caraka changed the topic of #gridcoin to: Gridcoin [GRC] v3.5.7.4 Leisure Upgrade | #gridcoin-games #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-otc | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage:
Nycti has joined #gridcoin
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<Bouowmx> How to change password to registered nick?
<aem> type /msg nickserv help
<aem> also wallet says mag is too low for por
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by aem - Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<aem> 20 is low?
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on IRC_Brokenware, ravon_, fromslack, jopa, Erawan, pocketprotector, GRCtip, tr0nic, Atratus, GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
TyphooN- has joined #gridcoin
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pro has joined #gridcoin
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TyphooN- is now known as TyphooN`
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Sorry GRCB0T, you don't have enough funds (you're 0.8913998200000002 GRC short).
<GRCB0T> 10 GRC for 20 lucky users whenever the fuck i feel like it! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<customminer> !tip GRCB0T 100
<GRCtip> customminer tipped GRCB0T 100 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<jamezz> its p freackin nice out
<Peppernrino> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001066,"Low":0.00000975,"Volume":10813.67707792,"Last":0.00001036,"BaseVolume":0.10946191,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-18T01:02:44.553","Bid":0.00001042,"Ask":0.00001061,"OpenBuyOrders":79,"OpenSellOrders":467,"PrevDay":0.00001045,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001036 | Bid 0.00001042 | Ask 0.00001061
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001043 | Bid 0.00001042 | Ask 0.00001043
<Peppernrino> !usd
* Peppernrino slaps Erkan_Yilmaz around a bit with a large trout
<traderman> wow whats all this tipping?
<mrtrousers> ..
<traderman> cm, did u upload the gridcoin hangout ep2?
d_o_c has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<xXUnRealXx> he did
<xXUnRealXx> listening to it
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by xXUnRealXx - Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<traderman> thanks for the link!
<xXUnRealXx> good sh!t
<xXUnRealXx> might wanna put up the times and dates on utubechannel tho so ppl know what when where
<xXUnRealXx> the video might help if it had at least the name of whos talking pop up as they talk
<xXUnRealXx> i have no clue whos talking
<Mercosity> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 638423
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<slimeball> will my geforce mx440 8x 64mb MX 4000 series GPU boinc?
* slimeball hides
<Mercosity> Ok teleporting it to you now!
<apc> what about my matrox millenium?
<apc> ati all-in-wonder pro?
<traderman> slimeball, give it a shit
<traderman> shot*
<apc> remember when GPUs were *gasp* video cards?
<slimeball> I dont think it will , but i have a p4 i was going to boinc 32bit on.. A 2.8ghz , 2mb cache , 800mhz FSB... But , BUT I have an M-Audio Firewire 410 that I really need for ham radio to pc interface and it hates my desktop-this machine... Anyways it has a PCI firewire card and I was all hell Win XP and it should all work fine and I can Boinc in the backround
<Mercosity> Can I?
<slimeball> it looks like it has an 8mb card , and I got this ATI 9800 256mb and 64mb MX 440
<slimeball> Mercosity , you see the AST I mentioned yesterday? It's up and booted had win95 on it and everything was kosher... when i turned it on ofcourse it said the battery had failed and clock was wrong so set it to 8/17/16 and it took it
<slimeball> windows 95 corrected me , said it was 2016 not 1916
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> id not turned on 1 non y2k complient system EVER till last night
<slimeball> lulz
<Mercosity> or gone bye bye
<Mercosity> Did you try to find a bios update?
<slimeball> anyways , just bout done building up this PSU for a laptop... I wanna take this 450W nice PSU spare I have already wired for bench and power light on the 24pin head... But I want to make up board the multex's connect into 24/4/8 etc and has USB ports all for my tablets and phones doing Boinc... I Just found another phone , I just need to rig it cuz no battery but its easy..
<slimeball> No i didnt look
<slimeball> to many other projects
<Mercosity> You got lots of ol GPU cards like me
<slimeball> I need to find a PCMCIA sound card... I needed a machine for my ham radio and that AST is perfect for PSK31 ( data/digital)
<slimeball> and CW
<slimeball> shit this is nothing brotha
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<slimeball> I left 6 laptops , 5 desktops , nice HP WX8200 with dual xeon 3.4ghz , 16gb , 15k ultra scsi 3 drives
<slimeball> box of mobos
<slimeball> box of ram and cpu's came with me back here to washington
<slimeball> there was a box of nics , video , sound , etc
<slimeball> just had a den full... I started getting that way , but I built up everything I had for boinc
<Mercosity> Has it got usb if so get a usb sound card v cheap.
<slimeball> no
<slimeball> way to early
<slimeball> its a 486 25sx
<slimeball> 8mb
<slimeball> 220mb hdd
<slimeball> has floppy!
mrtrousers has joined #gridcoin
<apc> that's like my first windows PC!
<apc> 2400bps modem
<apc> wfwg 3.11
<Mercosity> I've a 486 DX2 66 Windows for work groups
<Mercosity> yup
<slimeball> ast premium exec 4/25 with trackball addon , colour screen
<Mercosity> Originally had dos 6.0
<slimeball> ast real laptop bag
<slimeball> even have procomm on floppy
<apc> is that the trackball that latches to the side?
<slimeball> front
<slimeball> :)
<Mercosity> I've floppies up the wazzu
<apc> hehehehehe
<slimeball> it clips on
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<slimeball> pretty neat , I was in hopes it had IR because I just found my foldable IR keyboard NIB
<slimeball> wish I had that KB in my PC JR days
<slimeball> ok solder this head and put laptop screen back on and butten her up more boinc
<slimeball> roommates PC did awesome last night
<slimeball> but no boinc wed/thur till 23:30
<slimeball> ends 08:30
<slimeball> wed
<slimeball> i love that feature
<slimeball> he wouldnt have let me install it I think if not , but right before install he asked it i could set it that when it starts to slow his system down it pauses...
<slimeball> but I told him id just compute while he was at work
<slimeball> seti was bullshit with like .0901 cpu + ati or nvidia didnt matter
<slimeball> but like einstien / moo were .25 and I forget what was .5 its got just enough mem to run shit like burp for .9
<apc> w00h00 one month until the end of summer electric rates
<slimeball> so Mercosity , to answer your first statement... No , those are parts... actually Ima take a surface mount cap with value needed and fix this 9400GT
<slimeball> really? they do that there? wtf
<slimeball> do you get discounted rate hours? like here its 7pm to 9am is 20% less
<slimeball> so dishes , laundry , cook after 7
<apc> nope
<Mercosity> Just realised the seti I'm crunching after signing up for the challenge is through pool so I'm probably not contributing to the challenge
<apc> it's just like 1.5c higher per kwh in the summer
<Mercosity> I'm right aren't I!
<slimeball> wtf there a seti challange right now?
<apc> winter is about 12 cents for the first 600kwh, then it steps down a cpl times
<slimeball> see
<slimeball> man
<slimeball> i give up
<apc> as usage goes higher
* slimeball quits team and goes solo but keeps shirt
<slimeball> fuck , this a 386 i think
<slimeball> i gotta look i cant find it in 486
<Mercosity> Yes Wow challenge with Erkan_Yilmaz and Set Germany.
<GRCB0T> Title: Wow!-Event > Willkommen | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Mercosity - Wow!-Event > Willkommen |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<apc> I just ordered a 1050w psu. tomorrow gonna go get an rx 480. put the 480 in my box at work and bring my r9 380 home to put in my rig with the 290x
<apc> and putting on a larger diameter exhaust duct :D
<xXUnRealXx> soon you'll silicone the whole thing and drop it in liquid hydrogen
<apc> no way. that'd be crazy
<apc> hydrogen is flammable
<apc> have to use nitrogen
<Mercosity> duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct duct
<xXUnRealXx> but londer
<xXUnRealXx> colder
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<apc> the one that I have now is definitely too restrictive
<Mercosity> Formaldahyde
<xXUnRealXx> jst don't let phay spark a fat one
<Mercosity> Need smooth pipes
<xXUnRealXx> not very hard to extract hydrogen
<xXUnRealXx> just move to a secluded area
<apc> smooth would be better. but I think it's mainly the diameter
<ribeye> hi
<apc> it sits inside the flange, so I'm losing almost an inch
<apc> a 4" duct will clamp to the outside of the flange
<xXUnRealXx> the problem i see in your setup tho is you have too much negative pressure you need more intake of air for those FAT exhaust fans
<apc> hi ribeye
<apc> I need to test that
<apc> pull the front off, turn off the main intake fan, and see if the exhaust fan spins it
<xXUnRealXx> unless your building your own lightening generator lol
<apc> if I do anything I'll pop a bunch of holes in the bottom of the case in front of the psu
<apc> add fans down there
<apc> have to be a cpl 80mm
<Mercosity> Get an old vacuum cleaner and suck the air out.
<apc> the fan that's in there now is loud enough thankyou :D
<xXUnRealXx> maby not bottom you don't want more dust then air
<Mercosity> Keep it cool though
<apc> right now at about 75% speed case temp is bouncing around 51C
<apc> bout half a degree below the temp coming off the gpu radiator
<apc> dunno where else to put more fans
<xXUnRealXx> 51c if good
<xXUnRealXx> no need for mre noise
<apc> yeah I figure if I can keep it under 55 I'm happy with it
<apc> I do think the larger duct will improve things a lot too
<apc> that fan can move a shitton of air
<xXUnRealXx> just don't drop it too much, condensation will be your demize
<apc> I don't see why people say that
<apc> the case will always be warmer than the air
<Mercosity> gnite thatsall folks! See you in my moaning!
<apc> early tonight!
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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<Hooker63> !pool balance
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<mrtrousers> Is it posible to many grc wallet conections is messing my internet?
<mrtrousers> I think they are eating my bandwidth
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on WhitesoxCrypto, Gunde, nagelxz, tom12, bob21, VashTheStampede, varesa, dyce_, arunpyasi, GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
bugzc_ has joined #gridcoin
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<mrtrousers> Gridcoin is eating up my bandwidth
<mrtrousers> And even when i close the wallet all the conexions stay up
<jamezz> i hate wifi pc crap
bugzc has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<mrtrousers> I tell you its not doing what it should
<jamezz> really?
<mrtrousers> Yup
AJG has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<mrtrousers> If i close the client/wallet it should close the conexions
<mrtrousers> I have 33 conexions as per netstat
<mrtrousers> And before it was eating all my bandwidth.
<mrtrousers> Not good
<mrtrousers> And now the client wont even work but the conexions are still there
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Phay has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> yoyoyoyo
<Phay> Peppernrino
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<reddy1975> Good morning
<reddy1975> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (reddy1975) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
bugzc_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<reddy1975> !stats reddy1975
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> (reddy1975) --> chanstats data for reddy1975 in #gridcoin --> lines (2), words (4), actions (0), kicks (0), bans (0), joins (0), parts (0), splits (0), quits (0), nick changes (0) --> last event logged was 44 seconds ago
<Phay> morning bby
<reddy1975> !help
<GRCB0T> help [<plugin>] [<command>]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> reddy1975, sending commands via PM.
<reddy1975> !earnings
<GRCB0T> Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator:
<reddy1975> !wallet
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Github Source: | PPA: ppa:gridcoin/gridcoin-daily | Windows MSI:
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Phay> What do you guys think of Visual Studio Code? the GUI looks nice
<WhitesoxCrypto> moaning gridsters
bugzc_ has joined #gridcoin
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on customminer, squiddly, GRCtip, _whitelogger, eyeknock, captainolm, WyerByter, mnk, Tahvok, Erkan_Yilmaz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
Atratus has joined #gridcoin
RoyalPhay has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> 10 GRC for 20 lucky users whenever the fuck i feel like it! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 1.42857143 GRC on active users reddy1975, Phay, [-SaRaFiNa-], jamezz, Atratus, bob21, WhitesoxCrypto! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
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kopykat has joined #gridcoin
<jamezz> yeah! finally me toooo!
<jamezz> without complaining even!
<jamezz> lol
Emptybeerbottle has joined #gridcoin
Jybrael has joined #gridcoin
<Jybrael> Hi
Nycti has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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fediverse has joined #gridcoin
thurber has joined #gridcoin
<thurber> morning fellows
<Emptybeerbottle> o/
<thurber> !priceall
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001043 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001102 BTC, min: 0.00000951 BTC, change: -2.16%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001063 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.33 = 505.23 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
HViD has joined #gridcoin
<thurber> ouch
<thurber> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5945$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.622004883$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.34 = 505.24 EUR
<Erkan_Yilmaz> hm, we have fallen to position #12 (from 99 teams)
<GRCB0T> Title: Stats > Team | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Stats > Team |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<bubu1sk> Erkan_Yilmaz: I promise i'll work harder :P
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
<Peppernrino> phay. i downloaded code last night for debugging the wallet. :)
<Peppernrino> i'm gonna build with visual studio enterprise
<HViD> Can you build an android wallet with stake capabilities while you're at it? :)
<Peppernrino> i am trying
<Peppernrino> downloaded android studio and jre and jdk also
<Peppernrino> it's a lot to learn, but it's not impossible :)
<Peppernrino> just watching this right now:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012 - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012 - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Tahvok> Morning!
<Peppernrino> pretty good chat.
<Peppernrino> yo
<Tahvok> o/
<Peppernrino> sup tahvok
<Tahvok> Been sick for a few days... Now much better
<Peppernrino> shitty
<Peppernrino> dude
<Peppernrino> what were you trying to do with the wallet?
<Peppernrino> build in arch?
<Tahvok> Trying to do?
<Peppernrino> or qt5?
<Peppernrino> what DID you do
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001066,"Low":0.00000975,"Volume":25135.78032730,"Last":0.00001063,"BaseVolume":0.25396403,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-18T08:15:35.363","Bid":0.00001019,"Ask":0.00001060,"OpenBuyOrders":82,"OpenSellOrders":468,"PrevDay":0.00001045,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001043 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001102 BTC, min: 0.00000951 BTC, change: -2.16%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001063 | Bid 0.00001019 | Ask 0.00001060
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001015 | Bid 0.00001015 | Ask 0.00001043
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001063 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.42 = 505.31 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<Tahvok> I currently maintain the aur package for arch
<Tahvok> Nothing more
<Peppernrino> ok
<Peppernrino> just trying to get track of who is doing what. :)
<Peppernrino> when you stop being sick, start learning c++
<Peppernrino> :D
* Peppernrino does drugs
<Tahvok> I did try some time ago to fix the menu... But failed as I realized that I no shit about c++
<Peppernrino> i'm learning it right now
<Peppernrino> not too bad
<Peppernrino> like python in a different language
<Peppernrino> but you have to set up your project too... not just import things...
<Tahvok> Didn't say it's bad.. But I need time for this, and I have none currently
<Peppernrino> all good
<Peppernrino> just being puhsy. :P
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> pushy*
<Peppernrino> get better. <3
<Peppernrino> !tip tahvok 1
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped tahvok 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Tahvok> Thanks
<Tahvok> !rainactive 10 50
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.55555556 GRC on active users HViD, bubu1sk, psychu, Phay, [-SaRaFiNa-], SvartH, fediverse, Erkan_Yilmaz, jamezz, GRCB0T, Emptybeerbottle, thurber, Jybrael, Jonbvn, WhitesoxCrypto, Atratus, Peppernrino, slimeball! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok your rain interrupted me 'staking' 9 vampires
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
<thurber> thnx tahvok
<Tahvok> I never realized, why it's called 'rainactive'?
<thurber> rains only the non-idle ppl
<thurber> and ppl who disconnect a lot
<Tahvok> Oh... So !rain rains on everyone?
<Tahvok> !rain 10 50
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.2 GRC on [-SaRaFiNa-], m1ndgames, Blaze9, MPenguin, fediverse, reddy1975, psychu, Pascal, Erkan_Yilmaz, nagelxz, Emptybeerbottle, dyce_, IRC_Brokenware, desertsky, tr0nic, WyerByter, marix, PenumbraDuFromag, HighTower24, thurber, _whitelogger, RTMoney_, eyeknock, captainolm, jamezz, Jybrael, Bouowmx, GRCtip, sbits, GRCB0T, Mercosity, squiddly, realw98, ravon_, startail, fromslack, Gary760, leetsp33ch, He
<GRCtip> caraka, bob21, Erawan, Deviantone, ss7, kopykat, Eskorbuto, moisesm123, cbr, aem, SvartH! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok may your BOINC client be the fastest of them all
<thurber> everyone currently online in the channel yes
<Tahvok> Yep
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
<Tahvok> Funny that I bothered to learn this only now :P
<Tahvok> Oh, and grcidle is back!!
<Peppernrino> i'm gonna learn as much sas i can as fast as i can.
<Tahvok> What a good news :)
<Peppernrino> even if the new dev gets the wallet built first (probably), i want to be able to debug and test things properly.
<Peppernrino> yeah man. good news all around.
<Peppernrino> you hear the new hangout?
<Peppernrino> i finished it last night
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<Tahvok> Peppernrino: I didn't hear the first one yet...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud
* Tahvok feels guilty
<Peppernrino> only 5:16:00 behind..
Vodonik has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> the first chat is so good
<Peppernrino> you're missing out
<Tahvok> I will hear it eventually, just need to find some time when my mind is clear and concentrated..
<ribeye> :)
<Tahvok> Can't do this now with all the work and staff
<Peppernrino> "the biggest mistake i've ever seen in programming, is optimism." lolol
<Tahvok> That's true ^
<Peppernrino> this video is pretty awesome
<Peppernrino> oh yeah
<Peppernrino> we put them on youtube now too
<Peppernrino> :)
sudonull has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<Tahvok> Video?
<Peppernrino> just a pic
<Tahvok> Link?
<Peppernrino> i made customminer a nice image today
<Peppernrino> !youtubr
<Peppernrino> !youtube
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Gridcoin Hangouts - YouTube
<Peppernrino> derp
sudonull has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> he's gonna reupload them
<Peppernrino> the compression on the youtube ones makes me want to kill
<Peppernrino> 240p compresses to 64K mp3 automatically
<Peppernrino> so i made him a nice 480p image, so we can have 160K aac
<Tahvok> Nice :)
<Peppernrino> the source is 48Khz 1152K 24bit
<Peppernrino> we're going to be the only tracks on soundcloud with 24bit/48KHz tag....
<Peppernrino> looking for other free streaming sites... anybody know any?
<Peppernrino> for like.. blogs, or podcasts...
<Peppernrino> h's gonna put them on itunes as well
<Peppernrino> we have big plans
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> wow... turned off e-tag spoofing to see cm's paste on irccloud... startpage knew i was in canada, just from that.
<Peppernrino> random agent spoofer is essential. :(
Phay has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
<customminer> Morning guys
<fediverse> morning, I hear 14 birds already. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'BURP' ?
<Tahvok> o/
<Peppernrino> fediverse: BURP is eating right now. wu's will be available soon. :)
<Mercosity> Greetings and Salutations to all.
cyberkev1 has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Tanks!! Tahvok
<customminer> morning Mercosity
Combined2857 has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.13636364 GRC on active users psychu, thurber, cbr, Tahvok, Atratus, jamezz, ravon_, GRCB0T, HViD, [-SaRaFiNa-], Jybrael, slimeball, Erkan_Yilmaz, SvartH, cyberkev1, bubu1sk, Mercosity, fediverse, Emptybeerbottle, Peppernrino, Jonbvn, ribeye! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer I do appreciate the sentiment
<jamezz> weeee! ty
<jamezz> customminer is like R-Kelly up in #gridcoin givin us the golden rain
<Mercosity> Moaning customminer I finally left the pool. So only solo now.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thanks for the morning rain, customminer Tahvok :-)
<jamezz> i resurected the core 2 duo laptop i said was around.. glad i did... yet another 2 core gpu machine!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> and hello to Mercosity jamezz Peppernrino
RoyalPhay has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<jamezz> i put a t8100 in it
<jamezz> low power machine! fully working laptop 4gb ram.. and nvidia gpu sooo hay... god tho i love the feel and keyboard 1000000x more than this laptop
<jamezz> its clickety
<jamezz> n ill suck up ur slack from the pool
<jamezz> old man , its ok ill give my elder a helping hand
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: I signed up for your seti challenge and discovered that, as far as I can work out, as I was in the pool on seti I didn't seem to be contributing at all. Embarassed, yes. This made my descision to leave the pool inevitable I don't want it to inhibit my ability to contribute to challenges when I want to.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> yeah, in the pool you are attributing the work to the pool owner
RoyalPhay has joined #gridcoin
<RoyalPhay> I disconnected?
<RoyalPhay> hi all
<fediverse> hello, beautiful GRC world.
<RoyalPhay> stfu
<RoyalPhay> anyone message me earlier?
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: Yeah, I'm dumb. Realised after a while when my stats were registering 0.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Mercosity: I think for the SETI wow we can make it to the top5 in the next 10 days at least
<RoyalPhay> Tahvok: you up?
<jamezz> if he didnt smoke that tumble weed for his glaucoma he woulda just added it as his own solo project
<jamezz> ;)
<Tahvok> RoyalPhay: comfortably numb
<Mercosity> Well, I should be contributing now. We'll see if coming out is as easy as going in and how soon the results start appearing on Wow. Just came out of the pool on all my kit within this last hour. Good test.
<jamezz> you are not all linux and cli so i am shaking my head
<RoyalPhay> :o hru tahvok?
<RoyalPhay> been a while. same for tr0nic
<Tahvok> Better.. Been sick for a few days..
<RoyalPhay> what do you mean by comfortably numb? :o
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: We need more contributors, still only 8 users contributing. Surely we can rustle up a lot more!?
<Tahvok> RoyalPhay: I'm just kidding.. Pink Floyd and shit, you know?
<Mercosity> !challenge
<fediverse> SETI@Home-Wow!-Event (August 15-29): 99 teams joined. Help out! register:
<GRCB0T> Title: Stats > Team | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Stats > Team |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> peppernrino the hangout #2 is on sound cloud now, yes?
<Peppernrino> yes
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud
<Peppernrino> and youtube
<Peppernrino> soon to be itunes
<Peppernrino> and others.
<Peppernrino> looking for more places to put it now
<Peppernrino> :)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I see it only atm in
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
mrarturas has joined #gridcoin
<RoyalPhay> oh. good song Tahvok
<Peppernrino> found a couple of promising sitesa
<RoyalPhay> Peppernrino: why you up
<Peppernrino> why are you up?
<RoyalPhay> I just dropped my friend off at his house
<RoyalPhay> now eating dinner
<Peppernrino> you don't have a dinner
<RoyalPhay> Swedish meatballs
<Mercosity> peppernrino: Not on souncloud at the moment or I'm even madder than I thought.
<RoyalPhay> itdakemas
<Mercosity> It's on Youtube
<Peppernrino> hm
<Peppernrino> ok
<Peppernrino> i guess it isn't
<Peppernrino> you're not mad.
<Peppernrino> continue making hats. :)
<RoyalPhay> ok
<RoyalPhay> I'm try
<cbr> yes your very tyring
<Mercosity> peppernrino: Jeez, that's a relief. Thought I'd lost it for a mo.
<Peppernrino> it's all the heat
<RoyalPhay> cbr: I want to buy something from you
<cbr> uranium ?
<RoyalPhay> a
<RoyalPhay> turtle
<Mercosity> plutonium
mrarturas has quit [Client Quit]
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Mercosity: right, more contributors for the SETI wow, since we announced only yesterday, it might become more
<Erkan_Yilmaz> yesterday we got 3 more members
<cbr> I have 4 turtles
<Erkan_Yilmaz> let's see how it goes today
<cbr> found them on the way to work in a garage
<RoyalPhay> that's why I asked
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: We need more contributors, especially as I'm such an embarassment.
mrarturas has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on dyce_, vega40k, _whitelogger, Bouowmx, YugoEliatrop, ribeye, desertsky, Atratus, Nargren, WhitesoxCrypto! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Hey, it rained. Thanks, [-SaRaFiNa-]
<RoyalPhay> thanks
<Mercosity> THAT BOT HaTES ME!!!!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> every WU counts, Mercosity - for teams in position 8 to 12 there is only 300k points difference
<cbr> trying to find the picture....
<thurber> !tip mercosity 1
<GRCtip> thurber tipped mercosity 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<jamezz> omg , ive had this setup for google vps 1 month , got 1 month left and did my own thing... fuck setting it to 80% cpu and 2 core i did 2 x 4 core with 3.8gb ram and still have 1 month left... oh ya i set the shit t 100% cpu
<jamezz> lolol
<jamezz> i love it
<jamezz> as quad cores they kick ass
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: We'll see how quickly my results come on now.
mrarturas has quit [Client Quit]
<Peppernrino> Florida Man Stabs Couple, Eats Faces The Young Turks Recommended for you
<Peppernrino> New
<Peppernrino> lol
<Erkan_Yilmaz> indeed
<Peppernrino> for me?
<customminer> D:
<Mercosity> Tanks!! thurber gotta fill those tanks.
mrarturas has joined #gridcoin
<thurber> yw mercosity
<RoyalPhay> hi
<RoyalPhay> tahvok. so are you at work today? or home?
<RoyalPhay> I miss stevils
pro has joined #gridcoin
<cbr> Found them
<GRCB0T> Title: Mobile Uploads (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by cbr - Update Your Browser | Facebook
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<cbr> dunno if thats visible
<cbr> but thats the turtles
<RoyalPhay> how much you want for one?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by cbr - Content type: image/jpeg
<cbr> that may work better
<cbr> They are a team, they can't be split up
<cbr> Found them walking to work couple of months ago
<cbr> in a garage
<RoyalPhay> they're cute
<RoyalPhay> wonder what their names are
<Mercosity> donatello, etc
<RoyalPhay> ?
<RoyalPhay> how do you know that
<cbr> everyone knows thier names
<cbr> they are movie stars
<Mercosity> Ninja Turtles? Where you bin?
<RoyalPhay> so just because they're humanoid turtles you think they're named that..
<RoyalPhay> racist
<RoyalPhay> wait
<RoyalPhay> Mercosity.. why are you up?
<Mercosity> turtlist!
<RoyalPhay> aren't you.. EST?
<cbr> they don';t look very confy with a bit of wood stuck up thier arse
<cbr> taller than me
<Mercosity> 'cause it's 11:00am here
<bubu1sk> still no reason to be up that early :P
<Mercosity> True, wet the bed agin.
<Mercosity> teach me not to drink beer in bed!
<Mercosity> while BOINCing
<bubu1sk> easy, for each beer drank in bed you need to tip each member here 1GRC. :P
<bubu1sk> cheating allowed, if you get out of bed, drink beer and go back to bed ;)
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> bubu1sk You seem to be adding to challenge. Heard my embarassing story?
<bubu1sk> probably not :)
<cbr> There were some dinasaurs on the way to work the other day too
<cbr> photobombed my selfie in the train station
<Mercosity> bubu1s I fogot I was in the pool for seti@home. Out of pool completely now.
thurber has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<bubu1sk> Erkan_Yilmaz: what "gestern" means? yesterday?
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> yes
<jamezz> wow im up late
<jamezz> rain forcing me stay up late
<jamezz> so not idle
<jamezz> got 2 more alarm clocks set
<customminer> lol
<customminer> !tip jamezz 1
<GRCtip> customminer tipped jamezz 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<jamezz> lol
<jamezz> ty
<jamezz> ill give u my thoughts if you want , but i think u know i give them freely already almost like a forced blog... so ill just stfu JUST FOR YOU!
<customminer> write your thoughts on steemit
<jamezz> and you will give 1 grc per my thoughts? we are going to block-chain the early 1900's phrase/term " penny for your thoughts ? " and make it secure and then there are not copies of my thought being resold on the down low low swap meet? " 1 GRC FOR YOUR THOUGHTS? "
<jamezz> 1grc each?
<jamezz> not a henry or what ever that translates to LOL you got played .0000001grc ?
<reddy1975> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (reddy1975) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> reddy1975, the !stats result was sent via PM
<Tahvok> Woaa, even [-SaRaFiNa-] is back!
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<kopykat> lo griders
<RoyalPhay> hi
<RoyalPhay> I am
<customminer> hey kopykat
<Mercosity> ho
<kopykat> lo customminer
<kopykat> and Phay and Merco
<RoyalPhay> hi
<bubu1sk> crap. fw locked me out of my server. for whatever reason my ip got removed from whitelist
<bubu1sk> nevermind. will deal with it later.
<bubu1sk> lunch time :)
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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HViD has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Mercosity> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (Mercosity) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Mercosity, sending the result via PM
Combined2857 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<SvartH> !stats SvartH
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> (SvartH) --> chanstats data for svarth in #gridcoin --> lines (7), words (51), actions (0), kicks (0), bans (0), joins (1), parts (0), splits (0), quits (1), nick changes (0) --> last event logged was 21 hours 13 minutes 24 seconds ago
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> SvartH if you want your stats just type !stats beside your name.
<bubu1sk> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (bubu1sk) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast bubu1sk, your !stats were sent via PM
<RoyalPhay> iys only a matter of time
* apc sips coffee
* MrControll gives apc a muffin to go with it
<apc> pfft. there can be only one. in my tummy
<apc> and that one... is coffee
<apc> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (apc) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<apc> !btc
<apc> !usd
<fediverse> Dear apc, sent the result via private message
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001017 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001102 BTC, min: 0.00000951 BTC, change: -2.59%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001063 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000961 BTC (cryptomic)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $579.37 = 507.02 EUR
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5843$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.622004883$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $579.37 = 507.02 EUR
fediverse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<apc> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 638835
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<GRCB0T> Title: The Current Highest Bid for Alleged NSA Data is 999,998.371 Bitcoin Short | Motherboard (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - The Current Highest Bid for Alleged NSA Data is 999,998.371 Bitcoin Short | Motherboard
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> That sounds like a scam.
<Mercosity> apc
<apc> you just wish you had a million bitcoin
coinictus has joined #gridcoin
<coinictus> morning all
<Mercosity> moaning coinctus
<Mercosity> coinictus always get that wrong
<coinictus> ahaha lol
<coinictus> no problem
<SvartH> Hi, listening to Gridcoin Hangout #001 at work. Really interesting!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<fkinglag> good morning GRC world
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on pine_cone, Malignae, Sander96_, aem, psychu, cbr, mrarturas, lestus, cibban, ravon_! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may your RSA weight rise and rise
<Mercosity> SvartH me too helps to refresh
<fkinglag> !pricebtc
<fkinglag> !usd
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from BitcoinAverage...
<GRCB0T> {"ticker":{"base":"BTC","target":"USD","price":"576.01390934","volume":"19614.59386177","change":"0.09200865","markets":[{"market":"Anxpro","price":"554.39904000","volume":8.90532079},{"market":"BitFinex","price":"575.00000000","volume":3870.5035121},{"market":"Bitstamp","price":"573.74000000","volume":4162.18522978},{"market":"Bittrex","price":"585.14100000","volume":2.915e-5},{"market":"
<GRCB0T> BTC-E","price":"574.00000000","volume":8133.55161},{"market":"C-Cex","price":"600.00000000","volume":5.24130376},{"marke
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001024 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001102 BTC, min: 0.00000951 BTC, change: -1.92%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> BitcoinAverage: USD 579.52 | EUR 511.45 | CNY 3841.93 | RUB 37000.78 | SGD 777.57
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001063 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $579.27 = 506.93 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5865$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.622004883$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $579.27 = 506.93 EUR
<Mercosity> SvartH: Join the next one - we don't byte!
* apc roflcopters
* apc continues sipping coffee, but now with squinty eyes
<Mercosity> squuuiinnty?
<MrControll> More muffins!
<apc> no muffins!
<apc> makin bacon!
<Mercosity> me
<apc> can't wait for lunch today. gonna go get me that rx 480
<Mercosity> reminds me I have to eat. I forget a lot of the time.
<apc> hopefully someone doesn't beat me. they're already moving fast
<MrControll> ...why not have bacon AND muffins?
<apc> for starts I have no muffins
<MrControll> oh... :(
moisesm123 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<fkinglag> did the client finally get changed to direct users to the Gridcoin help channel instead of the main channel here?
<fkinglag> I thought that that was a good idea to do
<Mercosity> windows wallet?
<fkinglag> all clients could be changed
<fkinglag> maybe two buttons?
<fkinglag> GRC Help Chat and GRC Chat
<apc> with (requires registration) under GRC chat
<apc> and a small sacrificed. a toe, perhaps
<fkinglag> yes the GRC Chat button requires that you register with nickserv
<Mercosity> latest version of win wallet sends to #gridcoin. Two buttons one for chat and 1 for help would be a good idea.
<fkinglag> you could even just add the GRC Help Chat button under the Help menu
<Mercosity> good idea.
<fkinglag> if we don't want another button on the front that is
<fkinglag> I might do something on github about that
<Mercosity> Better #gridcoin-help on the help button.
<Mercosity> makes more sense
<Mercosity> simplicity
<fkinglag> made the reply
<MrControll> I never did get any tips for putting the wallet on an Rpi...
<fkinglag> idk if Rob will do it :P
<bubu1sk> MrControll: i only managed to have boinc running on RPi 1
<bubu1sk> MrControll: didn't try to put wallet there though
<MrControll> :(
<fkinglag> MrControll the ARM wallet should run on a debian-based distro
<fkinglag> what kind of tips are you looking for?!
<MrControll> that's actually enough for now... Mostly wanted to know if it would be possible and which of the linux versions to use.
<bubu1sk> so probably raspbian
<bubu1sk> MrControll: if you succeed, let me know via PM ;)
<bubu1sk> i don't have my eyes always on irc :P
<MrControll> Going to need to put some work on this, don't expect it to happen soon.
<apc> I have an rpi at work. ya'll make me tempted to play with it
<bubu1sk> MrControll: I don't :) take your time
<apc> and then make a pi farm
<apc> and patent it
<apc> and sell it
<apc> and give fkinglag nothing
<Mercosity> boo hoo.
<MrControll> A pi farm? Clearly you mean a bakery right?
<apc> there's a bakery next door actually
<apc> we rent half the building to them
<MrControll> ...and the pun missed the target.
<apc> no, it was deflected with TRUTH
<apc> SCIENCE bitches
<fkinglag> apc and then get sued for intellectual property claims
<fkinglag> coz 'merica
<Bouowmx> Battlefield 1 live stream at Gamescom idk
<apc> america, fuck yah
<bubu1sk> my RPi running boinc since 14 Aug 2016, 19:19:45 UTC and generated already 210 points
<bubu1sk> mining for GRC i'll be rich in no time :P :D
<Mercosity> Pi 3 model B - Quad core 1.2 GHz !Gb RAM - cost $ 45.00 here can you get cheaper.?
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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<moisesm123> morning!
<Mercosity> moaning moisesm123
<moisesm123> how are you?
<moisesm123> I´m good :)
<Emptybeerbottle> Anything happening this afternoon?
<moisesm123> nope that I know
<moisesm123> Puerto Rico is on international news once again
<Mercosity> why?
<moisesm123> due to yesterday´s ferri fire
<Mercosity> ok.
<moisesm123> Ferry*
fediverse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<GRCB0T> Title: Nvidia unveils cut-down GeForce GTX 1060 3GB • (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Nvidia unveils cut-down GeForce GTX 1060 3GB •
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Bouowmx> Fewer shaders: 1152 vs 1280
<Bouowmx> 199 USD
<Bouowmx> Kind of shoves AMD Radeon RX 470 to the sideline
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Bouowmx> New AMD Zen demo video:
<GRCB0T> Title: Breakthrough Performance of Next-Generation “Zen” - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Breakthrough Performance of Next-Generation “Zen” - YouTube
solocshaw has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Bouowmx> In the video: In Blender, AMD Zen 8-core SMT beats Intel Broadwell Core i7-6900K (8-core SMT), both set to 3 GHz
maokoto has joined #gridcoin
<fkinglag> mmmmmm 8-cores 16 threads
<fkinglag> they claim that energy consumption flat-lines while instructions per clock cycle increase
<fkinglag> at a certain maximum threshold
<fkinglag> it only has a Blender benchmark
<fkinglag> the AM4 platform is probably gonna be sweet
<fkinglag> new motherboards gonna roll out soon enough
<fkinglag> wonder what fab techniques will be used
maokoto has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<apc> carbon nanotubes :D
RoyalPhay has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<ravon_> bubu1sk: Which projects are you doing on your Pi?
<ravon_> bubu1sk: Which projects are you doing on your Pi?
<ravon_> The Pi has a fairly limited selection though.
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<ravon_> Gridcoin gave me the Tetris syndrome. Now I see potential clients everywhere and dig through moving boxes in search for old devices.
<ravon_> Better heat the garage with those than with just an electric heater, I guess.
<bubu1sk> ravon_: enigma@home
<bubu1sk> ravon_: did also einstein, but that took much longer to crunch data
<bubu1sk> so i suspended project, i.e. no new tasks for now.
<bubu1sk> but still have it attached.
<ravon_> bubu1sk: I'm doing asteroids on both the Pi2 and 3. And yes, take forever.
<bubu1sk> ravon_: that's Pi1 i have :D
<ravon_> ooooooh :D
<ravon_> ouch
<bubu1sk> i have 2x Pi1 and 1x Pi2, but Pi2 i have with Kodi installed. and one of Pi1's is my backup LTE router for multiwan
<bubu1sk> so had only 1 Pi1 sitting around to try with boinc.
<ravon_> Can't you do boinc with super nice priority, or do you need the RAM?
<bubu1sk> probably could play with settings a bit, but don't really want to. installed boinc on one of cloud VPS with 1CPU. got it so resource hungry it got hanged for a while and then i managed to kick myself out and have my IP banned via fail2ban :)
<bubu1sk> took me 2 hours to get rid of ban and boinc via remote console....
<bubu1sk> super slow was it.
<ravon_> haha
<ravon_> Oh, the Pi1 only has 256 megs of RAM
<bubu1sk> i got Pi-B
<bubu1sk> with 512 i think
<bubu1sk> so basicaly, since it's not much processing, i don't want to bother with boinc running on things i use and will need to use rather then spending extra time on investigating what's going on
<bubu1sk> later
<bubu1sk> once it happens :D
<bubu1sk> it's enough that i have multiwan with auto failover. but since from time to time i take LTE pi router for trip to have connection i nearly never have it connected to multiwan router
<bubu1sk> so basically i have WAN2 always off.
<bubu1sk> and instead of autofailover i constantly keep spending half hour climbing lader up/down and trying to set things up with second WAN
<bubu1sk> if WAN1 goes down
<bubu1sk> luckily ISP managed to sort out problems they had with their aerial
<bubu1sk> so haen't been disconnected for about half a year now.
<ravon_> bubu1sk: Were you the one doing google cloud boincing?
<bubu1sk> ravon_: nope.
<bubu1sk> but i'd like to know bout it more too.
<ravon_> Playing around with my trial now. It would be interesting to see if it pays for itself, but so far it seems to be way off.
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001063,"Low":0.00000995,"Volume":14831.47179652,"Last":0.00001031,"BaseVolume":0.14967637,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-18T14:41:41.177","Bid":0.00001003,"Ask":0.00001050,"OpenBuyOrders":78,"OpenSellOrders":467,"PrevDay":0.00000995,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001031 | Bid 0.00001003 | Ask 0.00001050
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001035 | Bid 0.00001030 | Ask 0.00001043
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001016 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001079 BTC, min: 0.00000985 BTC, change: 2.52%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001031 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $578.87 = 506.58 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<bubu1sk> ravon_: have you got link where it's at?
<bubu1sk> google cloud i mean
<bubu1sk> where can i order it
<ravon_> bubu1sk:
<GRCB0T> Title: Google Cloud Computing, Hosting Services & APIs  |  Google Cloud Platform (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by ravon_ - Google Cloud Computing, Hosting Services & APIs | Google Cloud Platform
<ravon_> bubu1sk: Go to console. You should be able to get a 60-day trial with a $300 balance for free.
<bubu1sk> heh. could have guessed that. :) (what would google do?)
<ravon_> Then I'll try Azure
TyphooN` has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
TyphooN` has joined #gridcoin
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stevescoins has joined #gridcoin
solocshaw has joined #gridcoin
<stevescoins> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.584$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.62889969$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $575.80 = 503.89 EUR
<Erkan_Yilmaz> 11 days to go in the SETI WOW challenge: 100 teams, team Gridcoin is at position 11 with 9 users fighting for the team
<GRCB0T> Title: Stats > Team | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Stats > Team |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Erkan_Yilmaz> help the team, register here:
<GRCB0T> Title: Wow!-Event > Register | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Wow!-Event > Register |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<cyberkev1> NeuralMiner: wuprops magnitude seems to be directly related to the number of hosts/projects you are running ?
<stevescoins> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001063,"Low":0.00000995,"Volume":14831.47179652,"Last":0.00001031,"BaseVolume":0.14967637,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-18T15:18:36.157","Bid":0.00000987,"Ask":0.00001057,"OpenBuyOrders":77,"OpenSellOrders":469,"PrevDay":0.00000995,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001031 | Bid 0.00000987 | Ask 0.00001057
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001035 | Bid 0.00001030 | Ask 0.00001043
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001016 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001079 BTC, min: 0.00001001 BTC, change: 1.2%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001031 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $578.58 = 506.33 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<cyberkev1> if you set up hundreds of vms with small fast wu projects each with wuprop would that give a hige magnitude ?
bugzc has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> Erkan_Yilmaz: just out of curiosity. are there any prices for winning teams?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> you mean, besides making advertisement for the name Gridcoin when we achieve a high place (because >600 users will wonder what Gridcoin is?)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> someone may donate:
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !projectrain
<fediverse> Donation money is distributed to contributors based on the amount of work they do, e.g. during a !challenge a donator says: 'the users who finish BOINC WUs for project P, get in total X GRC'. And the X is divided according who does more WUs. Donated money can be up to 5000 GRC or more, see e.g.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin issued challenges! - Page 2 - Marketing and Advertising - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<Erkan_Yilmaz> so, for the SETI wow challenge I didn't see yet a donator
<bubu1sk> well, i was just curious what this is about. i joined only for fun and supporting gridcoin team, regardles of where we end up. :)
<bubu1sk> to be honest, i didn't come to gridcoin very much for money, did boinc anyway, it just gave me chance to combine 2 things together.
solocshaw has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
<NeuralMiner> cyberkev1, yes, but wuprop is no longer whitelisted.
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> ..
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Content type:
<GRCB0T> Title: SETI@Home-Wow!-Event (August 15-29): we are at position #10 from 99 teams - Marketing and Advertising - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by cyberkev1 - Katiee's GRC Magnitude/Earnings Calculator
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<NeuralMiner> it's not. look in your NN.
MiXa1972 has joined #gridcoin
<cyberkev1> got the url handy ?
<NeuralMiner> the neural network in your wallet.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> good news: user Mumps is not participating in the wow challenge ;-)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> wuprop is out, cyberkev1
<bubu1sk> Erkan_Yilmaz: who's user Mumps?
chatcat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Erkan_Yilmaz> a guy who has lots of machines and made us lose some challenges
chatcat has joined #gridcoin
<Bouowmx> How to register to SETI challenge?
<GRCB0T> Title: Wow!-Event > Register | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Wow!-Event > Register |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx for your help, Bouowmx
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on HeyMerlin, Peppernrino, ChanServ, _whitelogger, MPenguin, lestus, realw98, HighTower24, ribeye, TyphooN`! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may the 6 famous Gridcoin Gods let no Gridcoin wallet update break your system
<Yoduza> dppel gerz, SaRaFiNa :D
<Yoduza> *doppel
<Bouowmx> Is it important which group I join?
<Bouowmx> Selected Aries :\
<reddy1975> !cpid 6e22d722d4f2a68b69b1de8bae5a92f3
<fediverse> Dear reddy1975, please check your PM for the !cpid result
<bubu1sk> Bouowmx: i selected aries as well, i think it's only important so it's gridcoin team
<cyberkev1> you mean to say i'm wasting 0.001 cpu X 170 odd cpus on wuprop :(
<reddy1975> !news
<fediverse> 'august 20: 3rd audio conference, decide about the prio for the agenda: ' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-16 19:49)
<fediverse> 'wallet fix crash on startup when client has no blocks file ' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-15 12:14)
<fediverse> 'new wallet sync improvements + 2 new rpc commands ' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-12 10:45)
<fediverse> 'gpugrid challenge starts on august 10: ' (by: Erkan, 2016-08-07 20:24)
<GRCB0T> Title: Release · gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research · GitHub (at
<fediverse> ( -> Do you want to add Gridcoin related news? See the help for adding/showing news: !news howto)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Gridcoin Hangout #003 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Release · gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research · GitHub
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Gridcoin wallet upgrade — Steemit
<cyberkev1> rosetta doesnt appear in the list at the top of the page but is in the list further down
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: unknown
<HeyMerlin> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5761$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.62889969$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.09 = 505.02 EUR
bugzc has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Bouowmx: I think it's not important -> "Is it important which group I join?"
<Tahvok> !rainactive 10 50
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Tahvok rained 0.45454545 GRC on active users HighTower24, reddy1975, MrControll, Yoduza, Mercosity, NeuralMiner, Bouowmx, stevescoins, moisesm123, fkinglag, Emptybeerbottle, ravon_, apc, bubu1sk, Erkan_Yilmaz, [-SaRaFiNa-], cyberkev1, HeyMerlin, zerolint, tom12, GRCB0T, fediverse! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Tahvok merci, and here 28 sweeties for you
<MrControll> TY
<ravon_> If you select projects for profitability, should optimize for the pool or for your own stats?
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<ravon_> That is, should you compete for yourself or as the pool?
<bubu1sk> Tahvok: ty
<moisesm123> ty
<Tahvok> Erkan_Yilmaz: why no 29???
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Tahvok \o/
Vodonik has joined #gridcoin
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<stevescoins> ty Tahvok
* Erkan_Yilmaz gives the 29th sweetie also, you deserve this, Tahvok
<Erkan_Yilmaz> :-)
<Mercosity> Tanks!!
<reddy1975> thank you Tahvok
* Tahvok chomping with a mouth full of sweeties
<Erkan_Yilmaz> here, the 30th one also :-)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> oho, 11 Gridcoin users taking on the challenge now:
<GRCB0T> Title: Stats > Team | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Stats > Team |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<aem> why is my mag 0 when it clearly shouldn't?
<aem> i was only gone for a few months :/
<stevescoins> just signed up for SETI (since I was already crunching lol)...does it matter which group I signed up for?
<aem> stevescoins you have to be on gridcoin team
<stevescoins> yes, I was already on gridcoin team...on the seti.germany registration, they ask you to sign up for a group as well (aires -virgo)
<stevescoins> i see myself on the team page; I was curious about the group id
<aem> i dont think that matters
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I just took from the offered teams the one with lowest number (assumed that it'd be better to be on the one with lower users)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx, for joining stevescoins
<stevescoins> cool, I went with my own sign. thx yall!
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<aem> anybody else NN broken too?
<aem> i can only see a few hundred cpids and syncing and refreshing didnt do anything
<aem> and mag is 0 -_-
<Erkan_Yilmaz> does your debug.log tell something interesting, aem ?
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz: I'm crunching away at seti got several reported WUs so hopefully I'll be out of my embarassing big fat 0 soon.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> great, my devices got themselves out of inet this night, reporting then the SETI WUs made them appear quite fast at the wow stats
traderman has joined #gridcoin
<aem> Erkan_Yilmaz nothing pops out no
<Erkan_Yilmaz> aem since when are you with Gridcoin ? >6 months ?
<aem> i was from sept 2015 to march 2016
<aem> came back a few days ago
<Erkan_Yilmaz> tried resending the beacon yet ?
<aem> no
<GRCB0T> Title: GridcoinNetwork auf Twitter: "You can use your #GameReady GPU to contribute to science by doing #BOINC tasks and simultaneously earn #Gridcoin!!!" (at
<Erkan_Yilmaz> it expeires every 6 months
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - GridcoinNetwork on Twitter: "You can use your #GameReady GPU to contribute to science by doing #BOINC tasks and simultaneously earn #Gridcoin!!!"
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !beacon
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<fediverse> When your wallet advertises a beacon, the Gridcoin network knows of your existence. This info is then saved in the !superblock
<fediverse> This all is usually an automatic process, in case of errors: advertise the beacon from the wallet's debug menu with: execute advertisebeacon
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 500
<fediverse> A beacon lasts for about 6 months, and costs 0.00011 GRC
<aem> Erkan_Yilmaz ill do it again but last por was march 3rd
<aem> obviously less than 6 months
<Erkan_Yilmaz> try the beacon first and then let's see
<NeuralMiner> and force a sync of your NN.
<aem> Erkan_Yilmaz i also succcessfully sent a vote in for wuprop
<NeuralMiner> !sync
<aem> NeuralMiner did that
<aem> twice
<NeuralMiner> execute syncpor2?
<aem> yep
<Erkan_Yilmaz> NeuralMiner will add sync
<aem> and refreshed
<NeuralMiner> thanks Erkan_Yilmaz
<jamezz> omg i hate my neck/back and shoulders OWWWWWWWWWw
fediverse has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !sync
<fediverse> There are cases where you need to synchronize the blockchain (see more with !snapshot) or the Neural Network (NN). For the NN: go to your debug console and execute: execute syncpor2
<Erkan_Yilmaz> is that ok ?
<NeuralMiner> perfect. thanks Erkan_Yilmaz
<Erkan_Yilmaz> ok :-)
<NeuralMiner> !tip Erkan_Yilmaz 5
<GRCtip> NeuralMiner tipped Erkan_Yilmaz 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci :-)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> aem did anything happen when sending the beacon manually ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I mean was a small GRC taken away from your balance (check your transactions tab)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> if not: then it is something else
<Erkan_Yilmaz> - - -
<Erkan_Yilmaz> on the 3-month-WCG-challenge front, team Gridcoin is doing quite well. #1 position:
<GRCB0T> Title: World Community Grid - Team Challenge Detail (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - World Community Grid - Team Challenge Detail
<Erkan_Yilmaz> 2.5 weeks to go
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<PenumbraDuFromag> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.588$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.62889969$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $578.59 = 506.34 EUR
mnk has joined #gridcoin
<aem> Erkan_Yilmaz yeah the typical fee
<aem> i have 5400 grc
<stevescoins> how do i (in US) make a debit card deposit to c-cex? every option I have tried wont allow me b/c I'm in US
<aem> Mag is still 0 and says mag is too low for por reward...
<Erkan_Yilmaz> well, the beacon will go into the next superblock
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !superblock
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 500
<fediverse> block height: 638872, created: 4h 7 mins ago, new blocks (since this superblock was created): 190, hash: 0df81371cd4c40db549bff63ddbf74fea4b4803f3cc4fd9201332980190089b3
<Erkan_Yilmaz> it takes normally 30-48h
<Erkan_Yilmaz> so, in 2 days you will know, if it was that
<Erkan_Yilmaz> try also the !sync command NeuralMiner mentioned
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - Use your Graphics Card for BOINC science tasks and simultaneously earn Gridcoin! Gridcoin can be converted to Steem! — Steemit
<aem> yeah Erkan_Yilmaz thats what i thought
mrarturas has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> - - -
<Erkan_Yilmaz> in 2 days is the 3rd audio conference:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Gridcoin Hangout #003 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<Erkan_Yilmaz> it'd be nice to hear you all on Saturday!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> - - -
<Erkan_Yilmaz> is someone doing Milkyway with GPU ? "Can everyone please post the exact issues you are having here?"
<GRCB0T> Title: GPU Issues Mega Thread (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - GPU Issues Mega Thread
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - When you're not gaming you can use your GPU to contribute to BOINC science projects! : gaming
<fediverse> if you have missed the 2nd audio conference, now you can listen to it:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: When you're not gaming you can use your GPU to contribute to BOINC science projects! : gaming (at
<GRCB0T> Title: YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Bouowmx> r/gaming a very wide audience
<Bouowmx> But since it is a default sub: eh
<jamezz> i want to pick threw traderman's parts bin
<jamezz> then take the parts to customminer's and dig threw his parts.... because i know together from the porn ive seen of theirs....
<jamezz> schwing
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - Use your Nvidia Graphics Card for BOINC science tasks and simultaneously earn Gridcoin : nvidia
<GRCB0T> Title: Use your Nvidia Graphics Card for BOINC science tasks and simultaneously earn Gridcoin : nvidia (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
stevescoins has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<apc> score! rx 480 for $199 :D :D :D
tr0nic_ has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Bloody jealous.
<apc> the micro center here still has 7 of them. but those are $240 :P
tr0nic has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
<apc> I grabbed the open item. I <3 open items
ravon_ has joined #gridcoin
HViD has joined #gridcoin
<HViD> hello
<Mercosity> apc Rx480 here €369.00 or $418.00!!!!!!
<Mercosity> crazy.
xms has joined #gridcoin
<xms> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> xms, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<apc> yeah it's nuts mercosity
<apc> on amazon they're $300 used
<apc> micro center doesn't allow online reservations for them
<apc> have to go and fight for one
<apc> people are buying them up and reselling them
<apc> the rx 480 is a fantastic mining card which has exploded demand beyond the gamers
<Mercosity> apc used ones are going here for €260.00
<apc> cheap ones do pop up. just gotta be quick
<apc> like my 290x I got for $180
<apc> new it's $330 on amazon
moisesm123 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<apc> the 290x is actually gonna perform a little better than the 480, but the 480 uses like half the power
<xms> just bought me a gtx970
<xms> msi tdp off 145w
<apc> hi5 more powah!
<Mercosity> xms how much?
<xms> 250 euro
<xms> 3 months ago
<xms> dit not wanna wait so bought it
<xms> i like the card very much
<Mercosity> xms GPU cards here are way over priced and second hand still crazy.
<Mercosity> Might buy from china.
<apc> you'll end up with an AMB rx 481
<apc> or nwidia gtx 97O
<xms> i only buy my cards close by
<Mercosity> apc I'm going to get some riser extenders as well so I might just bite the bullet and get it all from china.
<Mercosity> Ali Express
<xms> but you wait so long
<jamezz> Mercosity I am scared to google your town/provence to see how scarce stores are let alone computer parts stores... that is why there is newegg and pricewatch and ebay! they have to pay shipping expenses , here in the USA we just have GAS and truck costs but you have ships , trains , trucks , horses/donkeys , midget trolls and the little children from neighboring villages to pay in the trail of how items get to your pepole... its like t
<jamezz> he outback in auzi land!
<xms> oky dutch
<Mercosity> I know could be up to a month and I still might have to pay duty of up to 25%
<xms> yes al so
<Mercosity> Ireland out in boondocks
<Mercosity> 50 miles from nearest city
<jamezz> holy shit my setup IS working
<jamezz> i just xfered GRCtip's balance i had of 10grc and heard my desktop make its noise the wallet does
<jamezz> and then heard it again , from the asia faucet
<jamezz> and then heard it again , thought maybe a task finished or something.. anyways
<jamezz> a 261GRC + payment for work
<jamezz> that was more than 1/4 what i had im freaking astatic!
<jamezz> NOW im really just a short but from 1k
<jamezz> but that shows it is setup correct and working
<jamezz> :)
<xms> well done
<jamezz> ty , that was first payment
<jamezz> :)
<Mercosity> cOngRats
<Peppernrino> ecstatic*
<Peppernrino> congrats on your first por. :)
<Peppernrino> you can vote and stuff now.
<jamezz> ty
<jamezz> :)
<jamezz> yall said hang in , and well since i got 1 month google 8 cores left i guess its been a month!
<jamezz> hopefully installing nvidia experiance and a new driver on 3 machines gets me GPU processing there too... but heck ive added 3 cpu's in the past few days
<jamezz> gpu*
<NeuralMiner> do you need to stake before you can vote? i thought you just needed your CPID to be in a superblock.
<jamezz> i staked twice
<jamezz> well it had amt staked blah blah
<jamezz> under total coin
<jamezz> so assume i did , but didnt get paid shit... i assume because the wallet or machine crashed? i had APC issues , i mean heat issues
<jamezz> i think 1 time crashed 1 time wallet closed , seems to do that every 3 days and its like as if there is a memory leak or something :( scared there be a 0 day eventually when I see a program do that... hence my attempt for the wallet on ppc64 and today i hope to post log on github for that
<jamezz> Lochte's gold medal needs to be taken away from him what a disgrace , he pulled a Trump! Melt it and put it into the GRC pool for all of us to enjoy!
<customminer> NeuralMiner might be from first stake?
<NeuralMiner> hmm. there's a voting whitepaper apparently, but the site is... not so much working.
<Peppernrino> jamezz: olympics are a total sham. fuck the entire thing.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on HeyMerlin, chatcat, mrarturas, Blaze9, slimeball, Expanse, Jonbvn, arunpyasi, squiddly, Emptybeerbottle! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may the 8 busy Gridcoin Gods let your wife satisfy all your needs
<jamezz> Peppernrino ya but you are 1 of those emo anti establishment fuck the man i aint working for the man and the man controls sports person...
<jamezz> so to me thats null
<jamezz> but your opinion is cool man
<bubu1sk> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (bubu1sk) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> bubu1sk, sending the result via private message
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks [-SaRaFiNa-] \o/
<jamezz> fuck an A can you not do .net via RDP this taking to long
<bubu1sk> question: do i need to send beacon everytime i get money from stake/por?
<NeuralMiner> no
<Peppernrino> "your opinion doesn't matter to me, but it's cool."
<Peppernrino> wtf?
<Peppernrino> lol
<bubu1sk> so why do i get this in stats? the next staked block will get: 0 GRC (research owed)
<bubu1sk> for research it tells me i'll get money
<bubu1sk> i don't seem to understand basics here ;)
<NeuralMiner> what do you mean by stats? the gridresearchcorp website?
<Peppernrino> the olympics are supposed to be some prestigious, beautiful tirumph of the human spirit thing... but it's all build a bunch of stuff that's never going to be used again, so people can enjoy the national poverty close up... was weird in sochi too...
<bubu1sk> no, when i run stats command here !stats
<Peppernrino> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (Peppernrino) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Peppernrino, please check your private message for the !stats result
<Peppernrino> thx fed
<Peppernrino> if it says 0 owed on next block, you probably aren't staking that block then
<Peppernrino> i think that's the short answer
<NeuralMiner> are you in the pool bubu1sk ?
<Peppernrino> it could longer... careful what you ask
<Peppernrino> lol
<customminer> sneak peak at the project rain website:
<GRCB0T> Title: Project Rain (at
<bubu1sk> aha
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Project Rain
<customminer> Thoughts?
<Peppernrino> i haven't even clicked the link yet you psycho <3
<Yoduza> blue input, yellow output, used only two coils, without anything even capacitors
<GRCB0T> Title: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (at
<NeuralMiner> i like how it looks. clean and everything broken up into parts.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Yoduza - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
tr0nic_ is now known as tr0nic
<Peppernrino> nice. it uh... seems in line with BOINC websites
<Peppernrino> the layout i mnea
<customminer> Still very much so a work in progress, so there's chunks of unfinished pages
<Peppernrino> will be familiar to anyone that has logged in and changed their prefs
<Peppernrino> tabs are quick
<Peppernrino> :)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> too much text for a front page, customminer
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: yeah maybe, but it's functional, not pretty
<Peppernrino> "the FB ranking will be calculated on the basis of credits accrued during the year.So each team gets a new chance to enter the FB hall of fame."
<Peppernrino> missing a spcae
<NeuralMiner> customminer, do you think there's a way to do all the work in the tutorial on the back end? for instance, someone enters yoyo and 1,000 steem, and it spits out what you'd need to enter to create the transaction? (sendmany [....)
<customminer> NeuralMiner: I've just not covered that section yet fully.
<GRCB0T> Title: Project Rain (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Project Rain
<customminer> NeuralMiner: You can already project rain in such a fashion over at
<GRCB0T> Title: GRCNode (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - GRCNode
<NeuralMiner> oh perfect.
<NeuralMiner> yep, that's exactly it.
<bubu1sk> no NeuralMiner, i'm not in pool
<bubu1sk> doing solo
<Peppernrino> customminer: you know how on linux, keepassx has that autologin feature? would it be possible to login on your website and all the clickable tabs would get auto logged in on startup?
<customminer> no idea, the links to projects are all just hyperlinks
<Peppernrino> i'll look into it
<customminer> Peppernrino: You could probably log into each via their individual saved passwords, but I'm not planning on implementing an account manager yet
<Peppernrino> dude
<Peppernrino> the site is great.
<Peppernrino> if you could make it a one-stop login though, it WOULD make it extra attractive. you'd one-up willy.
<customminer> yeah but willy's site is a boinc account manager & a massive centralized risk
<Peppernrino> ugh... you can't see all the stuff i'm thinking in between... it all looks like bitching again.
<customminer> lol, thanks
<Peppernrino> i love you. the site is good. thank you for making it.
<customminer> :)
* GRCB0T kisses customminer lightly on the cheek.
<NeuralMiner> !tip customminer 75
<GRCtip> NeuralMiner tipped customminer 75 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> ty :)
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users HViD, Mercosity, reddy1975, PenumbraDuFromag, Yoduza, jamezz, [-SaRaFiNa-], bubu1sk, fediverse, Erkan_Yilmaz, Jonbvn, customminer, apc, Emptybeerbottle, xms, Peppernrino, aem, psychu, mrarturas, Bouowmx! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T you are in a very rainy mood today...
<Emptybeerbottle> \o/
<customminer> I'm going to include IBM & Intel's crypto projects to grab their attention, lol.
<Peppernrino> and the us gov
<customminer> pfft
<coinictus> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<Peppernrino> lol
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> coinictus, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<xms> thx
<customminer> Any other cryptos you think i should include? I've not included cryptos that you can't issue new tokens on (aside from hyperledger, gridcoin and steem).
<Peppernrino> i should make the new wallet do a little 8bit song when it opens
<Peppernrino> anybody good at writing songs with beeps?
<PenumbraDuFromag> om nom nom ty \o/
<customminer> lol
<NeuralMiner> bubu1sk, you current research owed is low because you just got a pay out. it'll go back up as you earn.
<NeuralMiner> it rounds to the next full number i believe. you're getting paid out .0x. i imagine that's why.
<Mercosity> Money by PinkFfoyd!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx for the raining event, GRCB0T
<Peppernrino> whoa
<Peppernrino> i was just talking about pink floyd downstairs
<bubu1sk> thank you NeuralMiner
<NeuralMiner> np
<Peppernrino> hm. maybe i should enable
<Peppernrino> i can make my bot respond if you say its name at the start or end of a sentence
<Peppernrino> writing AI might be a bit of a digression tho....
<Peppernrino> lol
<Emptybeerbottle> !rain 1
<GRCtip> Sorry Emptybeerbottle, your rain (1 GRC) is too small (min. 10.600000000000001 GRC). Increase the amount or decrease max users.
<Emptybeerbottle> !rainactive 1 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Emptybeerbottle rained 0.1 GRC on active users ravon_, apc, HViD, Peppernrino, reddy1975, PenumbraDuFromag, fediverse, traderman, [-SaRaFiNa-], GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Emptybeerbottle just added your name in 'The history of Gridcoin', page #742
<PenumbraDuFromag> Too kind, sir.
<Sander96_> !rainactive 30
<GRCtip> Sorry Sander96_, you don't have enough funds (you're 28.76244254 GRC short).
<Sander96_> u wot
<coinictus> wow
<Sander96_> u foking wot
<Yoduza> ty
<Sander96_> ah
<Sander96_> I figured it out
<PenumbraDuFromag> !rainactive 3948573573475937573495
<GRCtip> Sorry PenumbraDuFromag, you don't have enough funds (you're 3.9485735734759376e+21 GRC short).
<Sander96_> !tip Sander96 1.23755746
<PenumbraDuFromag> Dang
<GRCtip> Sander96_ tipped Sander96 1.23755746 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
Sander96_ is now known as Sander96
<Sander96> !rainactive 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Sander96 rained 0.83333333 GRC on active users ravon_, PenumbraDuFromag, xms, apc, jamezz, Mercosity, Emptybeerbottle, [-SaRaFiNa-], Peppernrino, GRCB0T, aem, bubu1sk, Jonbvn, HViD, coinictus, fediverse, psychu, mrarturas, Erkan_Yilmaz, NeuralMiner, traderman, customminer, Bouowmx, Yoduza! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks Sander96 \o/
<Peppernrino> !tip customminer 10
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped customminer 10 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> If anyone has suggestions for the site:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - grctest/project-rain-site: Website for project-rain (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - GitHub - grctest/project-rain-site: Website for project-rain
<fediverse> Sander96 taking a 12-min break of BOINC crunching to think how awesome you are
<GRCB0T> Title: Free Programs for Creating Infographics | (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Free Programs for Creating Infographics |
<aem> fuckin Peppernrino got voiced
<aem> in my abscence
<Peppernrino> like a year ago
<Peppernrino> :D
<aem> no
<aem> i stopped march
<aem> started a few days ago
<aem> so 5 months
<aem> and im back bitch
<aem> now wheres my op status
<vega40k> wb
<aem> sup
<vega40k> how are you magnitude now ?
<aem> 0
<aem> it's been 20
<aem> but client shows 0
<aem> i had a machine running 24/7 to keep that mag at 20
<aem> but no staking
<aem> NN wont load either
<aem> it stops after 200 or so cpids
<aem> i resent beacon so ill wait
FoxofSilver has joined #gridcoin
<FoxofSilver> Hello! I'm new to all of this, and I can't seem to get my wallet synced?
<FoxofSilver> also the gridcoin client seems to be using up a core when it's seemingly doing "nothing", is it doing the mining operations in the background or do I have to tell it to do such in the first place?
<NeuralMiner> FoxofSilver, is the wallet stuck on a block?
<vega40k> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639177
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 639177
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<FoxofSilver> I don't know
<NeuralMiner> what block are you at?
<NeuralMiner> should be at ^^
<jamezz> omg , i have apc syndrome today... things might melt!
<FoxofSilver> I've never mined cryptocurrency before
<vega40k> :-)
<FoxofSilver> I downloaded a block
<NeuralMiner> in your wallet, it says "blocks" under your total.
<GRCB0T> !tip aem 1
<GRCtip> GRCB0T tipped aem 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<FoxofSilver> it shows a number there, and some stats of weight and difficulty and such
<vega40k> :-)
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver: the core it is using is not mining. that's just the wallet being awesome.
<Peppernrino> you mine using BOINC> :)
<FoxofSilver> oh so bad coding practices?
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> did you come to complain?
<FoxofSilver> no?
<Peppernrino> you seem unsure.
<FoxofSilver> I'm confused as to why you think I came here to complain
<vega40k> FoxofSilver: you know boinc ?
<FoxofSilver> I'm not complaining, I'm seeking help
<Erkan_Yilmaz> break is over, let's thank Sander96 and Emptybeerbottle for the rains :-)
<vega40k> erkan never break
<FoxofSilver> vega40k: that's the foundation for this thing, right?
<vega40k> are you running boinc on you mac ?
<FoxofSilver> no, I'm running windows
<vega40k> :-)
<vega40k> and you boinc runing now ?
<FoxofSilver> I didn't download it, I think, at least not explicitly
<FoxofSilver> I was trying to follow the instructions on the gridcoin site for starting it up
<vega40k> we all starts lightyears before with this side ->
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by vega40k - Content type: text/html
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<vega40k> great stuff to start
<vega40k> read it
<NeuralMiner> FoxofSilver, you'll also need to install boinc if you plan to earn GRC.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<NeuralMiner> how many machines are you going to use FoxofSilver ?
<caraka> good morning peeps
<Peppernrino> morn
<NeuralMiner> sup caraka
<caraka> Welcome FoxofSilver to the madhouse
<FoxofSilver> I have a desktop I can dedicate a low end graphics card to and a quad core AMD cpu running 3.2Ghz without boost, up to like, 3.6ghz with boost or something
<Peppernrino> awesome. :)
<FoxofSilver> OH
<Peppernrino> that will be fun
<NeuralMiner> ok. so using the pool is probably the best fit for you now.
<NeuralMiner> nice.
<FoxofSilver> But I'd like to start with just the desktop for now
<Peppernrino> !pool
<GRCB0T> Pool:
<caraka> A pi cluster could do some serious enigma cracking
<fediverse> There are 2 Gridcoin pools: the original one: and
<fediverse> A pool helps newcomers, but has also disadvantages (monetary aspects (fee, giving free credit to pool owner, project rain is distributed?), losing your rights (voting), ...)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Pool (beta)
<GRCB0T> Title: Pool (beta) (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Pool (beta)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - To pool or to solo mine ? — Steemit
<GRCB0T> Title: GridcoinNetwork auf Twitter: "You can use your #GameReady GPU to contribute to science by doing #BOINC tasks and simultaneously earn #Gridcoin!!!" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - GridcoinNetwork on Twitter: "You can use your #GameReady GPU to contribute to science by doing #BOINC tasks and simultaneously earn #Gridcoin!!!"
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<NeuralMiner> 1. install gridcoin. 2. install BOINC. 3. sign up for pool.
<FoxofSilver> caraka: I'd love to contribute to health and sciences, if not climatology, since those two are special fields to me
<Peppernrino> 4. go into BOINC and sync up with the pool
<Peppernrino> 5. watch the money fucking ROLL in
<FoxofSilver> okay I am now running the boinc install
<FoxofSilver> what is the BOINC screensaver?
<caraka> Well you desktop cpu is ideal for climateprediction. Your gpu can do some other health science work
<Peppernrino> change view to advanced view as soon as you start, or half the shit we say won't make sense. :D
<Peppernrino> some projects run cool screensavers
<NeuralMiner> ^
<FoxofSilver> and also fair warning, my o key is smewhat defective, so yeah sometimes I just stop caring
<Peppernrino> you can watch the spot in space einstein@home is searching, etc...
<caraka> ^ only half of what Peppernrino says makes sense anyway :P
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> for now
<Peppernrino> tesla died alone and misunderstood also
<vega40k> :-O
<FoxofSilver> UGH NO
<NeuralMiner> looks like the pool just had a payout
<NeuralMiner> lol
<Peppernrino> your drivers are weak
<vega40k> or u windoze xp
<FoxofSilver> it's intel drivers on my laptop lol
<vega40k> :-)
<Peppernrino> integrated gpu?
<FoxofSilver> they're a babby and very sensitive
<FoxofSilver> indeed
<Peppernrino> don't bother
<FoxofSilver> I have a dedicated GPU on the laptop as well
<FoxofSilver> just testing it out on laptop to make sure the system is all woring for me
<Peppernrino> then you shouldn't have integrated drivers installed... might be conflicty
<Peppernrino> amirite?
<Peppernrino> 1/2 right
<FoxofSilver> probably not, but I don't want to argue
<Peppernrino> lol
<NeuralMiner> lol
<Peppernrino> please argue.
<Peppernrino> everybody's shit is a little different. we need to know for sure.
<caraka> !fite Peppernrino
<fediverse> What caused this fight to happen in the first place? It's all just a misunderstanding...
<FoxofSilver> what fight?
<Peppernrino> !fight caraka
<GRCB0T> Let's do this, caraka!
<FoxofSilver> There's a fight?
<fediverse> An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
<caraka> It's a bot joke FoxofSilver
<vega40k> FoxofSilver: what typ laptop you have ?
<Peppernrino> learn how to spell, old man. :P
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<caraka> Is Erkan an old man or are you refering to me? :P
<Peppernrino> i bet it's a rog
<Peppernrino> you sir
<caraka> lol
<caraka> I resemble that comment!
<Peppernrino> lol ok
<FoxofSilver> I have an asus one, it has Geforce 940M graphics n it and an i7 processr running 2.4ghz but boosts to like, 2.9Ghz
* Erkan_Yilmaz may be indeed an old man, depending whom you ask
<Peppernrino> what'd i say?
<FoxofSilver> it has 8GB of ram on it
<Peppernrino> ram is useless
<Peppernrino> take out the ram
<Peppernrino> that's what's holding you back.
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<NeuralMiner> lol
<FoxofSilver> I already deleted System32 as well, was taking up to much space on my SSD
<NeuralMiner> this guy gets it.
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> just delete windows altogether and run clean
<caraka> #rm -f /
<vega40k> fdisk c. /q
<vega40k> no !!!!!
<FoxofSilver> caraka: a friend who lives in australia gave me root access to his pi to add to my cluster, so the first thing I did was rm -rf /
<FoxofSilver> and then laughed
<FoxofSilver> and laughed
<FoxofSilver> and laughed
<caraka> lol
<Peppernrino> you're a monster.
<FoxofSilver> "That's what you get for giving people root access"
<Peppernrino> ye
<FoxofSilver> so back n topic
<FoxofSilver> I have boinc installed and I selected a climatology project
<caraka> Well, you know what rooting means inAustralia, right?
<FoxofSilver> it says it's downloading the work
<NeuralMiner> do you want to solo mine or use the pool?
<FoxofSilver> Idk
<FoxofSilver> caraka: ye
<caraka> nice
<Peppernrino> is it whitelisted?
<NeuralMiner> yes.
<Peppernrino> o
<caraka> it's all I run
<FoxofSilver> I am writing a weather simulation myself for kerbal space program, so yeah this one interested me
<Peppernrino> hot.
<FoxofSilver> however it's moreso a generic weather simulation that gets fed kerbal data
<caraka> I've been running climate [prediction since 2006 when it started
<FoxofSilver> so how do I get this work into my wallet?
<caraka> you don't. your wallet monitors boinc
<caraka> boinc stats
<Peppernrino> caraka, you BOINC hipster
<caraka> and when the neural network comes to consesus about your work, you get paid
<NeuralMiner> log into the project and join the gridcoin team FoxofSilver
<caraka> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<FoxofSilver> my gridcoin wallet says it's "Syncing No Reserve Balance to Stake"
<Peppernrino> "i did folding when it was just called origami."
<caraka> lol
<NeuralMiner> lol
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> Yeah, I did climae back when they called it weather
<NeuralMiner> that's fine FoxofSilver. what does it say for blocks?
<caraka> ^^
<vega40k> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639193
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639193
<FoxofSilver> 609575
<NeuralMiner> ok. still syncing. close though.
<caraka> still syncing
<FoxofSilver> ughhh
<NeuralMiner> log into the site for CPDN and join the gridcoin team:
<GRCB0T> Title: (at
<caraka> anotehr hour
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner -
<caraka> do you have any gridcoin FoxofSilver?
<FoxofSilver> uhmm idk
<caraka> !tip FoxofSilver 5
<vega40k> ^^
<GRCtip> caraka tipped FoxofSilver 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<FoxofSilver> Total says 0
<GRCB0T> !tip foxofsilver 10
<GRCtip> GRCB0T tipped foxofsilver 10 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> yes
<vega40k> !tip FoxofSilver 2
<GRCtip> vega40k tipped FoxofSilver 2 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<caraka> an unsynced wallet is never accurate balance
<Erkan_Yilmaz> yay, we advanced to position #10
<GRCB0T> Title: Stats > Team | (at
<Peppernrino> now you have a bunch
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Erkan_Yilmaz - Stats > Team |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<FoxofSilver> guys 40 more tips and I flash my boobies
<vega40k> :-)
<NeuralMiner> !tip FoxofSilver 2
<Peppernrino> that's my job.
<GRCtip> NeuralMiner tipped FoxofSilver 2 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> step off.
<FoxofSilver> yo m8 u wanna fite me?
<Peppernrino> i let my bot do all my fighting for me.
<caraka> FoxofSilver: we have a no boobie competition rule with Peppernrino in this channel
<caraka> closed shop, sorry
<vega40k> !tip FoxofSilver 0.9
<GRCtip> vega40k tipped FoxofSilver 0.9 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> that bithc on steemit is gonna get bruised too
<Peppernrino> stole my fecking idea
<Peppernrino> i bet fuzzy told him to. cunt.
<Peppernrino> :P
<NeuralMiner> which idea?
<NeuralMiner> so i can steal it too.
<FoxofSilver> what do I do with this tips?
<Peppernrino> steem logo body paint picset
<Peppernrino> mine would have been way dirtier an cool
<caraka> FoxofSilver: after you sync, withdraw them to your wallet
<NeuralMiner> !help
<GRCB0T> help [<plugin>] [<command>]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> NeuralMiner, sending commands via PM.
<Peppernrino> withdraw them to your wallet for staking homie
<FoxofSilver> and what do I do with the climate page?
<caraka> look at the pretty girl?
<Peppernrino> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<fediverse> I'm a helpful bot for the gentle Gridcoin people. Type '!help fediverse' to get my command list.
<Peppernrino> so many bots...
<Peppernrino> lol
<caraka> you two bots need to de-dupe
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Peppernrino, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<NeuralMiner> join the gridcoin team on the climate page, FoxofSilver
<FoxofSilver> oh wait
<Peppernrino> now that sarafina is back
<Peppernrino> stupid whore
* caraka forces Peppernrino and Erkan_Yilmaz into a quiet room for bot negotiation
<Peppernrino> lol
<vega40k> ^^
<FoxofSilver> okay I found the gridcoin team
<FoxofSilver> and joined it
<caraka> \o/
<Peppernrino> my bot doesn't give help... maybe i could alias help to something else.
<Peppernrino> that could work. :)
<caraka> When youare synced, and you have witdrawn your tips and your CPID shows in the wallet, you get to send a beacon. Probably tomorrow
<FoxofSilver> what's a beacon?
<Peppernrino> a flare in the night
<caraka> It registers you into the neural netowrk
<Peppernrino> "see me, gridcoin!"
<NeuralMiner> now /msg grctip !withdraw
<FoxofSilver> okay
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !beacon
<caraka> which verifies your boinc work
<fediverse> When your wallet advertises a beacon, the Gridcoin network knows of your existence. This info is then saved in the !superblock
<fediverse> This all is usually an automatic process, in case of errors: advertise the beacon from the wallet's debug menu with: execute advertisebeacon
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from
<fediverse> A beacon lasts for about 6 months, and costs 0.00011 GRC
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 500
<NeuralMiner> you have your wallet address?
<NeuralMiner> the bot will need that in order to withdraw.
<caraka> The first beacon is not automatice fediverse
<FoxofSilver> my email address?
<NeuralMiner> ^^
<NeuralMiner> in the wallet, click the receive tab.
<Peppernrino> sarafina is the dupe bot. and all of her links are broken. bitch needs some meth.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<caraka> there will be a receive coin address in your wallet
<Erkan_Yilmaz> ok, caraka, let me add that
<caraka> copy the first one
<FoxofSilver> okay
<caraka> that is your <wallet address> to receive money
<FoxofSilver> kay cool
<caraka> Then you send all your coins to SCarakaSosj7Xp4F7usapsyy6VP6Naxiru OK?
<FoxofSilver> I'm guessing that's your address?
<caraka> my vanity address, yes
<NeuralMiner> lol
<caraka> please don't send me anyt coins
<FoxofSilver> right, I'm nt going to send you my money anyways
<FoxofSilver> I need t make my own
<caraka> We ops DO NOT ASK FOR COINS
kondiomir has joined #gridcoin
<FoxofSilver> oh shit, I'll have to go through all this time-staking process again for my desktop
<Emptybeerbottle> Breaking news: GRC ops take bribes
<FoxofSilver> and for each... fucking pi
<NeuralMiner> nah.
<NeuralMiner> you only have 1 wallet running.
<caraka> No FoxofSilver only one wallet is needed, boinc everywhere
<NeuralMiner> you just have to install boinc and add the project.
<NeuralMiner> ^^
<FoxofSilver> oh okay
<caraka> as long as you join the team with the same email address, it will get credited
<FoxofSilver> by project just the climate one, there isn't a gridcoin project I need to add or something?
<FoxofSilver> oh neat
<caraka> Nope
<caraka> whatever climate models they give you are fine
<FoxofSilver> and whenever the wallet syncs, it's fine forever or?
<NeuralMiner> and here's a list of all the projects that are whitelisted:
<GRCB0T> Title: (at
<NeuralMiner> oops.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner -
<caraka> this machine is currently modelling european climate
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<FoxofSilver> holy bot spam batman
<caraka> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
* caraka forces Peppernrino and Erkan_Yilmaz into a quiet room for bot negotiation
<NeuralMiner> once it syncs you should be fine. make sure you backup your wallet.
<NeuralMiner> !wallet backup
<fediverse> get the Gridcoin wallet software ( (released on 2016 August 14)) from here:
<fediverse> - linux: type: !wallet linux
<fediverse> see also
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: application/octet-stream
<GRCB0T> Title: OS X builds - Feedback & Bug Reporting - Technical Support - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<FoxofSilver> wtf
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<NeuralMiner> jesus.
<FoxofSilver> for real tho
<caraka> jesus cannot save us from the bot singularity
<NeuralMiner> lol
<NeuralMiner> anyway. backup your wallet.
<Peppernrino> lol
<caraka> our sins, yes. the bots, no
<Peppernrino> you want my url spam gone? mine is actually better in this case
<Peppernrino> tell sepulcher to remove web.url script
<NeuralMiner> yeah, i like yours more than saras
<FoxofSilver> how do I back it up, just find the file and then back that up, or is there a process?
<apc> !fight [-sarafina-]
<GRCB0T> Let's do this, [-sarafina-]!
<caraka> Only because we cannot manage Saras
<fediverse> Make love, not war :-(
<NeuralMiner> file/backup wallet
<Peppernrino> um, afaik, you should back up the wallet.dat when the wallet is closed.
<caraka> fediverse wants to make more baby bots. It's the end of the world
<Peppernrino> on a usb i mean
<caraka> Or simply symc the walletbackups folder to another machine.
<Peppernrino> some people have claimed they get locked out when restoring from a wallet.dat they moved to usb while open
<FoxofSilver> I'll back it up on my steam SSD
<NeuralMiner> if you lose your wallet and the backup, you lose all the money you have in it. you cant recover it. ever. so keep it safe.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !backup
<caraka> Wallet backs itself up every 900 blocks
<fediverse> Make sure you have a backup of your wallet.dat and gridcoinresearch.conf files. (Without the wallet.dat you've lost your Gridcoins.)
<fediverse> They are located in Windows: /%appdata%/GridcoinResearch/ (and for linux: /home/your_user/.GridcoinResearch/ )
<NeuralMiner> i would encrypt it first as well.
<Peppernrino> ^
<FoxofSilver> I have it encrypted
<Peppernrino> not the wallet
<Peppernrino> the usb
<NeuralMiner> nice.
<Peppernrino> oh
<Blaze9> APC you here homie.
<Peppernrino> he did mean the wallet
<caraka> do encrypt the wallet
<Peppernrino> maybe she
<Peppernrino> sorry
<FoxofSilver> the password is of course, stored in plaintext, on the desktop, as per standard high security password storing
<Peppernrino> they*
<NeuralMiner> lol
<caraka> lol
<Peppernrino> chmod 755 that shit
<caraka> I thought you put it into the win32 folder?
<FoxofSilver> don't be lazy
<NeuralMiner> let the wallet sync up and go from there. when it's all synced, you can send your beacon.
<FoxofSilver> 777
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> lucky
<Peppernrino> !lucky
<Peppernrino> :(
* Peppernrino slaps [-SaRaFiNa-] around a bit with a large trout
<caraka> chown caraka:caraka wallet.dat
<FoxofSilver> you could go one step further, and probably do 7777, haven't used the 4 char chmod tho
<Peppernrino> !top10 foxofsilvers
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (Peppernrino) --> valid <option> arguments are lines, words, actions, kicks, bans, joins, parts, splits, quits, nicks
<vega40k> no no no
<Peppernrino> oh
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver
<Peppernrino> we're going to need your ip
<caraka> and your SSN
<FoxofSilver> of course
<Peppernrino> and uh
<Peppernrino> can you make sure port 22 is open please?
<caraka> and password is turned on?
<FoxofSilver> and uhh lemme get my wallet, and I'll get right on that, do you plan on using standard SSH for file transfer or going fancy like filezilla?
<caraka> Poor FoxofSilver. hazing the noobs
<Peppernrino> that sounds fake.
<FoxofSilver> yup
<Peppernrino> i like mine better
<FoxofSilver> it's not tho
<FoxofSilver> I can use that one just fine
<apc> blaze9 kinda
<Peppernrino> you need to get a cloak
<FoxofSilver> the one you gave doesn't work tho
<Peppernrino> jamezz is fbi
<fkinglag> Peppernrino is party van
<vega40k> no NSA
<Peppernrino> !party
<GRCB0T> i am partying.
<Peppernrino> vega, both
<Peppernrino> BOLTH
<vega40k> BOLD
<Peppernrino> bolch
<vega40k> BILD
<FoxofSilver> so lets say I back up my wallet when it's done syncing, and then I go to do all this stuff on my desktop, what do I lose in the process?
<Peppernrino> your dignity.
<NeuralMiner> where's your wallet gonna run? here or on your desktop?
<caraka> ^ only that
<FoxofSilver> also, since this is a currency, how do I convert to real moneys?
<NeuralMiner> through an exchange like poloniex.
<FoxofSilver> gimmedatmonies.bat as administrator?
<caraka> when the desktop is in use and boinc ain't running, all you lose is the crunch time
<vega40k> money money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money money
<Bouowmx> C-Cex
<jamezz> feds can mine too , i did not see anything in the FAQ or anything else saying I was not allowed to science
<FoxofSilver> your science is dirty
<Peppernrino> lol
<FoxofSilver> like nazi science, though helpful, unethical
<caraka> ^
<slimeball> no not nazi science
<slimeball> look at my freaking domain , why would i do nazi science?
<slimeball> now this is blasphamy
<slimeball> as usual
<slimeball> !rainactive 2.84006734
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! slimeball rained 0.10143098 GRC on active users HViD, fkinglag, fediverse, Erkan_Yilmaz, vega40k, jamezz, caraka, customminer, Blaze9, apc, aem, Peppernrino, Sander96, [-SaRaFiNa-], ravon_, Emptybeerbottle, Mercosity, GRCB0T, Bouowmx, PenumbraDuFromag, psychu, coinictus, FoxofSilver, traderman, Yoduza, NeuralMiner, xms, bubu1sk! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> slimeball thank you for contributing to the growth and well-being of Gridcoin
<caraka> Only if science is a religion can it be blasphemy
<caraka> \o/
<FoxofSilver> ayyyyy
<slimeball> no the comment mentioning nazi , DIRECTED at me
<Peppernrino> caraka, buy me a new chari
<caraka> thank you slimeball for returning your ill gotten nazi gold
<Peppernrino> i can't dev like this
<slimeball> wait a second
<FoxofSilver> so if I download the wallet onto my desktop, would it have to resync?
slimeball has left #gridcoin [#gridcoin]
slimeball has joined #gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> yes.
<NeuralMiner> you still need to sync the gridcoin client.
<slimeball> caraka you have it backwards
<FoxofSilver> even if I copy over the wallet backup and the snapshot file?
<vega40k> ^^
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks slimeball \o/
<Peppernrino> not if you transfer over the stuff from ~gridcoin research
<NeuralMiner> the snapshot will be a few blocks behind, so it'll need to sync.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<Peppernrino> but not all the way
<Peppernrino> DON'T
<Peppernrino> run both wallets at the same time
<FoxofSilver> ???
<Peppernrino> you'll implode
<caraka> !rainactive 4
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! caraka rained 0.14285714 GRC on active users GRCB0T, HViD, Bouowmx, Peppernrino, traderman, coinictus, fediverse, psychu, Yoduza, Emptybeerbottle, NeuralMiner, customminer, vega40k, Sander96, xms, aem, [-SaRaFiNa-], fkinglag, Blaze9, ravon_, Erkan_Yilmaz, bubu1sk, apc, Mercosity, FoxofSilver, slimeball, PenumbraDuFromag, jamezz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> caraka you just made me cum for the 12th time today
<FoxofSilver> why?
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks caraka \o/
<FoxofSilver> the fuck
<vega40k> ty
<Peppernrino> fediverse is dirty
<slimeball> hay hay now on the thanks for rain , I am jamezz and I am just deflecting any unintentional rain back at you people it should had gone to..
<fkinglag> fediverse lewd
<Peppernrino> god damn repressed german bot
<slimeball> so no need
<caraka> ONE WALEET to rule them all, and inthe darkness bind them.
<NeuralMiner> yeah, only run one wallet.
<slimeball> beg me to do it , like vega40k used to... i miss it
<FoxofSilver> why run only one?
<FoxofSilver> what happens if I run multiple?
<vega40k> ?????
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci caraka slimeball
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver: if using the same wallet.dat it gets messy
<Peppernrino> you can have a cold wallet though
<Erkan_Yilmaz> !apocalypse awaits those running multiple
<Peppernrino> :)
<FoxofSilver> okay
<vega40k> slimeball: we need more coinz
<fediverse> Panic! sell 99% of your GRC immediately to a dumping price... buy boats for the deserts
<FoxofSilver> and what's the exchange rate like?
<slimeball> vega40k , since you are from here before me... why dont you take your big baller wallet and rain it son
<NeuralMiner> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001063,"Low":0.00000989,"Volume":15318.44244827,"Last":0.00000989,"BaseVolume":0.15447567,"TimeStamp":"2016-08-18T20:32:30.423","Bid":0.00000992,"Ask":0.00001020,"OpenBuyOrders":81,"OpenSellOrders":463,"PrevDay":0.00001036,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001030 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001079 BTC, min: 0.00001002 BTC, change: -0.87%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001049 BTC (C-CEX)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00000989 | Bid 0.00000992 | Ask 0.00001020
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001017 | Bid 0.00001017 | Ask 0.00001055
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.000989 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.91 = 505.74 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<Peppernrino> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5911$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<FoxofSilver> holy mother of fuck
<slimeball> or get your homies to let loose on a backup wallet 10000k or 1000000k spread
<slimeball> dont be a pansy
<vega40k> money money money money money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money
<vega40k> moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money
<vega40k> moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<vega40k> moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money moneymoney money money
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.60328011$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<FoxofSilver> how many bots do you need for this?
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.91 = 505.74 EUR
* Peppernrino slaps vega40k around a bit with a large trout
<Erkan_Yilmaz> I am not your ey, vega40k ;-)
<vega40k> $
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver: we're thorough.
<Peppernrino> it's a virtue.
<Peppernrino> look it up.
<FoxofSilver> redundant
<Erkan_Yilmaz> French: mon ey
* caraka slaps around fediverse, GRCB0T and [-SaRaFiNa-]
* vega40k slaps around fediverse, GRCB0T and [-SaRaFiNa-] and erkan
<vega40k> oo
<slimeball> i know you aint got Peppernrino's nippls , and well from the other night watching a video of his cash cow he be pimpin and stepped in I doubt you got his back thigh muscles either
* caraka slaps around fediverse, GRCB0T and [-SaRaFiNa-] and Erkan_Yilmaz, Peppernrino and sEp
* Peppernrino deftly avoids slaps
<slimeball> but you can make it rain
<FoxofSilver> okay so I just copy over the folder I have onto my desktop's one and then let it sync from there?
* Peppernrino couterattacks with Dab Vapours!
<caraka> sure, if migrating your wallet permanently is the aim, yes
* Peppernrino contacts pokemon devs about spelling error
<Peppernrino> oh shit
<Peppernrino> slimeball: were you "gridcoin"?
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> no shitting in the channel please
<FoxofSilver> okay, I'd rather run it from my always-on desktop
<Peppernrino> fediverse just came
<Peppernrino> wtf
<caraka> ^^ thgen move the whole folder and start from there
<caraka> just catching up on your reading Peppernrino?
<FoxofSilver> okay, I'm going to install and then copy over
<Peppernrino> ?
<caraka> yes. and copy before fisrt start so it doesn;t create a new empty wallet
<caraka> about fediverse and cumming Peppernrino
<Peppernrino> somebody was in her room the other day and their name was "gridcoin"
<caraka> that was traderman? CM?
<Peppernrino> i was talking about you commenting on the shitting when there's already cum all over the place
<caraka> ah. I'm slow
<caraka> moar coffee
<Peppernrino> less age
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> ^^
<caraka> If you can arrange that I'm interested
<Peppernrino> injections?
<caraka> must go to work TGIF
<Peppernrino> your close to australia...
<Peppernrino> you're*
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Young Blood Renews Old Mice | Science | AAAS
<caraka> It's only a 4 hour flight away
<Peppernrino> enjoy work, tomorrow man. :)))
<caraka> 4 hour
<caraka> shit 3 hour
<caraka> thanks apc, care to donate some young blood :P
<FoxofSilver> so I installed gridcoin wallet, now before I close the installation, going to copy over the folder
<apc> no
<apc> you can buy some tho
<Peppernrino> no blood doping
<Peppernrino> i'm reporting you guys to BOINC
<FoxofSilver> so I copied over the folder
<FoxofSilver> my wallet is no longer running on my laptop
<customminer> Yo caraka, what do you think of the project rain preview?
<GRCB0T> Title: Project Rain (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Project Rain
<FoxofSilver> how do I know the wallet transferred over?
<FoxofSilver> and what is the internet usage like for this stuff?
<NeuralMiner> just open it up and see if it loads.
<NeuralMiner> did you have any funds in it yet?
<FoxofSilver> nope, it was still syncing
<FoxofSilver> did I need to have funds in it?
<NeuralMiner> nah.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<NeuralMiner> just let it sync. if it still opens, you're good.
<FoxofSilver> it says config file is empty
<NeuralMiner> you copied the whole folder?
<FoxofSilver> yeah
radurock has joined #gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> check if the config file is empty
<NeuralMiner> !config
<GRCB0T> config <name> [<value>]
<fediverse> Gridcoin's config file 'gridcoinresearch.conf' is located in Windows: /%appdata%/GridcoinResearch/ (and for linux: /home/your_user/.GridcoinResearch/ )
<fediverse> see options for this config file at:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoinresearch config file - Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Gridcoinresearch config file - Gridcoin
<FoxofSilver> ohhh, didn't copy that one
<NeuralMiner> aaaand ignoring sara.
<FoxofSilver> I should copy that folder right?
<Peppernrino> lol
<NeuralMiner> i've never copied the whole folder so i cant tell you 100%. i just copy the wallet and the conf file.
<caraka> looking good customminer! I'm off to work!
<FoxofSilver> ohh
<Peppernrino> i've copied the whole folder
<NeuralMiner> there you go^
<FoxofSilver> well I am definitely copying that 500MB snapshot file, cause fuck downloading that again
<NeuralMiner> lol
<Peppernrino> um, if you have the chain, the snapshot doesn't really matter
<Peppernrino> it's also bigger
<Peppernrino> just copy wallet.dat and .conf
<Peppernrino> and wallet backups
<FoxofSilver> what's bigger?
<Peppernrino> if you're feeling frisky
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<Peppernrino> Use KeePassx to generate and store custom length and dictionary-attack proof passwords.
<Peppernrino> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Peppernrino> Have only these current nodes in your gridcoinresearch.conf file:
<Peppernrino> | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<Peppernrino> | |
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
Emptybeerbottle has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<customminer> l8r caraka
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver: neuralnetwork is 1.87GB
<FoxofSilver> omg
<Peppernrino> that's small compared to some other coins...
<Peppernrino> but you don't NEED to back it up.
<Peppernrino> it will just have to download again if you reinstall.
<Peppernrino> updating the wallet will be fine
<FoxofSilver> so I don't think it recognizes the wallet thing?
<Peppernrino> i'm working on making the whole thing portable. :)
<FoxofSilver> is there a special place the wallet is stred?
<Peppernrino> what doesn't?
<Bouowmx> hmu with 79.4 GB Bitcoin blockchain:
<GRCB0T> Title: Bitcoin Charts - (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Bitcoin Charts -
<Bouowmx> Windows: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\GridcoinResearch
<Peppernrino> c:/users/***/appdata/roaming/gridcoinresearch
<FoxofSilver> yeah I copied that folder over
<traderman> man, we need to come up with a simple wallet
<Peppernrino> no that's where the wallet is stored lol
<Peppernrino> tradaerman ^^^^^^
<Peppernrino> "i'm working on making the whole thing portable. :)"
<FoxofSilver> well I copied it over so now what do I do?
<Peppernrino> wanna help?
<Peppernrino> chill
<traderman> we can't have people editing config files
<Peppernrino> yes. self-updatying nodes, or at least changing them in future releases.
<Peppernrino> i could make a pull request for that!
<Peppernrino> i like the small stuff
<Peppernrino> the default nodes are half stillborn
<FoxofSilver> so it's just showing the splash screen for grid coin
<FoxofSilver> and the process is running in the background
<Bouowmx> Loading blockchain... 5 minutes
<NeuralMiner> yeah, takes a while to load the chain
<FoxofSilver> but the GUI isn't showing up
<Bouowmx> Double-click Gridcoin icon in taskbar
<NeuralMiner> you just started it, right?
<Peppernrino> don't click it
<FoxofSilver> yeah I used the shortcut thing
<NeuralMiner> wait.
<NeuralMiner> it's loading in the background.
<Peppernrino> first impressions?
<FoxofSilver> however there are no addresses in the recieve coins tab
* MrControll pulls out the "wheel of banal tech support"
<Peppernrino> :)
<MrControll> Round and round it goes, where it lands, disappointment follows.
<FoxofSilver> so did it not copy over the wallet correctly or what?
<Peppernrino> holy doomsayer
<NeuralMiner> doesnt sound like it. not a big deal since you didnt have anything in it.
<Peppernrino> where did you put the wallet.dat?
<NeuralMiner> but back this one up for sure.
<FoxofSilver> on my SSD?
<vega40k> :-)
<Peppernrino> ?
<FoxofSilver> it's still connected if I can load that up somehow
<Peppernrino> somewhere other than the drive it is installed on.
<NeuralMiner> up to you, but i wouldnt back it up to the same computer it's on. i use a cloud share.
<Peppernrino> i have a few usbs.
<Peppernrino> should encrypt the usbs too...
<FoxofSilver> it shows that I'm still not having any addresses or any syncing process
<FoxofSilver> progress*
<NeuralMiner> the block count isnt going up?
<FoxofSilver> there's nothing there
<FoxofSilver> it's like a blank thing
<Bouowmx> Block-chain not loaded yet
<Bouowmx> Wait!!!
<NeuralMiner> are you talking about in your receive addresses?
<FoxofSilver> yeah
<NeuralMiner> click add address.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<apc> compared to other coins, the wallet is pretty complicated, but it's also doing a lot more than just being a wallet
<NeuralMiner> or new address. something like that.
<traderman> peppernrino, i tried to download the boinc gridcoin skin and the link is dead
<FoxofSilver> NeuralMiner: nothing happens
<GRCB0T> Title: Signature for BOINC users (at
<FoxofSilver> can't open any windows, like the options and stuff
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Signature for BOINC users
<NeuralMiner> is that the wallet.dat from your other pc?
<Peppernrino> ah ty traderman
<FoxofSilver> yes
<Peppernrino> i killed my dropbox account
mnk has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<Peppernrino> can you link me the cctalk page plz?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - Content type:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin skin for BOINC - Development - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<NeuralMiner> honestly, i would just wipe everything in that folder except for the config file. restore from the snapshot, and let it build you a new wallet. you didnt have anything in it and you havent sent your beacon yet.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<FoxofSilver> what about the block file?
<NeuralMiner> you still have the snapshot?
<FoxofSilver> the blk001 thing
<FoxofSilver> do I delete that too or?
<NeuralMiner> delete. clean slate it. you should only have your conf file in there. then unzip the snapshot into that folder. then start the wallet.
<FoxofSilver> okay
xXUnRealXx has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<FoxofSilver> kay starting the wallet
Eskorbuto has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<FoxofSilver> and I don't see the address there, I'll try unzipping the non-backed up snapshot
mnk has joined #gridcoin
<FoxofSilver> it says my wallet is offline
kondiomir has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<NeuralMiner> is it still syncing?
jopa has quit [Quit: bye]
<FoxofSilver> it doesn't say anything
<NeuralMiner> what block are you at?
<FoxofSilver> nothing there
<NeuralMiner> doesnt say anything for blocks?
<FoxofSilver> there is literally no information down there
<FoxofSilver> it's just whitespace
<NeuralMiner> lol
<NeuralMiner> close the wallet, delete everything in that folder. conf file, wallet, everything.
<NeuralMiner> wait.
<FoxofSilver> well, I just opened the conf and now there's shit there
<NeuralMiner> nodes, etc?
<FoxofSilver> now it's syncing
<NeuralMiner> ok. what block?
<FoxofSilver> 602216
<NeuralMiner> almost 40k to go.
<NeuralMiner> just gotta wait.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<NeuralMiner> you can start boinc on there now though.
<Bouowmx> Functioning wallet at overview screen:
<FoxofSilver> already did, I have it suspended
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Content type: image/png
<NeuralMiner> and everything else. the wallet will pick it up.
<NeuralMiner> ok.
<FoxofSilver> how many gridcoin makes up 1USD?
<Bouowmx> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.5876$ (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.4474$ (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.64292946$ (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $577.75 = 505.6 EUR
<Bouowmx> !cpid dd9e688a1678fe3d43528fd40125408a
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Bouowmx, your !cpid were sent via PM
<FoxofSilver> and how fast are they generated, typically?
<NeuralMiner> depends on your hardware and project.
<FoxofSilver> is it a really fucking slow process like bitcoin?
<FoxofSilver> where it takes you a month to mine like, 7$
<NeuralMiner> it's different for everyone. someone with a similar setup might be able to tell you what they make.
<NeuralMiner> but it'll depend on your project and hardware.
<FoxofSilver> well it's just an off-the-shelf desktop, quad core AMD 3.2Ghz boosting to like 3.4 or 3.6Ghz, and a Geforce 730 installed for now
<NeuralMiner> what project? CPDN you said?
<FoxofSilver> the climate simulating one
jopa has joined #gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> you should also run a GPU project (i dont think CPDN is GPU).
<NeuralMiner> they'll run side by side.
<FoxofSilver> I'd like to mainly run a GPU project, maybe light CPU because my desktop makes too much noise and I can't sleep at night if there's too much noise
<NeuralMiner> asteroids, einstein, collatz, seti... those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head.
<FoxofSilver> it's a passively cooled GPU, which is nice
<NeuralMiner> nice
<Bouowmx> Careful with AMD "4-core"
<WhitesoxCrypto> hi all
<FoxofSilver> 4 thread, 2 physical cores
<FoxofSilver> I know the tricks
<Bouowmx> Passive cooling might barely do with Nvidia GeForce GT 730
<FoxofSilver> however, CPUTemp shows 4 temperatures, while on my laptop it shows 2
<FoxofSilver> so maybe the desktop is truly 4 core
<FoxofSilver> however, passive cooling works pretty okay on the card
<FoxofSilver> OC'd it and play overwatch, it never reaches 80C
<FoxofSilver> can I allocate resources to the projects, like give 12% of my CPU to foo, and 24% to bar and suchforth?
<NeuralMiner> you can do resource allocation.
<GRCB0T> Title: Preferences - BOINC (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - Preferences - BOINC
<NeuralMiner> look for "resource share"
<Mercosity> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (Mercosity) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> My dear Mercosity, sending the result via PM
<customminer> !tip Mercosity 50
<GRCtip> customminer tipped Mercosity 50 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> Thanks for proposing changes to the Project Rain website
<Bouowmx> !tip FoxofSilver 2
<GRCtip> Bouowmx tipped FoxofSilver 2 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<FoxofSilver> so I can withdraw these coins into my wallet
<NeuralMiner> yes
<NeuralMiner> do /msg grctip !help
<NeuralMiner> do /msg grctip !withdraw
<Peppernrino> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Peppernrino, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<FoxofSilver> I just tried to withdraw
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on moorbsen, NeuralMiner, Gunde, HViD, tr0nic, realw98, pocketprotector, jopa, Mercosity, Jonbvn! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Who's our sugar daddy? Right, it's him, [-SaRaFiNa-]
<FoxofSilver> and it says the transaction completed, how long until my wallet sees it?
<NeuralMiner> when your wallet syncs.
<FoxofSilver> okay
<Bouowmx> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639268
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 639268
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<FoxofSilver> im at 612266
<Peppernrino> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639269
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639269
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
* Peppernrino slaps [-SaRaFiNa-] around a bit with a large trout
<FoxofSilver> Sara please
<Peppernrino> dude. i got the best new torch on the way for $52!
<FoxofSilver> get working or get out
<Peppernrino> hooray
<Peppernrino> you can mute her
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users MrControll, vega40k, caraka, Bouowmx, customminer, Sander96, traderman, aem, xms, Blaze9, psychu, FoxofSilver, fkinglag, tr0nic, [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, coinictus, NeuralMiner, Yoduza, Mercosity! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T I'll place a rain barrel in the middle of the chat. Thank you...
<Peppernrino> "
<Peppernrino> I just bought: 'Blazer GT8000 Big Shot Butane Torch' by Blazer Products
<Peppernrino> Blazer GT8000 Big Shot Butane Torch
<Peppernrino> "
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Online shopping in Canada - books, electronics, Kindle, home & garden, DVDs, tools, music, health & beauty, watches, baby, sporting goods & more
<Peppernrino> gfy
<tr0nic> nice - Bots talking to each other ;)
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> 2016
<Yoduza> lol
<Peppernrino> atleast my bot doesn't whip his dick out
<FoxofSilver> lol
<tr0nic> rofl
<fkinglag> \o/
<customminer> Peppernrino: better quality? :P
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Hangout #002 - YouTube
<Peppernrino> things are more free in germany
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<apc> whoops
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<customminer> lol
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube (at
<Bouowmx> Dude
<apc> I guess it was pasting
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<Peppernrino> LOL
<customminer> oh jeez
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube
<FoxofSilver> holy fuck
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<customminer> y u do dis?
<apc> hahahahaha
<Peppernrino> poor bots.
<customminer> the youtube title was fitting..
<apc> cus I'm about to go home
<apc> and I need to throw hamburgers at people
<Peppernrino> customminer: holy shit yes
<FoxofSilver> where I come from this would be ban worthy
<tr0nic> Peppernrino did you learn him to use a condom? with all that viruses and worms in the wild, doesn't look so ;)
<fkinglag> apc toss me one pls
<Peppernrino> that was only 6. it WILL ban him.
<customminer> !top10 words
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> (customminer) --> top 10 words logged for #gridcoin --> 1. cbr (5485), 2. fediverse (2160), 3. peppernrino (1933), 4. foxofsilver (1409), 5. jamezz (1365), 6. grctip (1305), 7. neuralminer (1159), 8. mercosity (983), 9. grcb0t (982), 10. slimeball (950)
<FoxofSilver> wat
<Peppernrino> i stopped him from gaining control of its speech...
<Peppernrino> apc: are you cubanb?
<Peppernrino> already #3
<Peppernrino> champion mode
<traderman> anyone using the PiGrid?
<FoxofSilver> PiGrid?
<Peppernrino> i ONLY use pigrid and suchflex
<Peppernrino> then i use my gridcoin to buy books about how to gridcoin from
<Peppernrino> then i put them into a doge mixer
<FoxofSilver> lol
<FoxofSilver> gotta wipe that history
coinictus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Peppernrino> my gf and i are both giggling our asses off but for different reasons. :)
<FoxofSilver> you found a joke and she was reminded of your penis?
<customminer> Would be cool to get pigrid talking in the mumble hangouts - suchflex beat them to it!
<Peppernrino> no
<Peppernrino> i'm talking to you guys
<Peppernrino> and she is probably talking about putting things in her bum downstaris
<FoxofSilver> that's not even a big deal
<Peppernrino> did nm get the letters out?
<apc> killer, B
<FoxofSilver> ayyy block 62000
<traderman> couldn't we get something like steemit, but using the magnitude/balance as voting weight?
<Peppernrino> gridit?
<FoxofSilver> so what is pigrid?
<Peppernrino> google it
<Peppernrino> silly billy
<FoxofSilver> ughhh fiiiine
<Peppernrino> pi front end
<Peppernrino> save the world
<Peppernrino> you and your cluster might like it jsut fine
<Peppernrino> they take a cut
<Peppernrino> all these fuckers take a cut
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> it's ok, they can do what they want.
<customminer> last pigrid update was May 14th :/
<traderman> yep, we call call it "social grid"
<NeuralMiner> pigrid takes a cut? didnt know that.
<Peppernrino> don't they?
<Peppernrino> ok
<Peppernrino> i'm starting rumours
<tr0nic> customminer just got a vote up on his steemit "Gridcoin Hangout" from OncleBen via Poloniex Chat :)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by tr0nic - Gridcoin Hangout #003 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<GRCB0T> !tip customminer 10
<GRCtip> GRCB0T tipped customminer 10 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<traderman> who is OncleBen?
<Peppernrino> the man on the rice.
<tr0nic> traderman a guy which i have chatted about GRC
<customminer> cool
<customminer> lol the rice guy
<NeuralMiner> "BOINC research and wallet functionality are being developed by the team right now and more will follow in addition. " so wait... did they ship out things that dont do anything?
<traderman> ohh ok
Eskorbuto has joined #gridcoin
* tr0nic roflz on Peppernrino's black humor
<FoxofSilver> NeuralMiner: most likely didn't ship at all
<Peppernrino> uncle ben... aunt jemima.. this kidsparents were killed? slavery was hard.
<NeuralMiner> they already shipped FoxofSilver
<customminer> NeuralMiner: It shipped out and has an GUI, but it's not had public updates in a couple months.
<Peppernrino> i haven't even started.
* tr0nic ahemm - don't get me wrong
<GRCB0T> Title: PiGrid - get rewarded for helping research projects at home by Maximilian W. — Kickstarter (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - Content type: text/html
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<FoxofSilver> so can't I already use my pi to do Boinc stuff?
<NeuralMiner> yes you can.
<GRCB0T> Title: grctest auf Twitter: "@PiGrid_com Up for attending the Gridcoin Hangout #003 representing PiGrid? #Gridcoin #BOINC #PiGrid #BeyondBitcoin" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - grctest on Twitter: "@PiGrid_com Up for attending the Gridcoin Hangout #003 representing PiGrid? #Gridcoin #BOINC #PiGrid #BeyondBitcoin"
<Peppernrino> this is just a different thing
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Gridcoin Hangout #003 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<NeuralMiner> there's a few projects that work with Pis, FoxofSilver
<NeuralMiner> i get the feeling they wont show. but the flex guys did, so maybe i'm wrong
<customminer> yeah, who knows?
<Peppernrino> contact arseberry pi?
<FoxofSilver> so what's the regular bandwidth like for Boinc?
<customminer> No response from the BMC lol, to be fair it was very short notice. I'll send a follow up email stating that it doesn't need to be this weekend but rather any upcoming Saturday.
<customminer> FoxofSilver: Variable, depends on the projects you pick.
<NeuralMiner> i'm only like an hour into the last hangout. yall really went all out for 3 hours.
<FoxofSilver> is it anything significant that I need to limit it?
<Peppernrino> ~3GB an hour
<customminer> lolno
<Peppernrino> :P
<jamezz> lol i just added my 50 cent goose neck usb fan's to each laptop at their air vent lol... works awesome , figured it would hence my GPU has one in front of it from my stereo rofl
<customminer> NeuralMiner: yeah, with far less proposed topics of conversation than the first hangout too
<jamezz> boinc requires 100mbps free at all times , doesnt everybody have 1gbps/1gbps fiber to prem? if not rent rack spcae
<jamezz> space*
xms has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> colocate your xbox
<FoxofSilver> pffft 100mbps
<tr0nic> so Steemit gives away 4$ - what if i make 2 accounts and switch them to each other - i get 8$??? can i get rich now?
<FoxofSilver> lol
<Peppernrino> no\
<Peppernrino> what account did you sign up with?
<Peppernrino> reddit?
<tr0nic> atm with no acc
<tr0nic> just asking for my wealth
<Peppernrino> lol
<customminer> Upgraded to SoundCloud PRO account for the Gridcoin Hangouts
<customminer> tr0nic: I think it might be voting power rather than liquid assets.
* tr0nic customminer for PR management
<slimeball> oh gpugrid how much i love you choose to only run on record temp hot days and make me add fan after fan after fan
<tr0nic> customminer - seriously - but i could vote for 2 accounts vice versa and get it? or not?
<customminer> tr0nic: Yeah, you could create multiple accounts to get that initial $4 voting power, but I don't think you can immediately liquidate the $4 out of your new account.
<tr0nic> allright thx for clarifying, so it seems to be a "bug"
<tr0nic> CM although i won't do it, i will sign up and vote for you
<tr0nic> btw when is the next mumble session?
<FoxofSilver> how many blocks are there right now? is it !blocks?
<NeuralMiner> yes
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639299
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639299
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<Mercosity> Tanks!! customminer glad I could do something to help.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Hangout #003 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<customminer> tr0nic: Yeah, make a Steem post to upvote Gridcoin/BOINC related content :)
<tr0nic> customminer thx i must be blind - so tomorrow is the next meeting :)
<tr0nic> i will do
<customminer> yeah :)
<Peppernrino> pro account
<Peppernrino> ballin
ZeroMinus has joined #gridcoin
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639300
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639300
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<traderman> anyone wanna tell WCG how to get more people involved in distributed computing?? wink wink,39441
<GRCB0T> Title: World Community Grid - View Thread - How to Get More People Involved (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - World Community Grid - View Thread - How to Get More People Involved
<customminer> Should mention cryptocurrency like Gridcoin :P
<jopa> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (jopa) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Dear jopa, please check your private message for the !stats result
<traderman> custom, this is exactly what your project rain is about, no?
<apc> new psu doesn't come until tomorrow, but I'm gonna put this rx480 in now and see what happens. should push my 750w to the max, maybe a bit over
<FoxofSilver> you expect an rx 480 to push a 750W supply to the max?
<apc> my rig is currently pulling about 630 watts out of the wall
<FoxofSilver> ohhh multi-GPU set up
<apc> yupyup
<FoxofSilver> aight fair enough
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639304
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 639304
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<HViD> is it possible to control which gfx card to use for boinc?
<apc> 480 is reported to hit ~160, but I should be able to trim that down with an undervolt, assuming it'll take it
* apc waits for everything to cool down
<FoxofSilver> assuming you have a decent shot in the silicon lottery
<HViD> apc is it for crunching?
<apc> eventually. hashing for now
<apc> although I've been able to crunch poem a bit on top, though it doesn't get very much to play with
<HViD> I bet you can undervolt it easy if you decrease mem clock
<tr0nic> traderman customminer it would be a good point if GRC shows at major "cryptocurrency congresses" (maybe Money 20/20 or Defcon....) and therefore get a bit percentage of the total PoW coins - as an investetment for PR and Development
<FoxofSilver> apc do you do any gaming? because rx 480 is somewhat meh for that compared to the 1060, the only loss is the 2GB less of VRAM
<HViD> not a lot of hashing nor crunching that max out the memory anyway
<Bouowmx> 630 W from wall? Remember power supply efficiency
<apc> my 290x is stable with a 50mv undervolt and 10% overclock
<FoxofSilver> nice
<apc> 10% core overclock
<Peppernrino> btwe guys
<Peppernrino> use your steem power
<apc> tons of mem bandwidth already, so mem oc does nothing
<Peppernrino> it comes back
<Bouowmx> 630 W * 0.9 = 567 W
<customminer> tr0nic: not a more company oriented conference? Or are you talking about giving a talk on stage?
<HViD> thats what I'm saying ^^
<Peppernrino> it resets everyday
<HViD> clock the memory down to reduce power
<FoxofSilver> what resets?
<tr0nic> customminer talking on stage would be great, cause a lot of ppl have cpu+gpu power just laying around
<apc> bouowmx yup it's most likely going to exceed the psu
<apc> I'm going to dial down my fans and everything tho
<tr0nic> so Defcoin or other conventions would hit open ears
<apc> just wanna see what it can do
<tr0nic> i know 20/20 is just for big money investors
<HViD> fans barely eats any watt
<apc> 850w psu comes tomorrow. 1000w wouldn't fit in my case the way I want :(
<apc> my exhaust fan is 30w
<apc> :)
<FoxofSilver> deltafan?
<apc> I dunno what it is. 200cfm
<apc> it's actually 36w
<apc> but the controller is only rated at 30
<FoxofSilver> is it like a jet engine?
<Bouowmx> HViD: you can exclude GPUs with cc_config.xml exclude_gpu
<GRCB0T> Title: Client configuration - BOINC (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Client configuration - BOINC
<HViD> but isnt that all gpus?
<apc> at full speed it's loud, yeah
<tr0nic> customminer but the big power in GRC lies within the ppl with support a useful usage of their PC power and those you get at community events
<FoxofSilver> apc, sounds like a delta fan
<HViD> I only want it to exclude 1 gpu
<apc> foxofsilver
<GRCB0T> Title: Rig cooling - Album on Imgur (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Rig cooling - Album on Imgur
<FoxofSilver> they're meant for pushing a metric fucktonne of air and great force
<Bouowmx> HViD: find out that GPU's device_num
<Bouowmx> <exclude_gpu><device_num>1</device_num></exclude_gpu>
<Bouowmx> ^ Example
<HViD> ah ok, nice
<GRCB0T> Title: GridcoinNetwork auf Twitter: "@MetroSales Did you know that you could earn #Gridcoin for all the computations you have done for the World Community Grid?" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - GridcoinNetwork on Twitter: "@MetroSales Did you know that you could earn #Gridcoin for all the computations you have done for the World Community Grid?"
<FoxofSilver> sweet rig
<ZeroMinus> <exclude_gpu>
<ZeroMinus> <device_num>1</device_num>
<ZeroMinus> <type>NVIDIA</type>
<ZeroMinus> <app>setiathome_v8</app>
<ZeroMinus> </exclude_gpu>
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Ultra Strong 12cm DC12V Cooling fan. 200CFM: Everything Else
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by ZeroMinus - Content type:
<apc> larger dia duct coming tomorrow. it's restrictive now
<apc> ok cooled off
<FoxofSilver> I love how you exhaust the air to outside
apc has quit []
<ZeroMinus> looks like your the reason for global warming
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - [Announcement] Gridcoin Hangout #002 Released! (Youtube + SoundCloud) — Steemit
<FoxofSilver> you're* the reason education system is failing.
<ZeroMinus> aint it great to contribute to something
<jamezz> i srs need to design with a frame like customminer uses for his board/gpu's 2 layer and wires but with 1 ATX psu.. I already have converted it for bench @ 18v switching PSU since its clean power no RFI... anyways psu @ the heart and ima rip out case front mount USB heads and wires and use the 5v rails only no 12v and drop down resistors... Then banks of USB ports for my tablets and phones... now that ima start rigging phones.
<FoxofSilver> Just lovely
<jamezz> none these POS google " turn atx psu into bench supply " garbage a 5 year old made.
<customminer> jamezz: Get corner aluminium off ebay, a drill and a pop-rivet tool, makes it easy.
<jamezz> ok! next line was " so customminer where u get your frames? "
<customminer> hand built
<jamezz> now i know you make them... i have tools and dremel with kit and im having fun with flex seal!
<jamezz> right on , thanks brotha
<jamezz> !tip customminer 1
<GRCtip> jamezz tipped customminer 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> dremel kit might be a bit mental.. I used a hacksaw instead
<jamezz> no im saying i got tools to make shit is all
<customminer> spray painted one for the lulz
<customminer> ah gotcha
<jamezz> i left out I can arc and mig and tig
<jamezz> lol
<customminer> mind to post the end result in the BOINC rig porn thread!
<jamezz> ofcourse
<jamezz> soon to be pic of current porn soon
<jamezz> i has 3 projects before that BUT the PSU i just pulled out.. just a 450w but perfect... my tablets drain crunching even without the screen on depending on project
<jamezz> 7-800mA wall plugs dont cut it
<jamezz> 2amp needed
<jamezz> so hay lets pool 24amp to 12 ports and only use 6
<jamezz> i do have metal , its a grid frame for bunk beds.. i had it around my room so ham coax runs and copper runs and cat5 was behind it like false wall... anyways i was looking at it smoking a cig and i dont smoke cigs thinking of building it like your opterons
<GRCB0T> Title: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by HViD - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
<HViD> this is how one of my old mining rigs looked
<customminer> lol wtf that gpu
<customminer> haha
<HViD> got an old shitty pc from work, a cheap psu and some secondhand gfx
<customminer> :D
<ZeroMinus> a bit messy :)
<HViD> but cheap :P
<HViD> threw it all in a storage room at work with an wifi usb and a connection to the company guest network :D
<customminer> :P
<HViD> I had to put the gfx outside since there wasnt room for it in the chassis - and also used a x4-x16 pcie riser due to lack of ports
<FoxofSilver> nice looking rig ;)
<Bouowmx> Why does DDR4 still have poor latency compared to DDR3's?
apc has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: World Community Grid - View Thread - How to Get More People Involved (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - World Community Grid - View Thread - How to Get More People Involved
<apc> well it's damn tight but it's in there
<GRCB0T> Title: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by HViD - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
<GRCB0T> Title: Naked Donald Trump statue placed in Seattle | KIRO-TV (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by jamezz - Naked Donald Trump statue placed in Seattle | KIRO-TV
<HViD> this is my home rig
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639322
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639322
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<HViD> just got a waterblock for the gfx as well and will probably add it this weekend
<apc> nice hvid
<FoxofSilver> 636100
<apc> I see custom water in my future
<FoxofSilver> apc, go for evaporative cooling
<FoxofSilver> neatest shit ever
<HViD> custom water is fun and all, but tbh I doubt it makes a big difference compared to a decent air cooler
<HViD> since I'm not really going crazy with oc'ing
<apc> water made a huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference for my 290x
<Bouowmx> On 250-W GPU? Liquid cooling helps big time
<Bouowmx> Maybe not so on like 100 W
<FoxofSilver> yeah but imagine having giant bongs that cool your PC
<HViD> haha
<FoxofSilver> evaporative cooling
<HViD> well, the water in a bong is supposed to be cold ^^
<FoxofSilver> it's science
<FoxofSilver> and it's great
<HViD> I have a 970 strix and never seen it above 64 C
<GRCB0T> Title: My Bong Cooler Build Log (Evaporative Cooling) (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - My Bong Cooler Build Log (Evaporative Cooling)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Bouowmx> You do have an ASUS Strix
<HViD> even with pressure testing
mnk has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<apc> my 290x would hit 95C with ease at full sustained load
<apc> with water it's cozily staying at 75
<FoxofSilver> my 730 reaches a max of 80C during heavy gaming, and it's OC'd
<HViD> I've had plenty of heat issues with ati cards
<FoxofSilver> and it's passive cooled
<Bouowmx> Yo, passive-cooled Nvidia GeForce GT 710 reaches 95 C in BOINC
<Bouowmx> 710 > 730??
<FoxofSilver> lol
<FoxofSilver> 730>710
<HViD> size of cooler and air flow in chassis?
<Bouowmx> Mid-tower ATX and one exhaust fan only
<Bouowmx> Of course :\
<FoxofSilver> air is being blown into the case and it reduced temps on cpu and gpu by 10 degrees
<FoxofSilver> gpu more like 5 degrees
<apc> sweeet. the rx480 stock giving me 25mh/s, 56 combined :D
<FoxofSilver> but that easily went away when I added a second monitor
<apc> I'll tinker with clocks and everything tomorrow
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - GeForce® GT 710 2GB | ZOTAC
<GRCB0T> Title: GeForce® GT 710 2GB | ZOTAC (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<HViD> what are you hashing, apc?
<apc> just ether for this
<apc> I need to improve my cooling more to do ether+decred on this rig
<apc> my box at work is doing both tho
<FoxofSilver> i have a zotac 4GB 730 running at something like... +297Mhz overclock from the stock of like, 904Mhz, so it runs at like, 11xx Mhz or some shit
<HViD> I havent really looked at ether but if its anything similar to sha256 you can downclock the memory to minimum and potentially oc the core a bit more
<apc> I might put this 480 in my box at work and move the r9 380 home
<FoxofSilver> 64bit memory bus
<apc> the 290x is already downclocked vram stock
<apc> and it's at 1100mhz which is generally considered the stable max
<apc> with 50mv undervolt to boot, which I think is cool
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639326
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 639326
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<HViD> sounds nice
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<Bouowmx> FoxofSilver: running high OC might earn lower RAC because of excessive invalid tasks
<Bouowmx> I ran 710 at maximum stable OC (~1350 MHz) and SETI@home marked 50% tasks invalid
<HViD> I'm off to bed. 1 am and a long day tomorrow - gn ppl
<FoxofSilver> it's super stable with no artifacting
<apc> zzzzz
<customminer> night HViD :)
HViD has quit []
<FoxofSilver> we'll see how she goes when it comes time
<FoxofSilver> right now it's just waiting for the blocks to update
radurock has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<FoxofSilver> and everything to sync up
<FoxofSilver> which takes foreeeeevveeeerrrrr
<NeuralMiner> FoxofSilver, dont forget to send your beacon after you have a balance.
<FoxofSilver> what's the benefit of the beacon again?
<NeuralMiner> announces your CPID to the neural network. so you can start getting rewards.
<customminer> FoxofSilver: The benefit of the beacon is registration of your CPID onto the network.
<FoxofSilver> rewards like what?
<customminer> FoxofSilver: Without the beacon, you'd have to stake a block before being added to the neural network.
<customminer> ...rewards like gridcoin..
<Bouowmx> Proof-of-research
<customminer> :P
<FoxofSilver> ohh
<Bouowmx> In my first setup, wallet just sent a beacon automatically. I didn't know I had to do it
<FoxofSilver> well I should have a balance automatically, since you guys sent me coins
<FoxofSilver> how many coins does a beacon cost?
<customminer> Bouowmx: It's only if your beacon doesn't automatically send.
<customminer> FoxofSilver: You need 1GRC in balance, but it's only like 0.001GRC
<FoxofSilver> ahhh\
<FoxofSilver> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 639330
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 639330
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<Bouowmx> Why is the Nvidia GeForce 210 still being produced???
<FoxofSilver> ayyy
<FoxofSilver> synced up
<FoxofSilver> i got 22 coins
<ZeroMinus> nice
<ZeroMinus> I got less than 0
<FoxofSilver> so how do I send out a beacon?
<ZeroMinus> u did or u wouldn't have been payed
<FoxofSilver> oh nice
<customminer> ZeroMinus: unless he received them from tips?
<FoxofSilver> I got them from tips yes
<ZeroMinus> oh
<customminer> FoxofSilver: ok, follow the solo crunching guide. Bear in mind that 22 GRC is a small quantity of GRC to stake with.
<ZeroMinus> sorry for getting our hopes up
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<customminer> FoxofSilver: If you don't have a large mag (large quantities of computing power) then staking could be rare & exploring a pool as an option may be the way forwards.
<FoxofSilver> indeed, I have a desktop right now, that's it
<FoxofSilver> so what's the best option?
Vodonik has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> pool probably
<FoxofSilver> okay
xXUnRealXx has joined #gridcoin
ZeroMinus has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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xXUnRealXx has joined #gridcoin
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apc has joined #gridcoin
RoyalPhay has joined #gridcoin
<RoyalPhay> Just woke up at 7pm
<RoyalPhay> fml
<RoyalPhay> fuck. my. life.
<customminer> lol
<customminer> to be fair you were up very late
<RoyalPhay> I guess
<Mercosity> Here's a question for those who know the BoincManager like the back oftheir hands - I came out of the pool and I'm solo on all my projects now. Under Account on the projects page some of my projects are still showing pool.gridcoin. Does that mean that although I've left that my credits are still going to the pool. Also how can I get rid of pool.gri
<Mercosity> dcoin from under Account?
<RoyalPhay> 13hrs of sleep
<customminer> you're on crypto-time, boy!
<RoyalPhay> :o
<RoyalPhay> crypto-time..
<apc> royalphay where are you
<RoyalPhay> He lives in you
<RoyalPhay> he lives in me
<apc> northern or southern hemi
<RoyalPhay> everywhere
<customminer> Mercosity: If you switch, you need to fully remove a project and remove pool from your account manager (so it doesn't keep syncing)
<apc> if it's winter, it's dark, and waking up not knowing if it's morning or night sucks
<Mercosity> Can do this on help if anyone knows?
<RoyalPhay> I live in NC
<apc> reboot!
<RoyalPhay> north
<RoyalPhay> carolina
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<RoyalPhay> USA
<RoyalPhay> He left me
<RoyalPhay> moonbear
<RoyalPhay> fkinglag. I'm awake now
<Bouowmx> Remember when graphics cards had people on them?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Content type: image/jpeg
<Mercosity> customminer I've removed pool and using BAM. But haven't removed projects from acc manager 'cause I was way up on progress on some WUs. Still going to pool?
mrtrousers has joined #gridcoin
<mrtrousers> Hello
<mrtrousers> whats up? there usually is plenty of banter?
<Bouowmx> Short bursts of excitement with long periods of quiet?
<Mercosity> banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter, banter,
<traderman> we need to get these guys on team Gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: World Community Grid – Metro Sales Inc. (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - World Community Grid – Metro Sales Inc.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<mrtrousers> I think we need the wikipedia page translated into english:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin – Wikipedia (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by mrtrousers - Gridcoin – Wikipedia
<mrtrousers> I cant open the wallet
<mrtrousers> Gridcoin is probably already running
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Proposal - New sites for hosting our recorded content! — Steemit
<mrtrousers> who is SaraFina?
<Peppernrino> a bot
<FoxofSilver> so I'm noticing something weird here
<FoxofSilver> when I add a project with teh boinc client I can sync it with the climate prediction account and such
<FoxofSilver> but I can't seem to do so when adding it via the pool page
* Peppernrino hides
<mrtrousers> So what you think about the wikipedia page? I think people need to find "official,independent, information" easly..
<mrtrousers> Do you agree about having it in english?
<FoxofSilver> make it in wingdings
<Peppernrino> what's wrong with english?
<Peppernrino> foxofsilver: the pool is a mysterious beast.
<Bouowmx> 東方Project(とうほうプロジェクト)とは、同人サークルの上海アリス幻樂団によって製作されている著作物である。
<FoxofSilver> so how do I work with it so that it adds the project but keeps the account tied to it so I can get the coins?
<Peppernrino> well done
<Peppernrino> bouowmx just summoned a turtle
<Peppernrino> buh?
<Peppernrino> isn't it?
<FoxofSilver> "Communications deferred" wat
<Bouowmx> As long as your "Ready to report" tasks are gone, that's fine
<RoyalPhay> Should i make: Rice, Pizza, and/or bread tonight?
<Bouowmx> Just plain bread or rice? Meh
<RoyalPhay> all of it is plain
<RoyalPhay> I like simple things
<mrtrousers> rice
<RoyalPhay> but with butter
<RoyalPhay> rice and bread?
<RoyalPhay> x2 butter bby
<RoyalPhay> wait what. Peppernrino. you're awake?
<customminer> Mercosity: yeah if you're still crunching work units under the pool cpid the rac is going to the pool.
<FoxofSilver> so I finally got it running now
<FoxofSilver> it says it's going to take 6days at least
<RoyalPhay> to run?
<RoyalPhay> damn.
<FoxofSilver> yeah
<RoyalPhay> make sure you're hydrated if you're going to run that far
<FoxofSilver> it's weather simulating and predicting, so shit takes a good chunk of time
<RoyalPhay> like cooking rice
<RoyalPhay> can you calculate the volume of my rice?
<FoxofSilver> personally? no
<RoyalPhay> :P
<RoyalPhay> I like you
<jamezz> ohhhhhh poooo
<jamezz> its phay
<RoyalPhay> bbl. shower
<mrtrousers> gridcoin wallet is not opening
<FoxofSilver> rip
<Mercosity> customminer: Now here's a weird one - I removed the projects that were pool and reinstard them under my name, no problem - until I came to Seti and the remove button is grayed out on all my machines - hows that!
<Mercosity> *reinstated
<Peppernrino> mercosity up vote my new shit
<Mercosity> peppernrino no prob link me
<customminer> Mercosity: could be that it is still using the pool? You could delete the local seti files?
<GRCB0T> Title: EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error init_blockindex(): error opening database e - (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by mrtrousers - EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error init_blockindex(): error opening database e -
<customminer> Peppernrino: I'll upvote your post in a wee bit, chilling whilst my laptop uploads to
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Proposal - New sites for hosting our recorded content! — Steemit
<customminer> mrtrousers: what version are you on?
<mrtrousers> I dont know
<mrtrousers> When i got in here a week ago it was last, dont know if its been upgraded
<Bouowmx> Gridcoin already running?
<Mercosity> customminer: Yes but the others were before too - it's only seti - I'm crunching it on the challenge could that be something to do with it?
<traderman> I just started the first team Gridcoin thread on the WCG forum:,39446
<customminer> Not sure :/
<GRCB0T> Title: World Community Grid - View Thread - Team Gridcoin - rewarding Boinc computations with digital currency (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - World Community Grid - View Thread - Team Gridcoin - rewarding Boinc computations with digital currency
<customminer> Probably not to do with the challenge but rather is stuck using the pool?
<traderman> i can't believe that after 3 years nobody thought of doing that