caraka changed the topic of #gridcoin to: Gridcoin [GRC] v3.5.7.7 Leisure Upgrade | #gridcoin-games #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-otc | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage:
<Mercosity> slimeball great news.
<Mercosity> all is well
d3e3f3b has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Mercosity> Executebeacon status = Successful. Yipeeeee!!
<Mercosity> I was too fast 1st time around!
<Peppernrino> ready
<GRCB0T> Title: ShareRoom - SpiderOak (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - ShareRoom - SpiderOak
<Peppernrino> go go go
<Peppernrino> !!!!
<jamezz> Good deal Mercosity!
<Bouowmx> I put my shit build on PC Part Picker:
<GRCB0T> Title: Bouowmx's Completed Build - Core i7-870 2.93Ghz Quad-Core, GeForce GT 730 1GB, N200 MicroATX Mid Tower - PCPartPicker (at
<Bouowmx> What am I thinking
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Bouowmx's Completed Build - Core i7-870 2.93Ghz Quad-Core, GeForce GT 730 1GB, N200 MicroATX Mid Tower - PCPartPicker
<Bouowmx> Someone give me approval ayy
<Erkan_Yilmaz> hmm
<Mercosity> Bouowmx: Cool. If I had to build that here it would cost me double easily.
<Mercosity> PePPernrino bookmarked that.
<Peppernrino> cool
<Peppernrino> it's going to be where i dump useful gridcon things when i finish them
<Peppernrino> encrypted, segmented storage
<Peppernrino> pretty baller shit, now that i've got it working properly.
<Peppernrino> how;s the download speed for BILD?
<Peppernrino> anybody?
<Peppernrino> !mumble
<GRCB0T> Join the @GridcoinNetwork @mumblevoip @Beyond_Bitcoin server with your IRC username at | Label: Beyond Bitcoin | Port: 64738 | Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type: text/html
<fediverse> audio conference #6: Saturday, September 10th, see
<fediverse> see here how you can join a mumble session yourself: / mumble address: / Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3 /
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Gridcoin Community Hangout #006 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: image/jpeg
<Erkan_Yilmaz> < - beacon also SUCCESSFULL
<Erkan_Yilmaz> though the client crashed 1x after sending the beacon
<Mercosity> Erkan_yilmaz mine is A ok too. All working well so far successful update on windows wallet.
<Erkan_Yilmaz> great
<Erkan_Yilmaz> did yours crash ?
JackS has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
JackS has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> No no crashes. I am purposely trying to make it crash at the moment. I want to see if I can break it.
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman bubu1sk vega40k:
<GRCB0T> Title: ShareRoom - SpiderOak (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - ShareRoom - SpiderOak
<Mercosity> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.8016EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 124.757 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.896998EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.815399EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $614.22 = 537.52 EUR
<Mercosity> come on bottie, you took a while that time.
<Mercosity> Gone down -10.67%
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.13636364 GRC on active users not96, brewsmithy, [-SaRaFiNa-], bubu1sk, xms, Peppernrino, AlexeiAlexeev, Chick3nman, WyerByter, Destined, GRCB0T, HighTower24, fediverse, pocketprotector, Bouowmx, Phay, MrControll, Mercosity, jamezz, bob21, Erkan_Yilmaz, slimeball! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer thy name shall be worshipped by all our decendants, at least for 37 years
<MrControll> :)
<Mercosity> !!TTaannkkSS!! Customminer SIR /\ !
<Erkan_Yilmaz> more: 73 years at least
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx customminer
<Chick3nman> File ready to mirror?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 7.57902098 GRC short).
<Peppernrino> yes sir
<Mercosity> mirror on the wall
<Chick3nman> Ok
<Peppernrino> it's the may edition, but it'll do for now.
<Chick3nman> Link?
<Peppernrino> we'll send tyhat guy a letter tomorrow or something.
Shingles has left #gridcoin ["Leaving"]
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman bubu1sk vega40k:
<GRCB0T> Title: ShareRoom - SpiderOak (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - ShareRoom - SpiderOak
<Chick3nman> Ok
<Peppernrino> it's a running open share folder
<Peppernrino> i'll add and delete things from it. always same address. :)
<Mercosity> Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
<Peppernrino> me
<Mercosity> ^^
<slimeball> dafaq
<Bouowmx> !8ball Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti?
<fediverse> signs point to yes
<Peppernrino> not for this version of bild... the new one maybe
<Peppernrino> try it
<slimeball> so , what we can do
<slimeball> is add packages and save
<slimeball> remove packes
<slimeball> save
<slimeball> i mean
<Peppernrino> yeah
<Peppernrino> like
<slimeball> so easy to customize , yes yes we have to merge and commit
<slimeball> but hay , your going to be confusssssssed!
<Peppernrino> for us, f@h doesn't exactly have to be on there
<Phay> hi
<slimeball> its nothing like any distro you have played with
<Peppernrino> i don't know shit about gentoo yet lol
<slimeball> i know
<Peppernrino> it's gonna be fun man
<slimeball> i hate it personally
<Peppernrino> i can't fucking wait.
<Phay> serious conv. I don't belong here :I
<Peppernrino> i love a challenge
<slimeball> thats why its perfect
<Peppernrino> hi pahy. :)
<slimeball> you will hate it too im sure
<Peppernrino> phay, don't a jamezz about it.
<Peppernrino> be a*
<Phay> uh
<Peppernrino> :P
<Phay> ok
<Peppernrino> double burn
<Peppernrino> !!!
<slimeball> phay dont fucking even know how to use knoppix let alone something like gentoo
<Phay> but ok
<slimeball> cant even whipe his own ass
<Phay> k
<Peppernrino> poor goof.
<slimeball> ok DL finished
<Phay> k
<slimeball> ty
<Peppernrino> wipe your ass phay,
<Peppernrino> wow
<Phay> eh. later then
<Peppernrino> finished?
<Peppernrino> spideroak is quick
<Peppernrino> what was the speed?
<Peppernrino> did you look?
<slimeball> iuno it too 2 minutes and 46 seconds
<slimeball> i have 200mbps DL
jjgrosk008 has joined #gridcoin
<jjgrosk008> This might seem stupid but Im going to ask anyways. When I sign up for bam how do I connect it to my Gridcoin wallet?
DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
<apc> gridcoin wallet will pull info from your boinc installation
<apc> so just use the bam account manager in your boinc manager, and gridcoin will see your projects
<apc> dos operating system? hrm. bam!
<jjgrosk008> Got it. I started using google cloud tonight too, if I hook it up with one of my projects will gridcoin see that too?
<jjgrosk008> Wait
<jjgrosk008> I have to install boinc first
<jjgrosk008> NVM
<Peppernrino> OK
<apc> yes, as long as the projects are also attached on the machine that has the wallet. they don't have to be receiving work units, but they have to be attached
<slimeball> why is it night time that this shit starts
<customminer> jjgrosk008: Yeah, you connect the BOINC client to BAM, sync with the account manager, it'll pull boinc details and once you've begun crunching BOINC work units, the Gridcoin client will detect that you're crunching.
<apc> they mostly come out at night. mostly.
<Mercosity> Isn't that a song lyric?
<Mercosity> they only come out at night.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by apc - They mostly come out at night - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: They mostly come out at night - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> La, la, al la al la, la, la.
<apc> hrm... my rigs are now pulling enough power to cause my desk lamp to flicker
<customminer> Representing GRC - trying to get it added as a sidechain to BTS, first crypto to come forwards with such a request.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Content type: unknown
<apc> the power cord is warm and more pliable, but not dangerous yet I think
<Peppernrino> pow
<Peppernrino> warm is bad
<Mercosity> Nice flickery light, time to Disco boogie!!
<Peppernrino> problem with outlet
<Peppernrino> period
<jjgrosk008> Actually, Ive been mining GRC for 8 months now.
<apc> it's the cord from the surge strip
<jjgrosk008> I just wanted to try google cloud XD
<Peppernrino> your strip is fuckered
<apc> it's just the wire. I'm pulling prolly around 1200 watts through it
<Peppernrino> shouldn't matter
<Peppernrino> maybe your wire gauge sux?
<apc> sure it does
<apc> yeah prolly 16
<Mercosity> new word - Fuckered: possibly fuucked.
<Peppernrino> 18, 18, 20?
<apc> should be 14 for this load
<Peppernrino> 16, 18, 20*
<Peppernrino> word
<apc> I might run an extension cord out into the main room so I'm not putting so much load on one outlet
<slimeball> i need a 4th screen
<Mercosity> !topten words
<slimeball> apc i had to do that
<apc> apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc apc
<slimeball> the wiring in this apt is shit
<Peppernrino> apc = a power cord
<Mercosity> lol
<Peppernrino> sudo apt-get better wiring
<apc> my building is 100+ yrs old. I assume that they ran all new electrical in the past 50 years in consideration of window A/C units
<slimeball> my roommates computer/wall is same as my gridcoin cluster in the livingroom... so when i vacummed the livingroom the other day using opposing plugs from that side of the room.. it blew the breaker because its 2 rooms in whole to 1 breaker
<slimeball> hell i killed my light switch... by passed it..
<slimeball> i ran a cord from my room to the livingroom , incase i need power
<apc> those boards don't work on water!
<apc> unless you got pow-ah!
<slimeball> where i might move is old like yours
<slimeball> built in the 30s
<apc> walls are all brick and concrete, which is nice
<slimeball> so you got madd broken nuckles from boxing ghosts?
<Chick3nman> Peppernrino: starting the mirroring process now
<Chick3nman> should i mirror just the torrent file or the full file as well?
* apc shuts down his gpus until he reworks his power setup
<apc> heheh
<apc> there, light stopped flickering
<Mercosity> No more Disco! Ahhhh!
<apc> stayin' alive!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Danny Keith - Dreamer - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Danny Keith - Dreamer - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<apc> the oldies station here has started playing some 80s music
<apc> !rainactive 31.4159 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! apc rained 3.14159 GRC on active users jjgrosk008, MrControll, customminer, GRCB0T, Bouowmx, bob21, Mercosity, Phay, Erkan_Yilmaz, AlexeiAlexeev! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> apc can you be my WALLEnTine ?
<MrControll> woop!
<slimeball> dis shit hates linux cli
<Bouowmx> fediverse: pls, you're killing me
<apc> what
<Erkan_Yilmaz> 80s ? so rock and roll and such ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thx apc for da rain
<apc> like KISS
<apc> and some others
<slimeball> lynx and w3m is bout as KISS as it gets
<slimeball> so...
<apc> they're mostly 60s and 70s
<Mercosity> !!TANKS!! Boss we fillin' em up, up, up!!!
<apc> they used to be 50s and 60s
<apc> when they changed to 60s and 70s they stopped calling themselves "oldies"
<apc> but it's still the oldies station
<Mercosity> Play dat funky music white boy - AWB!!
<apc> breaking bad season 5 begins... now
barton26 has left #gridcoin [#gridcoin]
<Peppernrino> who here has time warner or comcast or some terrible shit like that?
<Peppernrino> we need trutv and viceland
<Peppernrino> guys
<Peppernrino> this pointer hand
<Peppernrino> is it real?
<apc> what is "real"?
<Bouowmx> Verizon
<slimeball> fuck it , to mirror this i have to upload form home...
<slimeball> im still getting 2000x faster then if DL from italy
<slimeball> to upload it
<slimeball> 2mbps
<slimeball> 2hr
<Bouowmx> Japanese comment raid on European music video?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Bad Boys Blue - You're a woman, I'm a man - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Bad Boys Blue - You're a woman, I'm a man - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<slimeball> there is a ubuntu/slackware/fedora package but i cant just copy the url and wget
<slimeball> cant even connect from linux command line browser to that site
<Chick3nman> Who wants the torrent magnet link for BILD while i work on getting the files distributed?
<apc> sure gimme
<Chick3nman> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:teypro2pjdajko33g44hfyngro4bms4f&dn=BILD_amd64_20160501.iso
<Chick3nman> i should probably choose a tracker for it
<apc> they may be the first torrent I don't remove after pulling
<customminer> lol
<Chick3nman> suggeted trackers?
<Chick3nman> suggested*
<slimeball> well , ill tell you this
<slimeball> if its NOT in english , yes I DL it but not booted... here let me deploy my spare 8th core and start working at it!
<slimeball> remember , its not ours
<slimeball> its another boinc team
<slimeball> i really dont want to start issues between gridcoin and boinc-italy... i dont think anyone else does either
<slimeball> so mirroring going all torrent tracker crazy might piss’em off... they killed the damn ftp a few times... shit they killed me i was ripped hard
<apc> reminds me of the days of single-floppy distros
<slimeball> heh
<slimeball> freesco linux is still da bomb router
<slimeball> for shizzle
<apc> if someone is so motivated it's at least a good model off which to base a similar package
<slimeball> :)
<Bouowmx> Floppies are quite rigid
<slimeball> i am still looking around the house for 1
<slimeball> i need 1
<apc> like people, they're still squishy on the inside
<apc> I don't even have a floppy drive anywhere
<slimeball> hooked up a drive on 1 boinc machine just to make a Orinoco Silver PCMCIA driver disk for win95
<slimeball> for my AST
<slimeball> cant find a disk!
JackS has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<apc> 1-800-FREE-AOL
<slimeball> i got 4k+ blank all media type dvd’s green/blue/red/purple/silver/gold/black
<slimeball> dual layer
<slimeball> stacks of cd’s
<slimeball> no floppys
<apc> I think I saw them once at a store. crazy expensive
<apc> possibly collectors items
<slimeball> dual layer media?
<slimeball> lol
<apc> froppies
<slimeball> 8 inch Are already
<slimeball> 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 not so much
<apc> my atari had two 5.25 drives
<slimeball> i had 1
<slimeball> 0curr
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> remember they were parralel
<slimeball> like the modem and printer
<slimeball> and ran daisy chain
Nycti has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<apc> zip disk
<apc> saw one at the thrift store
<apc> was tempted
<apc> but I have no lpt ports
<slimeball> i thought i ran into a zip the other day
<slimeball> i went threw 2 thrift shops this week , looking for GPU’s
<slimeball> nothing at the usual
<slimeball> then a mile away was just junk
<slimeball> well
<slimeball> there was a panasonic um
<slimeball> dude got it first 1 sec
<slimeball> rare
<slimeball> #d0
<slimeball> 3D0
<slimeball> i thought so
<slimeball> but ya , he got it first
<apc> C3PO?
<GRCB0T> Title: Index of /mirror/gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - Index of /mirror/gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Chick3nman> the full iso will be there shortly as well incase anyone wants to download direct
<slimeball> 32-bit 12.5 MHz RISC CPU (ARM60)
<slimeball> woiw
<GRCB0T> Title: 3DO Interactive Multiplayer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by slimeball - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
<Mercosity> I got floppies, zip, dat, scsi 1, scsi 2.
<Bouowmx> Plumbers don't wear ties
<slimeball> i kinda didnt wanna google to see if i was right and it was a 1rst gen 3D0
<slimeball> fuck
<apc> send blank floppies through customs with "Not Terrorist Stuff" written on them
<slimeball> the 3DO died when they went to Power PC 602’s and I did not know that
<slimeball> but dude thats like , pre android ARM!
<slimeball> was $7
<apc> android is 2008 isn't it?
<slimeball> anyways
<slimeball> iuno 3DO is 93
<slimeball> big gap
<slimeball> almost said big fap
<apc> the fappening
DigiByteDev has quit [Quit: DigiByteDev]
<slimeball> prototype AT&T 3DO units and display
<slimeball> wow
<slimeball> plan9 bb
<Mercosity> I'm listening to Yes from 1975 the album Yesterdays. Memories flooding back. Mmmmm.
<slimeball> vinal?
<slimeball> that dont look right
<Mercosity> yup
<apc> in 1975 I was merely an egg pending ovulation
<slimeball> and yes , not on my spell check client
<apc> vinyl
<slimeball> yes
<Mercosity> yup
<slimeball> what i said looked like an STD
<slimeball> do you have vinal?
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> fingers and mind do not match clock speeds
<Mercosity> No i got vinyl.
<slimeball> and the irq=dyslexia
<Mercosity> LPs
<slimeball> yes LP
<slimeball> i like SP’s
<slimeball> 78 vs 45 war!
<slimeball> :)
<Mercosity> Seven singles from Casey Kassum. Blast from the past.
<Mercosity> Americas Top 100
<Bouowmx> What is a Maxi edition
<slimeball> i found in a abandoned haunted houe as a young single digit age kid a pile of 200 records... and we made the need/construction paper/pencil/tape player
<Mercosity> an edition that's maxi
<slimeball> and there is 1 song / 1 single that is my fav that i still prefer on single play
<slimeball> er shorts
<slimeball> 78’s
<slimeball> baked so give me time to find it
<Mercosity> Seven Single - 7" single song.
<Mercosity> 36rpm
<Mercosity> 78rpm are old bakelite LPs
<slimeball> i had that 8 track
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by slimeball - Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds of Silence (Audio) - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds of Silence (Audio) - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Bouowmx> Do you do digital preservation?
<slimeball> fuck i cant remember
<slimeball> what is the song! and im not asking my mother
<Mercosity> I'm gonna play Frank Zappa - Overnite Sensation next.
<slimeball> and , as i saw them mentioned the other day... I like “ Men At Work “ ...
<slimeball> down under
<slimeball> awesome shit
<Mercosity> Met them in South Africa when they were on a surfing tour.
<GRCB0T> Title: We Found Love - Lindsey Stirling (VenTribe) - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by slimeball - We Found Love - Lindsey Stirling (VenTribe) - YouTube
<slimeball> speaking of africa!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by slimeball - Radioactive - Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix (Imagine Dragons Cover) - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Radioactive - Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix (Imagine Dragons Cover) - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> Also Toto.
<slimeball> ^ for do you like that Mercosity?
<slimeball> toto is awesome
<apc> lindsey stirling awesome
<slimeball> hell ya
<slimeball> penatonix too
<Mercosity> Met them too.
<Mercosity> Long long ago
<slimeball> they are from portland just south of me... always in town , same with lindsey
<slimeball> i think its just the marijuana
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> fuck , dude i really am trying to think of the song and its going bug to till i go 5150 crazy mental psycho...
<apc> what song
<slimeball> other then that , Man Eater was my fav song after the age of 8... you know , Hall AND oat’s
<slimeball> holland oats
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> apc , if i knew id had said... i had it on 45
<slimeball> fuck , i remember like 1984 it was snowing
<slimeball> listening to it via pencil and paper
<slimeball> using tape and a needle
<slimeball> stead 2pac on
<slimeball> listening to the radio
<slimeball> its “ keep yo head up “
<slimeball> Seattle is gangster
<Mercosity> I'm moving to Montana soon
<slimeball> Mercosity , that does not suprise me
<slimeball> not much of a change
<slimeball> lol
<Mercosity> gonna be a dental floss tycoon
<slimeball> that is the mile high state... and you are pretty high in elevation yourself right?
<slimeball> there is NOTHING in montana
<slimeball> but rock
<slimeball> and elevation
<Mercosity> High as a kite
<slimeball> wait wait , wrong state if you want to farm hemp to make dental floss
<slimeball> 1 more to the right
<Mercosity> I'm the slime ooozing out of your TV set.
<slimeball> no
<slimeball> thats from srs boinc pr0n fap
<slimeball> ever time i look at customminer OLD hardware it gets me like that
<Mercosity> yup sick
<slimeball> omg i hate memory loss
<slimeball> this sucks
<slimeball> ok i need to walk away i really cant remember this song
<slimeball> so ima go cook dinner early... peace out!
<Mercosity> What style wot era?
<slimeball> oldie
<slimeball> it was per this whole last 15 minutes conversation
<slimeball> heh
<slimeball> and i forgot to take my meds 2hr late
<slimeball> not good
<slimeball> prolly not helping
<Mercosity> My server sounds like jet when crunching asteroids!!
<slimeball> it wasnt simon and garfunkle , i said i had that on 8 track
<Chick3nman> my IBM machine always sounded like a jet
<Chick3nman> and my current machine sounds like a hovercraft
<slimeball> oh , i cant wait to take pics of my laptop #2
<Chick3nman> but less eels than i would expect
<slimeball> and ofcourse it does Chick3nman
<slimeball> how many blades in the box?
<slimeball> its what 6 redundant power supplys
<slimeball> 2 fans each
<Chick3nman> not running blades yet, havent decided which enclosure i want
<slimeball> i put 1 the old 120v AC IMB fans on a laptop the other dya
<Chick3nman> my E-ATX machine has 3 120mm Delta's though
<slimeball> :)
<slimeball> i got a few 120MM
<slimeball> like 4 in this box
<Chick3nman> mine are 48W 252CFM
<slimeball> then the htx110 lighted one
<slimeball> and i added 20+ little heat sinks to the voltage regulators
<Chick3nman> 5500RPM isnt exactly quite, rated at 70decibels @ 1 meter
<slimeball> because my first board , and MSI... fried... was glowing red like an oven top
<slimeball> or stove top i mean
<Chick3nman> thats a good idea typically
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Chick3nman> that can happen
<slimeball> this board has 1/2 the 12v channels
<slimeball> not
<slimeball> so my cpu
<slimeball> people say wont run on my board
<slimeball> and its only 2 12v rails
<slimeball> :)
<Chick3nman> lol
Nycti has joined #gridcoin
<slimeball> so ya , this board has a better style transisotrs
<slimeball> i have a amd 9590
<Chick3nman> lol jesus
<Chick3nman> 9590?
<slimeball> ircN[moo]
<Chick3nman> talk about heat
<slimeball> shit
<slimeball> na
<slimeball> 120F
<Chick3nman> really?
<slimeball> yessir
<slimeball> i can screen shot
<Chick3nman> damn
<slimeball> 7 cores crnching too
<slimeball> and 1 gpu
<Chick3nman> running at full power or lowered due to voltage starving from the board?
<slimeball> 750gtx
<slimeball> i run full usually but i am sitting at it so settings are 90/95
<slimeball> just free’d 1 core
<Chick3nman> ok
<slimeball> got 4 atlas VM’s spun up , 3 WCG WU’s
<slimeball> and Collatz on GPU
<Chick3nman> have you done a reference benchmark to make sure its not being limited by the board supplying low voltage?
<slimeball> i have a nice large PSU
<slimeball> i had 20k in pocket when i bought this thing
<slimeball> i spent $1200
<slimeball> not even a year ago
<Chick3nman> my gpu cost that much...
<slimeball> i know
<Chick3nman> actually, to be fair, i had a monster of a machine before this and it only cost me like 1500
<slimeball> i won a federal court case... rulled I am disabled... i had a lawyer and i had to go infront of a judge and medical board.
<Chick3nman> this is mostly the left overs
<slimeball> so it was a gift to myself
<slimeball> id not had anything new since the k6-2 500
<Chick3nman> yeah ive been building and upgrading for a while
huppdiwupp has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<slimeball> all threw the mmx 233-k3 days i had access to everything new
<Chick3nman> this is my second machine but it started fairly cheap and just went up from there
<slimeball> worked a shop here in seattle
<slimeball> all your world of shit too
<slimeball> sgi/sun/ibm but not intel based
<Chick3nman> yeah
<slimeball> i crunch on a IBM cpu
<slimeball> running yoyo@home right now
<Chick3nman> cool
<slimeball> 2ghz 2.5gb ram
<slimeball> debian 8
<slimeball> boinc thinks its a ps3 so does yoyo... same thing
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Chick3nman> its powerpc based
<Chick3nman> ps3's were as well
<Chick3nman> iirc
<slimeball> same exact one
<slimeball> the FX970
<Chick3nman> thats why the airforce was using them to do simulations work
<slimeball> i had an ol ibm workstation 755
<slimeball> it was quad cpu 604e
<slimeball> motorola
<slimeball> 20mhz per cpu
<slimeball> shit that was when boinc came out
<slimeball> well seti
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> my old machine was AM3+ based
<slimeball> and i had a sun with MBUS cards as the old 32bit stations that is their cpu interface
<Chick3nman> then i went 2011-3 for the rebuild and made that one my NAS
<slimeball> each card was 4 x 40mhz
<slimeball> mass cache
<slimeball> i had 2 x mips r4000’s 200mhz running nt4 with seti
<slimeball> i had a mac powermac 32bit running mklinux
<slimeball> ha
<Chick3nman> haha powermac
<Chick3nman> i actually did have an old mac
<Chick3nman> but it died a long time ago
<slimeball> so you just have the 1u unit blade?
<apc> I found someone's powermac on the curb once
<Chick3nman> so i dont consider it my...first rig
<slimeball> whats your generation for cpu?
<slimeball> whats specs?>
<apc> had tax returns, mortgage docs, etc on it
<apc> wipe your drives, people
<apc> wipe your drives.
<slimeball> ssd sorry
<Chick3nman> the IBM machine? it was just a 1u machine, not a blade. it's 24gb of RAM and dual 775 procs, of which i dont know the model right now
<slimeball> got a makitta nailgun in my rig
<slimeball> auto set on a relay
<apc> nothing says guilty like destruction of evidene
<slimeball> was? as in your dont have it or access to it any more?
<apc> c
<Chick3nman> it died :(
<slimeball> where is it now?
<slimeball> wait
<slimeball> im the dr
<Chick3nman> poor thing's mobo slowly fried
<Chick3nman> its in my closet
<slimeball> where u at buddy!
<Chick3nman> i had to pull both of its RAID arrays so i could scrape my data off
<slimeball> heh today in the shower i had an apithany how to fix my roommates (1 of 2 ) dead laptop...
<Chick3nman> it was on its way out already though so nothing was not backed up
<slimeball> i knew it was just dead cpu
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<slimeball> i get it all apart... its a turon x2
<Chick3nman> oh hey
<slimeball> i thought it was a core 2 duo
<Chick3nman> i have one of those
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> well , what do i got u need?
<slimeball> i got rambus even buddy!
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<slimeball> and terminators for it!
<slimeball> i got ECC
<Chick3nman> lol the ibm machine is dead, im scraping it and making space
<Chick3nman> it used too much power for its own good
<slimeball> man i wouldnt
<slimeball> id use it
<Chick3nman> and ran super hot
<slimeball> pshhhhh
<slimeball> it seemed hot
<Chick3nman> it failed post after a scrub and restart
<slimeball> becauuse the fans blow the heat out
apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<slimeball> im a DC admin , retired
<Chick3nman> no, i mean it ran hot
<slimeball> no it didnt
<slimeball> you kids these days
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> >kids
<slimeball> shit pentium 60’s ran hot , socket 6
<slimeball> or socket 8 pentium pro
<slimeball> but that thing is sexxy
<slimeball> make love to it
<Chick3nman> lol
<slimeball> caress her , dont abandon her
<Chick3nman> im striping the ram and backplanes and things for parts
<Chick3nman> since i can use them
<slimeball> she has lots of boinc left in her
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<Chick3nman> the rest of the chassis isnt worth its heat output or power usage to run anymore
<Chick3nman> i was waiting for it to die
<apc> oh.. right... router was on that power strip
<Chick3nman> lol @ apc
<slimeball> look
<slimeball> i got a guy in texas ok
<slimeball> how far is gun barrel city?
<Chick3nman> from me?
<Chick3nman> let me see
<slimeball> yes
<Chick3nman> ~3 hours?
<Chick3nman> im in austin
<slimeball> ahh!
<Chick3nman> so its a bit away
<slimeball> i used to live next to lake travis
<Chick3nman> dope
<slimeball> williamson county
<slimeball> so did , he...
<Chick3nman> cool
<slimeball> how about he comes over and makes love to it?
<Chick3nman> haha
<Chick3nman> im probably gonna decom it and use its body for a pfsense router
<slimeball> na my dad wouldnt , and you got your mind set
<slimeball> although , i know he does seti
<slimeball> i should invite him to join gridcoin
<slimeball> i havent talked to him in a year
<Chick3nman> its not powerful enough for boinc work at all. @ like 300W draw for its 2 psu's
<slimeball> just send an invite
<Chick3nman> you get like raspi lelvel performance
<slimeball> with msg “ will ytou go +3 hour drive and get this IBM for me “
<slimeball> actually he would
<slimeball> he would give you cash for it
<slimeball> but i dont wanna hassle you
<slimeball> nor , do i want to randomly ask him.
<apc> don't do it
<Chick3nman> i dont really want to give it up, i can still use it
<apc> it's a trick
<slimeball> right dont take it apart
<slimeball> see , use it
<Chick3nman> i just dont think its going to be running the same as it was
<Chick3nman> i might source a newer mobo from the M3 or M5 models
<Chick3nman> and just reuse the chassis
<slimeball> like i have had many HP workstation WX8000’s and WX8200’s loaded with 15k rpm drives...
<slimeball> same thing but workstation with sick quadro cards
<slimeball> um , mass dual opterons
<slimeball> you got a cool box.. now how about that turon?
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> we can use stamps there!
<Chick3nman> lol it came out of an old AIO my gf had. let me go see
<slimeball> can you believe i took the time to look up your isp?
<Chick3nman> i mean, its in the irc
<Chick3nman> so
<Chick3nman> yeah
<slimeball> ok
<slimeball> i am trying here on freenode , not to be all creeper seeming
<slimeball> but like efnet , i come out that way
<Chick3nman> AMD Turion 64 X2
<slimeball> yes
<apc> nothing more creeper than "not a creeper"
<Chick3nman> yup, got a working one right here
<slimeball> dude , i was helping this girl out.. she didnt want anyone to know who she was.. but kept sharing her facebook pic... back when you coul just drop a set of numbers and hit the profile feed
<Chick3nman> lol
<slimeball> and well , i do have the nick creeper on efnet
<slimeball> and slimeball
<slimeball> well
<slimeball> i have a rep for dox
<Chick3nman> lol
<slimeball> anyways moving on
<slimeball> im a greyhat
<Chick3nman> yeah, welcome to the club
<slimeball> i hang out with white and blacks
<slimeball> i keep richard roby close by
<slimeball> along with many the ddos maffia , and anti sec groups
<Chick3nman> k
<slimeball> thats all your people
<slimeball> i know you been ddosing me
<slimeball> aoc
<Chick3nman> loool
<Chick3nman> what
<slimeball> apc*
<slimeball> so what you want for that cpu?
<slimeball> see thats why the wallet upgrade.. you are all anonamous and anti sec and lulz sec
<slimeball> i knew it
<Chick3nman> lol idk, an address? i dont need anything for its
<slimeball> really? ok
<apc> what cpu?
<slimeball> deal! its my next frankenstien laptop boinc machine!
<Chick3nman> AMD turion 64 x2 i pulled from an AIO
<slimeball> once its running , i get to add it to the cluster... got same gpu as my other laptop
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<jjgrosk008> !tip apc 3.14159
<GRCtip> jjgrosk008 tipped apc 3.14159 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<apc> mmmm pi
<jjgrosk008> !addnode
<apc> hmmm maybe it's addnodes haha
<jjgrosk008> !addnodes
<GRCB0T> | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> | | | | | | | | | |
<caraka> Anyone having any drama with the latest builds? (Not expecting any)
<slimeball> caraka , you know what... for the first time i had 0 issues and for once everything is working 100%! thank you very much for your hard work sir.
<caraka> lol, it's not me! I just package it, I donlt write the stuff
<slimeball> i know... but you do contribute by packaging...
<caraka> I've pushed the update to the daily PPA, and now I'm contemplating pushing to the stable PPA, as there haven';t been any people screaming
<slimeball> and having a vanity address
<caraka> ^^
<caraka> I'm so vain
<apc> all good here........................ so far
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> 1 new person , they need to be patient.
<slimeball> and i had a friend whom had issue , un related to the update itself.. invester mode...
<slimeball> but also not realted
<slimeball> what like 100 ppl via irc upgraded today
<slimeball> stopped by , do i have to do what??!?!?!
<slimeball> hahaha
<caraka> It had been almost a month since the last update
<caraka> peeps went to sleep
<caraka> there was a time when we'd have 10 in a week
<slimeball> wow
<Mercosity> caraka I tried to break it and I couldn't get it to crash no matter how hard I tried. I normally run my wallet 24/7 but I rebooted without closing client and it came back up and synced very quickly.
<caraka> derp! don't try to break it!!!
<jjgrosk008> but caraka breaking it is the best part
<jjgrosk008> *Flips Table in anger*
<slimeball> i thought its best when its hardware vs breaking software
<slimeball> but i cant code
<slimeball> when it comes to something network based , the guy whom trips over an important network cable or power cord and kills a whole projects cluster... ftw
<Chick3nman> hmm
<Chick3nman> gridcoin vanity addresses
<Chick3nman> i totally skipped them
<Chick3nman> when i was doing vanity gen work
<Chick3nman> i even did ether which are like hex only
<slimeball> lol
<Mercosity> caraka I couldn't but you know what people are like. The beacon work is cool and functions well. Tried to break that too but it functioned perfectly.
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<GRCB0T> Title: Index of /mirror/gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - Index of /mirror/gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Chick3nman> iso and torrent file are both done uploading
<Chick3nman> Torrent has 5 complete seeds, 4 of which are mine
<apc> I'm seeding
<apc> I'm #1! I'm #1!
<Chick3nman> 2 10gb/s boxes in europe, 2 NA boxes
<Chick3nman> and then apc :P
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<Chick3nman> direct download is also NA but its on a 1gb/s link and it should be cacheing files into it's CDN/cloudflare assuming files that large are supported
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<Chick3nman> i think the CDN should handle them but cloudflare might not like to cache things that large
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<apc> NA?
<Mercosity> Chick3nman I'm downloading torrent @ moment @ avg 2.1MB/sec will seed this side off pond.
<apc> allllriiiiiight. NFS wus are using 1gb ram each. that's what I'm talkin' bout!
<apc> uhm
<apc> I'm uploading the torrent at 2.4MB/sec
<apc> 2.9
<apc> all my bandwidths are belong to mercosity
<Mercosity> apc up to 3.1MB/s
<apc> I might have to throttle bittorrent at some point. I only have 15mbit here
<Mercosity> Sucking it in with 300MB/s
<apc> see that's a problem for me :P
<Mercosity> 3.3 avg now
<Mercosity> sry 3.4
<apc> I wonder if I can set it to auto throttle like boinc
<apc> "suspend sharing if I click anything anywhere"
<Chick3nman> im doing a good bit of that speed from the clients i have open
<Chick3nman> 1.5mb.s on one, 1mb/s on another, 400 on the other 2
<Chick3nman> its all about routes :P
<apc> hmmm some pretty big pipes come into kansas city
<Mercosity> 3.7 now
<apc> I dunno what google fiber uses tho
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<apc> ew tracert gives me ipv6 addys
<Mercosity> done
<Mercosity> 11m 44s total time
<Mercosity> seeding now.
<Chick3nman> cool
<Mercosity> Bandwidth high upload unlimited
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<apc> 0
<apc> that was all you
<apc> you take and you take, but what do you give?
<Mercosity> You should try take it back that'll give me a fix on you.
<apc> my address is on the customs form :P
<Mercosity> I know joke!
<apc> speaking of, last I checked it was in chicago
<Mercosity> Saw Chick3nman's IP in Austin.
<apc> austin is big on crypto it seems. lot of bitcoin peeps there.
<apc> sonofabitch
<apc> the rig I moved to an extension cord from the other room... now the light in that room is flickering
<Chick3nman> Yup
<Chick3nman> im in austin :P
<Chick3nman> live music and high tech
<Chick3nman> pretty much the only thing going on down here
<apc> bunch of my old activist comrades moved down there
<apc> alex jones minions tho
<Mercosity> Departed Chicago O'Hare September 17, 2016 at 2:30 pm
<apc> w00t!
<apc> ahhhhh, the light is flickering because I've been limiting the gpu load in the rig to reduce heat
<apc> limiting means pulsing
<apc> no limiting, no flickering
<Mercosity> Funny one of my relatives, long ago owned some oil wells close to Austin. Lost touch with them many moons ago.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 7.57902098 GRC short).
<Chick3nman> if your lights outside of your machine are flickering
<Chick3nman> you are drawing too much power from the wall
<Chick3nman> for your circuit to handle
<Chick3nman> and thats not safe
<Mercosity> suck in that leccy spit out dat heat
<Mercosity> beddy byes for me it's 4:45am and I gotta be up @ 8:15am, so nn all in Gridcoin land. Good night John Boy.
<Chick3nman> lol night
<Mercosity> Good night Chick3nman, seeding. Good night John Boy.
<caraka> nn Merc
<apc> actually the rig in question is pulling at best 500 watts
<apc> it's just the surges. at full load, the light doesn't dim
<apc> if anything, it's the breaker, not the wiring
<apc> I dunno how old they are, but they're not fuses at least
<apc> all down in the basement
<apc> I'm pretty sure my apartment has two 20amp circuits, tho I don't know what is on what
<apc> old tho. I've seen houses do the same thing with old breakers
<apc> replace the breakers and all is well. so maybe if I melt mine, they'll give me a new one
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<Combined2857> morning people
<fediverse> tzag (time zone appropriate greetings), Gridcoin world.
<Combined2857> goodnight Mercosity
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: ... be part of it ...]
<slimeball> !tip GRCtip 5.89764703
<GRCtip> slimeball tipped GRCtip 5.89764703 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
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<jamezz> !tip [-SaRaFiNa-] 7.91117681
<GRCtip> jamezz tipped [-SaRaFiNa-] 7.91117681 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
* slimeball shrugs
<slimeball> cheers
<pine_cone> morning Combined2857
<Combined2857> hey mate
DigiByteDev has quit [Client Quit]
<Combined2857> European pine_cone ?
Bouowmx has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<slimeball> ok lets try out this LILD
<slimeball> BILD*
<slimeball> fuck i cant see strait , may not help... but ima do it remote larger screen... i got a migraine and tooth ache like a sob
<slimeball> and gas that , well i aint shit in a week
* apc takes a rizatriptan
<slimeball> oh wait wrong network
<slimeball> hi gridcoin
<slimeball> woops
<fediverse> time zone appropriate greeting (tzag)
<apc> he
<slimeball> yes woops is isnt it fediverse
<apc> hel
<apc> hell
<apc> hello
<apc> hi
<fediverse> hi. I wonder if I should crunch some WUs for the BOINC project 'Climate Prediction' today?
<apc> highlander
<fediverse> moin
<apc> hippopotamus
<apc> hippocrates
<apc> hi
<reddy1975> good morning :)
<reddy1975> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast reddy1975, the !stats result was sent via private message
<reddy1975> !rainactive 1 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! reddy1975 rained 0.1 GRC on active users [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, VashTheStampede, Mercosity, Combined2857, GRCB0T, slimeball, xXUnRealXx, apc, AlexeiAlexeev! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> reddy1975 it seems I'm in time for the rain storm, thank you
<Combined2857> reddy1975: love you bro
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greo has joined #gridcoin
<greo> hi
<fediverse> hi. What's going on with BOINC project 'YAFU' btw?
<greo> !btc
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001484 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001659 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -7.77%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001585 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001456 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> error: cryptomic
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $619.33 = 541.99 EUR
<pine_cone> Combined2857 .. nah AU
<pine_cone> time zone appropriate greetings heh
solocshaw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<caraka> hi
solocshaw has joined #gridcoin
<caraka> can't get a rise out of fediverse this time. :/
<apc> hi
<apc> !8ball hi
<fediverse> only over my dead body
<apc> hahahahahha
Nycti has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<jamezz> hay remembered the son
<jamezz> yes i had this on 78
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by jamezz - Zombies - Time Of The Season HD - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Zombies - Time Of The Season HD - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<jamezz> i remember playing the shit out of it apc and Mercosity... that is what earlier i couldnt remember.. it came to me
<apc> ;lk;lk;lk;lk
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<greo> !tip [-SaRaFiNa-] 22
<GRCtip> greo tipped [-SaRaFiNa-] 22 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !rain 11 11
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! greo rained 1 GRC on Phay, vega40k, ChanServ, Cygnus-XI, HighTower24, moorbsen, RTMoney_, slimeball, SudoNull, leetsp33ch, jamezz! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> greo holy zombie apocalypse!
<greo> !tip fediverse 1
<GRCtip> greo tipped fediverse 1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !tip GRCB0T 5
<GRCtip> greo tipped GRCB0T 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !rainactive 5 5
<GRCB0T> You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last 60 seconds; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! greo rained 1 GRC on active users apc, caraka, [-SaRaFiNa-], ravon, bob21! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> greo may the 9 glorious Gridcoin Gods let the gridcoinresearchd(aemon) be with you
<greo> !tip customminer 9
<GRCtip> greo tipped customminer 9 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !tip Erkan_Yilmaz 9
<GRCtip> greo tipped Erkan_Yilmaz 9 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !tip Peppernrino 9
<GRCtip> greo tipped Peppernrino 9 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<greo> !rain 9 0.1
<GRCtip> Sorry greo, you don't have enough funds (you're 8.09935306 GRC short).
<greo> !rain 0.1 9
<GRCtip> Sorry greo, your rain (0.1 GRC) is too small (min. 0.9 GRC). Increase the amount or decrease max users.
<greo> ok
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci greo :-)
solocshaw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<greo> !rain 0.9 9
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! greo rained 0.1 GRC on Jonbvn, lestus, sqn, NeuralMiner, Emptybeerbottle, WhitesoxCrypto, fediverse, reddy1975, Newtronic! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> greo thx
<greo> yeah I decided to try the gridcoin roullete, then put 1 grc on ZERO and made +35 and its a good reason for a giveaway :)
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<jamezz> 52 running core and nothing on
<jamezz> 52 running cores and nothing on
<Combined2857> pine_cone: hey man, Perth here ;D
<jamezz> well actually 50 running WU in home , plus 4 external
<jamezz> that looks cool in 1 screen/manager
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on mrarturas, DeviantOne, jopa, xms, startail, jacwib, Terravale, MPenguin, Tahvok, HighTower24! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] all hail thy name
<coinictus> morning all
<fediverse> good morning, the sun is quite strong here.
<coinictus> happy new week fediverse !
<Erkan_Yilmaz> good morning coinictus, same to you
<fediverse> good morning, what a wonderful day. Shall we donate some CPU today for BOINC project 'BOINC combined' ?
<Peppernrino> !BILD
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Index of /mirror/gridcoin
<Peppernrino> !tools
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - ShareRoom - SpiderOak
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.22222222 GRC on active users captainolm, VashTheStampede, barefootcourier, ravon, vasifumi, slimeball, [-SaRaFiNa-], caraka, greo, Combined2857, Erkan_Yilmaz, reddy1975, fediverse, coinictus, jamezz, GRCB0T, apc, pine_cone! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> Who's our sugar daddy? Right, it's him, Peppernrino
<Combined2857> ty sugar daddy
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thanks to our sugar daddy Peppernrino :-)
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<Jybrael> Hi
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<LokiToki> Hello!
<Tahvok> caraka: I kinda wish Rob would have accepted the travis ci pull request
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, your !stats were sent via private message
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<Mercosity> Oh what a beautiful moaning oh what a wonderful day I've got a wonderful feelin' everythings goin' my way. La, la, la, la. Oh!
<Mercosity> Moaning moaning everyone.
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<ENLAB> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (ENLAB) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<fediverse> ENLAB, please check your PM for the !stats result
<ENLAB> !stats ENLAB
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> (ENLAB) --> chanstats data for enlab in #gridcoin --> lines (11), words (97), actions (0), kicks (0), bans (0), joins (3), parts (0), splits (0), quits (2), nick changes (0) --> last event logged was 1 hour 45 minutes 31 seconds ago
greo has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Tahvok> I had no idea you could challenge GRCidle
<Tahvok> Tahvok [10/585] has challenged GRCidle [434/1178] and brought bronze weapons to an iron fight! 0 days, 09:32:17 is added to Tahvok's clock.
<customminer> Morning
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 1.19047619 GRC on active users LokiToki, [-SaRaFiNa-], AlexeiAlexeev, apc, pine_cone, Jybrael, Erkan_Yilmaz, GRCB0T, barefootcourier, Nycti, Peppernrino, vasifumi, caraka, captainolm, coinictus, ENLAB, fediverse, Tahvok, Mercosity, jamezz, Combined2857! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer I started handing out umbrellas. You get the best one first.
<Mercosity> Moaning customminer and !!!!TANKS!!!!
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users fediverse, Mercosity, Nycti, caraka, Erkan_Yilmaz, AlexeiAlexeev, vasifumi, Jybrael, captainolm, jamezz, customminer, [-SaRaFiNa-], Peppernrino, apc, barefootcourier, pine_cone, Combined2857, coinictus, Tahvok, ENLAB! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T we've scheduled an interview in 3 days for you with Time magazine, you're an important person for us
<Erkan_Yilmaz> morning customminer
<fediverse> morning, Gridcoin world.
<ENLAB> wsheet
<customminer> How are things?
<Mercosity> Deluugee!!!
<Erkan_Yilmaz> <- having clear head
<ENLAB> !tip customminer 0.1
<GRCtip> ENLAB tipped customminer 0.1 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Jybrael> Thank you :)
<Combined2857> wow nice
<Mercosity> Oh what a beautiful moaning oh what a wonderful day I've got a wonderful feelin' everythings goin' my way. La, la, la, la. Oh!
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> how are you doing, customminer Mercosity Combined2857 Jybrael ENLAB ?
<ENLAB> all is well Erkan_Yilmaz
<Jybrael> Not so good mate
<Combined2857> not to bad mate
<Combined2857> too*
<Mercosity> Moaning moaning Erkan_Yimaz fine and dandy here my new wallet is behaving as it should the overcast skies are as normal and the world's not a bad place really.
<Mercosity> Erkan_Yilmaz
<Erkan_Yilmaz> why Jybrael?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> Mercosity the world is a bad place, we only do not have the complete picture of it
<Mercosity> Oh I sit here with blinkers on as an optimist.
<Jybrael> Broke up with my girlfriend. She took all my money. Filed a case against me. Scratched up my face. My wrist has a big ass gash...I am feling sickc...and do0nt know how I will suirive the next few days
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<Mercosity> Moaning Jybrael
<fediverse> time zone appropriate greeting (tzag). Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'YAFU' ?
<Jybrael> Moaning Mercosity
<Mercosity> Oh what a beautiful moaning oh what a wonderful day I've got a wonderful feelin' everythings goin' my way. La, la, la, la. Oh!
<Jybrael> Yeah very
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: Doing well, thanks :)
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<Mercosity> KAA BOINC!!
<customminer> !snapshot
<fediverse> You can download Gridcoin's blockchain faster:
<fediverse> 1. start the Gridcoin wallet with admin rights (admin rights are required only under Windows): Go to menu: "Rebuild Block Chain" > "Download Blocks", or
<fediverse> (help how to use the snapshot: !snapshot howto )
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: application/x-zip-compressed
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> KAA BOINC!!
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Mercosity, your !stats were sent via private message
DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
<Combined2857> Jybrael: things will get better mate
<Jybrael> I hope so
<Combined2857> Jybrael: just give yourself 2 -3 months, hang in there, focus on what is important right now and things will turn for the better you will see
<Combined2857> I've been in a very grim situation in my life where I saw no good in my life and in the future but now I feel so lucky
<Combined2857> just give it time
<Jybrael> Will do mate
<Jybrael> Thanks
<Combined2857> if you need to talk just let me know
vasifumi has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on JuanManavella, zerolint, sqn, ChanServ, tom12, Mr_Slippyfist, mrarturas, psychu, arunpyasi, pine_cone! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] may the 5 speculating Gridcoin Gods let your BOINC client be the fastest of them all
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<customminer> !tip jybrael 5
<GRCtip> customminer tipped jybrael 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Emptybeerbottle> Morning
<Jybrael> Morning mate.
<fediverse> morning, didn't have coffee yet.
<Jybrael> Thanks customminer
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: You were saying the Project Rain index page was too 'wordy/busy/wall-of-texty' yeah? I'm working on that now.
DigiByteDev has quit [Quit: DigiByteDev]
<Erkan_Yilmaz> ok
yang has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Content type: image/png
<Erkan_Yilmaz> nice
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Community Hangout #008 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<customminer> :)
<Serg51> !balance
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Serg51, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
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<moisesm123> morning!
<fediverse> morning, good people of the Gridcoin world. I wonder if I should crunch some WUs for the BOINC project 'GPUGRID' today?
<moisesm123> you know what? I haven´t added GPUGrid for my GTX1060 to crunch XD
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.71428571 GRC on active users not96, Erkan_Yilmaz, Combined2857, vasifumi, Mercosity, Jybrael, [-SaRaFiNa-], barefootcourier, fediverse, AlexeiAlexeev, ENLAB, Emptybeerbottle, customminer, moisesm123! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T *Thumbs up*
<Emptybeerbottle> \o/
<moisesm123> ty
<Combined2857> :D
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<Hooker63> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.9131 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 109.51 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.97505 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.90294 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $613.05 = 536.49 EUR
<Jybrael> Thanks
<Hooker63> inching up there...
<Mercosity> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.7991EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 125.138 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.853286EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.790181EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $612.94 = 536.4 EUR
<bubu1sk> byobu detach
<bubu1sk> hah. wrong window :P
<pine_cone> !btc
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001490 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001645 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -4.91%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001585 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.00149 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> error: cryptomic
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $612.83 = 536.3 EUR
<pine_cone> Combined2857 - ah rad, im in Sydney :)
<Phay> :v
<Phay> I'm in Hell :)
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<bubu1sk> i want to sleep
<bubu1sk> can't at work :(
DigiByteDev has quit [Quit: DigiByteDev]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on mnk, yang, AlexeiAlexeev, Malignae, Gunde, vega40k, WhitesoxCrypto, customminer, not96, WyerByter! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] you're our sugar daddy
<Phay> I want a milky way.. just like a dragonfly
<Phay> yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Phay> yyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
<Phay> yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
<not96> lol
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<Phay> off to twerk. bye all
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<Emptybeerbottle> \o
<fkinglag> gl;hf Phay
<fkinglag> o/
<fkinglag> I approximate well-over half a million dollars in USD worth of BTC volume over the past 10 days on Polo
<fkinglag> this is awesome
<fkinglag> 10-11 days ago we were having a massive price hike
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<Mercosity> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.8009EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 124.856 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.853286EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.792833EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $613.58 = 536.96 EUR
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<brewsmithy> rain rain go away, come back another day, little johnnie wants to play
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<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.55555556 GRC on active users moisesm123, Emptybeerbottle, Erkan_Yilmaz, brewsmithy, Malignae, Phay, tom12, Nycti, bob21, pine_cone, bubu1sk, Jybrael, Hooker63, not96, fkinglag, [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, Mercosity! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T can you be my WALLEnTine ?
<Jybrael> Thank you
DigiByteDev has joined #gridcoin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thanks dear bot :-)
<Emptybeerbottle> \o/
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<moisesm123> ty
<d_o_c> moin
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<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> My dear Mercosity, please check your private message for the !stats result
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<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, please check your private message for the !stats result
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<vega40k> hello gridcoinkers
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 3.38530449 GRC short).
<Peppernrino> so uh... what was the update?
<Peppernrino> i have to send a beacon?
JackS has joined #gridcoin
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<NeuralMiner> Peppernrino, was execute beaconstatus successful?
<Peppernrino> ?
* Peppernrino opens wallet
<Peppernrino> do i need the new wallet?
<Peppernrino> .7?
<NeuralMiner> yeah. update to latest.
<Peppernrino> *sigh*
* Peppernrino waits for wallet to open, so he can close it again.
<Peppernrino> !wallet
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Github Source: | PPA: ppa:gridcoin/gridcoin-daily | Windows MSI:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<fediverse> get the Gridcoin wallet software ( (released on 2016 August 29)) from here:
<fediverse> - linux: type: !wallet linux
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: application/octet-stream
<fediverse> see also
<GRCB0T> Title: OS X builds - Feedback & Bug Reporting - Technical Support - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type:
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: text/html
<NeuralMiner> fed is a bit behind
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<Peppernrino> mhm
<Peppernrino> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<GRCB0T> 671534
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 671526
<Peppernrino> whoa
* Peppernrino slaps fediverse around a bit with a large trout
* Peppernrino slaps Erkan_Yilmaz around a bit with a large trout
<Peppernrino> get woke
<NeuralMiner> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (NeuralMiner) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
Quezacoatl has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> snapshot work the same for mac?
<Peppernrino> #gridcoin-help
<HeyMerlin> !usd
<HeyMerlin> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001618,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":61925.95493282,"Last":0.00001431,"BaseVolume":0.91956858,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T16:07:08.553","Bid":0.00001416,"Ask":0.00001466,"OpenBuyOrders":108,"OpenSellOrders":386,"PrevDay":0.00001611,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> My dear NeuralMiner, please check your PM for the !stats result
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001431 | Bid 0.00001416 | Ask 0.00001466
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001450 | Bid 0.00001441 | Ask 0.00001519
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.8755 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 114.22 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.97505 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.867186 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.58 = 535.21 EUR
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001432 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001645 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -11.28%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001431 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.58 = 535.21 EUR
<Peppernrino> customminer: he's baaaaaaaaaaack.
<Peppernrino> neuralminer: beacon exists.
<Peppernrino> public key missing, private key missing
<NeuralMiner> resend that beacon, playa/.
<Peppernrino> public key still missing
<Peppernrino> meh
<NeuralMiner> wallet unlocked when you sent the beacon?
<Peppernrino> can't do it without, der.
<NeuralMiner> when you advertised, did it succeed?
<NeuralMiner> like: "Command" : "advertisebeacon"
<NeuralMiner> {
<NeuralMiner> "Result" : "SUCCESS"
<NeuralMiner> },
<Chick3nman> ayy
<Chick3nman> now that my node/relay server has died
<Chick3nman> anyone know how to start a full node on a windows machine?
<Chick3nman> :P
<vega40k> "success":true,"message
<NeuralMiner> Chick3nman, conf file, listen=1
<Chick3nman> ok
Combined2857 has joined #gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> these wallet changes are legit.
<Chick3nman> welp that should do it then
<Chick3nman> temp node setup on my workstation
<Chick3nman> while i build a new service host
DigiByteDev has quit [Quit: DigiByteDev]
<vega40k> NeuralMiner: how works this with the ip to url adress ?
<NeuralMiner> vega40k, what do you mean ip to url address?
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<Quezacoatl> hello people :) is anyone online in testnet?
<vega40k> addnodes have url adresses like "" but how to menage my ip to this ?
<Chick3nman> NeuralMiner: any way to confirm my wallet is acting as a full node? I set the other one up on ubuntu server without a gui so i dont know the process for this one
<Chick3nman> vega40k: you need to setup a domain/subdomain and point it at your IP
<vega40k> ok
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<NeuralMiner> Chick3nman, "getpeerinfo" works in the debug window. if you mouse over the signal bars in the wallet it might tell you. without running a full node it maxes at 16.
<Chick3nman> port that needs to be opened? 32749 i assume?
<Chick3nman> i have UPnP disabled
<Chick3nman> so
<Chick3nman> i manually map ports for everything
<NeuralMiner> yep, 32749
<Peppernrino> NeuralMiner: success
<Peppernrino> yes
<NeuralMiner> execute beaconstatus again Peppernrino
<Peppernrino> vega40k: do you know anything about json parsing?
<NeuralMiner> as long as it's been 6 blocks since you sent the beacon
<Peppernrino> public key missing
<Chick3nman> json parsing?
<Chick3nman> i do!
<Chick3nman> :D
<Chick3nman> i did a bunch of that for elastic search setup recently
<Peppernrino> nice
<Peppernrino> public key is there.
<Peppernrino> ty NeuralMiner
<Chick3nman> so my whole life was json for a week
<NeuralMiner> no prob
<Peppernrino> !tip NeuralMiner 5
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped NeuralMiner 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<NeuralMiner> thanks homie.
<Peppernrino> holy shit Chick3nman, where were you when i was builing my bot? :(
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> lol
<Peppernrino> i think i've figured out parsing
<Chick3nman> ok
<Peppernrino> the hard part is making my bot talk to my os
<Chick3nman> ?
<Peppernrino> you know
<Chick3nman> how so?
<Peppernrino> taking a snarf from web via irc, parsing through jsonblah, then popping into irc
<reddy1975> !stat
<fediverse> Dear reddy1975, your !stats were sent via PM
<Peppernrino> can't figure out how to import json parsing into any of the existing features
<Peppernrino> the chick keeps shying away from any real work when i ask her
<Peppernrino> who can blame her? she's done this much.
<Chick3nman> lol
<Peppernrino> (chick that built the bot framework..)
ribeye has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Peppernrino> so, build a new plugin?
<Peppernrino> but i've been busy trying to get linux to work
<Peppernrino> ...for 2 months
<Peppernrino> so
<Chick3nman> lol
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> NeuralMiner: all working, thanks for the help
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Chick3nman - Content type: image/png
<Peppernrino> oh. working nicely now. 90K for einstein today. :)
<Chick3nman> !tip NeuralMiner 10
<GRCtip> Chick3nman tipped NeuralMiner 10 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<NeuralMiner> no prob man
<Peppernrino> NeuralMiner: throw a party.
<NeuralMiner> thanks dude
<Peppernrino> 15 grc in like 5 minutes
<NeuralMiner> !rainactive 15
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! NeuralMiner rained 0.65217391 GRC on active users Mercosity, tom12, Emptybeerbottle, Tanks, moisesm123, d_o_c, Erkan_Yilmaz, huppdiwupp, fediverse, Quezacoatl, reddy1975, noidle, [-SaRaFiNa-], Peppernrino, brewsmithy, xms, not96, bubu1sk, Chick3nman, HeyMerlin, vega40k, Mr_Slippyfist, GRCB0T! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
* MrControll passes out cake at the party
<MrControll> ...
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<Chick3nman> :P
<fediverse> NeuralMiner you really are the sunshine of our lifes
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Peppernrino rained 0.2 GRC on active users Tanks, Chick3nman, huppdiwupp, NeuralMiner, Mr_Slippyfist, fediverse, tom12, MrControll, moisesm123, GRCB0T, [-SaRaFiNa-], vega40k, Erkan_Yilmaz, Mercosity, xms, bubu1sk, HeyMerlin, reddy1975, Quezacoatl, not96! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Peppernrino> where's apc?
<moisesm123> ty
<Peppernrino> this party needs some pi
<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks NeuralMiner \o/
<fediverse> Peppernrino sharing is caring
<Chick3nman> asleep still lol
<NeuralMiner> !rainactive 3.14
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! NeuralMiner rained 0.13083333 GRC on active users tom12, Emptybeerbottle, Quezacoatl, reddy1975, not96, Chick3nman, huppdiwupp, vega40k, [-SaRaFiNa-], d_o_c, bubu1sk, xms, noidle, Mr_Slippyfist, Mercosity, MrControll, moisesm123, GRCB0T, HeyMerlin, Peppernrino, Tanks, Erkan_Yilmaz, brewsmithy, fediverse! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<Yoduza> nice
<moisesm123> ty
<fediverse> NeuralMiner may the 5 ambivalent Gridcoin Gods let you have abundance of cake
* Peppernrino slaps Chick3nman around a bit with a large trout
* Peppernrino runs away laughing
<Chick3nman> lol
<Peppernrino> so
<Peppernrino> this week
<Peppernrino> python, c, or delphi?
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> python !
<Chick3nman> yay! things i know!
<NeuralMiner> python
<Peppernrino> you just want the bot to be better...
<Peppernrino> :P
<Chick3nman> :P
<Peppernrino> can't blame you
<Peppernrino> GRCB0T: you're basic.
<Peppernrino> but i love you.
<Peppernrino> so much.
<Chick3nman> hmmm
<Peppernrino> you wouldn't undertsand
<Peppernrino> lol
<Chick3nman> unraid box next? idk whati should be building
<Chick3nman> i need a new service host
<Chick3nman> but i may go virtual for everything now
<Chick3nman> on top of unraid
<Peppernrino> i'm going to install th first incarnation of magix vegas pro
<Chick3nman> or maybe ESXi cluster
<Peppernrino> they bought it from sony
<Chick3nman> cant decide
<Peppernrino> pretty pleased about it actually.
<Chick3nman> cool
<Peppernrino> esxi sounds neat
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci for the nice showers, NeuralMiner :-)
<NeuralMiner> np
<Peppernrino> good evening Erkan_Yilmaz. :)
<Erkan_Yilmaz> hi Peppernrino
<fediverse> hello, may the blessed hands of the Gridcoin God carry us all. Shall we donate some CPU today for BOINC project 'RALPH@Home' ?
<Erkan_Yilmaz> <-having dinner
<Peppernrino> what else is new?
<Peppernrino> :D
<Erkan_Yilmaz> what about the gridcoin world and you ?
<Chick3nman> ralph@home....
<Chick3nman> i can never tell whats a joke and whats a legit project
<Peppernrino> um... thinking about writing a pyton plugin
<Erkan_Yilmaz> do it!
<Chick3nman> python for handling api's is super clean and easy
<Chick3nman> several ways to do everything
<Peppernrino> :o
<Peppernrino> what if there is no api?
<Peppernrino> that's what vega40k keeps bithcing about
<Peppernrino> and Sander96
<Peppernrino> lol
<Erkan_Yilmaz> scraping
<Chick3nman> i mean, network requests at all
<Peppernrino> !pricebtc
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from BitcoinAverage...
<GRCB0T> {"ticker":{"base":"BTC","target":"USD","price":"610.16102077","volume":"11861.14761500","change":"-0.52966812","markets":[{"market":"Anxpro","price":"580.08497000","volume":9.64627289},{"market":"BitFinex","price":"609.70000000","volume":3490.75093878},{"market":"Bitstamp","price":"605.33000000","volume":2118.40810889},{"market":"Bittrex","price":"606.00000000","volume":0.00224746},{"ma
<GRCB0T> rket":"BTC-E","price":"612.00000000","volume":3553.28138},{"market":"C-Cex","price":"644.90000000","volume":22.86682566},{"
<Peppernrino> watch
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> BitcoinAverage: USD 612.64 | EUR 548.44 | CNY 4087.39 | RUB 39789.66 | SGD 836.10
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001432 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001645 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -11.28%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001431 BTC (BITTREX)
<Chick3nman> lib requests or urllib2
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.82 = 535.42 EUR
<Chick3nman> and you can do all of that in like 15 lines
<Peppernrino> taking ""'s and making them separate shits on speaparte lines
<Peppernrino> then i'll be boss
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Peppernrino> :D
<Chick3nman> i mean
<Chick3nman> string.split('""')
<Chick3nman> would also do something similar
<Chick3nman> but
<Chick3nman> ok
<Erkan_Yilmaz> .split() or some json-fu
<Peppernrino> one sec
<Chick3nman> if you just use a lib with json parsing
<Chick3nman> you can easily read it directly
<Chick3nman> if its proper json
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: [Python] ### # Copyright (c) 2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009, James McCoy - (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - [Python] ### # Copyright (c) 2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009, James McCoy -
<Peppernrino> Erkan_Yilmaz and i were trying to find where the code come from/goes to one night, but he got tired.
<Chick3nman> give me a bit
<Chick3nman> import json, json.load(payload) would also work fyi
<Chick3nman> or import requests, requests.json(payload)
<Chick3nman> ok i understand this script, its well setup though possibly a little redundant it seems
<Chick3nman> not sure why you need more than one way to grab the title tags
<Chick3nman> but
<Chick3nman> ok
<Chick3nman> what did you need?
<Chick3nman> you actually only need to change lines 337/338/339
<Chick3nman> to parse json in the body of a page
<Chick3nman> instead of decoding as UTF-8
<Chick3nman> and then you can alter the string there
<Chick3nman> before 338 sends it in the irc
<Peppernrino> sorry
<Peppernrino> freaking out a bit
<Peppernrino> found some weird shit on my back
<Peppernrino> i didn't write that code
<Mr_Slippyfist> Is that script that setup a node still active on GitHub? I get a 404 error using the bookmark I have. (
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Mr_Slippyfist - Page not found · GitHub
<GRCB0T> Title: grcnode/BackEnd/Nodes/AutoNode at master · grctest/grcnode · GitHub (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - grcnode/BackEnd/Nodes/AutoNode at master · grctest/grcnode · GitHub
<Mr_Slippyfist> Brilliant, cheer NeuralMiner
<NeuralMiner> np
* Peppernrino backs up new .conf file
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apc has joined #gridcoin
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ribeye has joined #gridcoin
ribeye has quit [Client Quit]
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users Emptybeerbottle, Tanks, huppdiwupp, tom12, MrControll, brewsmithy, NeuralMiner, vega40k, Chick3nman, noidle, HeyMerlin, not96, [-SaRaFiNa-], psychu, SvartH, xms, AlexeiAlexeev, Yoduza, Mr_Slippyfist, fediverse! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T we are rich now :-)
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
AlexeiAlexeev has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<moisesm123> lol
[1]VashTheStampe has joined #gridcoin
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[1]VashTheStampe is now known as VashTheStampede
<vega40k> ty
<bubu1sk> Po 19. september 2016, 19:34:01 CEST | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request failed: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
<bubu1sk> anybody knows what this measn?
<bubu1sk> *means
<vega40k> !wallet
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Github Source: | PPA: ppa:gridcoin/gridcoin-daily | Windows MSI:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<fediverse> get the Gridcoin wallet software ( (released on 2016 August 29)) from here:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: application/octet-stream
<fediverse> - linux: type: !wallet linux
<fediverse> see also
<GRCB0T> Title: OS X builds - Feedback & Bug Reporting - Technical Support - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<Peppernrino> bubu1sk: no idea
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<vega40k> is this from the site or boinc-client ?
<vega40k> bubu1sk:
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> boincclient
<bubu1sk> but seems einstein@home server has some problems
<Peppernrino> !soundcloud
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Gridcoin Community Hangouts | Free Listening on SoundCloud
<bubu1sk> different client managed to get update, but when downloading task, it got stalled
ribeye has quit [Client Quit]
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<vega40k> happend in the best families ^^
<vega40k> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001606,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":74511.34192751,"Last":0.00001500,"BaseVolume":1.09964574,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T17:39:29.79","Bid":0.00001500,"Ask":0.00001526,"OpenBuyOrders":100,"OpenSellOrders":384,"PrevDay":0.00001600,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<NeuralMiner> bubu1sk, date/time correct on your machine?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001500 | Bid 0.00001500 | Ask 0.00001526
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001450 | Bid 0.00001441 | Ask 0.00001519
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001499 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001612 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -6.6%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.0015 BTC (BITTREX)
<bubu1sk> hmm. should be
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.96 = 535.54 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<bubu1sk> i'll check, thank you for hing NeuralMiner
<GRCB0T> Title: Can't contact EAH Servers - Peer Certificate Cannot be Authenticated... | Einstein@Home (at
<bubu1sk> *hint
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - Can't contact EAH Servers - Peer Certificate Cannot be Authenticated... | Einstein@Home
<Peppernrino> new foobar out
<NeuralMiner> np
<Peppernrino> and they're already in another beta
<Peppernrino> my 5bucks is going a long way
<Peppernrino> lol
VashTheStampede has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<vega40k> Peppernrino: BILD ?
ribeye has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> hmm. everything looks ok
<bubu1sk> also time
<customminer> Erkan_Yilmaz: boom! better?
<bubu1sk> on pine update went ok
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Content type: image/png
<bubu1sk> on server still certificate complaint
<customminer> NeuralMiner: Do you think there's risk in the current certificate handling with the BOINC client? Like it ships with 15-20 certs.. not looked into it much
<NeuralMiner> customminer, didnt even know that. i'll have to look into it. see who they're signed by. that definitely seems like WAY too many. dont know why they'd need 15-20.
<customminer> idd, seems a bit over the top.. plus they might be expired for all we know
spassbold has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<NeuralMiner> you can almost hear me grimace through IRC.
<customminer> lol
ribeye has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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ribeye has quit [Client Quit]
ribeye has joined #gridcoin
<bubu1sk> found solution
<bubu1sk> after updates, my machine was asking for reboot. so i did it. seems to be working :)
ribeye has quit [Client Quit]
<bubu1sk> !stats
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (bubu1sk) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<bubu1sk> !eur
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast bubu1sk, your !stats were sent via private message
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.7926EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 126.159 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.853286EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.795484EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $612.00 = 535.57 EUR
<brewsmithy> Thank you for the rain - and now a slight break for your brain -
<GRCB0T> Title: Die Antwoord - I Fink U Freeky - HD - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by brewsmithy - Die Antwoord - I Fink U Freeky - HD - YouTube
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<brewsmithy> There, now back to work, thank you
<Peppernrino> brewsmithy
<Peppernrino> ?
<Peppernrino> you're alive?
<brewsmithy> I continue to live, aye
<Peppernrino> cool
<Peppernrino> um
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman: have you seen the tumblr?
<brewsmithy> so, what did i miss?
<brewsmithy> Where is Katie? Did she get sucked into online gaming and never come back?
<Peppernrino> something like that
<Peppernrino> :(
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Quantum enigma machine sends encrypted message with key shorter than the message
<vega40k> Peppernrino: i believe in quantum if my quantum pc stay on my desk. i have already one Quantum HD
<GRCB0T> Title: Quantum Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by vega40k - Quantum Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
<vega40k> Peppernrino: funmode off
<NeuralMiner> i'm two grc hangouts behind now i think.
zerolint has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<Peppernrino> * henryfekok was kicked by Peppernrino (...)
<Peppernrino> * Peppernrino sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - KiwiIRC - The webIRC client
<Peppernrino> da powa...
<Peppernrino> fucking farmers.
<Peppernrino> look the shit out.
ENLAB has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<moisesm123> henry
<moisesm123> ?
<moisesm123> what did I miss?
<moisesm123> whos banned?
redalert2fan2 has joined #gridcoin
<moisesm123> ok what happened with those 2 in gridcoin-irpg?
traderman has joined #gridcoin
<traderman> hey
<Peppernrino> same guy
<Peppernrino> keeps joining wiht many accounts.
<Peppernrino> gonna have to ban like a hundred ips i think
<traderman> who's that?
<moisesm123> ohh
<Peppernrino> hi traderman
<fediverse> Long live Gridcoin. Shall we donate some CPU today for BOINC project 'Gerasim@Home' ?
<Peppernrino> just banned some grc farmers from irpg
<Peppernrino> guy is making multiple accounts on multiple ips
<Peppernrino> but only using two at a time
<Peppernrino> genius
<Peppernrino> lol
<traderman> a specialist, eh?
<traderman> lots of scammers running around
<traderman> i am sure most of the people asking for free grc on the cryptocointalk are scammers too
<moisesm123> lol I just noticed in the game page
<traderman> they just keep making new accounts and pretend to be long time boincers just discovering gridcoin
<moisesm123> I´m just an hour away to level up to level 48 :)
redalert2fan2 has left #gridcoin [#gridcoin]
<traderman> well, the thunderclap is at 142%
<moisesm123> :)
zerolint has joined #gridcoin
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<vega40k> !addnodes
<GRCB0T> | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> | | | | | | | | | |
<vega40k> shit
<moisesm123> my node today has 72 connections!
<traderman> is that a lot?
<moisesm123> I think it is. I believe customminer has over 100 in its nodes
<vega40k> GRCBOT = addnodes fediverse = snapshot ? why
<traderman> coinomi said they should add this by the end of this week
<traderman> supposedly
<traderman> i guess i'll believe it when i see it
<MrControll> I only have 29 connections...
* vega40k kicks GRCBOT to work in grchelpchannel
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Sorry [-SaRaFiNa-], you don't have enough funds (you're 1.9022972500000002 GRC short).
<apc> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast apc, the !stats result was sent via PM
<apc> !rainactive 3.14159 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! apc rained 0.314159 GRC on active users bubu1sk, Mr_Slippyfist, traderman, fediverse, NeuralMiner, psychu, moisesm123, brewsmithy, [-SaRaFiNa-], SvartH! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> apc may the 9 glorious Gridcoin Gods let never let your router go down
<moisesm123> ty
<vega40k> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001606,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":106424.00362405,"Last":0.00001500,"BaseVolume":1.57795777,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T18:41:04.28","Bid":0.00001500,"Ask":0.00001508,"OpenBuyOrders":100,"OpenSellOrders":380,"PrevDay":0.00001587,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001500 | Bid 0.00001500 | Ask 0.00001508
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001450 | Bid 0.00001441 | Ask 0.00001519
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001479 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001609 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -7.79%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.0015 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $610.96 = 534.66 EUR
<vega40k> success":true,"message
<moisesm123> !usd
<customminer> moisesm123: Yeah, close to 200 connections per grcnode peer
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.9041 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 110.61 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.97505 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.909 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $610.93 = 534.64 EUR
<customminer> NeuralMiner: We've recorded 7, 6 are online for listening.
<not96> !eur
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.7882EUR (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR), 1 EUR = 126.867 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.853286EUR (C-CEX: GRC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.795484EUR (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $ -> EUR)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.52 = 535.15 EUR
<vega40k> Peppernrino: please ask for help to debug the output of "!price" please please please
<not96> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001606,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":117039.26693947,"Last":0.00001500,"BaseVolume":1.73718671,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T18:55:58.61","Bid":0.00001500,"Ask":0.00001508,"OpenBuyOrders":101,"OpenSellOrders":380,"PrevDay":0.00001587,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001500 | Bid 0.00001500 | Ask 0.00001508
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001450 | Bid 0.00001441 | Ask 0.00001519
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001448 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001609 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -9.22%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.0015 BTC (BITTREX)
<bubu1sk> dinner time
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.63 = 535.25 EUR
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<vega40k> success":true,"message
<vega40k> you are funny
<apc> I... have... beaconed
<Peppernrino> traderman: i'm doing my best for the thunderclap. added a few other people
<Peppernrino> vega40k: stfu.
<vega40k> stfu ? i have to google it ?
<Peppernrino> Chick3nman helped me debug it already.
<vega40k> please . thank you
<Peppernrino> if you can do better, please make a bot. :)
* vega40k too -> i'm doing my best for the thunderclap. added a few other people
<Peppernrino> it's not as though i like hearing you complain about the one shitty thing
<apc> fun fact: the term debugging originally referred to the removal of insects from early computers as they would jam up the mechanical operations, punch cards, etc
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> !tip apc 5
<GRCtip> Peppernrino tipped apc 5 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<apc> :D
<Peppernrino> made my day.
<Peppernrino> lol
<Peppernrino> has vega40k said anything useful? i can't remember.
<Peppernrino> he's usually just shitting on people, hey?
<apc> 'ey
<Peppernrino> i actually say hey
<vega40k> hey pussy . you have the powe to make it , just do it
<Peppernrino> ^
<Peppernrino> helpful.
<Peppernrino> thanks for the cattle prod, homie. i do it just for you.
<vega40k> i am not the best in helpful talking this is true
<Peppernrino> you have a lot to learn about motivation lol
<caraka> morning gentlemen
<Peppernrino> you make me stop doing things just to piss you off.
<Peppernrino> mornin :)
<Peppernrino> is it tuesday there?
<caraka> I see the peace of the realm is in doubt. :P
<caraka> It is Tuesday morning, yes
<vega40k> you bot still shit after christmas
<Peppernrino> nah vega40k's always mean. i just realized it.
<Peppernrino> that's so trippy lolol
<caraka> the sun is shining and there is ahint of spring in the air
<vega40k> same last year
<caraka> trees are starting to blossom - my lemon tree buds are about to pop
<vega40k> you talking about you bot last christmas too . " yes i make it tomorrow, maybe today"
<caraka> and I'm still picking lemons from the automn fruit
<vega40k> i finish now . sorry for this
<vega40k> caraka you are happy man
<caraka> I have woken happy this morning. :D
<Peppernrino> moi aussi
<Peppernrino> get woke
* caraka shoots vega40k and Peppernrino with the greenuparrow of peace
<Peppernrino> vega40k: i started my bot in like june
<Peppernrino> settle down.
<Peppernrino> lol
<vega40k> oh this helps . *smile*
<Peppernrino> caraka: sing in to irpg
<Peppernrino> tahvok: ^
<vega40k> you right Peppernrino
<Peppernrino> kopykat: ^^^
<vega40k> i am sorry , i still be one asshole
<Peppernrino> reddy1975 RTMoney_ SudoNull: ^^^^^^^
<Peppernrino> login
<caraka> I am signed in. I made level 61 over night
<caraka> I'm just not in the voiced list
<caraka> I have no voice in irpg :/
<caraka> I was in 11th place in January. I am clawing my way back to it......
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by caraka - #gridcoin-irpg Idle RPG: Player Info
<GRCB0T> Title: #gridcoin-irpg Idle RPG: Player Info (at
<redalert2fan2> hey guys, just a quick question, I have this old HP Z400 work station (Xeon W3520), however it did not come with a gpu. I have an old Radeon HD5830 around, would it be worth to install it?
<Peppernrino> yep
<customminer> 'reblogging' like 'retweeting' is now added to steem, cool..
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Let's welcome "reblogging" — Steemit
<Peppernrino> even 5700 series are nice
<Peppernrino> shit yes
<customminer> redalert2fan2: Yeah man, it'll help crunch BOINC
<Peppernrino> every litter bit helps!
<Peppernrino> i recommend moo! for mad credits.
<redalert2fan2> thanks guys
<Peppernrino> collatz is a black hole
<Peppernrino> np ask away
<Peppernrino> best people in the world in here
<Peppernrino> and a few assholes
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 4 20
<GRCtip> Sorry Peppernrino, you don't have enough funds (you're 2.48023573 GRC short).
<Peppernrino> !rainactive 2 10
<GRCtip> Sorry Peppernrino, you don't have enough funds (you're 0.48023572999999997 GRC short).
<redalert2fan2> only moo! or also something else?
<Peppernrino> one project for gpu is good, unless project has intermittent work eg gpugrid
<Peppernrino> i added einstein to my gpugrid boxes so they always have work.
<Peppernrino> but moo! s pretty consistent.
<caraka> !rainactive 4
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! caraka rained 0.14285714 GRC on active users reddy1975, apc, Erkan_Yilmaz, Peppernrino, Mr_Slippyfist, Chick3nman, SvartH, bubu1sk, brewsmithy, moisesm123, MrControll, MalditoNerd, Emptybeerbottle, bugzc, fediverse, redalert2fan2, psychu, GRCB0T, xms, tom12, [-SaRaFiNa-], traderman, NeuralMiner, Gary760, customminer, barefootcourier, vega40k, not96! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> caraka may your lag vanish
<MrControll> :)
<moisesm123> ty
<Peppernrino> ty caraka
<redalert2fan2> ty
<Peppernrino> i was shooting blanks
<apc> that's what she said
<Peppernrino> there's a tumblr theme with github. i want this one, but can't find it.
<Peppernrino> i'm figuring out the social faux-pas's of the site.
<Gary760> ty
<Mr_Slippyfist> cheers caraka
<caraka> I thought since Peppernrino was mis-firing I'd help out...
<ravon> Fine, I am no longer capable of creating bootable Linux USB sticks. I guess that's my punishment.
<caraka> BAd ravon! no more usb sticks for you!
<apc> did you murder a penguin or something?
<ravon> I hope I die in a fire :(
<Erkan_Yilmaz> thank you, caraka
<redalert2fan2> I'll take a look later with the card, I hope it fits in the case
<apc> ... I wonder if penguin tastes like chicken
<caraka> If you murdered a penguin, you have to wear it around your neck while in these chatrooms
<caraka> to prevent the back luck from infecting us
<vega40k> ty
<caraka> Penguins make nice stoles I hear...
<ravon> I'm so glad I didn't murder a camel
<caraka> lol
<caraka> so you did murder a penguin, eh?
<ravon> I may have slapped it around a bit but he had it coming
<yoyo[RKN]> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.8905 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 112.3 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.97505 (C-CEX)
d_o_c has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.882942 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.98 = 535.56 EUR
<caraka> was it wearing a fedora?
<redalert2fan2> While i'm at it, I do have an ati firepro v3700 but it doesnt apear to support opencl. (I mean it is a really old card) Is there any use for this?
<ravon> caraka, It was!
<Peppernrino> when you go to get ready for the day, and there's a kitty passed out on your jeans. <3
<Emptybeerbottle> Anything happening tonight?
<caraka> I woke up to start my day?
<caraka> ravon killed a penguin wearing a fedora
<Peppernrino> hoyl linux puns
<apc> the devil made him do it
<caraka> apparently the penguin was really annoying. Something about camels.
<caraka> or maybe the red hat was like a red rag to a bull. who knows?
mrarturas has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
<apc> got autocad for free through school. leet
<caraka> get autocad for free with demonsaw
<apc> that's what I was building this rig for all along. yeah, that's it
<apc> I only pirate things that I can otherwise get for free legitimately. like movies that the library also has :)
<caraka> ^
<Peppernrino> i pirate prohibitively expensive things as a political statement.
<Peppernrino> i'm glad other people do too.
<Peppernrino> nothing should cost $6000
<jamezz> bild running on 1 machine , converted to english
<Peppernrino> who the fuck has $6000?
<Peppernrino> nice, jamezz
<jamezz> fucking wifi support on that is crap
<Peppernrino> probably
<jamezz> it loops
<caraka> security feature ^^^
<jamezz> the wifi
<Peppernrino> lol
<jamezz> up , down , up , down , up , down
<Peppernrino> left right baba start
<Peppernrino> :D
<caraka> must go to work :/
<apc> WI fi WI fi WI fi
<jamezz> i have only paid $7 for software my whole life , that is because my youngest kid wanted the book to go with the lion king interactive story book i DL off the GNUtella network
<jamezz> so i bought it with the book
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - New to gridcoin, but have a lot of hardware. Looking for recommendations. : gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: New to gridcoin, but have a lot of hardware. Looking for recommendations. : gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<redalert2fan2> what kind of rac could the Radeon HD 5380 get on moo! ?
<redalert2fan2> edit 5830
<HeyMerlin> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001596,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":156090.52052422,"Last":0.00001457,"BaseVolume":2.34416562,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T19:57:15.69","Bid":0.00001440,"Ask":0.00001484,"OpenBuyOrders":110,"OpenSellOrders":387,"PrevDay":0.00001511,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001457 | Bid 0.00001440 | Ask 0.00001484
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001520 | Bid 0.00001441 | Ask 0.00001520
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001432 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001560 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -6.89%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00158 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001457 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $612.02 = 535.59 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<slimeball> if ruffus writes your image filese , you rock
Emptybeerbottle has quit [Quit: *.net *.split]
<jamezz> ok
<jamezz> now its on!
<jamezz> donkey kong
<jamezz> while it crunches , i am connected via ssh in a terminal and have switched everything english now time to work and make it gridcoin user friendly
<jamezz> well wake n bake n shake the snake first
<jamezz> shower
<jamezz> but you know
<jamezz> its my youngest son's bday today he is 15... so who know maybe tears and depression instead.. i have not seen him in 12 years since his mother kidnapped him and went to Cali with him never returning when we lived in Arizona.
<jamezz> gmphh
<jamezz> wish i could talk to him , never have , don't know if i an , he is autistic so i do not know his verbal capabilitys
<jamezz> i mean he talked at 3yr old
<jamezz> anyways
<jamezz> mindmodeling help autism
<jamezz> irc helps autism
<jamezz> lots of autistic people on irc
<jamezz> also lots of people with other mental retardation , special fun tardedness or not
d_o_c has joined #gridcoin
yoyo[RKN] has quit [Quit: ... be part of it ...]
<slimeball> !tip [-SaRaFiNa-] 1.32222222
<GRCtip> slimeball tipped [-SaRaFiNa-] 1.32222222 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users ravon, Mr_Slippyfist, jamezz, bubu1sk, brewsmithy, redalert2fan2, customminer, apc, MalditoNerd, traderman, slimeball, HeyMerlin, bugzc, caraka, NeuralMiner, barefootcourier, vega40k, [-SaRaFiNa-], fediverse, xms! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> GRCB0T you've earnt yourself 7h of peaceful sleep. I'll watch over you
kcanup has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Peppernrino> jamezz: <3
<Peppernrino> sounds like jim jefferies' story. heh
<Peppernrino> went to get his kid checked, found out he was autistic.
<Peppernrino> lol
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - rino on Twitter: "ð��· btcnews: IBM announces they’re all about the Blockchain now. Bitcoin news brought to you by:..."
<GRCB0T> Title: rino auf Twitter: "📷 btcnews: IBM announces they’re all about the Blockchain now. Bitcoin news brought to you by:..." (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<slimeball> omg
<slimeball> i just got a helllllllllll of a good idea
<slimeball> i will tell you people latter today
<slimeball> :)
<slimeball> heh , im ssh'd into the BILD box working on it
<Peppernrino> i read
<Peppernrino> exciting
<Peppernrino> i have been doing social media crap and editing today
<slimeball> while its crunching WCG and rosetta
<Peppernrino> also getting ready for my parents to come tonight
<Peppernrino> phrasing
<slimeball> i kinda just had an idea that goes with social
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<slimeball> just not quite media
<slimeball> pm?
<slimeball> run it by you
<slimeball> ake 2 secs
<traderman> anyone from toronto?
<slimeball> when you get 2 minutes , read that and tell me what you think... you of all ppl are 1 i think would be HELL ya , so if i get a " no " i know its a bad idea
Yoduza has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> ayy
Quezacoatl has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<Chick3nman> shipped your cpu slimeball :P
<Yoduza> hello
<slimeball> holy snikeys thanks man!
<slimeball> :)
<slimeball> im stoked , i aint told my roommate... iuno even know if he seen his old laptop is in 8 peices on the kitchen table
<slimeball> hell he gave it to me... see it powers on , then instant off... took out hdd , mem , battery etc... still did it
<slimeball> has to be the CPU
<slimeball> :) so thanks that shall fix it!
<Chick3nman> cool
<slimeball> hope i can return the favor 1 day
<Chick3nman> maybe eventually
<slimeball> i think we are alike with parts so its possible
<slimeball> i end up with people dumping laptops on me constantly , more than desktops
<slimeball> but i am getting a dump of 1u and 2u servers , ram , cpu's , gpus and more from my buisness partner
<customminer> nice
<slimeball> there is a sunfire x20000 in the mix if i remember the model right
<slimeball> a 2 x ultrasparc3si
<slimeball> 1u
<slimeball> i cant wait
<slimeball> there is a 50gb older NAS in the mix i want too!
<slimeball> they just empty the lab on him
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> oh good
<Chick3nman> 105 active connections to the network
<Chick3nman> temp-node is definitely up and running
<customminer> nice
<slimeball> :)
<slimeball> shit i aint even got but 7
<slimeball> and not " temp "
<Chick3nman> well the other machine was running all my services, node included, so i setup my workstation as a temp node for now while i rework my setup
<slimeball> oh
<slimeball> something else
<slimeball> like i had done that with this desktop
<slimeball> but am un-doing it
<slimeball> ha , it was rockin
<Peppernrino> !BILD
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Index of /mirror/gridcoin
<Peppernrino> traderman: why?
<slimeball> so , im sure whom ever tried it found how to change it to inglish and 104 key or what not
<slimeball> pretty easy
<slimeball> or yall not fux with it much?
<slimeball> i woke up and didnt need to poop yet , so coffe and BILD
<slimeball> but soon
<slimeball> soon
<traderman> Peppernrino, why what?
<slimeball> LANG=it_IT.UTF-8
<slimeball> ive never seen an " env " so long
<Peppernrino> toronto
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - GridcoinNetwork on Twitter: "Torontonians, will you help us raise awareness about #Boinc science computing with the #GridcoinThunderclap #Toronto"
<GRCB0T> Title: GridcoinNetwork auf Twitter: "Torontonians, will you help us raise awareness about #Boinc science computing with the #GridcoinThunderclap #Toronto" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
spassbold has joined #gridcoin
MrControll has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<xXUnRealXx> What about Toronto?
<xXUnRealXx> Hi, Ev1
<fediverse> moin. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'Moo! Wrapper' ?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by spassbold - Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace
<GRCB0T> Title: Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<spassbold> please upvote
<traderman> awesome post spass, upvoted,the PCmasterrace mods approved this post?
<slimeball> sweet updating " emerging " a updated BILD vs what the ISO has.
<spassbold> no was not my post
<slimeball> goin take a bit so ill go shower!
<spassbold> I am not sword in the haystack
<spassbold> that's his doing :)
<traderman> ohh k
<Phay> :V
<spassbold> still if a mod allowed it this might make it possible to have an active thrad on pcmasterrace
<spassbold> before it was always downvoted quickly there
<slimeball> herm
<slimeball> i dont understand , and sorry i am not active on forums... but why would they NOT want us intergrated?
<slimeball> lots of people whom get those rigs , like myself
<slimeball> have so much extra system
<spassbold> we were accused of spamming
<slimeball> my asus board with my 9590 and 32gb and 750ti , i mean shit i aint the only 1
<spassbold> there was even a thrad on the frontpage of reddit
<spassbold> then the mods deleted it
<spassbold> probably because bitcoins shills didn't like it
<slimeball> but let me guess , suchflex?
<slimeball> what is berkely edu posted?
<slimeball> if*
<spassbold> I think the fact that GRidcoin is a cryptocurrency makes it harder
<slimeball> i do have 1-2 friends with valid , and 1 or 2 with roots under berkely
<spassbold> people are very suspicious about cryptocurrencies
<slimeball> i am
<spassbold> partially for good reasosns thugh
<slimeball> im not all into that , this is fun though
<slimeball> i like the hardware fun of it , the math
<slimeball> the computational side
<spassbold> yeah that's the good thing about gridcoin :)
<spassbold> but it's a fine line beween letting people know about the awesome stuff and spamming about cryptocurrencies which make people think it's a scam attempt...
<slimeball> WU scores are like driving a car on a 1/4 mile.... when you are disabled and cant leave your house but trying to beat NeuralMiner's magnatude
<spassbold> but if we comunicate the good things this should not be a problem
<slimeball> well , i think there is a right way to go about posting it.
<spassbold> yes
<slimeball> and Berkely , or someone from BOINC would be ok....
<spassbold> but the thread on the frontpage also was not really about the currency aspect
<slimeball> projects and gridcoin , gridcoin users not so much
<spassbold> much more about getting rewarded for doing science
<slimeball> what about thair FB feeds?
<spassbold> of whom?
<slimeball> fuck , this is awesome i hate gentoo
<slimeball> PC masterrace
<slimeball> pcmasterface
<slimeball> i aint been on FB almost a year , but had their feed
<GRCB0T> Title: GridcoinNetwork auf Twitter: "Put your glorious #hardware to work for #science, using #BOINC -> Get rewarded with #Gridcoin: #IBMEdge" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - GridcoinNetwork on Twitter: "Put your glorious #hardware to work for #science, using #BOINC -> Get rewarded with #Gridcoin: #IBMEdge"
<slimeball> flamed my system
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace
<GRCB0T> Title: Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace (at
<slimeball> ppl hated my box
<spassbold> ah didn't know they had a FB feed
<slimeball> i wish Peppernrino was watching this SSH session
<slimeball> herm wonder if RDP is enabled by default
<Chick3nman> fediverse: moin. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'Moo! Wrapper' ?
<Chick3nman> what does that mean^?
<Chick3nman> did i miss something about moo?
<slimeball> nope , needs vnc
<slimeball> lolol
<slimeball> lolol
<slimeball> :)
<Chick3nman> im just going to assume thats another bot-ism
<slimeball> ya fediverse's random lines
<slimeball> yes
<Chick3nman> and nothing is wrong with moo
<Chick3nman> yeah
<Chick3nman> i didnt think we had made any progress yet
<Chick3nman> would be cool though
<slimeball> i tell you what happened with moo... i set no new WU on my laptop for pr0n
<Chick3nman> i know enigma had some annoucements recently
<slimeball> that gpu just needs to be free
<Chick3nman> lol
<slimeball> oh ya that was random bot shit man
<Chick3nman> i am smashing through moo WUs again
<slimeball> fediverse says that all the time
<Chick3nman> ok
<slimeball> thanks Erkan_Yilmaz !
<slimeball> right
<slimeball> lol
<slimeball> got me the first time i was here
<Chick3nman> fedi is one of the newer bots so i havent played with him as both as GRCtip and sarafina
<slimeball> i was like , fediverse what do you mean? i am crunching WU's right now
<not96> in average how many gridcoin do you earn in a mounth?
<Chick3nman> me?
<slimeball> yes you
<not96> all
<Chick3nman> idk my current averages
<slimeball> all is on web
<not96> with a i7
<Chick3nman> i just restarted after a long downtime
<slimeball> like 300,000 a month
<slimeball> right?
<Chick3nman> so my RAC is normalizing
<slimeball> fir akk
<slimeball> i have 54 cores total crunching
<not96> 300 with a normal computer?
<slimeball> so cant speak for your i7
<Chick3nman> i have 16+1GPU
<slimeball> thats cpu/grp/android/ps3
<slimeball> 5 gpu
<slimeball> 10 android
<slimeball> er 1 arm6 9 arm7
<not96> which cpu have you got?
<Chick3nman> i should normalize fairly high, few hundred a day assuming i can rebuild my RAC/MAG like it used to be, i'm on an i7 5960X and a Titan-X(Pascal) though
<Chick3nman> ive been away for a few months though so i've bled all my mag since then
jewsus has joined #gridcoin
<jewsus> OS: 64 bit Windows 10 Professional (Version 10.0 Build 10586), CPU: 8 x AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor @ 4716 MHz 8192 KB Cache, MEM: 32669 MB, 77% (25102 MB) free, DISKS: total 5.18 TB - 996 GB free, GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2048 MB, SCREEN: Generic PnP Monitor, 1920 x 1080 @ 32 bit, 60 Hz, AUDIO: NVIDIA High Definition Audio, UPTIME: 0 d, 11 h, 10 m
jewsus has left #gridcoin ["Closing Window"]
<slimeball> that is this box
<not96> i mean that i need to buy a new pc for work... with a xeon (10core) will i earn at least 100 gridcoin per mounth?
<Chick3nman> per month?
<Chick3nman> yeah
<slimeball> you can do that here
<slimeball> catching !rain and #gridcoin-irpg
<slimeball> using faucets
<slimeball> i made 1500grc in 2 months
<slimeball> and that was before we fixed my wallet and i started to get PoR
<slimeball> well 1k of it atleast
<slimeball> stick around , idle , get involved
<slimeball> sign up for the forums
<slimeball> spread the word
<slimeball> isnt it a holiday?
<Chick3nman> if you mine tactically you can profit a lot
<Chick3nman> actually
<Chick3nman> but its up to you
Emptybeerbottle has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> i was pulling huge payments tactically mining to boost my mag
<Chick3nman> 1600GRC PoR payments some days
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001596,"Low":0.00001394,"Volume":122434.12502566,"Last":0.00001426,"BaseVolume":1.85462777,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-19T21:36:30.027","Bid":0.00001426,"Ask":0.00001441,"OpenBuyOrders":104,"OpenSellOrders":388,"PrevDay":0.00001394,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001426 | Bid 0.00001426 | Ask 0.00001441
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001440 | Bid 0.00001430 | Ask 0.00001520
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001442 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001505 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -4.69%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001575 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001426 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.52 = 535.15 EUR
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! [-SaRaFiNa-] rained 1 GRC on yang, Corosauce, mnk, SvartH, fkinglag, redalert2fan2, cbr, arunpyasi, GRCB0T, xXUnRealXx! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> [-SaRaFiNa-] with you as friend, my life is complete
<not96> ok thx guys
<HeyMerlin> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.9048 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 110.53 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.97505 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.864156 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.56 = 535.19 EUR
<customminer> !rainactive 25
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 0.83333333 GRC on active users xms, ravon, Yoduza, Peppernrino, moisesm123, slimeball, GRCB0T, traderman, Chick3nman, huppdiwupp, spassbold, redalert2fan2, xXUnRealXx, Erkan_Yilmaz, vega40k, HeyMerlin, Phay, MalditoNerd, tom12, caraka, fediverse, jamezz, Gary760, [-SaRaFiNa-], brewsmithy, bubu1sk, apc, Emptybeerbottle, not96, Mr_Slippyfist! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer Rain, oh lovely rain. Cools my sweaty brows... Thank you!
<moisesm123> ty
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<Emptybeerbottle> Thanks customminer \p/
<Erkan_Yilmaz> 9 mins before midnight a pleasant surprise, customminer
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<HeyMerlin> ty customminer
<Erkan_Yilmaz> slimeball I thought of those random project announcing as a way to think outside of one's own crunching ones
vega40k has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> :)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by spassbold - Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace
<GRCB0T> Title: Put your glorious hardware to work for science, using BOINC -> Get rewarded with Gridcoin, a holistic cryptocurrency. : pcmasterrace (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<HeyMerlin> !wallet
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Github Source: | PPA: ppa:gridcoin/gridcoin-daily | Windows MSI:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
<fediverse> get the Gridcoin wallet software ( (released on 2016 August 29)) from here:
<fediverse> - linux: type: !wallet linux
<fediverse> see also
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: application/octet-stream
<GRCB0T> Title: OS X builds - Feedback & Bug Reporting - Technical Support - CryptoCoinTalk (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: text/html
<Peppernrino> traderman: wtf
<Peppernrino> lol
<slimeball> wow that fun as shit
<slimeball> yeah linux
<slimeball> ok shower for real
<slimeball> and Erkan_Yilmaz , i know....
<Erkan_Yilmaz> ok :-)
<slimeball> but i crunch moo! its only thing my laptops gpu likes... but then my old old ass laptop crunches more
* slimeball sigh
<slimeball> both ati
* Peppernrino has seen th amplituhedron. he now knows the true meaning of god.
<slimeball> im used to random bots... there is #troll on with loldong's as a bot that says random perverted as fuck just sick fetish shit and hacking mixed together
<Peppernrino> the progenitor.
<Peppernrino> dude
<Peppernrino> i figured out so much about string theory last night
<Peppernrino> who do i tell?
<Peppernrino> anybody know michio kaku?
<NeuralMiner> got a book signed by him
<Peppernrino> close enough
<Peppernrino> let's stalk his ass
<Peppernrino> :D
<Peppernrino> i'll bring the pistol, and you get the pesos... yeah. that seems fair.
<NeuralMiner> this seems like a legit stalking.
<Peppernrino> that seems fai-e-i=ai-e-airr....
<Peppernrino> something something jean luc picard
<Peppernrino> and the united federation of planets
<Peppernrino> cuz they don't speak english anywa yyyyyyyy
<Peppernrino> everybody knows
<Peppernrino> the world is full of stupid people
<Peppernrino> so meet at the mission at midnight
<Peppernrino> and ern gridcoin
<NeuralMiner> i'll... uh... i'll be there.
<Peppernrino> you don't know shit about music.
<NeuralMiner> i own every taylor swift album so back the fuck up.
<Chick3nman> wtf did i come back to
<Destined> roar hows its going
<customminer> yo destined
<Destined> sup customminer
<traderman> has anyone used for reddit upvotes? maybe we can boost up the pcmasterrace post to the front page??
<GRCB0T> Title: Buy Reddit upvotes & other digital marketing services ➜ (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by traderman - Buy Reddit upvotes & other digital marketing services ➜
<traderman> .79 cents per vote
<customminer> traderman: $0.80 per vote yeah no lol
<Chick3nman> to be fair
<Chick3nman> i can get upvotes cheaper than that.
<traderman> lol
<Chick3nman> if you really want fake upvotes.
<traderman> $.80 a piece ain't cheap, thats for sure
<customminer> I think the community AMA might get to the front page, like lbry did.
<traderman> good point
<Chick3nman> Upvotes - 1.5$/100
<Emptybeerbottle> Pcmasterrace post?
<Chick3nman> that was a few weeks ago
<Emptybeerbottle> Gaot a link?
<Chick3nman> no idea the current rate but they are cheap
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<traderman> hchick3nman, cheap votes like that will prob get flagged and have the opposite effect
<Chick3nman> yeah
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* Peppernrino another 1853 reach for thunderclap campaign
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<GRCB0T> Title: Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Thunderclap: Science + Currency = Gridcoin
<Peppernrino> add your shit up peeps!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
apc has joined #gridcoin
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<apc> peppernrino has several justin bieber posters. they're hung on the backsides of his doors so you don't see them
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<Emptybeerbottle> Throws darts at them.
<apc> "darts"
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<GRCB0T> Title: Hillary Clinton 2016 | Hillary for America (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by pocketprotector - Content type: text/html
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<pocketprotector> do you think she knows that she is only applying for president of NORTH america?
<pocketprotector> specifically, the united states of
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<apc> on loading her website, she has a pop-in attack on trump. science H. logic
<customminer> startail: Yo, fixed the neural network script to create multiple transactions:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - GRCNode
<GRCB0T> Title: GRCNode (at
<customminer> Still needs fixed for individual project rain though
<GRCB0T> Title: AMD Bristol Ridge A12-9800 APU Performance Tested on AM4 Platform (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - AMD Bristol Ridge A12-9800 APU Performance Tested on AM4 Platform
<customminer> sneak peak at updated project rain index:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Content type: image/png
<apc> awwww lookathecutelittle whaaaale
<customminer> lol
Malignae has joined #gridcoin
<jjgrosk008> Interest Fact, downloading the blocks takes way longer to resync then if you just open it and let it be. Now you know :D
Nycti has joined #gridcoin
<lestus> sup sup, what's new
<apc> really? hmm. I always found the snapshot to be faster. maybe it's just a matter of connections and bandwidth
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<lestus> apc: that from finding dory?
<apc> haven't seen it yet
<lestus> wow impressively thematic
<lestus> lol
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<moisesm123> NVIDIA Pascal doesn't work on GPUGRID yet -_-
<pine_cone> !btc
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001406 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001504 BTC, min: 0.00001380 BTC, change: -6.52%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001569 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001426 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> error: cryptomic
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $611.88 = 535.47 EUR
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Sneak preview of 'Project Rain' (screenshots!) — Steemit
<apc> I still don't understand project rain :/
<apc> it's like, universal PoR?
<customminer> apc: Say you have 2 mag, and I have 1. I have 3 coins I want to rain on the two boinc users, 2 go to you, one goes to me. Now scale that idea up to 36 cryptocurrencies.
<customminer> It's like a new tipping/share-dropping vector for distributing crypto assets onto BOINC users.
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<JackS> nice
<apc> I'm not really familiar with tipping/share-dropping either :)
<apc> beyond
<customminer> lol
<apc> !tip grcb0t 10
<GRCtip> apc tipped grcb0t 10 GRC! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<customminer> !rainactive 10
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! customminer rained 0.35714286 GRC on active users Yoduza, Erkan_Yilmaz, Malignae, not96, Peppernrino, JackS, fediverse, xms, [-SaRaFiNa-], Bouowmx, pocketprotector, moisesm123, huppdiwupp, NeuralMiner, spassbold, xXUnRealXx, Emptybeerbottle, jjgrosk008, slimeball, Destined, HeyMerlin, pine_cone, lestus, traderman, GRCB0T, Sander96, tom12, apc! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<fediverse> customminer we'll be your slaves for the rest of our lifes
<moisesm123> ty
<Bouowmx> wow fediverse
<customminer> apc: see that? think that, but multiple cryptocurrencies and a far larger pool of recipients.
<apc> so independent of RAC?
<Bouowmx> dependent
<Bouowmx> On magnitude that is
<customminer> apc: It's up to the 'rain maker'. You could do it based on RAC or magnitude (on an individual project basis), you could also do it based on historical RAC (TotalRAC).
<apc> so it's PoR?
<apc> er... no
<apc> hmm
<apc> it'd be a level above that
<customminer> It's proof of BOINC I guess?
<GRCB0T> !rainactive 10 20
<apc> is it per project? do users need to have clients?
<GRCtip> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! GRCB0T rained 0.5 GRC on active users xms, Yoduza, Destined, traderman, moisesm123, NeuralMiner, lestus, Sander96, Malignae, apc, fediverse, pine_cone, Erkan_Yilmaz, customminer, HeyMerlin, tom12, spassbold, not96, JackS, Bouowmx! Type "/msg GRCtip help" for info.
<apc> the description I'm looking at says no wallets
<fediverse> GRCB0T may you rise the ranks in the CPID leaderboard:
<moisesm123> ty
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - Content type: unknown
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
<customminer> apc: Users that want to receive GRC need a GRC address (could be an exchange, full wallet, web wallet or mobile wallet).
<apc> ok but it still requires enrollment for the users?
<apc> first impressions were it was tossing crypto at the unsuspecting boincing masses
<Erkan_Yilmaz> merci customminer GRCB0T
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<JackS> customminer: I think this link on github page of the project (at the end) is wrong or changed recently? because it's a 404 for me
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by JackS - Content type: application/json
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<Bouowmx> > when you can't find USB Type-C connector at public charging stations
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - project-rain-site/rain-tutorial.html.erb at master · grctest/project-rain-site · GitHub
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<JackS> perfect!
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<jamezz> wooooow