No. Im not saying people should be forced to crunch seti or whatever during the challenge.
But people already crunching it, should be counted even if they dont realize or are on holidays to join.
I know, but I think there's a difference between getting team members to opt-in to a challenge willfully, and conscripting them into it without their knowledge
Well they could opt in.. Like draft me for all the challenges.
that'd be on gridcoin, not the challenge
zagoti has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
but I do think the pressure is a good thing
And i dont see why they anyone wouldnt want that if its already in gridcoin cuz what is good for grc is good for them
is an adaptive pressure
we need to be able to better communicate with all gridcoin users
Title: Whose Line is it Anyway? S10E12 - Bitchcoin - YouTube (at www.youtube.com)
Linked by Bouowmx - Whose Line is it Anyway? S10E12 - Bitchcoin - YouTube
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
I didn't know whose line is still on
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
hrm... grctip... whose bot is it anyway?
apc: Sepulcher
apc: He's on twitter mainly
has he been twitter tweeted twitterpated?
I haven't, no. Tweet at him! I'll retweet/like.
* apc
tries to remember how to twitter
I just got on it the other day tho. to look at pepper's pics. she's a hottie, btw.
ok there's a sepulcher in india, @sepulcher, and a sepulcher who is also a hottie, but not a he, @0shi0kiy0
ah, winston
cryptocurrency geek
three fitty says that's him
that upgrade for the wallet , fixed my shit
now not just seti showing in list cpids
holy fuck , bout time!
Mr_Slippyfist has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Error (Mercosity) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
but it also says Debug Info" : "CPID corrupted (ext cpid)
My dear Mercosity, your !stats were sent via private message
Mercosity pm?
well i think i know why
i bet shit will sync and i lost everything for old CPID because it shows all my pool projects with 2nd cpid now
sure if im patient , it will populate nn with that
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
Going to bog will be back. Gotta get peat.
I can honestly say I have never heard anyone ever say that before
* fkinglag
returns with mushroom masala
had to abandon hangout earlier :|
real life things
hard knock life
fer us
no worries fkinglag
fkinglag: We can hold hangouts anytime.
figure it was productive :)
shorter than the previous hangouts
fkinglag: I've got a list of things to do as an outcome from the hangout, so productive - yes.
short but sweet
I do think 2hrs is a good time. ppl have remarked about how long others have been. and I know I start eyeing the couch for a nap much longer than that
lots of people enjoy a longer thing to listen to I guess
Ameo has joined #gridcoin
as a listener, depends on my mood I suppose. I listen to podcasts all day at work. sometimes I want long ones I can half pay attention to. other times I wan't shorter, more consuming stuff
apc: We could be more strict with the time limit in the future if there are multiple people wanting to propose topics of discussion. We could also hold intermissions - 5 or 10 mins break every x mins.
yeah. also consider that the recording can be edited as desired
rino can completely remove everything fkinglag says to save tons of time, for example
yeah haha :(
that was pretty funny. not for you, yeah. but you know... for me.
why magnitude is back ? What is the motor for that move ?
it was a glitch. it's cleared. all crew present and accounted for
Ameo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
yipee kye woops!
dammit. I fell into the molten steel again.
you got your peat mercosity?
Yup apc went to bog, got my turf (peat)
what you planting?
No burn it, in fir eto make warm in winer snowy time.
ohhhh ok
You can plant in it too, multi purposes
make sure to suck all the juices out first.
make some scothc
yeah good to make soil acidic
No stands in small piles to dry in sun.
I'm not entirely clear on what dabs are, but you need to step away from them, peppernrino
Nice to have a turf fire come winter time.
bed bugs
i smoke bed bugs
with how much rain we've had this year we just might have some good snow this winter
sometimes we have several feet, sometimes we're lucky to get a dusting
Winter here can be weird. sometimes snow, sometimes not just v cold wet, slushy and windy. I have abig lake to my south and another big one to my north.
Linked by apc - Content type: image/jpeg
it was a red light camera protest :)
!rainactive 10 20
0.5 GRC for 20 lucky users every 10800 seconds! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
bubu1sk has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
but someone driving by did shout out their window, "Yeah! Fuck Robocop!"
Winters alright if it's dry but constant freezing rain, you wouldn't like that at all.
we get that here, but it tends to come in cycles
lately tho the line has been pushing farther south
Horizontal rain with ice in it v unpleasant.
oklahoma and arkansas have been getting all the ice storms the past few years
FifthGB has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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Night of the Living Dead
Yeah the weather here has been getting stranger and stranger. Definately global warming. Average rainfall here has risen to 110mm per month.
dyce has joined #gridcoin
Gridcoin wallet upgrading again after I just did?
you're strongly influenced by the north atlantic conveyor. it'll shut down due to the greenland fresh water flow. then you'll get chilly. fast.
About 4.5 inches a month
my box just spazzed out and the wallet spontaneously restarted
Well inthe ice age we were under +- 3km of ice so the whole of the country is glaciated. Rinse repeat again.
it's like windows7 aero
windows themes are hosed
for chrome
One benefit though v little pollution from eu as wind mostly comes from NW.
yeah you get to suck canafarts
FifthGB has joined #gridcoin
No grenlander farts.
I dunno what just happened but I'm gonna reboot
I had what seemed to be driver unloads/loads, screens blacked out intermittently, my ethereum miner went to 0, and chrome went to the windows 7 aero theme
Linked by apc - Content type: image/jpeg
I have noticed mass time outs at this time often.
SETI: don't tell me a Nvidia GeForce GTX 860M (1.4 TFLOPS) and Intel HD Graphics 4600 (set to 400 MHz, giving 128 GFLOPS) can do better than a AMD Radeon R9 270X (2.7 TFLOPS)
yup. SETI... see... it's aliens.
AMD FLOPS: just for show
You in the challenge?
My username is "Sean"
SETI-ALIEN... SE-ALIEN... SEAN... bouowmx is an inside job.
Ok no: 5 but thats with GPUs yes. I'm CPU only.
Im gettint no POR i think something is wrong
Oh Oh sounds like me a couple days ago.
Mine's coming thru now though.
check your !stats
Error (Mercosity) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
My dear Mercosity, your !stats were sent via private message
oh seems to be going up and down.
I don't know what determines when payouts are actually made, but for me they sometimes build up
My payout pattern: big-small-small
Mine was up, down no semms to be going up again.
Totally dumping this power-hungry AMD Radeon R9 270X for a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1160
Seti validation takes an age as well.
you guys put out some serious flops!
Error (mrtrousers) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
mrtrousers, your !stats were sent via private message
what happened to GRCtip, did he run away to bahamas?
It doesent count my RAC right..
Nice to meet you! I'm a friendly bot, and my operator is: Erkan_Yilmaz, read my help: !help fediverse
!fediverse count my rac right
Nice to meet you! I'm a friendly bot, and my operator is: Erkan_Yilmaz, read my help: !help fediverse
!fediverse i know i know
Nice to meet you! I'm a friendly bot, and my operator is: Erkan_Yilmaz, read my help: !help fediverse
Title: [Contest] Create an intro song for the 'Gridcoin Community Hangout' podcast! (GRC Rewards) - Marketing and Advertising - CryptoCoinTalk (at cryptocointalk.com)
if it breaks your system, blame him.
but I wanna sleep
it only has xp/vista/7
guess I'm SOL
I feel like I'm mouse fapping
my wrist hurtrs
ok I'm on retroshare
can I go to sleep now?
idosedthekoolaid has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
i didnt leave shit
lurker eh? i got a better classification for you..
but dont worry i think mindmolding@home is working on some projects to help you... no fear
Linked by reddy1975 - RPC commands - Gridcoin
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
hello WhitesoxCrypto
!rainactive 10 20
0.5 GRC for 20 lucky users every 10800 seconds! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
not sure I found correct one
lol grctip is not even online
hehe, really :D
* reddy1975
is away: I am out of computer now
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: Rechenkraft.net ... be part of it ...]
* reddy1975
is back (gone 00:28:33)
please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
vasifumi, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
GRCtip is not online now :-)
...it's Sunday, bot have probably day-off :-D
reddy1975: o/
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
morning folks
good morning What's going on with BOINC project 'Asteroids@home' btw?
FreshFund has joined #gridcoin
!rainactive 1 10
sorry FreshFund, the Tipbot is not available at the moment, she has a day off
thats awesome lol
do you need to keep my wallet open 24/7 to maximize rewards or would it be the same if you open it periodically, for prolonged lengths of time
lol your*
solocshaw has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
Having it open 24/7 is really only a requirement if you are an investor. If you are a boinc cruncher you will generate blocks in a faster pace and the intrest gets paid at the same time as the DPoR blocks.
Investors rely on stake earnings?
If you are an investor, then yes. That is the only way to get intrest. You stake based on your balance and that is only done when the wallet is open.
But you still have to have it open to get your DPoR reward as a BOINC cruncher. But the chances are higher since you also get DPoR score on top of the PoS.
and chances of staking are pretty low if you open the wallet infrequently
ok So it is best to leave it open but not necessary if i'm Boincing.
as an investor it depends on your balance. To stake in a week you need ~56k GRC.
does your balance affect dpor? or just staking
Just staking
thought so..
But when you get your DPoR reward, you also get your PoS (Intrest) reward based on your balance.
thats awesome
when you say stake in a week, do you mean leave the wallet open for a week straight? or since the last beacon
Title: Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation (at www.gridresearchcorp.com)
Linked by startail - Content type:
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
I haven't been able to see the PoS reward in the wallet, but this site shows it really nice
Erkan_Yilmaz: How about making fediverse to not mind any punctuation signs like '!'?
But I guess if you have an enough high balance, like 500k GRC, that would mean you stake PoS faster than DPoR so your balance is important then :)
you mean when someone mentions superblock in a sentence that it replies with the specific info?
* startail
thinks the owner of GRCTip should take 1% fee for withdrawls to compensate for the work done, and make sure it's more reliable :)
sEp does take a transfer fee when you withdraw from grctip. He's just not that active anymore, and needs to be alerted when grctip goes down.
reddy1975 has quit [Quit: Bye]
caraka: I tought that went to the fees for the network. But as said, I don't mind if it goes to the owner of the bot anyway.
so with a higher balance, say 1M would you earn more from staking, than a lower balance that crunches? (obviously both dpor and pos would be best) but of the two which is better?
FreshFund: You wouldn't earn more. You would create networkblocks faster.
PoS gives your ~1.5% per year on your balance. DPoR gives you based on your contribution to BOINC. Two different rewards
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
its sunny today
Simplified, Investors have no DPoR and rely on PoS only. Researchers has both and their score are combined, thus they stake faster.
coinictus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
startail: thanks for the info! was trying to decide if i should dedicate one machine to GRC (will be my main coin) and another machine/paper wallets to the other strictly holding coins
[-SaRaFiNa-]: we will make it rain tomorrow
Jybrael has joined #gridcoin
FreshFund: Ah. If you can have a wallet staking 24/7, that's awsome. But as said, not a requirement. I myself have a wallet running 24/7 just for staking. Making sure I don't forget to collect.
reddy1975 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
lol my brain hurts from trying to figure out the bell-curve between a small network of constantly crunching machines vs 1.5% yearly on X amount of gridcoins
DPoR will probebly give you more than just PoS
If the machine that you're looking at to do PoS 24/7 can do BOINC work, let it do that to and you will have a DPoR score on top of it. That will always give you better results.
reddy1975 has joined #gridcoin
The benefit of that is that you can always add machines that does work later on since your wallet is set up already
reddy1975 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Linked by startail - Choosing BOINC projects
pro has joined #gridcoin
Mr_Slippyfist has joined #gridcoin
Emptybeerbottle has joined #gridcoin
Good morning
GRCTIP still dead? :(
Emptybeerbottle: yes :\
Chick3nman has joined #gridcoin
!rainactive 10 20
0.5 GRC for 20 lucky users every 10800 seconds! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
parakolo has joined #gridcoin
Id like to remove some projects from my wallet
parakolo has quit [Client Quit]
I think my dead projects affect my por
i think your right mrt
my dpor weight went from ~22000 to 600 after adding a new project
how can i remove them?
Like the gui is always mining on projects where i have 0
Id like to drop them, like from the console or something
reddy1975 has quit [Quit: Leaving, bye all / Odcházím, zdar všichni]
reddy1975 has joined #gridcoin
* reddy1975
is away: I'm bussy or out of laptop / Jsem zaneprázdněný nebo mimo laptop
realw98 has joined #gridcoin
yea why does DPoR drop so drastically?
its now estimated 287 days before reward -_-
coinictus has joined #gridcoin
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
solocshaw has joined #gridcoin
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Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
Title: coinomi auf Twitter: "@grctester @GridcoinNetwork the Gridcoin integration is ready and will be released in our next update" (at twitter.com)
Linked by customminer - coinomi on Twitter: "@grctester @GridcoinNetwork the Gridcoin integration is ready and will be released in our next update"
moaning gridsters!!
sup do
startail - thx
customminer: persistence pays of :)
sup sup
mrtrousers: inactive projects does not affect your DPoR reward.
Hi guys
hi Jybrael
How are you startail
all good today
* startail
needs more coffe tough
can't we 3d print coffee yet
I'll just grab my food replicator :P
i know it could be done!
* startail
hands out mugs and fires up the ol' replicator
i think my coffee tastes like minecraft..
It's "just" a matter of molecules and asemly, right? ;)
Good to know mate
please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
Jybrael, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
oh, I might have the minecraft server running on the same network, my bad :)
What minecraft server?
that explains it
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
morning WhitesoxCrypto
customminer: hey hey!! o/
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: Rechenkraft.net ... be part of it ...]
reddy1975 has quit [Quit: Leaving, bye all / Odcházím, zdar všichni]
Thanks for sharing the steemit post customminer. It's my contribution to the community, they're fun to make.
It's getting quite some attention this week :)
reddy1975 has joined #gridcoin
startail: The weekly posts are pretty cool, maybe keep their announcements to a single thread in cryptocointalk though
startail: looks like you've made like $15 off it which is neat
Yeah, wasn't planning on making single posts for every week. Roughly ~14 SBD atm.
changed the title of the thread
bot is down
I can see something like a gridcoin weekly special be possible up the read to. An interview with Rob for example. Stuff like that.
thats awesome
fediverse has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
Requesting information from exchanges...
time zone appropriate greetings (tzag), it's already so hot now.
morning fkinglag
customminer undercaffeinated :)
how goes, customminer?
pine_cone: ?
fkinglag: aye, goes well. Found and fixed a bug with project rain, going through coinmarketcap considering adding other cryptos but I think it's pretty good at the moment..
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
I'm without wallet almost a month as I upgraded my OS from Fedora 22 to Fedora 24... there wasn't wallet for my version.
I'm curious for how long time it will be fixed
...know it's hard to fix all deppencies on multiple platforms...
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
Error (d_o_c) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
d_o_c, sent the result via PM
apc: good idea. rob only hears bad news. :)
reddy1975: i know SOMEBODY in here was compiling for fedora... tahvok, maybe?
good morning, fuckers. :)
Peppernrino: marix has been focused on that
apc: you wanna try making an app_config.xml for einstein with me?
"<apc> my gpus aren't exactly getting a workout tho"
ok I can play with it in a few minutes. I've suspended everything as I realized I have a bunch of mindmodeling tasks due today. all resources are on them to finish
'Moo! Wrapper' is a project that brute-forces RC5-72 (RC5-messages encrypted with 72-bit keys) http://moowrap.net
Linked by fediverse - MilkyWay@Home
Title: Moo! Wrapper (at moowrap.net)
Linked by fediverse - Moo! Wrapper
those are mine for moo and milkyway
I've not messed with any configs at all beyond just getting both gpus working. but I can figure it out
basically just put that in a .txt file, change the app <name> to whatever einstein wu's are, and save as app_config.xml
then put in project folder in ...appdata?
it's pretty much that easy
the folders are in there.
I've got a different path but yeah I see them. none already have configs tho by default. you have to create your own?
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
it's pretty awesome watching 2 wu's on the same gpu...
very rewarding.
what is "wu" ?
work unit
short for each task you crunch
ho ok
we get pretty jargony in here.
bunch of nerds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
* Peppernrino
rolls a joint
blaze it
how did nativeboinc work out for you?
for the mobile ?
yes for pool
where are you getting the wu names
I search a guide for it beacause i don't know how to set it for the pool
um, event log should have em
the task name?
I'd think that would change often
one sec.
it doesn't
the actual name of the work units change, but the type doesn't
there's usually only one or two for each project
something like primegrid could be a little more complicated....
8/28/2016 10:20:05 AM | Milkyway@Home | Starting task ps_nbody_8_1_16_v162_2k_3_1471290290_44640_2
spassbold has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
to compare against your milkyway xml
2016-08-28 11:10:42 AM | Milkyway@Home | Starting task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_ModfitConstraints4_5_1471352126_13985819_0
PenumbraDuFromag has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
mine says milkyway, but crunches that
where'd you get milkyway_separation__modified_fit
that's what i'm saying... the names are different
it might even just be einstein ffs
might be my wicked gpu apc.
i'm pretty awesome.
I mean where'd you get that label
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
i don't remember
from what place in the internets did you derive those assemblages of letters and underscores
that's why i made the note in the bot
i'm looking now
there was one thread that had optimizations for every project in it....
ah yes
it's the name of the apps in the folders
ok then I'm using "einstein" and "einsteinbinary"
yeah. not sure what you have to cut out for the einstein exe but that looks to be it
restart boinc to
not yet
mindcontrol must finish
these deadlines must not be utc
cus they'd be past already
deadline is start by date
not due date
well that's ass backwards then
a deadline is a due date
unl;ess you're BOINC.
I am BOINC. you are BOINC. together, we are BOINC.
ended up ignroing jamezz over that. lol
just couldn't understand it. abused me. pffft.
ok suspending mind and restarting with manwithbigbrain
* Peppernrino
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
if it doesn't work, the app names are probably wrong.
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
otherwise. it'll be like magic
Your app_config.xml file refers to an unknown application 'einsteinbinary'. Known applications: 'einsteinbinary_BRP4G', 'einsteinbinary_BRP6', 'hsgamma_FGRPB1'
picky picky
at least it threw an error. :)
now you know what to use. :D
* Peppernrino
finally finishes rolling that joint...
ok I have two tasks running per gpu
welcome to the dark side.
can I have internet money now?
grctip is afk
customminer I tweeted dude. nothing yet
wait a day
he's on singapore time
well wtf am I paying him for
remember when the new york mayor said "sorry, i was running on CP time..."?
fucking racist government.
PenumbraDuFromag has joined #gridcoin
what is this thing I installed last night
new social media push via caraka
replacement for irc, slack, facebook, tox...
something more accessible to tards
my ex wife was tarded
she's a pilot now
like diaspora or something?
fuck your analogies
making up words
like a billboard hanging on the wall at city hall?
MrControll has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
like a football team gathered around a roasted potato casserole?
like used gum that still has flavour
like rain on a rainy day?
she's canadian you know
my tarded ex wife?
isn't it ironic
don't you think
none of those things are irony
she's a terrible writer
I liked her in dogma
when her voice made his head explode
she did a rap or something one time that was funny
but natalie portman kind of destroyed shit
I always like it when ben affleck's head explodes
i don't know why people hate ben affleck so much
didn't he write good will hunting?
chasing amy
I dunno
glory daze
one of the best actors ever.
people are just mad cu they could do what he does.... but aren't.
Linked by apc - Pearl harbor sucks - YouTube
Title: Pearl harbor sucks - YouTube (at www.youtube.com)
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
are we playing "what fine actors did crappy movies"?
a: all of them.
except snape
the villain from die hard was his very first role
moisesm123 has joined #gridcoin
harry potter
I have to kill you now
until you die
new PSU is arriving tomorrow
I really hope that is the issue...
no bronze
I don´t car
Emptybeerbottle has joined #gridcoin
your choice of psuindicates your sexual preference.
man, but really I hope the issue is the PSU and not the motherboard :(
no oubt
what issue?
peppernrino for your bot if you neeeeeed it <app_config><app><name>einsteinbinary_BRP4G</name><gpu_versions><gpu_usage>.5</gpu_usage><cpu_usage>.5</cpu_usage></gpu_versions></app><app><name>einsteinbinary_BRP6</name><gpu_versions><gpu_usage>.5</gpu_usage><cpu_usage>.5</cpu_usage></gpu_versions></app></app_config>
like pop boom fire sparks?
I mean, how come it possible that the PC turned itself off when working in the BIOS? I´m still thinking it was the hard disk drives
SvartH has joined #gridcoin
I just checked them out
3 are 12V 960mA but the other is 12V 1250mA
Linked by fediverse - IBM World Community Grid
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
like 4A of hard drives...
not something you think about a lot
especially when you build BOINC machines...
all of the computers just have one hdd.
@everyone: grctip is alive in other channels (grctip3 etc) if you want to withdraw funds.
yeah but I was gonna use that machine for video editing as well, as I was gonna get an nvidia 1060
I've been working on my BOINC project today, got captcha working for registration and login (wasn't by default supported for login), onto re-introducing the news section, email configuration, then consider going live.
good work
ugh I've been enlisted in going to some cider mill with the family
you know what? I´m thinking the PSU was already bad
get to terrorize my nieces at least
* apc
puts on pants
sometimes I had to move the 24pin ATX plug so the old motherboard could turn on
but once it turned on it was still on until I powered off the machine
like if one of the wires weren´t making good contact
solocshaw has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
that sounds scary as shit
you don't have other psus around? :(
Peppernrino: cheers man
no, that´s why I ordered one
still, the PSU was very old, like from 2005 or so
It had more amps in the 3.3 and 5V rail
that's too bad you live so damn far away. i was considering sending you one.
but i decided to not even offer
no worries :) tomorrow it should arrivew
that's crazy that the hdd's use the 12V rail heY?
Error (Mercosity) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
you know, when I also fired up the old motherboard, the screen said DECOMPILATION OR DISSASEMBLY PROHIBITED very glitchy
Dear Mercosity, please check your PM for the !stats result
but I removed 2 RAM modules and it powered on
but I really didn´t booted it to Linux
just to check it the BIOS would load
sounds like anti-intrusion bullshit or something
but still, since the RAM is basically plain old power-hungry DDR modules, I´m still thinking the problem is the PSU
not DDR2, not DDR3, not DDR4, just plain DDR
4 x 512MB modules
that's the best.
also I´m still thinking on that bubble wrap sounds it made
but motherboard doesn´t have any swollen capacitors or bad chips nor short circuit signs
so I think it also was the PSU
I opened the PSU today, it was full of dust
and since it was an old one, the capacitors and transformers are those big ones
PenumbraDuFromag has quit [Quit: In the immortal words of Socrates ... I drank WHAT?!?]
Linked by moisesm123 - Amazon.com: EVGA 600 B1, 80+ BRONZE 600W, 3 Year Warranty, Includes FREE Power On Self Tester, Power Supply 100-B1-0600-KR: Computers & Accessories
after popping sounds, any smell?
frying electronics components have a distinct odor
reddy1975 has quit [Quit: Leaving, bye all / Odcházím, zdar všichni]
turn the power button on for a long time before you touch anything in there....
and then when I pressed the power button, it did the popping sound and shut off automatically
Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Community Hangout #005 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
suggest topics for next week!
but motherboard was still receiving power since it had the ledo n
led on
if you have a meter you could check resistance between each of the positive and negative power wires and ground, look for a short
I checked voltages, they were ok
so I´m suspecting it is an amp issue
I already tossed it out
lol. It was a 2004 PSU or so
yeah if you got a new one on the way it'd just be for the sake of curiosity
We are in 2016
welcome to the future :D
we're living in the future!
!tip reddy1975 1230894790175098203948092813
and I also think BIOS is not the problem. It seems BIOS is working but no POSTing is done
apc: :D
for example, it is default to do that if power goes out, it turns on automatically according to its last state. If I reset the BIOS using the CMOS Clear jumper, it doesn´t turn on automatically
so I know for sure BIOS is working
* reddy1975
is away: I'm bussy or out of laptop / Jsem zaneprázdněný nebo mimo laptop
2nd, the CPU is being detected. With the CPU, the fan goes very fast, producing a high noise. Without the CPU, it just ¨spins¨
I tried running it without CPU, with CPU and with 4pin CPU connection on and off
so I also know it isn´t the CPU nor the CPU 4pin socket
I also cannot be RAM slot, since I tested different RAM modules in it and I also tested them in my laptop to check if it works, both 1333Mhz and 1600Mhz, 2, 4 and 8GB RAM modules
and in both RAM slots
also CPU is not the issue since I tested with an i3 and i7 CPU. Same result
that comes to the conclusion that it is either the PSU or the mobo is fried
stick your nose everywhere. if something popped on the motherboard it should still have a distinct smell
motherboard smells like the same...
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
as I said, it looks new
with no visible damage
the motherboard is also solid-state based. Meaning it doesn´t look like the old Pentium 4 motherboard with lots and lots and lots of more capacitors and transformers in it
it still has small capacitors, but most of it is ssd-based components
and chips
CPU 4pin socket :o
both new and old motherboar
it is a 3rd gen mobile socket
8 pins on attyni minimum :o
lol but that´s for newer CPUs.
and desktop-based CPU
mobile CPUs uses low power
i use stm8s - 20 pins
like, 45W
stm8s 0.05W
Velociraptor85 has joined #gridcoin
0.000001W in standby mode
Pentium 4 :o is it about woodmobile from old-old-old age ? :o
Pentium 4 540 HT
!rainactive 10 20
0.5 GRC for 20 lucky users every 10800 seconds! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
Hello to all those out there enjoying life.
Sitting under the Kaffirboom.
what is kaffirboom?
You have google?
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
greo has joined #gridcoin
point taken ;-)
Man it's quiet here in the shade of a Kaffirboom. Watching a Dickdick across the veldt, chewing the cud. The Dickdick's chewing the cud not me.
One of those really frostie just out the freezer beers, a frosty - yah! Sitting on the Landrover's bonnet looking towards those pale blue distant mountains.
I may have no shoes and the cold beer I imagine in my hand isn't a cold beer but a tin cup with warm dirty water in it.
I often wondered what life would be like there under the Kaffirboom. Imagine.
Man it's quiet here in the shade of a Kaffirboom. Watching a Dickdick across the veldt, chewing the cud. The Dickdick's chewing the cud not me.
I often wondered what life would be like there under the Kaffirboom. Imagine.
Linked by fediverse - Content type:
Title: OS X builds - Feedback & Bug Reporting - Technical Support - CryptoCoinTalk (at cryptocointalk.com)
Title: Gridcoin (at gridcoin.us)
waiting for ppa update :-)
vega40k: issues in the way of the linux release
30,000,000 credits for milkyway@home.
suck it, gary.
morning peeps
good morning, the sun is quite strong here.
i know customminer
still no progress on fixing the linux builds for the latest release
morning caraka
no worries, I've updated windows & the changes are neat
the new wallet update is great, especially the loading blocks part
all good, but we really shouldn't release stuff that breaks across so many OSs
hey this called "client" wallet is dead :-)
caraka and deviantone have not let the iniquities of evil men poison them. Together have they prayed to their Gridcoin God, and it is his light that now shines upon them. 12% of their time is removed from their clocks.
"He's dead Jim"
"zed dead . this is not a bike this is a chopper"
Monday-itis. Someone want to go to work for me?
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
tzag (time zone appropriate greeting), to all those who bow down to lazy Gridcoin Gods! Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'The Lattice Project' ?
bot is dead rip :(
hi pakaran
anyone else noticing the net slow way down while windows 10 anniversary edition is downloading?
Tahvok set out on a treasure hunting trip and found ... NOTHING! Tahvok was dejected and sulk their way home to cry themselves to sleep.
Concludes my day nicely
Hey caraka!
don't have win10 sry
You found the issue with latest build?
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
Yes - and reported it.
My 2 cents - don't post a failed build log into cryptocointalk publicly. Put that in a PM to Rob, and then alert him in the public forum. that way if the error has security implications for the wallet, we haven't made it public
Most errors don't have security implications, but occasionally they do.
caraka: I see
Will do in the future!
caraka: The continuous integration build bots are a great idea, would love to see them in action!
All good. I don;t think this one has any issues
I guess I didn't think much about as Rob didn't answer my last (and only) PM
Yeah, every release should at least pass a build test before getting pushed out
True Tahvok! that's why you need to alert him to it in the public forum, and sometimes even on github to get his attention
I think it's easier to get Rob's attention via Github than the forum
caraka: we could use travis for building?
I could try setting that up
I am inclined to use Travis or Circle CIs, from the ones I've tested
Why is that?
You can only set it up on your own fork. You need to have ,yaml files in the github repo
Well yeah
just lost it on twitter. all jittery. haha
Why? because they are both simple and free to open source projects
I'll make it in my fork, then request a pull request
caraka: 'inclined' - didn't read that right ;)
I've already done that, without success
caraka: what was the problem? If you remember?
And you also need all your build files in the master branch - it's not a matter of just adding a .yaml to Rob's git
caraka: that's what forks and pull requests are for
It basically means Rob would have to invite one or more of us into the github access game - which at this point he is reluctant to do
has he expressed why?
Amm.. No?
I just request a pull request
Why is that a problem?
I don't need any access rights for that
That is not a problem. It's that Rob does not want to maintain all that too
You mean the repo?
I see what your saying Tahvok, and I agree totally. All I am saying is that I have had no joy with that process
well maybe if he delegated these tasks out it wouldn't be a burden?
That's where I am trying to go cuss
I'm trying to get Rob to delegate the management of a CI process
cool, make a public github issue regarding github access rights? transparency is best, no?
:O 100 bucks!
I've never made a public issue of it. Perhaps it is time
That's an interesting 1
if you can grab it out of my pocket, it's yours.
* Peppernrino
has a hole in his pocket.
customminer : did you already write an email to the bark guys? Should I also write one?
caraka: yeah man, if your ideas fall on deaf ears then going public is a better option.
spassbold: Go for it man, I kept it simple - asked whether they were intending on creating a BARK BOINC project and if they were going to open source the code. Didn't want to overwhelm them hah!
spassbold: could invite them to a gridcoin community hangout to discuss BARK and their planf for it perhaps, or just reach out to them?
I won't right now becasue then they may feel spammed
but in a few days
yes invting people to these hangouts is really good
then they know it's real and not some scam
Idk, if it's coming from different people and it's not copy/pasted messages, I doubt they'll think it's spam.
I'll also ask the golem guys if they are interested in talking about integrating gridcoin into what they have
it was also a good idea with suchflexx I think
spassbold: that, or BOINC
spassbold: Would be -very- cool if they project rained 1% of their coins onto BOINC users..
spassbold: rather than a 100% ICO
yeah I'll write a longer email about how bark could be integrated into gridcoin,the idea of commercial projects, .... (and how they could also profit from that directly)...
yes I'll ask them
bascially bark would be what i imagined my ml project to turn out to be if it all worked perfectly
A Gridcoin payment wall could sit between the nodejs web front end and the job submission module.
so I can write a lot about that :D
spassbold: excellent :D
yes if we get someone from golem to hang out and explain all these things to them in a hangout it's much better then writing very long text, which they might not even read
i want to sleep in more but i keep getting morning wood , and turn over in my sleep and its like well you know you are males.... so might as well check my gridcoin boxes
Linked by Phay - 2015 New Sexy Japan Anime 3d Mouse Pad Supersonico Sexy Girl Big Soft Buttock Wrist Pads For Typing Wrist Rest From Jiaqi4634, $8.04| Dhgate.Com
Title: 2015 New Sexy Japan Anime 3d Mouse Pad Supersonico Sexy Girl Big Soft Buttock Wrist Pads For Typing Wrist Rest From Jiaqi4634, $8.04| Dhgate.Com (at www.dhgate.com)
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
i should make those?
anime 101
yeah. make one of Pepper's tits
yes sir
then make a mouse based off your dick
two pees in a pod
that might be harder
get it?
jizz my wizz
Tahvok I replied soon after you asked me with: "you mean when someone mentions superblock in a sentence that it replies with the specific info?"
Title: Sabey Data Centers | Intergate Seattle (at sabeydatacenters.com)
Linked by jamezz - Sabey Data Centers | Intergate Seattle
we could put in a buncha gridcoin shit!
highjack a DC for gridcoin!
hi, to all those who bow down to ambivalent Gridcoin Gods!
yes i know i can google , but i want first hand/mouth experience for this op
aem has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ending this hangout with Mercosity's maniacal laughter
also , customminer so http://www.gridresearchcorp.com has their Google Cloud Boinc Tutorial... and well I followed it when I setup mine... They say 4 machines , 2 cpu 1.8gb mem each and run cpu's at 80%... Well i did that , and decided 20% if a waste so set to 100%... Anyways that was working very well till they bitched about high mem usage. Sooooo I changed it to 2 x 4 core machines with 3.8gb mem set @ 100% cpu... No issues and crunches way faster , way m
ore , and pulls cpu's together on multi core.. Should I re-write and submit for possible alt Google Cloud Boinc Tutorial? It actually ends up being the full 60 days of crunching , so its very much more efficient?
along with
Title: Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation (at www.gridresearchcorp.com)
Linked by jamezz - Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation
Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
customminer , we need a new whitelist with what cpu/gpu/os etc... they are outdated... xXUnRealXx made a great attempt the other day but it takes looking at each project , each projects results etc... because many are listed no gpu but are gpu projects for example burp... I brunch burp gpu all the time... would love to get us 1 correct list and have it maintained by that team....
i am directing these at you , because they need to be addressed and you seem to address things... if dont want me a part i dont care , just needs be done...
Markhor1991 has quit [Quit: For Sale: Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids]
Ameo: a week or two
has anyone tried to use the reddit tipbot recently, is it down?
jamezz has joined #gridcoin
jamezz has quit [Client Quit]
not tried it in a while, I have no idea
i tried it and it's now responding
jamezz has joined #gridcoin
Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
!rain 10 10
traderman: Need to contact Sepulcher via Twitter
Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
total Gridcoin blocks = 649395
Resource is not available: 404
Resource is not available: 404
RTMoney_ has joined #gridcoin
SudoNull has quit [Quit: Leaving]
hey all
parakolo has joined #gridcoin
parakolo has quit [Client Quit]
Requesting information from gridcoin.asia...
Resource is not available: 500
block height: 648777, created: 15h 55 mins ago, new blocks (since this superblock was created): 630, hash: fb8ee62295d767f85fd2c56776fe2156d7d6ed49eb66929c81fbc0a34b151c5a
huh, isn't it supposed to be every 12 hours?
PhillipMybong has joined #gridcoin
so after learning something wrong here today
well if you got a nice card and nice cpu :)
my cards lower end of medium
i'm mining on skynet for cpu and einstein for gpu
OS: 64 bit Windows 10 Professional (Version 10.0 Build 10586), CPU: 8 x AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor @ 4716 MHz 8192 KB Cache, MEM: 32669 MB, 81% (26406 MB) free, DISKS: total 5.15 TB - 717 GB free, GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2048 MB, SCREEN: Acer H233H (HDMI), 1920 x 1080 @ 32 bit, 60 Hz, AUDIO: NVIDIA High Definition Audio, UPTIME: 11 d, 15 h, 40 m
nice CORE
ty :) i HAD to have it
because nobody is ever going to goto 5ghz again stock , even if turbo
its all about cores , ive said that since fuck long ago 1997
i have a fx8120 8core too but a bit older than yours
CPU * 8 :o
It's not really a "8-core"
sun released their 80 core 1.6ghz and i was like
SudoNull has joined #gridcoin
80* ?
shit x86/amd64 2-3ghz is all the speed you need , its all about cores
in 97
oh they are far past that
thats when i was a sun/sgi hardware repair tech
Intel Broadwell 24!!! core
that explains your ainalness
to proper work
witch style u preffer jamezz the long lost or menu list
lost = list
im ocd as hell
and yes , but i am not them... er atleast not that deep
i know some sgi and sun tech's who have um gone 5150 deep end
im trying to find apic this cpu
when i wun the lotto i'll def make some madd upgrades
but apparently intel released info on their 80 core
and now its goin be hard
Xeon Phi
ya , see i hadnt bought a new cpu/board since the k6-2 days
im disabled , and won a federal court appeal
so i built this box off backpay
and even bought a a8 7650k cpu and board for my roommate to upgrade him at same time
now i use his box to crunch too
damn ur a good rummate
the onboard ati and his nvidia work well
well if you only knew
and he just takes advantage of it... 1 them types... i mean i was ready to dump a bucket of water/soap on him after he hadnt showered in almost 6 months... rooms piled with pop cans and smells of piss
i cook 4-5 star meals , rest house is spotless minus his room , and i buy the food , i do the cleaning
this next month , determines a LOT
if we stay roommates or not , signed extension 3 month lease before moving into a house.. i am a ham radio operator and my radio cost more than this computer