caraka changed the topic of #gridcoin to: Gridcoin [GRC] v3.5.7.9 Leisure Upgrade | #gridcoin-games #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-otc | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage:
<Mercosity> MSE is free.
<apc> yeah. I figure it's good enough for a rig that isn't gonna do anything but mine
<Mercosity> yup
<Peppernrino> hooray. all ip's accounted for.
<Peppernrino> might not have had time to install
<Peppernrino> as soon as i clicked i was like wtf
<apc> how'd you catch it?
<apc> oh
<Peppernrino> and turned on wireshark
<apc> user error. please replace user.
<Peppernrino> the first ip i searched said malware in google
<Peppernrino> said bye
<Peppernrino> unplugged the computer
<Peppernrino> it tricked me.
<Peppernrino> god damn it.
<Peppernrino> well
<Peppernrino> we'll see what chixman has to say after food
<Peppernrino> safe mode fixes everything in windows
<Peppernrino> usually
<apc> win10 safe mode is a pita
<Peppernrino> how so?
<apc> you can't just f8 your way into it
<Peppernrino> maybe they gave up once they saw it was all porn and no financial records. lol
<FreshFund> or they are still watching all the porn
<Mercosity> :)
MrControll has joined #gridcoin
IRC_Brokenware has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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<Peppernrino> honestly, i'm pretty sure i've been hacked for a year or so.
<jamezz> ohhh thank god , i thought my laptop powered off... oddly she was asleep when i got home
<jamezz> but noooooo opens right to irc and the weed shop
<Peppernrino> every time i restart, it doesn't register teh first button pressed.
<Peppernrino> could be a keylogger
<apc> definitely
<apc> all your strokes are belong to us
<Peppernrino> fbi started paying attention to my clipboard activity and are fuckign with me now because i'm fuckign witht the banks
<Peppernrino> hi jamezz
<Peppernrino> i got hacked
<Peppernrino> was it you?
<apc> he knows
<Peppernrino> tbh, you were in my thoughts.
<Peppernrino> right?
<Peppernrino> he just gets back after the hack stops... lol
<apc> "standard VGA graphics adapter" is the most depressing video card ever
<Peppernrino> google haas so many god damn ips
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> yeah
<apc> nameserver, easy to remember if you just need an ip to quickly ping
<Peppernrino> apc: i use google for dns
<Peppernrino> too
mnk has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<MrControll> ...people still make he VGA adapter?
<Peppernrino> if the backups are infected too.. i'll have no problem swapping back and forth to confuse it
<Bouowmx> Some call "graphics card" as "VGA adapter"
<Peppernrino> it's not the same drive.
<Peppernrino> like
<Peppernrino> i put a new drive in, and backed up the old one.
<Peppernrino> that fucked with spideroak, probably fucked with their gay virus too
<apc> AIDS?
<Peppernrino> ^
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> IBM Canada
<Peppernrino> i should make a list of filters for wireshark....
<Peppernrino> weird.
<Peppernrino> BOINC only uses 89% if you close it from tray icon
<apc> ?
<Peppernrino> er
<Peppernrino> ...
mnk has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> all the time?
<Peppernrino> wow
<Peppernrino> wcg tasks only use 90% now. that must be it.
numb162 has joined #gridcoin
<numb162> hey guys, any idea when the next pool payment will be?
<Peppernrino> nope
<Peppernrino> just with moo
<numb162> its been a long while
<Peppernrino> milkyway does 100%
<Bouowmx> POR happens when it wants to
<Bouowmx> !8ball when will next pool POR happen?
<fediverse> in 8 days
<Peppernrino> and even though both say they use 0.5cpu (x2)... how is it that moo actually uses a core, and milkyway can float?
<Peppernrino> !milkyway
<fediverse> MilkyWay@home are creating a 3D model of the Milky Way galaxy
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - MilkyWay@Home
<Peppernrino> alright.
<Peppernrino> so BOINC works without being open in tray now.
<Peppernrino> that's neat.
<Bouowmx> If you close BOINC manager without telling BOINC to stop
<apc> yeah
<Peppernrino> yeah
<apc> yeah
<Peppernrino> it used to stop.
<apc> if you check the box telling it too
<apc> and then also check the box telling it not to ask you again
<Peppernrino> i was floored when i saw you could kill it completely in linux..
<Peppernrino> must be a new feature.
<Bouowmx> BOINC Linux is some minor revisions ahead of Windows version
<apc> it's in the other options option thing
<Peppernrino> sure
<Peppernrino> oh wait
<Peppernrino> you're right
<Peppernrino> i need to get high
<Peppernrino> this has been a fucking week man.
<apc> don't forget to bring a towel
<Peppernrino> k
<slimeball> get high
<slimeball> i just went out and bought 5g of white fire alien OG for $50
<slimeball> bomb shit
<slimeball> you knew the version is ahead , because i posted an error with the gui from my mac or something and it was a few ahead
<slimeball> this guy
<Bouowmx> Deutsche bank
<Peppernrino> ?
<slimeball> id love to get moo to split like I have GPUGRID right now
<slimeball> 2 procsses , 1cpu core each and .5 gpu
<slimeball> although , 1 core and 2 gpu for moo
<slimeball> er
<slimeball> although , 1 core and .4each gpu for moo
<slimeball> .5 FUCK
<slimeball> :( typing is not always a strong subject for this murican
<Peppernrino> <app_config><app><name>dnetc</name><max_concurrent>2</max_concurrent><gpu_versions><gpu_usage>0.5</gpu_usage><cpu_usage>0.5</cpu_usage></gpu_versions></app></app_config>
<Peppernrino> that's mine.
<slimeball> the words and letters are there , but from my brain to my fingers and issues with nerves
<slimeball> for moo?
<Peppernrino> mhm
<Bouowmx> I use plan_class because gpu_usage applies to AMD, Intel, Nvidia
<slimeball> or milkyway ?
<Peppernrino> moo
<slimeball> does it spin off 2?
numb162 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> 2 from one gpu? yes.
<slimeball> sweet
<slimeball> ty bb
<Peppernrino> :)
<slimeball> i hate that my laptop just runs moo on gpu... my older core 2 duo with lower end ati hd card does everything else ati
<slimeball> oh well , it makes up with my ssd in it
<slimeball> soon laptop #2 grunching!
<slimeball> 3
<slimeball> see typing
<slimeball> you run collatz ? i got that running pretty sexy after a bit of config
<slimeball> both collatz and gpugrid after scouring the forums
<Bouowmx> Collatz the FLOPS inflater
<slimeball> i need to do collatz on my roommates box , but i cant set it ATI only for his machine as I have my 750.. but the nvidia card in his machine cant do collatz
<slimeball> hay didnt you say you do collatz WU in 1min buddy?
<slimeball> when i said i got them down to 6
<slimeball> lol
<Peppernrino> so what's tcp dump?
<Peppernrino> i think the time is now
<slimeball> heh , to setup a tcpdump log ? what you got as a linux box?
<slimeball> i love grabbing botnets!
<Peppernrino> i have a pfsense box. could do like a snort thing
<slimeball> so , i have taken and a few other things from reactOS... while back , and replaced the win10 files..
<Peppernrino> been putting it off too long it would seem.
<slimeball> you just extract the ISO and copy...
<Peppernrino> thank god i'm this smart... anybody else would be staring at a lock screen rn...
<slimeball> did you just boot bild and exited?
<Peppernrino> ?
<slimeball> [05:54pm] <+Peppernrino> thank god i'm this smart... anybody else would be staring at a lock screen rn...
<Peppernrino> did not boot
<slimeball> ?
<apc> bild infekted heem with teh malwarez
<Peppernrino> ransomware icon just appeared out of nowhere
<Peppernrino> clicked it like a good boy
<Peppernrino> checked wireshark
<Peppernrino> going crazy
<Peppernrino> pulled plug
<Bouowmx> Send 2 BTC to this address
FifthGB has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<Peppernrino> unplugged media drive
<Peppernrino> reboot
<slimeball> i grabbed my other thubdrive to make another bild box run
<apc> save the porn!
<Peppernrino> yeah
<Peppernrino> porn is all backed up mostly
<Peppernrino> i'm more worried about pepper's pictures, and our music
<Peppernrino> grc hangouts
<Bouowmx> Serious note, is downloading porn still a thing
<Peppernrino> yes
<Peppernrino> he meant my porn
<Peppernrino> tho
<slimeball> when i went to buy my cpu and shit , dude asked if i needed a hdd... i said well i got 6tb.. so he didnt try and sell me a drive , i told him that my drives were full and for storage.. he looked all puzzled...
<slimeball> i said storage is for porn
<slimeball> he said " who saves porn these days? "
<Bouowmx> My thinking too
<slimeball> said not everyone wants to deal with buffering and lag streaming
<Peppernrino> no integrity
<apc> well when it's all kiddy porn
<Peppernrino> whoa
<Peppernrino> stop that apc
<slimeball> naa just beastiality i downloaded from Peppernrino's canadian ftp where its legal
<Bouowmx> Sankaku complex
lestus has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> lol
<apc> I was defending slimeball!
<lestus> sup sup
<apc> now I'm dirty
* apc bathes
<Peppernrino> just having a nice kiddy porn discussion
<apc> and dogsex
<Peppernrino> you update to the newest wallet yet? :D
<Peppernrino> dog cum!
<lestus> yep
<lestus> did today
<Peppernrino> dog cum!
<Bouowmx> > no context
<slimeball> !topics mumble 9 ideas
<Peppernrino> no context = >
<apc> alright. styx is rockin'
<slimeball> lolol
<apc> it's single core tho so I don't think I'm gonna put boinc on it
<apc> it's just gonna keep the room warm. no duct
<slimeball> apc , how many cpu cores and gpu cores you got running?
<Peppernrino> ask him how many ductc he has
<slimeball> seems from what you say , not many like 2 machines 1 is a mini or some shit styx or miniminer ( thats his domestic life partners nick )
<apc> in total? uhm... 20 cpu cores, plus whatever my phone and tablet have... 6 each maybe?
<Peppernrino> wtf
<slimeball> ok , a bit more than i thought
<Peppernrino> solicit xid dhcpv6?
<Peppernrino> cocksucker...
<apc> at this moment, no gpus are on boinc
<Peppernrino> i hate shit so much
<apc> poop porn is pretty lame, yeah
<slimeball> i just , well yesterday saw you mention PPD because the grid had its lazitive
<slimeball> laxitive*
<apc> yeah I don't know how that all works. sometimes I'll get one or two por a day, sometimes just one big one a week
<slimeball> oh that was a 1 week dump?
<Peppernrino> like poop
<apc> yup
<Bouowmx> Which reminds me: can wallet interface become resizeable
<slimeball> ahhh makes more sense now ty
<Bouowmx> Still can't see text beyond "probing coin age"
<Bouowmx> And the Lock button
<slimeball> that just seemed high for 1 day i was like what he got like a data center cage to boinc
<Peppernrino> i have a kitten nibbling on my forearm while i try to type lol
<slimeball> lol
<apc> yeah my exp PPD right now is 28
<slimeball> whom ever i seen in 6 months of boinc with 1,###,###,###+ cpu time must have a dc rack
<Peppernrino> he justs bite the nape of my wrist and doesn't let go
<apc> he must feeeeeed
<Peppernrino> yeah. wasn;t weaned prpoerly...
<slimeball> my exp ppd is 20 , act PPD 18... but i tend to get more like 28
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<Peppernrino> tries to suck my nipples all the time and shit
<slimeball> thats some bad pussy
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Peppernrino> he's just FIGHTING me to suck on my leg right now lolol
<Peppernrino> now he's grabbing at my face
<slimeball> and since irc was not made for people in clothing
<Peppernrino> like "gimme a kiss... just alittle one..."
<slimeball> your nipples are openly availiable to him
<Peppernrino> oh yeah
<Peppernrino> licking my knees lol
<Peppernrino> he's just fucked
<apc> my cat's just giving me the "you're not paying attention to me... AGAIN" death stare from across the room
<slimeball> i get home , closthes come off before irc... i prefer the just wake up and stay nude on irc all day..
<slimeball> but you just live that way
<Peppernrino> he's so sweet.
<slimeball> i assume
<Peppernrino> i'm always naked
<slimeball> ya irc wasnt made for clothing i said
<slimeball> like who here isnt
<slimeball> whom*
<Chick3nman> ayyy
<Bouowmx> I'm not
<Peppernrino> fuck irc. i only put on clothes to leave, or for skype with piij
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> ay
<slimeball> your not clothed ? or not nakid Bouowmx?
<Peppernrino> things appeared to die down a bit Chick3nman
<Chick3nman> lol
<slimeball> what you got undies on? just infront the pc
<Chick3nman> how so Peppernrino?
<Peppernrino> been watching wireshark like a hawk
<slimeball> Chick3nman knows what im talkin bout
<Chick3nman> ah ok
<Chick3nman> uh
<Peppernrino> no weird shit since the restart
<Chick3nman> what do i know
<slimeball> irc isnt for people in clothing
<Peppernrino> then apc scared me with his stories of dormant things
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Content type: image/jpeg
<Chick3nman> Peppernrino: run>msconfig
<slimeball> were all nakid!
<Chick3nman> then go to startup
<Chick3nman> and see what you find in there
<slimeball> there is no msconfig , unless he isnt running win 10
<Chick3nman> well
<Chick3nman> ok
<Chick3nman> find
<slimeball> really confuse him
<Chick3nman> task manager
<Chick3nman> startup
<apc> he doesn't run 10
<Chick3nman> ^
<apc> he's 7 iirc
<Chick3nman> i wouldnt expect him to
<Peppernrino> looks good
<Chick3nman> :P
<Chick3nman> ok
<slimeball> i have no issue with 10
<Chick3nman> grab malwarebytes
* slimeball shrugs
<Peppernrino> wait
<apc> mbam
<Chick3nman> malwarebytes is pretty good about looking for stuff
<apc> thankyou for reminding me obout that too
<Chick3nman> ^
<Peppernrino> why does boind have low-mic utility tool again?
<Chick3nman> psh
<Chick3nman> idk
<Chick3nman> boinc has a ton of api's
<Peppernrino> i ran malwarebytes before i restarted
<Chick3nman> ok
<Chick3nman> might pay for the license tbh
<Peppernrino> could be a false alarm. they might not have been able to get past vpn or something
<Peppernrino> or they think pepper is ugly
<Chick3nman> its heuristic is FAR better than its scan time
<Peppernrino> meh
<slimeball> my roommates days... but warez is free
<slimeball> pays*
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman: i have the "paid" version
<Chick3nman> hehe
<Chick3nman> same
<Peppernrino> :D
<Chick3nman> its anti rootkit is pretty solid too
<Chick3nman> with the advanced startup, it basically installs itself as a rootkit
<Chick3nman> impossible to get around it
<Chick3nman> unless you can just evade it
<Chick3nman> which isnt easy
<slimeball> more gov control having it hard embeded
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> to be fair, if my machine has malware that mbam is gonna pick up
<slimeball> its ok , they are not watching candians
<Chick3nman> then its not the same machine id worry about state actors on
<apc> I've found mbam is best as secondary defense, catches the stuff regular antivirus might miss
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Chick3nman> its heuristic analysis at runtime
<Chick3nman> catches stuff it even doesnt think is bad when you scan it as a file
<apc> I don't think I've actually had it here in win10 yet
<Chick3nman> thats the reason i keep it aroun
<Peppernrino> i should restart with a mb run?
<Chick3nman> yeah probably
<Chick3nman> would be good to check
<apc> what I would always do is install malwarebytes, update, then boot into safe mode and scan
<Chick3nman> ^
<Chick3nman> if you have a particularly nasty bug
<Chick3nman> safemode and recovery among other things will be disabled
<Chick3nman> which is a damn sure sign of infection
<Chick3nman> user kits and other nasty things can get around task manager and safemode and stuff
<Chick3nman> ive played with a few
<Chick3nman> they are a pain in the ass
<Peppernrino> weird
<Peppernrino> normal startup wasn't selected as default
<Chick3nman> anti VM and anti sandbox are a pain too
<Chick3nman> ?
<Peppernrino> in msconfig
<Peppernrino> was selective
<Chick3nman> selective?
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Chick3nman> you chose for something not to run
<Chick3nman> in the startup menu
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> so reboot, safe mode network, or minimal?
<Chick3nman> shouldnt matter
<Peppernrino> k
<Peppernrino> minimal to be "safe"r
cfy7 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<apc> isn't that like command prompt?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - 403 Forbidden
<Peppernrino> k that looks bad.
cfy7 has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - - Giorgio Maone’s answers to the Web, the Universe, and Everything
<Peppernrino> yeah
<Peppernrino> wtf
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Content type: unknown
<cfy7> So, I've copied my gridcoin folder over to the new computer, and all the blocks are downloading. Anythi else I need to do?
<apc> italy
<apc> bild?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Giorgio Maone
<Peppernrino> "CIH spreads under the Portable Executable file format under Windows 95, 98, and ME. CIH does not spread under Windows NT-based operating systems, such as Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10."
<Peppernrino> holy shit.
<Peppernrino> maybe the 7zip update?
<Bouowmx> Cfy7: don't have open containers next to computers next time
<Peppernrino> !!!
<apc> portableapps helps make your bitcoin more mobile
<cfy7> haha, I went to grab something and backhanded the glass across the room into the laptop. It was amazing.
<Peppernrino> dear god. seriously?
<apc> I dunno
<Peppernrino> that would e fucked right up.
<apc> I just know that hackademix dude is in italy
<Peppernrino> whoa
<Peppernrino> the plot thickens
<Bouowmx> > when you have a brain fart
pro has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> oh wait
<Peppernrino> that hackademix
<Peppernrino> is probably noscript trying to update or something
<Peppernrino> :)
<apc> that would fit the evidence
<Peppernrino> good to track everything down.
* apc migrates to couch
<apc> !rainactive 3.14159 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! apc rained 0.314159 GRC on active users Erkan_Yilmaz, Chick3nman, MrControll, FreshFund, Cfy7, Peppernrino, lestus, bob21, fediverse, Bouowmx! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> gonna make a custom filter for wireshark and stuff.
<fediverse> apc Rain, oh lovely rain. Cools my sweaty brows... Thank you!
<MrControll> yay!
<bob21> mo pi thx apc!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - 403 Forbidden
<Mercosity> Mmmm
<Peppernrino> wtf is routit?
<slimeball> its when your router does what you cat does
<Mercosity> :)
<Bouowmx> EVGA K Boost forces max voltage but does not improve frequency
<Bouowmx> GPU Boost's frequency that is
<cfy7> Wooo!
<Bouowmx> 1.050 V standard, 1.062 V K Boost
cfy7 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Mercosity> A Wooo!
<Peppernrino> holy shit, am i ever learning how to use wireshark now.
<Peppernrino> necessity is the mother of invention, eh?
Phay has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> bonjour
<Peppernrino> jamezz
<Peppernrino> slimeball
<Peppernrino> you hacking me?
<Phay> je m'appelle Phay
<Peppernrino> this ip looks like.. close to you
<Phay> mad hax bro
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - 403 Forbidden
<Peppernrino> actually yes
<Peppernrino> i got ransomware today
* Phay 360 no scope
<Phay> damn
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 9.74542485 GRC short).
<Phay> that's not cool :\
<Peppernrino> running custom malwarebytes scan now
<Peppernrino> nope
<Phay> ?
<Phay> nope?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - 403 Forbidden
<Katiee> rawr
<Phay> Katiee!
<Phay> long time no see :V
<Peppernrino> ec2 instances.
<Peppernrino> those are bots, yeah slimeball?
<Peppernrino> for a derrick sawyer
<Peppernrino> ok
<Peppernrino> i thinmk the routit stuff is for magicjack
<Peppernrino> looks to be sip and stuff
<Peppernrino> those are weird.
<Peppernrino> they are a guy, and an amazon instance, respectively. they appear to be working in tandem.
<Peppernrino> TCP keep alive shit
<Phay> :c
<Phay> Think it'll be okay Peppernrino?
<Peppernrino> maybe
<Peppernrino> probably
<Peppernrino> found some stuff reset itself when i installed the new openvpn.
<Peppernrino> that's good.
<Peppernrino> probably ipv6 hole.
<Peppernrino> was getting all types of ipv6 traffic. and i'm not defended for that.
<Peppernrino> should have known.
<Phay> :/
<Peppernrino> it's looking better man.
<Peppernrino> live and learn.
<Phay> Amen brother
<Peppernrino> time to tighten up security, and be even more of a apin in the ass. :)
<Peppernrino> for ill
<Peppernrino> if they thought i was worth fucking with before...
<Peppernrino> just youwait, slimeball
<Peppernrino> nsa pricks
<Phay> ?
<Peppernrino> :P
<Phay> confused :O
<Peppernrino> with filters angaged and ipv6 gone, NO activity in wireshark. sweet.
<Peppernrino> i'm just sending a message to WHOEVER HACKED ME
<Peppernrino> phay
<Peppernrino> :)
<Peppernrino> that's all.
<Phay> how?
<Phay> How do you know "who" (the whoever) hacker's.. like uh, how can you contact them?
<Peppernrino> i have those ips
<Peppernrino> they are reg'd to derrick sawyer and an ec2 instance
<Peppernrino> those are the only traffic i couldn't explain since the restart
<Phay> okay. I feel dumb asking these questions somehow :I
<Peppernrino> it's ok
<Peppernrino> some of it is new to me too
<Peppernrino> learned a lot today
<Peppernrino> and now i can help protec tpeople better.
<Chick3nman> fyi
<Chick3nman> ec2 instance
<Peppernrino> yo
<Chick3nman> just means a box at amazon
<Peppernrino> i know
<Chick3nman> which likely means a website
<Peppernrino> k
<Chick3nman> amazon hosts like 40% of the web right now
<Peppernrino> ah
idosedthekoolaid has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> that ip lookup site maybe. it was using google too
<Chick3nman> youd be seriously surprised by their amount of hardware
<Peppernrino> k but explain the guy
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> whats the IP
<Peppernrino> send him ransomware. lol
<Peppernrino> like, a crazier version.
<Peppernrino> nah
<Chick3nman> Host is up (0.13s latency).
<Chick3nman> Not shown: 993 filtered ports
<Chick3nman> 53/tcp closed domain
<Chick3nman> 80/tcp open http
<Peppernrino> no crimes
<Chick3nman> 554/tcp closed rtsp
<Chick3nman> 443/tcp open https
<Chick3nman> 1119/tcp closed bnetgame
<Chick3nman> 1755/tcp closed wms
<Chick3nman> 1935/tcp closed rtmp
<Peppernrino> i had fucking ipv6 open
<Peppernrino> i'm such shit
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> ipv6 is good
<Peppernrino> not if you don't use it
<Peppernrino> then it's just another hole
<Peppernrino> 4-6 handles most thigns fine
<slimeball> i <3 ipv6
<Peppernrino> e r6-4
<Peppernrino> i know
<Peppernrino> that's why i know it's you
<Peppernrino> fucker.
<Phay> Penis
<Phay> is not
<Phay> the answer
<slimeball> so i complained like a week ago about the canadian sniffer so i started sniffing back
<slimeball> if you had not been sniffing my network
<slimeball> ...
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> what was talking to that IP?
<Peppernrino> you didn't have to ransomware me.
<Peppernrino> good wake up call tho bro.
<slimeball> is that why u wanted me on the mumble earlier?
<Peppernrino> my computer
<slimeball> or yesterday
<slimeball> :*(
<slimeball> confront me in voice
<Peppernrino> lol no
<slimeball> you challanged me
<Peppernrino> i think i just wanted to work things out in voice
<slimeball> i challanged you
<Peppernrino> you type like shit
<slimeball> wait what?
<Peppernrino> hard to compile a kernel with your instructions
<Peppernrino> lol
<slimeball> you really think ive hacked you?
<Peppernrino> pfft
<slimeball> i never told you how to compile a kernel
<slimeball> thats easy
<Peppernrino> i don't discount anything.
<slimeball> make menuconfig if you want to use check boxes , is your first step
<Peppernrino> i'm not saying you did
<Chick3nman> so
<slimeball> wtf is there to work out?
<Chick3nman> anyways
<Peppernrino> i'm not saying you didn't
<Phay> Peppernrino
<slimeball> im confused as fucked
<Chick3nman> back to reality
<slimeball> yall on something
<Peppernrino> nsa
<Chick3nman> what process was calling that?
<Phay> 20% OFF GTX 950 Ti
<Chick3nman> because its talking to me
<Peppernrino> :o
<Chick3nman> 950Ti?
<Peppernrino> shit really?
<Phay> sry sry
<Chick3nman> that site responds
<Phay> you said "I don't discount anything"
<Chick3nman> the IP
<Chick3nman> talks back on :80
<Phay> teasing sry XD
<Peppernrino> 80 means..
<Phay> 80?
<Chick3nman> port 80
<Phay> B-
<Chick3nman> like
<Peppernrino> i know
<Chick3nman> normal websites
<Peppernrino> ok
<Chick3nman> Host is up (0.13s latency).
<Chick3nman> 80/tcp open http
<Chick3nman> 53/tcp closed domain
<Chick3nman> Not shown: 993 filtered ports
<Chick3nman> 443/tcp open https
<Chick3nman> 554/tcp closed rtsp
<idosedthekoolaid> confirm'd Peppernrino
<Chick3nman> 1119/tcp closed bnetgame
<Chick3nman> 1755/tcp closed wms
<Chick3nman> 1935/tcp closed rtmp
<Chick3nman> thats the nmap for that ip
<Phay> HalfLife 3. Confirmed
<Peppernrino> troldesh is like port 3339 or something
<Chick3nman> and port 80 is responding with a 5 byte stream packet
Bouowmx has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Chick3nman> 30 03 0A 01 06
<Chick3nman> containing that
<Phay> 010011100100100101
<Peppernrino> oh. what's that mean?
<Peppernrino> 30 03 0A 01 06 = F B I
<Phay> lol
<idosedthekoolaid> lol
<Phay> koolaid
<Phay> your name is dank is hell
<Phay> *as hell
<idosedthekoolaid> haha
* idosedthekoolaid curtsies
* Phay drops his dong
<Chick3nman> that response
<Chick3nman> actually
<Chick3nman> looks like an OCSP error
<Chick3nman> bad handshake for SSL?
<Chick3nman> bad cert?
<Chick3nman> something along those lines
<Phay> bad guys
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - 589629 – Verisign OCSP responder says "unauthorized request" for apparently valid SSL server cert
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - 425538 – OCSP responses make GeoTrust EV certs show as not EV
<Chick3nman> looks like some kind of time code?
<slimeball> well , now that i have his moo!wrapper config now too fyi
<Peppernrino> boosh
<Phay> that'd be really fucked up if someone in this chat did it and was laughing at this conversation :\ Just thought about that
<Chick3nman>    (
<Chick3nman> thats exactly what it is actually
<Chick3nman> its a certificate authority server
<Chick3nman> if i had provided it with a valid certificate
fediverse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Chick3nman> i would have gotten a valid ocsp-response/application packet
<Peppernrino> so.. i have an invalid cert somewhere maybe?
<Chick3nman> no
<Chick3nman> not at all
<Peppernrino> ok
<Chick3nman> thats just something checking a cert
<Chick3nman> for another connection
<Chick3nman> its a harmless call to a cert authority to make sure an SSL OCSP cert is valid
<Peppernrino> thank god i have you guys.
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.26666667 GRC on active users Mercosity, bob21, Erkan_Yilmaz, caraka, Katiee, lestus, Chick3nman, apc, slimeball, [-SaRaFiNa-], jamezz, Phay, MrControll, idosedthekoolaid, FreshFund! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<MrControll> yay!
<caraka> \o/
<Chick3nman> now
<caraka> ty Peppernrino
<Chick3nman> that doesnt mean
<Chick3nman> nothing bad
<Chick3nman> yet
<Chick3nman> that call is fine
<Chick3nman> HOWEVER
<Chick3nman> the reason i know what that is
<Katiee> Play: Hey there :P <3
<Chick3nman> is due to this
<Katiee> er
<Katiee> Phay*
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - CapTipper Report
<Phay> Katiee Echii
<Phay> o///o
<Chick3nman> whatever that malware was doing, it called out, got a cert, and checked it with digicert
<Katiee> You never talk to me on Steam anymore ;<
<Phay> do you have a 3ds?
<Chick3nman> look for the other IPs on that page
<Phay> sry :\
<Chick3nman> in your recent traffic
<Chick3nman> to make sure you dont have that.
<Phay> haven't been on steam much :\
<Mercosity> !!Tanks!! Glad to know you've got everything under control again Peppernrino.
<Mercosity> I'm of to bed. NN.
<Phay> well.. wait. I have been playiong Paladins. you can play that with me and my friend.. or just me :V he's not online atm. GOing to play Monster Hunter Generations with him when he get's online
FifthGB has joined #gridcoin
<Katiee> Playing Warframe atm with a friend as my server updates and stuff
<Phay> kk
DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
<apc> half life 3?!??!?!
<apc> omgomgomgomg squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<Katiee> WHAT
<Katiee> u better not be trolling
* Katiee gets the ban hammer
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Half-Life 3 Release Date in 2018 - Neurogadget
<Phay> fc I am
<apc> no official announcement yet tho
<Phay> It's a meme
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Peppernrino> scan finished without safe mode fine.
<Peppernrino> good sign.
<Peppernrino> no more weird ips.
<Peppernrino> good sign.
<Peppernrino> ty for help Chick3nman
<apc> half life and portal movies, too?
<apc> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Peppernrino> "!(ip.src == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr =="
<idosedthekoolaid> oo ty Peppernrino :)
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman: (
<Peppernrino> um
<Chick3nman> that
<Chick3nman> hmm
<Chick3nman> that cant be right
<Chick3nman> hold on
<Chick3nman> i have a local copy of the DNS tables and registrations
<Peppernrino> without the others it's useless?
<Chick3nman> let me see
* Peppernrino going to the store
<Chick3nman> $ grep , dns-registration-2011-to-2016.csv
<Chick3nman> 2013-04-20 16:14:38,,
<Chick3nman> 2014-12-19 11:17:49,,
<Chick3nman> 2013-03-29 23:18:47,,
<Chick3nman> $ grep dns-registration-2011-to-2016.csv
<Chick3nman> no registration for that IP
<Chick3nman> so it's probably a load balancer at a datacenter or something
<Chick3nman> where tons of sites are hosted
<Chick3nman> (
<Chick3nman> thats the current registered IP for it
<Chick3nman> redirects to
<Chick3nman> 2013-05-12 00:40:18,,
<Chick3nman> 2016-06-21 12:00:15,,
moisesm123 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Chick3nman> i should really get a zone file dumper running
<Chick3nman> that would be so nice
<Chick3nman> pull recent information instead of my stale 2011-2016 dns registration list
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Phay - Content type: image/jpeg
<Peppernrino> wireshark only shows ARP now. :)
<Phay> yeah bby
<Phay> that's why I linked it
<apc> dammit. I'm bleeding again
<apc> I have so many bandages on my hand I should just dip it in that second skin shit
<Peppernrino> mhm
<idosedthekoolaid> lol
<idosedthekoolaid> super gloo
<Peppernrino> i have medical grade crazy glue
<Peppernrino> from when buddy got busted in the face with a gun
<apc> my main rig case has a magnetic cover for the top fan openings
<apc> I'm modifying it for the duct adapter
<apc> snap on, snap off
<Peppernrino> k
<Peppernrino> gonna safe mode and mbam again.
<apc> it's going to be awesome. mr. I click anything and everything
<idosedthekoolaid> lol
<caraka> Thank dog it's Friday and all my work is now done. It is beer o'clock!
xXUnRealXx has joined #gridcoin
<xXUnRealXx> howdy
<idosedthekoolaid> fuck
<idosedthekoolaid> i need b33rz too
<apc> none for me. I'm bleeding enough as it is
<idosedthekoolaid> lol
<xXUnRealXx> !rainactive 2.62076137
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! xXUnRealXx rained 0.16379759 GRC on active users slimeball, Peppernrino, [-SaRaFiNa-], bob21, Phay, caraka, Chick3nman, idosedthekoolaid, lestus, Mercosity, Katiee, FreshFund, jamezz, MrControll, apc, Erkan_Yilmaz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<caraka> \o/
<caraka> ty xXUnRealXx
<caraka> !rainactive 3.14159265
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! caraka rained 0.19634954 GRC on active users slimeball, [-SaRaFiNa-], apc, MrControll, jamezz, lestus, idosedthekoolaid, bob21, FreshFund, xXUnRealXx, Katiee, Phay, Erkan_Yilmaz, Chick3nman, Mercosity, Peppernrino! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<caraka> pi anyone?
<apc> mmmmm pi
<apc> I need a press. hrmmm
* MrControll pies the chat.
* apc looks for a c-clamp
* caraka reaches for the coffee press
fediverse has joined #gridcoin
<caraka> fediverse awakes from slumber....
MrControll has quit [Quit: MrControll]
* idosedthekoolaid reaches for the pill press
* idosedthekoolaid searches for the free press
<apc> I don't have the proper tools to cut through 1/8" of plastic
<apc> so I'm improvising
<idosedthekoolaid> karate?
<apc> tried that already. bleeding
<idosedthekoolaid> or mime tools?
<idosedthekoolaid> thats liek
<idosedthekoolaid> improvising^2
* idosedthekoolaid thinks he is hilarious, and probably should have a nap
* idosedthekoolaid considers word play but decides 4play is better so will stick to numbers
<idosedthekoolaid> plus
<idosedthekoolaid> with numbers he might last longer
<idosedthekoolaid> hyukhyuk
<idosedthekoolaid> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Usage: !rainactive <amount> [max active users]
<idosedthekoolaid> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! idosedthekoolaid rained 0.26666667 GRC on active users [-SaRaFiNa-], caraka, Erkan_Yilmaz, fediverse, Phay, Peppernrino, lestus, Katiee, bob21, apc, Chick3nman, Mercosity, xXUnRealXx, slimeball, jamezz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> may your CPID rule them all, idosedthekoolaid
<idosedthekoolaid> lel
<idosedthekoolaid> it doesn't
<idosedthekoolaid> unless the rule is
<idosedthekoolaid> "hey there, you, yes you, laddie! find the bottom and crawl underneath!"
<idosedthekoolaid> cause my mag
<idosedthekoolaid> is empty
<idosedthekoolaid> lel
<caraka> \o/ ty idosedthekoolaid
<idosedthekoolaid> :) yw
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by idosedthekoolaid - Female chess players told they must play in hijabs at Iran world championships causing uproar | Daily Mail Online
<idosedthekoolaid> WOW
<aem> yea iranina govt is dumb
<caraka> when in Rome....
<aem> iranian*3
<idosedthekoolaid> ...fuck littl eboys and it's ok?
<aem> and that's coming from someone who's family is from iran...
<caraka> I do think it is stupid, but who decided to host it in Iran?
<idosedthekoolaid> someone stupid
<caraka> what did they expect?
<idosedthekoolaid> idk, im not stupid, so i couldn't tell ya there
<idosedthekoolaid> religion is stupid too by and large
<aem> idosedthekoolaid it's not religion
<aem> it's the old fuckin way they do it
<aem> the government is fucked over there
<idosedthekoolaid> well
<idosedthekoolaid> government is fucked
<aem> they have death the israel/america signs everywhere
<idosedthekoolaid> they are just a good illustration of the pendulum at an end of the arc
<aem> like a little girl with a caption saying "death to israel!"
<aem> dafuq man
<idosedthekoolaid> lol right
<idosedthekoolaid> that's tardyd
<aem> i went there and almost everyone will be either indifferent or happy towards americans
<idosedthekoolaid> HOW U GONNA HAZ CLEAN BRAIN
<idosedthekoolaid> IF NOT WASHED
<aem> yea its all the oldfags there with that idea
<aem> pretty soon they'll die and their ideas too
<idosedthekoolaid> i bet they are fags too
<aem> oh yea
<idosedthekoolaid> nothing against geighz
<idosedthekoolaid> bit cmon
<aem> you cant hold a girls hand in public
<aem> so a lot of ppl are gay
<idosedthekoolaid> u cover up yer women liek that
<idosedthekoolaid> something wrong
<caraka> persia/greece have a long history of male lovers as a norm
<idosedthekoolaid> look at the saudis
<idosedthekoolaid> theres some fudgepackin muhfuckas right there
<aem> and being gay you have to be trans in order to not be executed
<aem> caraka persia and iran are different tho
<aem> ever since the islamic govt took over
<idosedthekoolaid> they make exception for trans?
<idosedthekoolaid> weird
<aem> they say being gay means one person in the relationship is rly a girl
<aem> so one must be a tranny
<aem> or death
<aem> o_o
<idosedthekoolaid> they just
<idosedthekoolaid> wanna see a dude in a dress
<aem> yea
<aem> retarded
<aem> they'll hang anyone who's gay
<idosedthekoolaid> so would they beat them
<idosedthekoolaid> and how much
* idosedthekoolaid blushes
<aem> they've done it to 17-19 yr olds
<aem> almost embarrasing to say you're from a country with barbaric measures and rules
<idosedthekoolaid> just hang me, but leave mah left arm free, guys, k? or could one of ayll take care o me while i choke??
<idosedthekoolaid> lol
<idosedthekoolaid> well
<idosedthekoolaid> mine flies robots over villages and drops radioactive bullshit on them from the sky in the middle of...whenever
<idosedthekoolaid> so
<caraka> And up untill recently the US has had an average of 2 lynchings per week
<idosedthekoolaid> government it fucked
<aem> where is this lol
<caraka> We've now replaced that with police killings of the same frequency
<idosedthekoolaid> USA
<aem> im in the usa tho
<aem> they drone radioactive shit?
<aem> or am i missing a pun?
<caraka> not to my knowledge. too easy to trace
<idosedthekoolaid> depleted uranium
<idosedthekoolaid> to be fair
<idosedthekoolaid> idk if we ACTUALLY use DU on record out of drones
<caraka> that's old news from the gulf wars
<idosedthekoolaid> uh
<aem> they just bury that shit
<idosedthekoolaid> we still use DU
rocky1138 has joined #gridcoin
<idosedthekoolaid> and it is radioactive
<caraka> and it was from DU shells used by US forces
<rocky1138> hi all
<caraka> howdy rocky1138
<idosedthekoolaid> herro
<caraka> welcome to the madhouse
<aem> soup
<idosedthekoolaid> lel
<aem> caraka caused the madness
* aem runs
<rocky1138> I need to join the Gridcoin group on my projects in order to receive gridcoin, right?
<idosedthekoolaid> yessir
<aem> yes
<rocky1138> okay right on
<idosedthekoolaid> for your PoR rewards anyway
* caraka shoots aem in the ass with a greenuparrow
<aem> fuck the greenuparrow
<caraka> if that's how you wish to take it aem :D
<aem> still broken and painful D:
<idosedthekoolaid> ahahaha
<idosedthekoolaid> don't tell the authorities, or the arrow gets it
<caraka> we have plenty of greenuparrows around here....
<rocky1138> I wish I could be part of two teams :D
<caraka> rocky1138: switch to team gridcoin and then wait a day for boinc to cach up
<caraka> tru rocky1138 I would to, being a founder of a team!
<rocky1138> Do you know of any way to switch teams en-masse? I've got accounts at like 10 projects.
<caraka> I think you can do it at boincstats if you use their account manager
<caraka> you only want to switch the projects that are in the gridcoin whitelist. Others can remain with your old team
<caraka> nap time!
<caraka> bbl, peace
<aem> correct boincstats in mass
<aem> for anything boinc related
<apc> awwww yeeeeaaaah
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Magnetic duct - Album on Imgur
<apc> it's quieter too with the sound dampening material in the cover
<aem> apc i feel like the air wont move as easily up it tho
<apc> based on rpm, resistance seems to be about the same
<apc> it would push up to 4200 with the old cap. now only 4140
<apc> with the top removed it drops to 3840
<apc> I cleared out all the sound dampening material out to the screw holes tho, so right around the fan there's a gap
<apc> without that gap it was noticeably more restrictive
<Peppernrino> malwarebytes complete scan in saef mode.
<Peppernrino> all good.
<apc> leet
<Peppernrino> there are some files in c/windows
<Peppernrino> $DEFREG
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> goodbye
idosedthekoolaid has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<rocky1138> I just did the group changes manually. It gave me a chance to change my passwords anyway.
<Peppernrino> WARNING: SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled.
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> fuck you microsoft
rocky1138 has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
<xXUnRealXx> !rainactive 3
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! xXUnRealXx rained 0.23076923 GRC on active users bob21, apc, jamezz, fediverse, Katiee, slimeball, Peppernrino, caraka, Mercosity, aem, Phay, [-SaRaFiNa-], Chick3nman! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> xXUnRealXx may the 10 lazy Gridcoin Gods let your internet connection stay healthy so you can download your WUs with 4 MB/s
<xXUnRealXx> !rainactive 30
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! xXUnRealXx rained 2.30769231 GRC on active users [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, Chick3nman, caraka, Phay, Mercosity, apc, aem, Peppernrino, bob21, jamezz, Katiee, slimeball! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> xXUnRealXx thx
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Birth of a Supervillian - GIF on Imgur
<xXUnRealXx> !tip [-SaRaFiNa-] 50
<GRCtip> xXUnRealXx tipped [-SaRaFiNa-] 50 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<xXUnRealXx> Damn psycho child.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<apc> :D
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on bednarz, Arcane, xms, not96, bugzc, varesa, IRC_Brokenware, SvartH, pine_cone, Corosus! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] let me lick your boots
<xXUnRealXx> hows the finger ?
<apc> I think most of the nail has reattached
<xXUnRealXx> good
<xXUnRealXx> looks like my blue screen was the gtx9800. Hasn't crashed in 2days with it out.
<apc> not just the driver?
<apc> hmm in gpu-z on the vddc power in, does that not include the power coming from the pci-e?
<xXUnRealXx> after I updated the driver I got more problems.
<xXUnRealXx> the prob is 9800 is legacy and id need to run 2 driver versions inorder for it to work that is what the blue screen was.
<Peppernrino> man. once you pop some filters in, wireshark is fucking amazing.
<Peppernrino> shit is so tight
<Peppernrino> ty Chick3nman
<Peppernrino> !tip Chick3nman 5
<xXUnRealXx> 340 for 9800 and lastst 372.90 for the 550ti the 9800 does not register with out the legacy drivers to boinc
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped Chick3nman 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> !tip slimeball 1
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped slimeball 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
reddy1975 has joined #gridcoin
<reddy1975> !stat
<fediverse> reddy1975, please check your PM for the !stats result
<reddy1975> !rainactive 1 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! reddy1975 rained 0.1 GRC on active users jamezz, Peppernrino, caraka, Chick3nman, Mercosity, squiddly, slimeball, Phay, xXUnRealXx, Katiee! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<xXUnRealXx> u just found wireshark hehehehe been around for ages, for a free wiresniffer it is great
<fediverse> reddy1975 may your wallet.dat always be safe
<Peppernrino> dude
<Peppernrino> i know wireshark. i just started using it better.
<Peppernrino> belittling people is always fun though.
<Peppernrino> "Your query for did not return any results."
<apc> it's easy when you're canadian
<apc> !challenge
IRC_Brokenware has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - World Community Grid - Team Challenge Detail
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
<apc> !einstein
<apc> bah grcb0t I neeeeed yooouuuu
<apc> wait nm
<Peppernrino> oh shit
<Peppernrino> what if
<Peppernrino> the new dev
<Peppernrino> put ransomware in the wallet
<Peppernrino> it's the only thing i installed today
<fediverse> Einstein@Home searches for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars
<apc> I thought you said you clicked something
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Einstein@Home
<Peppernrino> yeah but it came from somewhere right?
<apc> I wasn't gonna ask
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> i'm not like that
<Peppernrino> i think i know where your head's going
<apc> so far all my clicky things are normal
<apc> it's all open source isn't it?
<Peppernrino> it was like... the reader tab was half open
<Peppernrino> on the left
<Peppernrino> little red windows start menu button like 2 inches above the other one
<apc> I do not know what this is
<Peppernrino> i blame hillary clinton
<Peppernrino> now it's all just the router broadcasting to the other ap, and the vpn finding itself. very nice traffic.
<Peppernrino> "!(ip.addr == || ip.addr == || ip.addr =="
<Peppernrino> 1. wcg 2. milkyway 3. noscript
IRC_Brokenware has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Peppernrino> ip.addr ==
<Peppernrino> moo
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: ... be part of it ...]
<Peppernrino> anybody feels like collecting other ip ranges for me, that'd be sweet.
<Peppernrino> good to know imo
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
AnonSF has joined #gridcoin
<AnonSF> !balance
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> AnonSF, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
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<AnonSF> hey everyone, how do I get some starter gridcoin?
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<Peppernrino> !faucet
<Peppernrino> !tip anonsf 3
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped anonsf 3 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> :)
<AnonSF> Thanks Peppernrino :) Also, I don't see the GRCidle for the irpg, do you know what happened? I can't seem to log in to it
<Phay> boobies
IRC_Brokenware has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
greo has joined #gridcoin
<greo> morning ;)
<Peppernrino> bot's dead, AnonSF
<Peppernrino> well. ran 3 rootkit scanners. all clean.
<Peppernrino> on top of mbam in safe mode.
<Peppernrino> guess i'll try hooking up the media drive tomorrow if all remains well until morning.
<AnonSF> How come it's dead?
<AnonSF> What happened?
<Peppernrino> there was a ddos attack about a week ago
<Peppernrino> not recovered fully yet
<Peppernrino> the bot owner is only reachable by twitter, and has a family life.
<Peppernrino> unfortunate, but very real.
GRCB0T has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> wat
<Phay> hello GRCb0T
<fediverse> Long live Gridcoin, may the GRC God look upon you. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'Volpex' ?
<Phay> hello fkinglag
<Phay> hello xxunrealxx
<Peppernrino> getting hacked is weak.
<Peppernrino> threw my whole day off.
<Phay> :c
YajuuSenpai has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> welcome YajuuSenpai
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DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
<LokiToki> hi everyone
<fediverse> hi, I desire yet another coffee, would you recommend low caffeine coffee? What's going on with BOINC project 'SRBase' btw?
<LokiToki> i got the wallet compiled on my raspberry pi 1....but now i get a runtime error when trying to get the gui runnibng
<Peppernrino> delete everything in the ~/roaming/gridcoinresearch folder, except for the wallet.dat and .conf files.
<Peppernrino> run the wallet as root?
<AnonSF> Well damn.. :( sad. Hope everything corrects itself
<AnonSF> I got another question then, How often does payout? I ran it for like 2 weeks and didn't see anything from it.
HighTower24 has joined #gridcoin
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<Peppernrino> wow
<Peppernrino> just discovered
<Peppernrino> that virtualbox remote display port is 3389
<Peppernrino> that could be it
<Peppernrino> somebody hacked me through grcb0t
<Peppernrino> :(
<Peppernrino> you guys.
<LokiToki> wtf?! thats creepy. u used a port from VB?
<LokiToki> ...for the bot?
bubu1sk has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (bubu1sk) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Dear bubu1sk, please check your PM for the !stats result
FifthGB has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<Peppernrino> something like that
Vodonik has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> fucking shit
<Peppernrino> yep
<Peppernrino> port 3389
<coinictus> morning all
<Peppernrino> there's always a grift somewhere.
<Peppernrino> always a chink in the armour.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on huppdiwupp, Gunde, hisoka77, arunpyasi, reddy1975, tom12, HighTower24, bob21, _whitelogger, vega40k! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] you just made us wet our pants. Who's gonna clean up this mess now? Already the 13th dirty trousers this week
<GRCB0T> Title: Troldesh Ransomware brute-forcing its way into systems - Quick Heal Technologies Security Blog | Latest computer security news, tips, and advice (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Troldesh Ransomware brute-forcing its way into systems - Quick Heal Technologies Security Blog | Latest computer security news, tips, and advice
lakridserne has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> !party
<GRCB0T> i am partying.
<fediverse> I ordered already 52 beer
<Peppernrino> cool.
WyerByter has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<lakridserne> Morning
WyerByter has joined #gridcoin
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<bubu1sk> !cpid 7675a465cecfd3530bd8e59a0261d1e0
<fediverse> bubu1sk, sending the result via private message
<Phay> hungry
<Phay> sleepy ish
<Phay> worn out
<Phay> owie
GRCB0T has quit [Quit: Ctrl-C at console.]
<Peppernrino> man
<Peppernrino> this is fun.
<Peppernrino> fuck sake.
<Phay> Is Obama a druggeeee?
yoyo[RKN] has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> night night
<Mercosity> Greetings and Salutations to all Gridcoiners.
<Mercosity> Moaning, moaning, moaning.
realw98 has joined #gridcoin
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<Peppernrino> sup
<vega40k_> sup2
<Peppernrino> clearing up last bits of hack.
<Peppernrino> feeling tidier alreadt.
<Peppernrino> y
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<Peppernrino> Remote Scripts (alt+r, copy+paste into 'Remote' tab):
<Peppernrino> ctcp 1:PING:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick PING] denied | halt
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<Peppernrino> ctcp 1:TIME:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick TIME] denied | halt
<Peppernrino> ctcp 1:FINGER:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick FINGER] denied | halt
<Peppernrino> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Peppernrino> Go get a free cloak at #freenode ...or consider a BNC to hide your IP address, spoof your idle time, keep you logged you in, etc:
<Peppernrino> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Peppernrino> Get a real IRC client. Kiwiirc, while convenient, is a hacker paradise... and it makes you look like a noob/target. Also, netsplit-type events on kiwiirc are common, and it lacks customization and security features.
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Providers - ZNC
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<Peppernrino> Use KeePassx to generate and store custom length and dictionary-attack proof passwords.
<Peppernrino> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Peppernrino> Have only these current nodes in your gridcoinresearch.conf file:
<Peppernrino> | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<Peppernrino> | | |
<Peppernrino> ================================================================================
<Peppernrino> CLOSE PORT 3389
<Peppernrino> CLOSE PORT 3389
<Peppernrino> CLOSE PORT 3389
<Peppernrino> CLOSE PORT 3389
<Peppernrino> CLOSE PORT 3389
YajuuSenpai has quit [Quit: アーイキソ]
YajuuSenpai has joined #gridcoin
<realw98> dafuq was that
<Peppernrino> good shit.
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: ... be part of it ...]
<Mercosity> V good shit!!
GRCB0T has joined #gridcoin
DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
Bouowmx has joined #gridcoin
GRCB0T has quit [Quit: Ctrl-C at console.]
<vega40k_> v g s
* vega40k_ makes freecoffee
<Mercosity> Moaning vega40k
<Mercosity> coffee foe me?
<Mercosity> 2 sugars
<Mercosity> plz
GRCB0T has joined #gridcoin
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, your !stats were sent via PM
<Mercosity> Mmmm
<Mercosity> Contemplating navel.
<Bouowmx> EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC fan very conservative: 15% speed at 65 C
<Peppernrino> yikes
frank0051 has joined #gridcoin
<frank0051> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7188 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 139.12 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.5995 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.70821 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.76 = 533.61 EUR
<frank0051> GRCidle down?
* Mercosity combs his beard.
* Mercosity contemplates navel again and does lint extraction
<Bouowmx> Cmon Nvidia GPU Boost: 60 to 70 C and it loses 2 frequency bins
<Bouowmx> (down 25 MHz)
<Peppernrino> what bin now?
<Mercosity> frank0051 yup idle's down since DDOS.
<frank0051> Booo
<Peppernrino> meh
<Bouowmx> Nvidia GPUs operate at 12.5-MHz increments (a bin)
<Peppernrino> ok
<Bouowmx> > Liquid cool a GeForce GTX 1060
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Mercosity> !eur
* Mercosity c'mon
Combined2857 has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: DIY GTX 1060 'Hybrid' Results: 2151MHz Overclock Now Possible | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - DIY GTX 1060 'Hybrid' Results: 2151MHz Overclock Now Possible | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.6308EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 158.534 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.524635EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.619769EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.74 = 533.6 EUR
Mr_Slippyfist has joined #gridcoin
pro has joined #gridcoin
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bugzc has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
Mercosity has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<FreshFund> is irc getting ddosed again?
greo has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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DigiByteDev has quit [Quit: DigiByteDev]
LokiToki has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Erkan_Yilmaz> irc, ddos, life
<jopa> !blocks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<GRCB0T> 682995
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 682975
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
Malignae has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Nycti has quit [Read error: No route to host]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on HighTower24, psychu, not96, SvartH, WhitesoxCrypto, arunpyasi, desertsky, Phay, apc, slimeball! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may you have abundance of cake
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Malignae has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
squiddly has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
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<customminer> !rainactive 25
<customminer> sappenin peeps?
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.92307692 GRC on active users realw98, Peppernrino, Bouowmx, huppdiwupp, barefootcourier, Erkan_Yilmaz, GRCB0T, [-SaRaFiNa-], not96, vega40k_, fediverse, jopa, SvartH! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: word
<fediverse> customminer you win as many Volkswagen as you can carry for 8 meters
vega40k_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.5995 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7085 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 141.14 GRC
<Hooker63> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.70211 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.44 = 533.33 EUR
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
greo has joined #gridcoin
<Combined2857> hi guys
<Combined2857> no idle bot ?
Quezacoatl has joined #gridcoin
<Combined2857> Peppernrino: i wonder how you find all those duplicate accounts in the irpg, dont they bother to cloack their ip ?
<Hooker63> My IP has a cloaca?
<Combined2857> Hooker63: no
vasifumi has joined #gridcoin
<Combined2857> Quezacoatl: damn that nice nick again ;)
<customminer> hey quez, long time no see
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<bubu1sk> !eur
<bubu1sk> !stats
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.6209EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 161.06 GRC
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (bubu1sk) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.524635EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.614431EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.41 = 533.31 EUR
<fediverse> My dear bubu1sk, the !stats result was sent via PM
<huppdiwupp> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (huppdiwupp) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> huppdiwupp, the !stats result was sent via private message
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d_o_c has joined #gridcoin
<d_o_c> !rainactive 2 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! d_o_c rained 0.2 GRC on active users fediverse, pro, not96, [-SaRaFiNa-], customminer, bob21, vasifumi, Erkan_Yilmaz, Combined2857, jopa! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> d_o_c let me lick your boots
<coinictus> ty
<Combined2857> d_o_c: ty bro
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
Vodonik has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thanks for the rain, d_o_c customminer
<Gunde> !block
<GRCB0T> 683136
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 683135
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on lestus, varesa, Mr_Slippyfist, arunpyasi, Erawan, fediverse, jamezz, coinictus, mnk, not96! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] it's time to make a Gridcoin centered religion with you as our leader
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lakridserne has joined #gridcoin
<xms> hello weekend
<brewsmithy> hello alternate currency creaters
<fediverse> moin, may the 23 awake GRC Gods smile at you today. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'The Lattice Project' ?
greo has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
Atratus has joined #gridcoin
Mercosity has joined #gridcoin
greo has joined #gridcoin
* apc looks peppernrino straight in the eyes and OPENS port 3389
* Mercosity watches thru the window
<apc> :D
<Mercosity> apc no we shouldn't gang up on him.
* Mercosity I know that's what you were thinking
<apc> yeah, he's had a pretty rough week. granny shiftin' not double clutching like he should
<Mercosity> It's no fun when you have a scare like that I 've been thru it so I do know.
<apc> I've actually had 3389 open this whole time, but it's forwarded to a different port in the firewall
vasifumi has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Mercosity> apc why is it open, you need it for something?
<apc> yeah rdp. I could move the service to a different port, but I'm not really concerned about it
<Mercosity> apc nah! as long as you have a decent firewall it should pick up on any attacks and nip them in the bud. My firewall has stopped numerous attacks, sniffers.
<Mercosity> Also give sme all the details of where from.
<apc> it's just the google fiber router deal. but it forwards a different external port number to 3389 on this ip. and I have rdp on this rig pretty well locked down
<Mercosity> apc you're fine then.
<apc> yeah. casual bot scans won't notice it. and someone would have to be targeting me, and then they'd just get a windows login prompt that reacts poorly to bad passwords
* Mercosity quickly fires up steam driven firewall to repel marauders
<Mercosity> apc yeah you really have to be targeted and that requires planning and time, you and me haven't got anything anyone would want.
Vodonik has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<vega40k> !price gone ?
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001200,"Low":0.00001151,"Volume":34087.43422949,"Last":0.00001151,"BaseVolume":0.39747574,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-30T14:45:17.403","Bid":0.00001163,"Ask":0.00001209,"OpenBuyOrders":84,"OpenSellOrders":428,"PrevDay":0.00001180,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001170 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001218 BTC, min: 0.00001109 BTC, change: -2.09%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001181 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001151 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.53 = 533.41 EUR
* Mercosity stokes up steam driven firewall to repel marauders
<Mercosity> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.622EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 160.77 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.524635EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.614431EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.53 = 533.41 EUR
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Mercosity, sent the result via PM
<apc> I wish all these zombie host clones would hurry up and fall off my boincstats
<apc> got like 10 charons and half as many styx
<vega40k> !ping
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 217 bytes from vega40k: icmp_seq=4 ttl=217 time=0.097 ms
<apc> uhm
<vega40k> !ping
<GRCB0T> pong
<Mercosity> apc that's 'cause you keep destroying and rebuilding them, stop it now!!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<apc> 0.097ms?
<fediverse> 330 bytes from vega40k: icmp_seq=1 ttl=330 time=0.081 ms
<apc> I think that's really 97ms
<apc> 0.097 s
<Mercosity> !ping
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 329 bytes from Mercosity: icmp_seq=1 ttl=329 time=0.074 ms
<apc> mercosity bah! one must destroy in order to build! such is the circle of life!
<vega40k> Mercosity: can you plz ping me ?
<Mercosity> apc I'm quicker than you are, na, na , na
<apc> !ping
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 84 bytes from apc: icmp_seq=1 ttl=84 time=0.041 ms
<vega40k> i try to disable this
<apc> I think not :P
<vega40k> wow
<Mercosity> !ping vega40k
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 368 bytes from Mercosity: icmp_seq=1 ttl=368 time=0.079 ms
<Mercosity> !pig apc
<Mercosity> woops!!
<apc> *oink*
<vega40k> !ping apc
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 242 bytes from vega40k: icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=0.045 ms
<Mercosity> !ping apc
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 169 bytes from Mercosity: icmp_seq=2 ttl=169 time=0.075 ms
<apc> !ping apc
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 234 bytes from apc: icmp_seq=4 ttl=234 time=0.097 ms
<apc> I think these are just ping times to whatever fediverse is on
<Mercosity> How can you pig yourself.
<vega40k> how we can disable this with Peppernrino script
<Mercosity> *n
<apc> !fight !ping
<GRCB0T> Let's do this, !ping!
<fediverse> Everybody stay calm, please!
<vega40k> <Peppernrino> ctcp 1:FINGER:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick FINGER] denied | halt
<vega40k> <Peppernrino> ctcp 1:PING:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick PING] denied | halt
<vega40k> <Peppernrino> ==============================================================
<vega40k> <Peppernrino> ctcp 1:TIME:*:echo 4 -se [ $+ $nick TIME] denied | halt
<Mercosity> !fight and kill all pings
<GRCB0T> Let's do this, and kill all pings!
<fediverse> Everybody stay calm, please!
<apc> !finger mercosity
<vega40k> !apocalypse
<fediverse> PANIC... sell all your GRC now, your local finance ministry is observing this chat
<Mercosity> !calm
<apc> !calamity
<Mercosity> mmm
<apc> !whoami
<GRCB0T> apc
<fediverse> apc, deep inside you know who you are
<apc> I am the One.
<Mercosity> !whoarryou
<apc> !piratefriday
<Mercosity> !whoareyou
<vega40k> !rainactive 1 2
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! vega40k rained 0.5 GRC on active users Atratus, coinictus! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> vega40k I'll name my 8th son after you
<vega40k> :-)
<Mercosity> !8ball will all pings die.
<fediverse> only when there are no rain-makers anymore
<vega40k> rainactive works great
<Mercosity> Yeah onlt 2 active users
<Mercosity> we're ghosts i the machine.
* Mercosity 's hair stands on end
* Mercosity 's beard stands on end
<Mercosity> Ooooh!!
<Mercosity> !Top10 words
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> (Mercosity) --> top 10 words logged for #gridcoin --> 1. fediverse (54920), 2. jamezz (51165), 3. apc (48159), 4. peppernrino (43940), 5. grcb0t (30641), 6. grctip (29738), 7. mercosity (27051), 8. slimeball (21275), 9. customminer (17091), 10. phay (14535)
<Mercosity> mmm
<Mercosity> jamezz and apc have a healthy lead
<Mercosity> Ok what mischief can we get up to now!
<apc> apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc ap
<apc> c apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc
<apc> mercosity did you see I shed more blood for grc last night? did you did you did you?
<GRCB0T> Title: Magnetic duct - Album on Imgur (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Magnetic duct - Album on Imgur
mrarturas has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Mmm, ducting.
<apc> hot duct action awww yeeeaah
<apc> hardcore ducting
<vega40k> how you know hardcore?
<apc> I invented it
<apc> hrm styx just crashed
* apc turns down gpu overclock
vega40k_ has joined #gridcoin
vasifumi has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: recommends settings for security in WeeChat · GitHub (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by vega40k - recommends settings for security in WeeChat · GitHub
coinictus has quit []
<Mercosity> apc you gonna destroy that now, rebuild and call it Tafkat?
<Mercosity> Foremerly known as styx
* Mercosity hums Purple Rain
VashTheStampede has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<vega40k> ctcp +1:PING:?:echo $colour(ctcp) -ts < $+ $nick $+ > $1- | halt
<vega40k> gmmm
<Mercosity> !ping
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
* Mercosity half dead
<vega40k> oo
<fediverse> 382 bytes from Mercosity: icmp_seq=3 ttl=382 time=0.054 ms
<Mercosity> MMM killed sara!!
<Mercosity> :<
<apc> nah poem just made the gpu puke
<apc> it's running poem from 8-8 during the day to run cooler, and ether from 8-8 at night when it runs hotter
<vega40k_> !ping vega40k
<GRCB0T> pong
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> PONG! I'm ALIVE!
<fediverse> 69 bytes from vega40k_: icmp_seq=3 ttl=69 time=0.061 ms
vega40k_ has quit []
<HeyMerlin> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001200,"Low":0.00001151,"Volume":34087.43422949,"Last":0.00001151,"BaseVolume":0.39747574,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-30T15:48:27.647","Bid":0.00001168,"Ask":0.00001182,"OpenBuyOrders":86,"OpenSellOrders":427,"PrevDay":0.00001180,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<HeyMerlin> !usd
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001151 | Bid 0.00001168 | Ask 0.00001182
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001151 | Bid 0.00001151 | Ask 0.00001207
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001179 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001218 BTC, min: 0.00001109 BTC, change: 0.17%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001181 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001151 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.41 = 533.31 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7149 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 139.87 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.5995 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.70211 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.33 = 533.24 EUR
MiXa1972 has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: Open Hardware Summit auf Twitter: "Social, PDX and hack events around @ohsummit are posted! Missing one? DM @wheresaddie to request an event be added" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by vega40k - Open Hardware Summit on Twitter: "Social, PDX and hack events around @ohsummit are posted! Missing one? DM @wheresaddie to request an event be added"
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<vega40k> !superblock
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 500
<fediverse> block height: 681967, created: 28h 52 mins ago, new blocks (since this superblock was created): 1288, hash: 1ecb3659e3dcc40223233a10f55e01ead9b4082652a0d812a4606990896f6aac
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
pro has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<bednarz> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> bednarz, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
pro has joined #gridcoin
bednarz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
apc has joined #gridcoin
<apc> remind me to murder bill gates, next time I see him
<not96> is gridcoin-irpg broken?
<Velociraptor85> not96: seems like it ?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on bob21, xms, mrarturas, sbits, HeyMerlin, kiebitz, HighTower24, Newtronic, desertsky, caraka! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may the 5 busy Gridcoin Gods let the next 6 !superblocks bring nice things for you
<Gunde> not96: Bot is not online
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
hisoka77 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Mercosity> apc Murder Bill, why ever would you want to do that!!
* Mercosity thinks of Kill Bill and wonders is that about murdering Bill Gates?
<apc> stupid forced stupid reboots
<apc> I need to figure out how to disable those
<apc> I know it's possible in win10
<apc> some setting somewhere
<apc> probably in... settings
<Mercosity> apc is this updates again?
<apc> yeah another round
<Mercosity> apc services stop updateses
<apc> well I want updates. I just don't want it to be all, "oh, I see you're not typing or moving the mouse right this second. I'm gonna reboot!"
<Mercosity> apc already had mine, noticed in notifications and decided to do them both.
<Mercosity> apc you can go thru settings and put a time in for them.
<apc> yeah you can set a window. but it's pretty limited.
<apc> like I'd want it to only reboot at 4am
<apc> but noooooooo
<Mercosity> apc yeah it is that's why I wait 'til I notice in Notifications or stop windows update in services.
* Mercosity 'notice in Notifications' sounds wierd.
<apc> notice the notifications when they notify you?
<Mercosity> apd Tuesday is normally update day, but seems to be slipping a bit now I've noticed.
<Mercosity> apc
<apc> you've noticed the notifications don't notify you when they normally notice?
* Mercosity screwed that up!
<Mercosity> apc I've noticed.
Quezacoatl has joined #gridcoin
* Mercosity notice the notifications in notifications are usually notified in notifications on Tuesday.
<Peppernrino> well
<Peppernrino> looking good still
<Mercosity> apc now that got your mind of your update notification woes didn't it!
<Mercosity> *off
<Peppernrino> jamezz: "Moo! Wrapper: Notice from BOINC
<Peppernrino> Your app_config.xml file refers to an unknown application 'dnetc'. Known applications: None"
<Peppernrino> i just go tthat this morning
<Peppernrino> must have changed
<Peppernrino> !moo
<GRCB0T> <app_config><app><name>dnetc</name><max_concurrent>2</max_concurrent><gpu_versions><gpu_usage>0.5</gpu_usage><cpu_usage>0.5</cpu_usage></gpu_versions></app></app_config>
<fediverse> 'Moo! Wrapper' is a project that brute-forces RC5-72 (RC5-messages encrypted with 72-bit keys)
<GRCB0T> Title: Moo! Wrapper (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Moo! Wrapper
<Mercosity> You were all notified.
* Mercosity shut up!!
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, your !stats were sent via private message
<apc> peppernrino, I know where you can get v1@gr@ 4 cheep
<Peppernrino> ?
<apc> cl1ck h3r3
<Peppernrino> shut up
<apc> :P
<Peppernrino> joke's on them. just made me stronger and smarter.
<Peppernrino> i frwaked out for literally 3 minutes
<Peppernrino> fine now
<apc> ohshitohfuckohshitohfuckohshitohfuck
<Peppernrino> mhm
<Peppernrino> "have you tried...."
<Peppernrino> "STFU"
<Peppernrino> a few apologies for not being as leet as my gf needs me to be.
<Peppernrino> you know
<apc> I'm gonna go spend money I shouldn't spend on a gpu I don't need
<apc> save the receipt, tho
<Katiee> pool payment just went out, sorry for all the long wait these past few months, im now in the process of moving the wallet to a better server tho
<Peppernrino> boosh
VashTheStampede has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> Awesome to hear, Katiee :)
<Combined2857> what up boys
<customminer> Nm, you?
<Peppernrino> hey hey
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.25 GRC on active users xms, tom12, Peppernrino, Erkan_Yilmaz, bubu1sk, HeyMerlin, greo, JuanManavella, Mercosity, vega40k, psychu, apc, not96, Combined2857, Katiee, Gunde, fediverse, Velociraptor85, [-SaRaFiNa-], GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> the gang's all here
<fediverse> customminer your appearance awakened everyone (incl. the 13 sleeping souls) in this channel
<Peppernrino> ty bud
<Combined2857> ty mate
<Phay> gang violence
Quezacoatl has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
<HeyMerlin> ty custom
<Mercosity> !!!Tanks!!! customminer
<HeyMerlin> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! HeyMerlin rained 0.5 GRC on active users tom12, vega40k, Gunde, Combined2857, GRCB0T, bubu1sk, JuanManavella, not96, apc, Peppernrino, greo, Velociraptor85, psychu, [-SaRaFiNa-], Mercosity, Phay, customminer, fediverse, Katiee, Erkan_Yilmaz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> HeyMerlin you just made me cum for the 16th time today
* Mercosity Ta m8
<Combined2857> <3
<Yoduza> nice
<vega40k> ty
<Peppernrino> good thing the event log is only 6 hours long. /s
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.2 GRC on active users vega40k, Gunde, Katiee, jamezz, GRCB0T, greo, apc, HeyMerlin, JuanManavella, Combined2857, tom12, Velociraptor85, not96, xms, bubu1sk, customminer, Erkan_Yilmaz, [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, psychu! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Peppernrino your rain interrupted me 'staking' 8 vampires
<Combined2857> peppe !
<vega40k> nice ty
<Peppernrino> tfw when you open task manager, and program usage suddewnly drops from 47 to 46. lol
<Peppernrino> and then you breathe a sigh of relief as it dips back and forth another 2
<Peppernrino> fediverse has Erkan_Yilmaz's sense of humour.
<Peppernrino> gmer really doesn't like this one csrss.exe....
<Peppernrino> ah
<GRCB0T> Title: malware - csrss.exe anomalies, is this a rootkit? - Super User (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - malware - csrss.exe anomalies, is this a rootkit? - Super User
<Peppernrino> hm
<Peppernrino> i wonder if places like are government-run...?
<Peppernrino> majorgeeks
<Peppernrino> *
<caraka> morning peeps
<fediverse> time zone appropriate greeting (tzag), who else is awake besides us?
<Peppernrino> hey caraka
<Peppernrino> lovely saturday
<caraka> lovely Sunday too. :D
<Peppernrino> i like when you show up. it means the world won't end tomorrow.
<caraka> living proof of another 23 hours...
<Peppernrino> yep
<Mercosity> Jeez I'm actively inactive agin!!
MiXa1972 has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> yep
<Katiee> caraka!
<Katiee> Good morning!
<caraka> Amen sister!
<Katiee> CM figured it out lol
<caraka> what was the tiny thging making your life miserable?
<caraka> So we know for next time?
<Peppernrino> lol
<Katiee> it was the RAM all along, added a swap file and now its runnnnnning
<caraka> Well fuck me!
<Katiee> i guess 1gb just wasnt enough..
<caraka> I told you it wasn;t you!
<Katiee> heh
<Peppernrino> and apc questions the feasability of a good pagefile...
<caraka> not with all those other services - probably not
<Peppernrino> no wonder he cut himself
<Katiee> I mean I fired up a fresh 1gb instance and it was still crashing
<Katiee> so
<caraka> I am so pleased to hear that. Nothing worse than going in circles
<Katiee> I guess the wallet just will not run without swap on 1gb lol
<not96> is gridcoin-irpg broken?
<caraka> yeah. I confess I always create swap, so i would never have thought of it
<caraka> irpg bot is down, yes not96
<Katiee> honestly i thought I had already on this server... but i guess i didnt
<not96> forever?
<caraka> I think I shall add that note to the PPA page, as many people using cloud will use the PPA
<caraka> I do not know not96. sEp might revive it yet
<Peppernrino> katiee: noted. might be why people are having trouble running wallets on rpi1?
<Katiee> seems likely
<Peppernrino> no zram partition or something?
<Peppernrino> cool beans.
<tom12> Wow thank you for the rain customminer HeyMerlin Peppernrino
<d_o_c> !stats
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast d_o_c, sent the result via PM
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (d_o_c) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<startail> customminer: you here?
<Peppernrino> either montec or lokitoki was trying to figure it out
<Peppernrino> lokitoki
<customminer> Sup man
<VashTheStampede> !prices
<VashTheStampede> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001175 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001218 BTC, min: 0.00001109 BTC, change: -1.18%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001181 (C-CEX)
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001228,"Low":0.00001151,"Volume":42018.90886165,"Last":0.00001228,"BaseVolume":0.49473263,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-30T18:32:22.87","Bid":0.00001192,"Ask":0.00001214,"OpenBuyOrders":86,"OpenSellOrders":419,"PrevDay":0.00001180,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001228 | Bid 0.00001192 | Ask 0.00001214
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001151 | Bid 0.00001150 | Ask 0.00001207
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001228 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $608.70 = 532.69 EUR
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001181 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001175 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001218 BTC, min: 0.00001109 BTC, change: -1.18%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001228 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $608.70 = 532.69 EUR
<startail> customminer: I'm going to make some rain on the network, is the Neural data updated?
<Katiee> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 683369
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 683369
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<customminer> I'll update it. ETA 2mins
<startail> great :) No rush
<customminer> That's it done
<startail> did you fix the duplicate addresses?
<Peppernrino> well. got rid of a bunch of udp6 shit in bodhi, and turned off remote desktop completely.
<Peppernrino> customminer: did you hear i ransomwared myself yesterday?
<startail> that doesn't sound so nice to yourself Peppernrino :)
<startail> did you pay up? ;)
<Peppernrino> i think i stopped it before it got to anything.
<Peppernrino> scared to plug in my d drive now though. lol
<Peppernrino> fucking russians. :P
<startail> customminer: The string is still to long. Can you split them by half again?
<startail> hehe
<customminer> Really? 1000 though eh?
<customminer> Or is 1000 too big?
<customminer> Gimmie 20 then to fix that
<caraka> gimme 1000grc rino to plug in your d drive....
<Peppernrino> done.
<caraka> I should not joke..
<caraka> that shit sucks
<customminer> Hahah
<Peppernrino> it does
<Peppernrino> i have no idea if it's gone.
<Peppernrino> i'm pretty clever, but they make these viruses sound like god wrote them...
<customminer> Virus?
<Peppernrino> ransomware
<customminer> Nightmare :(
<Peppernrino> troldesh
<caraka> well, time to back up d drive before you plug it in
<customminer> Fuck
<customminer> Migrate and purge?
<Peppernrino> d drive was JUST backed up.
<Peppernrino> it IS the backup
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> kill windows altogether?
<Peppernrino> not all is lost
<Peppernrino> oh no
<Peppernrino> everything is fine now
<Peppernrino> seemingly...
<Peppernrino> i freaked out
<startail> customminer: see my PM
<Peppernrino> onl;y boothered to say "ransomware. out."
<Peppernrino> in here
<Peppernrino> and leave
<Peppernrino> just to warn you guys :)
<caraka> Thank dog I use linux. Not because it is immune, but because it is rarely targetted, for this sort of thing anyway
<Peppernrino> cuz i care more about you than myself.
<Peppernrino> know that.
<Peppernrino> more than*
<Peppernrino> i hope they start targeting linux users just because you said that.
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> you said a bit more than that here, but I thought you were soing an exorcism. :D
<Peppernrino> you guys could use a good bubble burst.
<caraka> I'm telling you, the smuggness of linux users has a use by date
<caraka> and that date is approaching
<apc> troldesh? really?
<apc> I thought that was pretty much just like russia and ukraine etc
<caraka> isn't the great north of Canada pretty much like russia and Ukraine? :D
<apc> siberia maybe :D
<Peppernrino> yep
<Peppernrino> tundra bro.
<apc> toyota tundra
<caraka> it's becuse rino has two internet connections he can take it both ways at once
* Peppernrino chokes on smug
<apc> I just picked up a gtx 1070
<apc> I can haz smug now?
<Bouowmx> Obligatory pics or didn't happen
<Bouowmx> And which edition?
<apc> it's out in my car. tonight
<apc> gigabyte
<apc> uhm
<apc> gaming?
<caraka> did your car come with a PCI slot?
<apc> I dunno what's so special about the gaming label
<caraka> who installs a gtx 1070 in their car? :D
<Bouowmx> Nvidia Xavier
<apc> GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming 8GB
<Peppernrino> dudee
<Peppernrino> he's at work, and bought it on lunch
<Peppernrino> duh
<apc> fo shizzle
* Peppernrino infers things
<Bouowmx> MSI GAMING
* caraka assumes everyone is as slack as he is
<Bouowmx> Gigabyte GAMING
<Peppernrino> does it matter?
<Peppernrino> who cares what colur it is?
<apc> brand matters with diff cooling solutions. I think gaming is probably meaningless
<caraka> it's just to attraact attention from a target demographic
<Peppernrino> bah, your either reference, or you're not.
<Peppernrino> right, Chick3nman?
<apc> reference cooling often sucks
<apc> blowers are lame
<Peppernrino> your****
<Peppernrino> lol
* Peppernrino blows
<Peppernrino> i use strix
<Peppernrino> you don't have to tell me
<Peppernrino> but
<Peppernrino> if you think the shroud matters, explain why.
<Peppernrino> otherwise, fuck brand loyalty.
<Peppernrino> what's with all the shit press for samsung lately?
<Peppernrino> it's not like more thigns are breaking... they're just reporting it like CRAZY the past week.
<Peppernrino> phones, washing machines...
<Peppernrino> something big is about to happen in transistor world.
<Peppernrino> maybe they'll stop making computers because people are hackers.
<Peppernrino> wait until the tpp.
<Peppernrino> shit like is going to happen
<caraka> and stop using money because terrorists use it
<Peppernrino> mhm
<Peppernrino> exactly
<Peppernrino> mark of the beast
<Yoduza> terrorists has own money..
<Peppernrino> you won't be able to trade unless tpp approved
<Peppernrino> no, they use ours...
<Yoduza> customs..
<caraka> the Ben Franklin is the most used bill in the world - and almost exclusively by criminals
<Peppernrino> every time you pay to drive through a toll booth... you basically just paid for someone to get shot at a few times.
<caraka> $100 Note = Ben Franklin
<Peppernrino> caraka
<Peppernrino> it's all about the benjamins.
<Bouowmx> Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 Mini-ITX
<caraka> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
<apc> yeah I saw that thing
<apc> figured there had to be some disadvantage
<Peppernrino> Bouowmx: was it worth it?
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> fuckin kanye
<Bouowmx> I got an ITX version of Nvidia 1060
<Bouowmx> Don't really feel any disadvantage
<Bouowmx> Enjoy your Gears of War 4
<apc> freeeeee. prolly never play it
greo has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Gunde> Sometime i wounder why i always check wrong things from beginning
IRC_Brokenware has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Gunde> Sysinfo in 16.04 show wrong amount of cores so i spend 1-2 hours of reboot and bios setting to get all cores.
<Gunde> At end ubuntu did use all cores also boinc...
* Gunde doh
<Gunde> damn cpuinfo
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 2.2404059199999997 GRC short).
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
<Gunde> To much irc for you GRCB0T
<GRCB0T> Title: CM auf Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - CM on Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC"
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - CM on Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC"
<GRCB0T> Title: CM auf Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC" (at
<customminer> Like/retweet everyone - let's get Gridcoin added to coin conversion websites!
<moisesm123> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7103 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 140.78 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.5995 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.71065 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.21 = 533.13 EUR
<Gunde> Made a rewuest at website to coinvert
<Gunde> *request
<Peppernrino> i'm afraid to login to anything.
<Peppernrino> but i will
<Mercosity> Go for it!!
* Mercosity hides behind the desk in anticpation
<Mercosity> !stat
<Mercosity> mmm
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Mercosity, the !stats result was sent via PM
<Mercosity> mmm
<apc> peppernrino give me all your passwords. I'll log in for you
<HeyMerlin> He could just post them that way many people would log in for him.... distributed computing!
<apc> gridcoin redistribution!
<apc> I just wanna get nekki pics of pepper
<apc> I hear she's hot
<customminer> Gunde: Nice one :D
GRCB0T has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Peppernrino> then
<Peppernrino> once upon a time
<Peppernrino> i was running some rootklit scans with BOINC on, and i bsod'd.
<Peppernrino> sup freud
<apc> if you boinc when you rootkit scan, you're gonna have a bad time
<Peppernrino> looks like.
<Peppernrino> man everything sucks
<vega40k> who sucks ?
<Gunde> me
<Gunde> UPTIME: 5 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes
* Gunde time for reboot
<Gunde> add SSD
<Gunde> 10 sec before restart and a POR hit me
<Gunde> damn
<vega40k> this sucks
Bouowmx has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
Gunde has left #gridcoin ["part"]
Gunde has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> ok
<Peppernrino> there's an irp hook somewhere
<Peppernrino> so
<Peppernrino> i have to learn how to write windows drivers
<Peppernrino> yay
<Peppernrino> irp_mj_create
<Peppernrino> feck
<customminer> lol
<vega40k> !price waiting too Peppernrino
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001187 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001218 BTC, min: 0.00001109 BTC, change: 0.94%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001181 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001176 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $608.80 = 532.77 EUR
FifthGB has joined #gridcoin
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<customminer> vega40k: Thanks for the retweet :)
<vega40k> i just try to help . small man small voice
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<customminer> still, they get a ping stating another user wants gridcoin added!
<customminer> :D
<vega40k> Xapo adds Dollar / euro to buy BTC easy
apc has joined #gridcoin
<apc> hmm... the 1070 has Donkey Punch ports
<vega40k> whats this ?
<customminer> alright guys, we need more upvotes for comments and more suggestions for topics to discuss - it's tommorow @ 9PM GMT & everyone's welcome!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Community Hangout #009 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> apc got knocked the fuck out by his gpu
<Peppernrino> too much power for the lad.
Bouowmx has joined #gridcoin
apc has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> lol
<vega40k> to are talking high class today lovely Peppernrino
<apc> customminer did you see the update? :D
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Magnetic duct - Album on Imgur
<Peppernrino> ?
<apc> I should make my own build thread instead of keep spamming the rig porn thread
<apc> maybe I could make a steemit post and have people give me money
<apc> isn't that how it works?
<customminer> apc: pretty freakin cool!
<apc> quieter too!
<customminer> apc: Pretty much, though you could keep spamming the rig porn thread, nobody is complaining!
AJG has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> apc: Comments are making good points - you'll maybe need a fan on the other side to maintain pressure
<customminer> though didn't you say you had deltas or something crazy like that?
<apc> comments?
<apc> yeah it's a delta
<Chick3nman> AFB deltas iirc
<Chick3nman> which aren't exactly low pressure
<Chick3nman> but they arent the high pressure ones
<customminer> yeah the comments in the imgur page (at the bottom)
<customminer> deltas are still pretty intense
<Chick3nman> yeah'
<Chick3nman> i can tell a significant difference
<Chick3nman> between the PFC and TFC though
<apc> I never saw this part of the imgur post heh
<Chick3nman> the high pressure ones are MUCH higher pressure and MUCH more directed and fast air
<apc> the temp at the fan changes dramatically with speed change. it's definitely moving air
<Chick3nman> the others are more radial in their air flow but still push the same volume
<Chick3nman> the TFC1212DE is by far the highest pressure fan ive ever seen or used
<Peppernrino> was that the one that almost flew away?
<Chick3nman> well, all the deltas i have will lift off and move around if you turn them on unsecured
<Chick3nman> super dangerous
<apc> mine ripped my fingernail off a cpl days ago :)
<Peppernrino> apc: stay away
<Peppernrino> too manly for you
<apc> it has a grille now
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Content type: image/jpeg
<Peppernrino> pussay
<customminer> haha
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - TFC1212DE-PWM
<Chick3nman> these are the crazy pressure ones
<customminer> madness!
<apc> download latest 1070 drivers... start utility... utility reports new driver available for download. hrm.
<Bouowmx> 372.90
<apc> oh "game ready driver" whatever that is
<Bouowmx> Forza Horizon 3
<apc> 372.54 is latest on the website
<apc> hmm
<Bouowmx> Ya go to Nvidia
<Chick3nman> lol
<Bouowmx> Not Gigabyte
<apc> oh
<apc> well it's downloading itself
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - Fantec 254 x 89mm Dual Ball Bearing AC Fan Kit w/ Grill - CAB 706 - High Speed (600 CFM) -
<Chick3nman> why not just install one of these
<Chick3nman> no big
<Bouowmx> Nvidia 1080 has better FLOPS/W
<Chick3nman> just plugs into a normal socket
<Chick3nman> Bouowmx: My Titan-XP is better :P
<Chick3nman> also
<Chick3nman> 1070 is best money wise
<Chick3nman> like the 970 was
<apc> bouowmx dick pic 4 U
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
<Bouowmx> ayy
<apc> I wanted a 120mm fan
<apc> to maintain flexinterchageabloperability
<Bouowmx> FAN STOP
<apc> it's color morphing. that's gettin turned off real quick
<customminer> mini neural rain just went out to like 250 users, who's seeing a transaction inbound? :P
<apc> hrm wallet crashed
<apc> I see nothing!
<apc> reboot!
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apc has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> wow my node count is dropping hard
<customminer> >35max right now :S
<customminer> 200 usually
<caraka> suggestions for a very low impact cpu only project for my testnet docker coantainer?
<caraka> For some reason wuprop won;t give me a work unit, whihc would be enough to make boinc work
<customminer> goofyxgrid?
<caraka> doesn't show in boinc mamager - I'll google it
<caraka> that's not on the whiltelist is it? Not that I care - this is throw away work
<caraka> If it is on the whiltelist I'll care a bit more. :D
<apc> unigine valley hangs out around 100fps
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<Peppernrino> wuprop?
apc has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - KernelMode Rootkits: Part 2, IRP hooks - Adlice Software
<Peppernrino> who wants to help me reverse engineer rootkits?
<Peppernrino> that's what i thought.
<apc> no
<apc> I'll help you social engineer rootkits tho
<caraka> thanks customminer goofyxgrid is giving me workunits, unlike wuprop. :D
<customminer> cool :)
<caraka> is it whitelisted? should I care about backing up the work?
<customminer> I'm making changes to the gridcoin website - if you want changes made nows your chance to request them! I've changed the linux compile guide to point to the wiki
<customminer> caraka: no, it's not whitelisted
<Peppernrino> man. it was a suggestion.
<Peppernrino> you sound like the bitch at the bank lol
<caraka> good that it's not whitelisted, and good that the page points to the wiki!!
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> i updated some of the wiki page code....
<Peppernrino> caraka like many kinds of formats at once...
<caraka> the linux pages?
<Peppernrino> ya
<caraka> when? recently? I was in there an hour ago
<Peppernrino> mhm
<Peppernrino> about a week ago
<Peppernrino> not the code to input.,.. the code of the wiki
<Peppernrino> der underbelly
<Peppernrino> update the wallet version while you're there....
<caraka> ah. because the formatting of the linux pages is a dog's breakfast. :D
* Peppernrino does a dab
<Peppernrino> yes
<caraka> too many cooks and all that
<caraka> so my testnet docker container can now run boinc and gridcoin, either headless when idle or using the boinmgr or gridcoin gui when required. :D
<customminer> Peppernrino: who sounds like that, sorry?
Corosauce has joined #gridcoin
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<Peppernrino> caraka with the wuprop thing lol
<Peppernrino> like it's my fault it doesn't work
Corosus has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<Peppernrino> :P
<caraka> It isn't your fault? Pepper told me everyuthing is your fault. :P
<Peppernrino> clearly i don't run any of these projcts, or you'd all have ransomware by now.
<caraka> lol
<caraka> is that the code you were injecting into the wiki? :D
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> addnode={ *!irp.js--- 3116 > }seattle...
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<Peppernrino> Chick3nman: you got mirrors fr 09 bild yet?
<Peppernrino> he has it on demonii...
<Peppernrino> i wonder if he knows that's over for like 2 years now?
<Peppernrino> WHAT THE FUCK?
<Peppernrino> i clikced update tracker, and it morphed into leecher's paradise
apc has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> uh
<Peppernrino> could this be the hole?
<apc> that was odd. doom bluescreened then windows got stuck in a bsod loop
<Peppernrino> is the bild guy trying to fuck over gridcoin?
<apc> didn't I say bild?
<Peppernrino> ...
<apc> I think I said bild
<Peppernrino> yeah whatever fag
<apc> fascism started in italy, by the way
<Peppernrino> strange that it would be an iso
<Peppernrino> oh yeah.
<Peppernrino> how's that?
<Peppernrino> are you talking about again, or originally? lol
<Peppernrino> wow
<Peppernrino> you think boinc italy is sate-sponsored?
<Peppernrino> that would be qite the lid to blow off some shit...
<Peppernrino> they're stealing my keystrokes... nooooooooo.....
<Peppernrino> can't take my mind. that's the fuck of it.
<apc> sponsored by reptilians
<Peppernrino> are these actual people downloading v for vendetta, or gov boxes draining my badwidth?
<Peppernrino> right?
<Peppernrino> always 2.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by caraka - Key's staff can't disprove reptilian theory |
<Peppernrino> our defense minister confirmed alien existence
<Peppernrino> at least 7 species currently inhabit earth
<Peppernrino> would they look SO different from us?
<Peppernrino> think about it.
<Peppernrino> dna man
<Peppernrino> "made in god's image"
<Peppernrino> w/e
<caraka> Not if Dr McCoy has latered their appearance so they blend itn.
<caraka> *altered
<Peppernrino> they don't have to.
<Peppernrino> they look just different enough that you feel like an asshole quetioning it
<Peppernrino> lol
<apc> doom seems to play a little better. pegging my 144fps
<apc> after memory oc it's mining ether on par with my 290x
<customminer> lol nice
<apc> I'm gonna put one of the rx480s in with it and see if they play nice
<customminer> moar gpus!
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<customminer> gpurain
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.31578947 GRC on active users HeyMerlin, Bouowmx, brewsmithy, tom12, caraka, Gunde, moisesm123, Peppernrino, Erkan_Yilmaz, vega40k, Chick3nman, psychu, fediverse, Mercosity, MalditoNerd, apc, [-SaRaFiNa-], not96, AJG! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer it's time for us to do the rain dance
<apc> all slots must be filled!
<moisesm123> ty
<Yoduza> nice
* Erkan_Yilmaz makes the rain dance. thx customminer
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<customminer> new issue that myself and startail have discovered - would appreciate input
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Sendmany invalid json for gridcoin! · Issue #3 · grctest/grcnode · GitHub
<customminer> relates to neural rain
<startail> *neural nightmare rather ;)
<startail> cya all tomorrow
<customminer> night startail :)
* Peppernrino goes shopping
<Peppernrino> more tests later.
<Peppernrino> <3 u
<moisesm123> I´m crying :´(
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 0.9246164500000003 GRC short).
<MrControll> !tip [-SaRaFiNa-] 1
<GRCtip> MrControll tipped [-SaRaFiNa-] 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
apc has joined #gridcoin
<apc> so far so good
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<MrControll> yay!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - Content type: image/jpeg
<Bouowmx> I still haven't done AMD and Nvidia same computer
<apc> no problems so far. second display+tv are on the amd. primary on gtx
<apc> well.. wattman just crashed... but that's nothing new
<moisesm123> I temporarily disabled the Intel Graphics as I´m rendering some videos on the GTX and it was causing conflicts
<customminer> moisesm123: same, i had to turn off the integrated graphics on my intel 4770k, just caused problems.
<moisesm123> It doesn´t cause problems for me. It´s just that the video editing software always uses Quick Sync instead of NVENC and there is no other option than to disable the Intel Graphics to force the video editing software to use the Nvidia card
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Content type: image/jpeg
<Chick3nman> NVENC kinda sucks
squiddly has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> even on Pascal with the 10bit full encoding
<Chick3nman> it still kinda needs help
<Bouowmx> NVENC uses video engine or GPU shaders?
<Chick3nman> ASIC IP block
<Chick3nman> so video engine
<Chick3nman> not shaders
<apc> that feeling when you're so involved with computer hardware you forget your biological components occasionally require food
<Erkan_Yilmaz> coffee injections
<Bouowmx> all-day breakfast sandwichs
<apc> mcdonalds makes them fresh to order. gotta wait 3 minutes. ain't nobody got time for that
* MrControll fills a syringe with caffeine and passes it to Erkan_Yilmaz.
<apc> "caffeine"
<MrControll> why must you doubt me?
<apc> I am your father
<Bouowmx> Luke, I love anime
cfy7 has joined #gridcoin
<cfy7> Hi all, I moved my gridcoin wallet over to a different computer yesterday, after a tragic accident with my laptop. It still hasn't synced yet. Do I need to send a beacon?
<apc> is it downloading blocks?
<MrControll> If I remember correctly, the beacon is only used to link your CPID to your wallet info. But I might be wrong about that.
<MrControll> Yes. apc is onto something.
<MrControll> It's a bigger concern if it's making actual bloc progress.
<cfy7> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 683586
<cfy7> I'm at 683500
<Hooker63> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7312 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 136.75 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.5995 (C-CEX)
<apc> I have 683586
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.70211 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.53 = 535.16 EUR
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cfy7 has joined #gridcoin
<cfy7> I hit the wrong button and exited.... So anyway, it just synced, but hasn't shown an earning since the 28th. Does Gridcoin have to be running to earn?
<Bouowmx> Needs to be running to receive POR
<apc> no just boinc. do a !stat or check the block explorer to see what you're owed
<Bouowmx> But earnings are saved in Research savings account for up to 6 months
<apc> does the RSA earn interest?
<apc> :)
<cfy7> I just opened block explorer... What do I search for?
<apc> your CPID
<Gunde> or nick
<cfy7> !stat
<fediverse> My dear Cfy7, please check your private message for the !stats result
<apc> why is it that whenever I do a significant gpu change, ubuntu pukes all over itself
<Bouowmx> You can ignore Grid Research Corp data because it's likely far behind
<Bouowmx> Only thing that is current is RSA balance
<cfy7> Ubuntu hates everyone.... That's why.
<Bouowmx> Linux Mint suggested using Nvidia 341 for GeForce GT 730
<Bouowmx> ok
<cfy7> ok, I'm having terrible luck on the block explorer. Put in my Cpid and it says "search string does not match a valid result"
<apc> when linux zealots shout from the hilltops that everyone uses linux, I would like to refer them to my blank unresponsive screen
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Gridcoin Block Explorer | Grid Research Corporation
<Gunde> 730 is old mate
<Bouowmx> Linux Mint driver manager can at least suggest something current :\
<apc> ordering pizza and wine, it's linux reload time!
<Gunde> 341 still fine as driver
<cfy7> Nothing....
<Gunde> got 346 to maxwell
* Gunde grab a new Heinek
<Gunde> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (Gunde) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> Dear Gunde, the !stats result was sent via private message
<Gunde> Any Octoberfest for you guys?
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<Gunde> you guys guys might be at this times and not able to respond at this time
<Gunde> *may not
cfy7 has joined #gridcoin
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