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bergie: that likely should just be a warning
although, it is a bit strange
thats a provide call timing out
after that the IPFS daemon basically becomes non-functional. All requests time out
well thats not good then
there might be something wrong
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I think it might be a concurrency issue, I was ipfs add-ing a lot of files at the same time
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yep, went to adding a single file at a time and so far no failures. Will keep monitoring, though
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Has any thought been given to content filtering where simple possession is considered illegal? (i.e. child porn, etc... your jurisdiction may vary)
As much as I cringe discussing censorship-related topics, I'd hate to see my client download illegal content in order to optimize the network.
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I realize this is most likely not an issue yet due to the alpha-status of the project; I was just wondering if there had been any discussion on client-filtering.
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You'll only download things explicitly, (well, and things that get requested along with it, like images on a webpage,) and if you don't want something anymore you could just run a gc.
Though it would be sort of cool to have an interface to only remove specific ones, possibly with previews.
I thought if your peers have something on their want-list, it carries over onto your want-list?
Or do you only act as an intermediary for the hashes?
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roguism: You do not download anything you don’t request explicitly.
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rebasing is the wurst
I suppose it should be done as often as possible to keep each rebase somewhat painless.
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Why is dev0.4.0 rebased, though? I understand feature PRs being rebased to avoid hundreds of “whoops, fix that typo” commits, but isn’t it more usual to fork dev0.4.0, merge those rebased feature branches to it but also keep merging master to it (instead of using rebase) until dev0.4.0 is merged back to master?
we rebase branches to keep them up to date with the latest code on master
Merging master to dev0.4.0 would do that, too, with just some noise in the form of merge commits but potentially less pain.
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eh... thats generally a lot more pain, and really difficult to find where bugs came from
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Fair enough
Hello guys. Is there any kind of guide for dummies for IPFS? I have a list of questions I like to ask, but don't want to take your time doing it at the wrong place
go-ipfs/dev0.4.0 ffd372c Jeromy: drop error log down to debug...
go-ipfs/dev0.4.0 072605c David Dias: update version...
sounds reasonable
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good morning everyone :)
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on the website it says '...the picture can still be found on the network simply by knowing the hash, even if our website is down.', could someone explain how this is possible?
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swirlycheetah (IRC): ipfs get /ipfs/QmTheHash
(assuming there's a node online somewhere seeding it)
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davidar you'll have to excuse my ignorance here i'm afraid but because that request is proxied(?) via doesn't that mean there's an http request to which needs to succeed before that point?
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swirlycheetah: no, http isn't involved, it gets retrieved over the ipfs network (which operates kind of like bittorrent)
if you're using the http gateway, then yes, http is involved
have you installed the ipfs client?
yes, so you need to be running the client to avoid http?
but the client is going to be embedded within you webbrowser soon, so you won't have to worry about manually downloading and running it :)
when you say soon... is there anywhere I can track progress on that?
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davidar where i'm at with this is I created a POC CDN ( and one of the questions someone asked was 'Hmm, you said there wouldn't be a single point of failure... but as I see it, you always need an entry point, in this case aono.2015.node..., no? That is indeed a single point of failure.' (http://www.nodeknockout.c
om/teams/aono) so my understanding now is that if you're running ipfs that problem goes away...?
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swirlycheetah: If something has to go through your machines, they are a point of failure. The end goal of IPFS is to have programs talk IPFS natively. Public HTTP gateways a temporary measure to help with adoption.
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so when says that if their website goes down you'll still be able to view images that's not really the case?
If you want to have an image stay on the net, you can pin it and it will be there behind the same IPFS path for everyone forever even if goes away. Btw, it would be good if your thing served the IPFS objects using the actual IPFS paths as the path component of the URL.
In the future browsers supporting IPFS will have a “pin this” button you can just press to keep the IPFS content you have loaded alive.
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thanks ion, i think i need to do some more background reading on IPFS to fully get my head around it
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hi, I saw some new command being added in go-ipfs 0.4
"ipfs files". I can't figure out what it does though
I'm building an application and I think it might do what I was hoping it would do
fazo: iirc it's a helper api for unixfs dir modifications
which is modifying the files in the folder currently published to ipns with unix style commands
a higher level version ob 'ipfs object patch;
wow. exactly what I needed
(you most likly will need to republish the ipns entry)
yeah of course
very interesting, looks like go-ipfs 0.4 will help me a lot
0.4 will be a megablast
yeah lol
i think there still is a unneded doublewrap of msgio on the protocol level - latency and throughput should go up by a lot
what I'm building is a platform similar to reddit but with way more features and controls. I figured out an efficient way to do it
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hmm i'd be interested to see how you solve authentication
maybe you can do something over until the keystore is solved internally
like, i have and i sign my peerIDs with that to say i control these nodes
yeah ipns doesn't look very optimized atm. It's not a big deal though, for most applications updating every minute is enough
cryptix: that's a good solution, but there is a better one
hit me! :D
your peer ID is a public key, and your ipns publications can't be spoofed because they are signed
or maybe they will be, anyway the spec says they should be signed (of course)
so a user's data is stored in a directory tree which is published by his node. You just check if some file is there, if it is then it's his.
okay sure, but then you can only post with that node
no, you just set up a file with a list of other allowed nodes in your main node.
I thought of almost everything
:) me likyy
yeah as soon as I have something that works like a proof of concept I'll publish everything
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the big issue is performance: it's probably going to suck
and also the fact that ipfs.js is not done yet, but it's not that big of a deal because it's gonna be done eventually
yup.. juist have be patient for 0.4... :)
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0.3.10 actually with the autoupdate - than we should see 0.4 on master sooner or later
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yep! Imagine a platform which is a mix between reddit, a social network and a blog but has no servers and runs in the browser.
fazo: how are you handling aggregation?
heh, that was one of the biggest problems
but the solution is quite simple
basically the applications scans every node's ipns publication for content, and it adds it to the list when it finds it
that's slow though. Nobody wants to wait 5 minutes to look at a page
but I also figured out a solution for this
the owner of the page can either link to all content in his publication or provide one or more addresses which will link to all the content so that you can get it faster.
the whole thing works even without this solution, it's just slower
I can't wait to get the demo ready
jbenet: are you around?
dignifiedquire I can talk ok text but wifi is terrible here
jbenet: feeling the horros of .eu hotel wifi? :)
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Appropriately, horros is Finnish for hibernation, stupor, lethargy.
horrors* .. -_-
dignifiedquire, victorbjelkholm: worked to improve the chat based on your feedback. fixed the flipped messages direction (scroll is not flipped anymore, no more rendering artifacts), added nickname mention highlights, /me command, preliminary notifications (very much wip), bunch of small things. hope to commit stuff tonight after work.
Appropriately, horrors is English for disgust, dismay, hatred.
haadcode: great stuff, looks like someone has been busy :)
haadcode, oh, nice stuff! Out of curiosity, what is stopping you from commiting now but save the push for later?
looking gooood!
haadcode: looks awesome :)
haadcode: if you continue we can soon stop using irc :)
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haadcode: nice
haadcode: my next feature requests would be full markdown support and link previews, i.e. view image links inline
victorbjelkholm: let's just say making commits to a public repo of a side project during work hours wouldn't look good :)
haadcode: haha lets hope your employer isn’t lurking on IRC ;)
haadcode: Pro tip: this channel is publicly logged. :-P
dignifiedquire: markdown is on my todo list
dignifiedquire: as well as link previews
haadcode: sweet
haadcode: I saw your chat repo :) and your app ideas. I'm building one of them!
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haadcode: when you add markdown, could you also add mathjax/katex support? :)
haadcode: the UI looks amazingly good
davidar: uhh that’s a nice idea, I’d love to write $\int_0^{\infty} sin(x) dP(x)$
davidar: I'll need to google what that means but I'll put it on my list :)
fazo: thanks
thought to be honest I don’t regularly write that :D
(in a chat)
hrm, apparently github is case sensitive
ion: I can imagine, especially as LaTex is much harder read when not renderd compared to markdown
cryptix: that's awesome - quick, someone port it to ipfs ;)
looks pretty selfcontained to me.. :)
anyone seen a list of all the tools/libraries that have been emscripten'd so far?
haadcode we should talk about your chat app at some point
cant atm.
davidar: There's a lot of (technically off-topic) discussion about math and physics on #overviewer, the Minecraft Overviewer channel for one. :-P Then there are topic channels like ##math etc, but I don't frequent them.
Ooh, in-browser graphviz? That is great.
jbenet: pm me when you have time
ion: lol, not quite the answer i was expecting :p
dignifiedquire, victorbjelkholm, davidar, would you guys be interested in contributing to those features if I made the UI src available too?
haadcode, hm, probably. Not that I have a lot of free time left but we'll see what the future will hold
I'd love to help out though
haadcode: yeah, i can add the math rendering support without too much trouble
s/can/should be able to :p
davidar: The channel is basically cat pictures, physics and programming with best occasional user support, nobody plays Minecraft anymore. :-P
ion: haha
"best occasional user support" - now there's a motto! :p
victorbjelkholm, davidar, cool. the thing is, the UI is the most prototype-level code and as it stands today, I won't OS it. it'll require a big overhaul and refactoring before ppl can pick it up and start contributing but if there's interest, I'd be more than happy to do that (free time permitting).
haadcode, I don't see why you have to overhaul and refactor it to open source it. No ones code is perfect :)
there's "not perfect" and there's "prototype" ;)
Release early, release often™
well, prototype or not perfect, doesn't matter. It's hard for people to contribute to a prototype but it's impossible for someone to contribute if it's closed source
haadcode: i understand, i don't particularly like pushing code without cleaning it up a bit first, but like VictorBjelkholm says, don't worry *too* much about quality for an initial release
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yeah, guess there is a balance (like in everything) but my general rule (personal for my self) is that it's better to open source too early rather than too late
yeah, definitely don't wait too long, but spending a few days polishing is reasonable
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VictorBjelkholm: my personal rule is, before i publish, make sure it's nice enough that I wouldn't be embarassed showing the code to someone else :p
davidar, just make sure it's nice enough when you write it from the beginning :D
haha, my coding style is more... organic :p
that's a nice way to put it :)
I tend to write shitty code to pass my tests and once they pass, refactor directly
some cases I skip the refactoring, when I have some deadline to meet. Doesn't happen very often though
now pinning /ipfs/QmWRypnfEwrgH4k93KEHN5hng7VjKYkWmzDYRuTZeh2Mgh
achin: yeah....
good news is that it works pretty nicely :D
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great stuff
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i've got a PR to update now!
if anyone with a macbook wants to be super helpful, they could help debug an issue we're seeing in the tests on OSX where certain sharness tests are hanging
achin: :D
[host 7] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmWRypnfEwrgH4k93KEHN5hng7VjKYkWmzDYRuTZeh2Mgh: context canceled
[host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmWRypnfEwrgH4k93KEHN5hng7VjKYkWmzDYRuTZeh2Mgh: context canceled
i've got an old macbookpro i could lend you, whyrusleeping
whyrusleeping: I can try, not sure I can do it today but tomorrow morning for sure
lol, i have a macbook. but i'm pressed for time working on other things
ahh, then we both don't have the thing you're looking for!
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is there a github issue for the hanging sharness tests?
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For me, “I have bookmarked it” means it's deep in the abyss never to be seen again.
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you're not wrong :P
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i predict my next ~4 months will be borderlands2 (there was a steamsale yesterday) then when i'm tired of that, fallout4, then whem im tired of that, new deusex
meh, I use the bookmarkbar as a workspace for that
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my roommate is an avid ipfs user now
its great
i just get random hashes from him all the time
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locusf: which version of node/npm are you running? try removing node_modules/ directory and run npm install again and see if that helps.
locusf: you on linux? haven't tested a lot on linux much, so let me know if you get it running.
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haadcode: wow, thats really cool! Have been waiting for an app like this
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping opened pull request #1961: initial support for commands to use external binaries (master...feat/external-bins)
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whyrusleeping: how's your roommate using it?
station, electron?
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hes a linux user
and he loves that he can share the remixes he makes so easily with ipfs
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heh :)
i've started recommending it to people for hosting static sites
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whyrusleeping (IRC): can I ask you a quick Q about libp2p?
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M-amstocker: sure
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whyrusleeping (IRC): Could you explain this idea of upgrading connections?