i wouldn't expect a NAT issue to produce a multihash length error, though
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anyway, i'm glad it seems to work now! i was worried for a sec, because i never actually tried to start a node with one of these keys (i only did the "ipfs id" test)
oh, duh, i was using the wrong command :p
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ah hah!
ipfs peer ping instead of just ipfs ping :/
ipfs cli will fmt.println('sparkles') when you hit it :D
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Is there an article about evaluating the possible personal liability for illegal stuff which is routed through you? (Maybe I didn't get the concept completely, and this question is bullshit)
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moep (IRC): nothing gets routed through your node automatically
M-davidar hm, I was under the impression that it worked like a torrent swarm, where everybody would have some amount of other user's files; so stuff only gets routed through you if you access it / create it
moep (IRC): yeah, so only if you request illegal stuff will your nice start serving it
[go-ipfs] jbenet closed pull request #1940: add option to version command to print repo version (master...feat/version-repo) http://git.io/vl9c2
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anyone have any slides that I can share and re-use to quickly explain IPFS? cc jbenet
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I’m back :)
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This might also be a good question regarding ipfs-cluster. Access rights. Who can manage the cluster and to what degree. Also ratio and quota. Doesn't the cluster need to be partly centralized? The managing part.
The cluster manager would need to know how fast each cluster node is and how much storage is available there.
ipfs does not do this (yet) , but in can because of the merkeldag.
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Doesn't that one talk about a single authority which the network keeps honest and prevents someone else from faking?
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a friend of mine poked me with that paper, too
Hi guys. How do I interrupt the ipfs log tail command without breaking the node? A ^C stops the output but also stops the node from responding...
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NeoTeo: That sounds like the bug that is being fixed. I think there may be a PR.
Ok, cool. Thx.
So how would the api interrupt a log tail request?
By closing the connection, I think.
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Is there a list of publicly hosted gateways (other than the ipfs.io ones) anywhere?
Right. I'll see when the fix is available :)
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The Duration is the maximum cache time and applies to both *ResolveResult and error. Watershed time: what is the best order for the result tuple?
func ResolveDetailed(ctx context.Context, n *IpfsNode, p path.Path) (time.Duration, *ResolveResult, error) {
It would be nice to have the result before the TTL, but then the error seems to be canonically the last value in Go. Having the TTL in the middle would feel weird because it affects the values on both sides.
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whyrusleeping: you around yet?
Carraway: as the best i know, the ipfs.io gateways are the only public gateways
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some people expose their :8080 but i dont think i've seen a maintained list
demize is now known as man
man is now known as demize
this is the only list i know of aside from the federate ipfs servers
is ipfs trademarked or plan to be trademarked in anyway? I'm thinking of either starting or contributing to something like openipfs and I'm wondering if one day we'll all have to rename our services
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This might seem like a dumb question since ipfs is an open protocol, but just want to play it safe
Interesting, thanks cryptix. It seems his issue there is the vagueness of 'open' rather than including 'ipfs', but at the same time his suggestions don't include ipfs except for ipfscoop.
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more like ipfs-coup amirite
hon hon hon
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trying to decide what a common interface that sits in front of either an IpfsNode or an HTTP API client would expose, so that we can abstract away whether it's an ephemeral node or some local/remote node via http. (https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/1945, fyi)
and then we can have something called mantle
and then we have 'the core'
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NodeShell? to suggest it's a shell wrapper around a real node *somewhere*?
IpfsNodeShell? too verbose?
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whyrusleeping: Because the TTL value affects all results (whether a success or an error), I better take the TTL field out of the Result data structure and make it an additional return value. This means ResolveResult will end up only containing the path.Path. I might as well get rid of the struct. This would result in ResolveDetailed(…) (value path.Path, ttl time.Duration, err error). How about your comment in
ion: you can return "" for an empty path
whyrusleeping: Yeah, that’s what the code does now. So I’ll retain that behavior.
cool, and yeah. i really think that the three argument return is right
after thinking about it some more, it feels better
whyrusleeping: Do you have thoughts about whether the middle position is the right one for the TTL in the return type?
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ion: no preference there
do whatever you think is best (as long as the error is last)
People on #go-nuts seemed to think so, so I guess I’ll go with that.
Hrm, can I build a static ipfs executable?
by default all go binaries are static
alterego: yeap, thats why you can download the binaries from gobuilder and just run them
They link against libc and ld-linux
Well, the ones I downloaded
[js-ipfs] diasdavid pushed 4 new commits to jsipfs: http://git.io/v83FQ
js-ipfs/jsipfs fef5f17 David Dias: base for commands
js-ipfs/jsipfs 7880218 David Dias: help menu formmater
js-ipfs/jsipfs 43712e7 David Dias: tests base with disposable daemon
* whyrusleeping
standing on the corner shaking coins in a cup "could anyone spare some code review?"
* whyrusleeping
"CR for the poor"
Will work for CR
i mean, probably not
but i'll say that too
Does ipfs us cgo?
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alterego: a little bit, but in a way that lets us still mostly build statically
anyone going to london tomorrow? I'll be flying in sunday for the ether conference if anyone wants to grab a drink next week
i know JB was trying to duck out being all like "ohh i've been traveling so much and i was jsut in london" pfff ;)
whyrusleeping: I can look at it for sanity/basics, but my codebase of go-ipfs is still shallow :)
codebase knowledge*
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voxelot: if you buy me a ticket i'll head over :P
otherwise i'm gonna sit in my chair right here and look at pictures of london for a minute
and pretend i was there
you know i wish i could man haha. missed you at the SF meetup
but im in LA so we can just kick it here in the states sometim
or in germany for ccc.. ill be there too
I only just found out that folks were in the bay area recently :P
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yessss ccc
i'm planning on being there
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I invoke the sagely wisdom of #ipfs to help me name something
because I'm still getting the hang of go-style naming
and because naming is inherently hard
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the package exposes a single method, MakeLocalShellWithEmbeddedFallback(), that grabs the local ipfs node (if running), and falls back to creating an ephemeral node otherwise. right now it's ipfs-shell-with-fallback
returning a common interface
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how do i get a list of which things i currently have pinned?
cojy: ipfs pin ls
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noffle: whats the interface called?
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daviddias: have you seen https://npmcdn.com/ ? sounds like an interesting concept that might great to be combined with ipfs
cryptix: maybe rename go-ipfs-shell to go-ipfs-http-shell or similar? I think the http shell, the embedded shell, and the easy shell wrapper should be separate packages
yea but they can be subpkgs imho
go-ipfs-shell/jsonApi /embedded maybe even /http (as in :8080)
noffle: its currently called go-ipfs-api
i think its supposed to support all of :5001
i'm not sure how much of that we want in Shell
ie ideally ipfs-api would also support 'swarm (dis)connect', all of dht etc
yeah, I think the common shell interface will only have useful common bits. as long as we keep signatures consistent it should be fine if your api shell exposes more
yup exactly
I'm not sure how shutdown will work. api is a noop, but ephemeral needs proper shutdown
you okay with api shell having a stub Shutdown method?
whyrusleeping: i meant to ask you: how bad is killing a node w/o shudown for the network?
well then.. :)
we dont do anything fancy on shutdown
i guess its just better for the fsrepo is still beeing worked on
still, we don't want to leave it alive forever if the process using it is long-lived
sure - i don't think a no-op shutdown() would be a problem
[go-ipfs] cryptix deleted feat/closeNotifier at 7fd6247: http://git.io/v8G6m
Srsly, the CCC isn’t on the first page of Google search results for “CCC” 0) in general and 1) even despite me being logged in and thus in my search bubble.
I was curious: turns out it is on page 19. :-D
Pro tip: RED="$(tput setaf 1 2>/dev/null)" etc.
victorbjelkholm: funky!
ion, what's that for?
to not have the jibberish codes (\033[0;31m)
victorbjelkholm: Getting the code to set the color, but tput takes your terminal or lack thereof into account.
oh, I see. I'll try it out
Actually, safer if you use set -e and want to support weird systems without tput: RED="$(tput setaf 1 2>/dev/null || :)"
tput sgr0 resets the formatting.
ianopolous2 is now known as ianopolous
ion, right, was just gonna ask about nc
tput bold is equivalent to \e[1m
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terminfo(5) holds a comprehensive list.
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hm, the reset of the color doesn't seem to work
I'm the one misunderstanding
ion, want to take a look again?
image claims "No root password has been set", booting it, trying to login on serial, 'Password: #'
victorbjelkholm: Looks good, but you’ll want to add 2>/dev/null to the sgr0 one, too.
whyrusleeping et al: In light of the ongoing DDOS on protonmail, how resilient do we think IPFS is currently to various DDOSes?
ianopolous: uhm... what kind of ddos?
api floods
malicious nodes
ion, oh, crap, for sure. Thanks!
malcious nodes might be annoying, but kademlia can work through them
to a certain extent
api floods, you mean like pounding the gateways?
because the gateways are pretty centralized and not really all that resilient (at least, no more so than a normal http server)
ianopolous: If someone wants to target *you*, they can take up all your bandwidth. If someone wants to target the availability of a file, that will be more difficult if the file is served by a large number of nodes.
pounding the gateways, or pounding the network directly though a local node. or e.g. a botnet of them
yeah, they could probably start pounding the network and it would slow things down
but their effect is limited to requesting data that people have
they would have to mod their daemon to be evil
Targeting the bootstrap nodes might cause issues. go-ipfs could save the list of previously connected peers on disk for bootstrapping through them.
okay, so if they figure out some data that is on my node, they could flood me.
maybe we should rate limit requests from a given source?
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yeah, that gets tricky
yeah i know, but what alternative is there?
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They could just take up all your bandwidth if they wanted to. There’s nothing your node could do about that.
So can ICMP pings.
DDoS mitigation is something that should be done at the router and firewall layer
not in the application layer
I'm just thinking about the case when people are storing their encrypted files, and thus noone else is likely to have them. Someone could deny you remote access to your own files.
just like my ISP and deny me access to my files stored on dropbox when my ISP crapps out
IPFS is for publishing. If you're not expecting anyone else to retrieve them, it's not publishing.
vyl: What about you retrieving them from somewhere else?
It's in the nature of protocols like IPFS: Storage is not infinite. If a file isn't being pinned by someone, eventually there will come a time it has to be discarded to make space. If you are using it for backup purposes, you can't be pinning it - if you could do that, you wouldn't need it on IPFS too. It's the wrong protocol for the job. Backups would be better handled by more conventional means.
Now, if you're just storing an encrypted file so that only a select few can get it, no problem. Just like any other files.
vyl: It's the latter I'm thinking of
Dropbox is used like that a lot already, along with other file hosting services.
For confidential documents, as well as to avoid the anti-piracy blacklists.
I see no reason IPFS would be any different in that usage scenario.
In IPFS availability of the encrypted file would be limited by the bandwidth of the machine(s) storing it, which is much easier to DDOS than dropbox.
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what if that encrypted file was hosted by 1000 nodes?
As soon as people start fetching it, it'll be mirrored around the network. Any DDOSer would have to be very fast to strike.
in that case, it might be harder to "DOS" this file (compared to dropbox)
achin: sure, but then the owner has to pay for 1000X the storage space
not necessarily
Hey! First time user. 1) Is there a way to limit the size of the storage on the local disk? 2) Is it possible to control the throughput. It's filling up my drive and taking half the network down (DSL speed here)
they might not have to pay anything, if 1000 different people have fetched the file
space has a non zero cost, whether it is filecoin or something else.
it might have a non-zero cost to *you* though
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Gaming4JC: hi! at the moment, there are no built-in controls for either local disk space or bandwidth. for the disk space, you'll just have to manually be careful about what you download (and/or gc often)
in the process of someone requesting a file, do any intermediate nodes cache the file on the way back?
achin: Hmm ok. Perhaps I can put it in some sort of container.
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Gaming4JC: remember that your node doesn't not automatically download data. so there's no risk that an unattended (unused) node will fill up all your disks
ianopolous: no, there's no relaying yet
achin, ah - that is good to know! So it only downloads if I query an IPFS hash?
Gaming4JC: yep
ipfs get, ipfs cat, ipfs pin, and requesting data via your gateway are all ways to get your ipfs node to download (and store) something
(there are others, too, but those are the common ones)
achin, the other issue I have - my current data plan does have a limit. IPFS seems to be constantly downloading data from the Swarm.
I can probably control it with ip tables I gues.
just throttle it down some.
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what do you mean by "constantly" ?
there is always a little trickle of data flowing (as the node communicates with others in the network)
but if you're not downloading (or uploading) a file, there shoudln't 'be much data being transferred
dignifiedquire: it breaks if a node is already running?
daviddias: no node running
and it started doing that now?
it doesn’t start at all
but was it working before you upgraded ipfsd-ctl?
looking at the tests you only check disposable, so my guess it has something to do with the local version
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(before was ipfs 0.3.7)
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I see
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daviddias: you are doing lots of regex matching magic maybe sth changed there in the upgrade?
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dignifiedquire: tbh, the majority of that code was not done by me, so I need to dial in and understand how it is all done and which are design decisions
achin, the trickle is enough to conflict with some services on my network :/
e.g. kick me out of XMPP
ping timeouts
daviddias: sure, I’ll try to do some more debugging myself, let me know if you find anything
for sure, and thank you for catching this :)
[js-ipfs-api] VictorBjelkholm created better-readme-and-api-docs (+1 new commit): http://git.io/v8Zfg
js-ipfs-api/better-readme-and-api-docs 79892a6 Victor Bjelkholm: Add current work in progress of readme.md and api.md
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[js-ipfs-api] VictorBjelkholm opened pull request #104: Add current work in progress of readme.md and api.md (master...better-readme-and-api-docs) http://git.io/v8Zf1
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[js-ipfs-api] VictorBjelkholm closed pull request #102: Add current work in progress of readme.md and api.md (master...better-readme-and-api-docs) http://git.io/vl9Bt
Gotta get some sleep. I’ll continue working on the Cache-Control/ETag PR tomorrow. Good neiht.
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Did anyone give thought to the problem of where best to split files on insert?
Vyl: go-ipfs splits by a rolling hash when you use --chunker=rabin and that will become the default in the future.
daviddias: found the issue I think
Vyl: Fancier splitting can be implemented for specific file formats.
what was it?
just a sec verifying it fixes it
i cant focus on anything today
i'm just gonna call it a day off
see y'all tomorrow
See you
whyrusleeping: cheers
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daviddias: looks like it has something to do with the changes I made to subcomandante to fix other issues
Ion: I spent some time thinking about it at work today while bored out of my skull.
hey whyrusleeping -- what are the things that make add slow right now? is there a build tag for no-sync? is there a PR open for the mem leak fix that i can just try out?
whyrusleeping: enjoy the rest of your friday :)
But I came to pretty much the same conclusion as my ideal solution.
oh damn i just missed him
Some sort of rolling hash is the obvious method, with a restriction on minimum chunk size.
Otherwise some nasty person could inset a hundred-meg files split into one-byte chunks and cripple nodes with the overhead.
Or craft a file for which the rolling hash would inevitable do that.
i have some questions about the idea of custom splitting for specific file formats, as well
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like, how does custom splitting jive with determinism? i want `ipfs add thefile` to always give me the same hash, regardless of e.g. mimetype detection, right?
I can only see that as being worthwhile perhaps for disc images. Remember that archive files are compressed, so you're not going to see any benefit from splitting on a file boundry. And I agree with M-hash, the splitting really should be deterministic.
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed temp-nosync from 0a938c1 to c26a0b7: http://git.io/v8Zqj
go-ipfs/temp-nosync c26a0b7 Jeromy: temporarily disable syncing in flatfs...
okay, NOW im done
thanks whyrusleeping <3
If you're using a rolling hash anyway, then the benefits from custom format splitting really are minimal.
Ohhh wait, maybe not because we may be on the "other side"
like the _client_ sees stdin as readable, but _we_ are writing to it?
+1 to Vyl's comment "If you're using a rolling hash anyway, then the benefits from custom format splitting really are minimal"... I've done some research on this before (which I can't share, sorry), and... yeah, a well tuned rabin really is asymptotically close to win. Determinism and avoidance of perverse cases from *bad* special casing attempts are probably more useful.
now pinning /ipfs/QmPuUk5ACcWGLUFhyJkhPkx372DEKdim4gWrQqkzz1Eqv7
ohi jbenet :)
cryptix: heya
dignifiedquire: interesting, sec. mid something
also i think the progress bar disappeared from both cat and add :/
progress bar?
ok, so one thing that is different than what I was expecting, is that `local` simply uses the local repo and not the local binary
I believe that the jump to 0.3.9 didn't require any repo migrations, but just to take that out of the list, have you refreshed your repo recently?
yes I just cleared it
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after it failed to start
but that didn’t help
and then ipfs init?
yes, through electron, which worked
* cryptix
admits, he also wants 1.4 build times back
jbenet: had the same thought, but I tried adding simple logs to the callbacks and they don’t print anything, which is why I thought the issue at hand might be with subcomandante
dignifiedquire: oh quite possibly. it may not be calling the callback?
jbenet: it seems that neither ‘error’ nor ‘data’ are emitted
daviddias: I think the syntax error does not stem from a file, but rather from a JSON.parse gone wrong somewhere, otherwise there would be some line number
daviddias: standard is happy
got it, thanks for checking :)
one thing I noticed now too is that the shutdown handler is only added on init time
for a 'local', already init'ed node, that is never added
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which it wasn’t before as far as I understood
or did I miss that?
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before of your PR?
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* daviddias
is confused with timespace, relativity and logic clocks, we need ancestry chains for everything
__mek__ this should work: go get -u github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/cmd/ipfs
daviddias: yeah there's a lovely parallel between hashchains as accumulators of information propagation in physics.
daviddias: might make CATOCS finally work.
probably can write some trivial proof like, _CATOCS only works when you feed all inputs to an accumulator and you can verify an input is there_. i would really like to disprove cheriton for lamport's sake.
oh, that is very interesting!
daviddias: before my PR, I thought shutdown was only used for disposable nodes
but need to recheck
[js-ipfs-api] Dignifiedquire opened pull request #105: Auto generate API.md using mocha (master...auto-docs) http://git.io/v8Z8N
jbenet: I'm thinking that: or we conclude that is doable, or create a proof of why all hashing functions are fundamentally broken. If I'm understanding what you are proposing correctly.
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will look with more depth into these papers :)
dignifiedquire: I feel that we should have had better names
disposable node is temporary repo+binary running
local node is local repo+binary running
in both, the binary will have to be shutdown
makes sense
but the names are fine I think, though we should add some notes to the readme I guess
so people know what they are supposed to do
sounds good
I gotta go though now, my eyes are closing themselves
I'm feeling exhausted too, I'll try to check it again tomorrow, although I'll be only be able to do it later at night
have a great weekend!
thanks you too :)
btw jbenet did you get my email? are you free over the weekend or do you want to postpone it until next week?
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dignifiedquire: sorry, weekend is possible but hard. lets schedule over email, sorry a bit behind
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jbenet: no worries, just ping me via email, cheers