the doc's on the $300/60day 2 cpu x 1.8gb 4 machines
<jamezz> handles higher load rojects
<jamezz> projects*
<jamezz> hope that helps someone..
<lestus> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 27 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 38.3 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00034475 / $ (per day): $0.21 / $ (per 30 days): $6.36 / RAC (estimated): 329998.4 / magnitude (estimated): 191.53)
<jamezz> startup has been grueling
<jamezz> !stats
<fediverse> your next staked block will get you: 34 GRC (research owed)
<fediverse> per day, average: 2.9 GRC
<fediverse> (BTC (per day): 0.00002606 / $ (per day): $0.02 / $ (per 30 days): $0.48 / RAC (estimated): 9431.7 / magnitude (estimated): 14.48)
<jamezz> heh , i had to force a cpid reset
<jamezz> bet that is linked to the old one
<lestus> ouch
<lestus> bet that was painful
<jamezz> well it went back to investor and not pool mining
<jamezz> so now that its working and boinc mining
<jamezz> and pool mining
<jamezz> it was worth it
<jamezz> get like 77GRC PoR
<jamezz> got*
<apc> do you use an account manager? bam? I'm checking out the others. just need to be able to sync everything together plus on androids
<jamezz> im using Katiee's and that is the 2nd resource that said HAY! join #gridcoin on freenode for help
<jamezz> the main howto said to come here too
<jamezz> quiet inviting and very welcoming webage
<jamezz> i dont know if i spelled that right , quiet as in very much
<jamezz> i have issues with her manager and linux and boinctui
<jamezz> thats only issue ive had so far
<jamezz> windows , or linux with the windows manager is kosher
<lestus> boinctui issues?
<lestus> really?
<jamezz> its a graphical user interface program for linux that uses ncurses
<lestus> like what?
<jamezz> like htop
<jamezz> well
<jamezz> i can make it do it now and paste
<lestus> i use it yes
<jamezz> stupid boinctui cant copy paste sec i did a screen shot.. its when removing projects
<jamezz> ive had it do it on all
<Peppernrino> there we go. got all my computers on ethernet connections now. no more downtime.
<jamezz> that is why i changed from 4 x 2 cpu vps's also
<jamezz> 1 and 4 was the only one without the issue
<jamezz> then bam
<jamezz> :(
<jamezz> lemme upload
<GRCB0T> Title: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (at
<jamezz> so im stuck with BURP on that , i just suspend it
<jamezz> im sure can do CLI , but im lazy
<jamezz> actually , maybe not , i think that is why i have 2 instances of it in her manager
<jamezz> I thought , from the how-to i had to use her site and not to use bam.
<jamezz> my tablets and win/lin even my unsupported boinc client running for its day to come again ppc64-linux all talk to it
Emptybeerbottle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<jamezz> so , not knowing or using bam but for a second before GRC was brought to my attention I do not know BAM. That's like downloading WCG and it taking over your BOINC client
<jamezz> lol...
kondiomir has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> like a sentence generator...
<Peppernrino> what the fuck man?
fediverse has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<NeuralMiner> lol
<slimeball> lick me
<slimeball> welcome to an open communications forum
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<slimeball> tell the gridcoin people not to refer people here
<Peppernrino> we are the gridcoin people. you too.
<slimeball> well , good
<slimeball> deal with it
<apc> what you gonna do about it
<apc> punk!
<pine_cone> words
<slimeball> sorry i think and type fast... i guess its a bad thing here to communicate... especially trying to help , answer something , or be a team player
<slimeball> GO TEAM!
<pine_cone> ^_^
<Peppernrino> as far as i can see, you're the only one having trouble communicating. typing speed aside.
<lestus> gotta catchem all?
<apc> I'm hungry
<apc> I should do something about this
<apc> I thinking tacos.
<slimeball> hay , i been here for weeks... tried get helped... but such , as i stated such a warm friendly athmosphear and new team member participation
<frank0051> !usd
<KatBot> $1 USD = 180.27275267 GRC (USD -> BTC -> GRC)
<KatBot> C-CEX: $1 USD = 158.73015873 GRC (USD -> GRC)
<slimeball> but you think im losing you GRC
<slimeball> :(
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5546$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.63$ (C-CEX)
<slimeball> sadboy
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.549$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<Peppernrino> you're not stealing from me. you're taking more than your share. you also rained it back. i'm paying attention.
<Peppernrino> settlle down.
<slimeball> Peppernrino , no i know if i came over here to this client and did anything even you would cry unless i just checked GRCtip and rain
<slimeball> still not the point of being here
bob21 has joined #gridcoin
<slimeball> that has long been lost apparently
<slimeball> so na man , you do you
<slimeball> im kosher homie
<NeuralMiner> "You must have a balance > 100,000 GRC to create a poll." womp womp woooomp.
<lestus> lol
<lestus> dang
<MrControll> ...what
<MrControll> I mean, anti spam and all that... but still...
<MrControll> Wait. what's this poll supposed to be about again?
<NeuralMiner> removing wuprop from the whitelist.
<MrControll> oh
<MrControll> hm
<GRCB0T> Title: [Discussion] BOINC whitelist monitoring - Page 34 - Development - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<MrControll> Right. Everyone start tipping NeuralMiner ?
<NeuralMiner> lol
<fkinglag> thought we already voted on wuprop
WyerByter has joined #gridcoin
<fkinglag> so I see Peppernrino dropped into Mumble and now same with Mercosity
<WyerByter> !price
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00000935,"Low":0.00000838,"Volume":27815.71395752,"Last":0.00000900,"BaseVolume":0.24790810,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-01T22:44:24.073","Bid":0.00000875,"Ask":0.00000906,"OpenBuyOrders":84,"OpenSellOrders":588,"PrevDay":0.00000838,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00000902 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00000909 BTC, min: 0.00000835 BTC, change: 6.62%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000861 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.0009 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fkinglag> and Erkan_Yilmaz and Gunde
<NeuralMiner> last vote i think was denis.
<MrControll> I know the only vote I was here for was Denis.
<MrControll> wait... maybe I was here for Bitcoin Utopia...
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<lestus> NeuralMiner: what are the pros of removeing wuprop?
<customminer> lestus: other projects will reward more grc
<NeuralMiner> it's easily cheated to get a high mag, and it doesnt serve any scientific purpose. from what customminer said, any of the data it collects you can already just get yourself.
<NeuralMiner> and then that.
<customminer> Idd
<customminer> Ah I could create the poll later
<fkinglag> it's sad to see wuprop and DENIS in the whitelist
<NeuralMiner> perfect thanks.
<NeuralMiner> denis shouldnt be in the whitelist... it got voted out.
<NeuralMiner> from what i recall
* fkinglag checks and the wiki
<NeuralMiner> i wouldnt trust those.
<NeuralMiner> check the NN.
<fkinglag> oh
<NeuralMiner> it tells no lies.
<fkinglag> I'm not familiar with the commands
<fkinglag> I'll have to look them up
<NeuralMiner> it's not in the NN.
<fkinglag> NeuralMiner ur linux right?
<fkinglag> not on windows client
<NeuralMiner> wallet is windows
<fkinglag> ah
<fkinglag> must have fancy NN GUI
<NeuralMiner> list projects should tell you.
<fkinglag> hm
<NeuralMiner> ist projects
<NeuralMiner> - This command will list all the BOINC projects that are available and valid for Gridcoin Magnitude and PoR (White-Listed Projects).
<NeuralMiner> well that formatted well.
<slimeball> wow , maybe i am getting somewhere.. the windows wallet just erroed and the error makes sense why I am having issues.. but diagnostics crashed
<slimeball> this wallet is the weakest link
<NeuralMiner> lol, fkinglag linux wallet i take it then?
<fkinglag> yeah
<fkinglag> always
<fkinglag> until I decide to run a windows VM I guess
<fkinglag> which, just takes up more resources than it's worth IMO
<fkinglag> lol NeuralMiner
* fkinglag shakes fisrt
<fkinglag> -r
<NeuralMiner> lol
<NeuralMiner> "After 6 months, our projects in the chain are erased from the whitelist to save space. No one re-whitelisted them." lol damn.
<customminer> yeah lol
<NeuralMiner> who was i talking to about transaction fees the other day? "The total fee in your case must have included "network fees" - those are given to the miner who mines the block your vote is in. The way it works, is the closer the block size gets to 1 mb, GRC charges higher and higher network fees in order to forward the tx."
<NeuralMiner> so the fee does go to the miner like we were thinking.
<customminer> yes
DimiFW has joined #gridcoin
* Peppernrino shakes when he's done.
<NeuralMiner> i had a few devs interested in bug bounties for gridcoin, until i told them it was qt. i think they left the country and changed their phone numbers.
<slimeball> you do understand how " odd " that is for us windows people right?
<slimeball> thats like java on linux
<NeuralMiner> i'm out. catch yall on the flip.
<fkinglag> cya NeuralMiner
<NeuralMiner> later homie.
DimiFW has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Mercosity> Cheers /"\
<Mercosity> Me with my head just below the parapet.
<Mercosity> | o |
<Mercosity> \-/
<fkinglag> \o/
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