kyledrake: blocks is for content addressed ipfs objects
datastore is for the little bits of other stuff we need to store
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[go-ipfs] lgierth pushed 1 new commit to discovery-cjdns: http://git.io/v4xJp
go-ipfs/discovery-cjdns ad4cdf4 Lars Gierth: WIP...
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[go-ipfs] lgierth created seccat-context (+1 new commit): http://git.io/v4xU0
go-ipfs/seccat-context 0b50080 Lars Gierth: seccat: fix secio context...
@jbenet: I'm planning to go over that IPLD spec this weekend. It's a great idea, I actually had a similar thought about 2 months ago when thinking through a replacement for HTTP POST... I like this premise
Are there any go folks here? I have a few questions understanding the key stretcher. a) what is the output value of a hash.Sum(nil)... Is it the same as hash.Sum("")? b) What does mac.reset do, as it doesn't seem to be in the documentation. Does it simply reset the mac to its initial conditions?
ricmoo: that function is basically taking the shared key that both parties securely shared, and using it to generate ephemeral keys with which to encrypt other things with
i'm not the author of that code, so i dont claim to 100% understand it
Right... I'm implementing it in python and have the handshake *almost* done...
But I'm just making sure I implement key stretching the exact same way, otherwise it won't work. :)
And the documentation for go doesn't specify what taking the hash of a nil value does, not what a mac reset does...
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For now I'm just assuming it does sane things... It'll be all or nothing, so if my assumption is wrong, it will simply fail, and I'll have to dig deeper into go. :)
If i want to grab one source file from a library and use it myself, how do i do copyright licenses and stuff?
its not quite a fork, because i'm going to use part of their library, but i need to modify other parts in a way that isnt compatible with what they have now
whyrusleeping (IRC): is it a compatible license?
whyrusleeping: add it as a header (on top of the file)
erg... its lgplv3
but we're already using it in ipfs.
* whyrusleeping
whyrusleeping (IRC): be careful about what the line on "library" is drawn
and i need to take their 's3' code and rewrite it
i guess i could just write it 'from scratch'
Sounds like kindof a timewaster. If the idea is that go-ipfs has to be MIT/BSD license then LGPL won't work I think though.
so we should probably remove the s3 code thats already there...
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I'd be curious to try a version of the FS blockstore that doesn't split up into directories and see what the perf looks like on S3. THat might be an easier solution than putting S3 right into IPFS.
why is lgpl bad again?
Yeah, personally I don't have a problem with lgpl, but if you're trying to avoid that, you'd have to be careful about viral behaviour
whyrusleeping (IRC): it's not, jbenet doesn't seem to like it though :/
LGPL is fine if you're not mandating MIT/BSD
It's a business logic question (jbenet)
well the testing framework (sharness) we've been using since day 1 is gpl
soooooo, yolo?
whyrusleeping (IRC): but it's separate to the ipfs library?
but i guess thats not *part* of go-ipfs?
lol, okay, not just that
whyrusleeping (IRC): so, lgpl library is OK so long as you're only linking to it
go statically compiles
But of you're *integrating* it, you'll have problems
Yeah, static linking is tricky
huh, i guess go-ipfs is already lgpl
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our lru lib, our stream muxer, and our utp lib are gpl
i thought i changed that so he does a notice...
i reverted something with friend a while ago, but that was juan's code
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Hello, I am trying to use IPFS on x86-64 Windows, and every time I try to do any action, from running cat on the readme file, to doing a simple ipfs ls /ipfs, I am getting an error like this:
Error: can't Lock file "C:\\Users\\Rubyist\\.ipfs/repo.lock": has non-zero size
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And... after a few tries at nuking my repository and adding it again, I managed to get a working ipfs...
But if I want to access files
I can't use /ipfs/hash-name/file
I have to use hash-name/file
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Rubyist: Are you talking about the cli?
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What does `ipfs version` report?
ipfs version 0.3.10-dev
Do you get any errors when trying to use /ipfs/<hash>?
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yeah, invalid references
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what hash are you trying?
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the hash that I got when I init'd the system. In fact, any hash doesn't work with a /ipfs/ prefix
but every hash works without it
and I'm not sure why
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what's the error?
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I finally read the SFS paper
nicolagreco: yay! which one? there's a few. the big one is the thesis
Hooray!!! I have finished the handshake process in Python...
If whyrusleeping is still out there, thanks! I had to resort to simple go snippets to compare inner loops and what not...
Has there been any work lately on a key store?
@jbenet I read SUNDR (not on SFS - but relevant), Escaping the evils and his master thesis
I can't understand how I missed such a professor
Would anyone, by chance, know where the next entry point in the go client is for the wire protocol? I can now see random/interesting messages coming across the wire, but don't know exactly what all the possible requests/responses are.
(he studied under my security professor (Kaashoek))
it made me understand a lot of parts of IPFS (and design choices)
nicolagreco: dm is one of the best distributed systems + security people in the world. top 10. (i'd say top 5).
I am starting to think that SUNDR could be the next step on collaboratively editing
nicolagreco: yeah-- i accidentally reinvented a lot before i found SFS-- i found SFS as i looked for a naming solution for ipfs.
nicolagreco: like, i didnt find sfsro until i told dm about ipfs and he was like "oh yeah like sfsro?"
that is what happened when I first met timbl
He had a name for anything I thought I invented
nicolagreco: i haven't read SUNDR yet-- will take a look.
nicolagreco: it's great meeting the masters of the jedi order, eh?
also, i've been calling self-certified links "mazieres links"
(to go with "merkle links" for cryptographic-hash links)
I thought the m stood for merkle (somehow)
yeah, mlink is a merkle link-- an unfortunate clash.
@jbenet something I am putting a lot of thoughts on is the webdht vision of manu sporny
btw, ipfs makes ld great because you dont have to go and fetch stuff from http. you can have it local.
nicolagreco: yeah! manu mentioned here a while back-- i need to put effort into helping on that front. sorry have been busy.
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ohhhhhhhh manu, you should be aware of this effort: http://www.weboftrust.info/ -- good stuff coming out of it
I feel I will very likely work on that (webdht) or similar solutions
(actually I am happy to help you to help manu)
jbenet I know, I have seen that, I have been following and reading all the drafts/content
whyrusleeping lgierth: i think the osx stall problem may be in master. i recall a recent first pr that had this-- was it maybe the watermark gc? not sure
I got linked that, but I haven't gone through it yet
nicolagreco: i think that format completely misses the point.
nicolagreco: it makes no sense to address something under an http URL.
nicolagreco it's a useful hack to add trust to _URLs_, but people should not be _relying on_ locations when you have hashes.
relying on location, you mean relying on a url?
in the sense of unique location?
OK, so, FUSE.
Why doesn't it?
I'm on Ubuntu 15.10, I can read and write /etc/fuse.conf and /ipfs
But when I ipfs mount I get "ERROR core/comma: error mounting: fusermount: exit status 1 fusermount: exit status 1 mount_unix.go:219" from the daemon
I agree, trusty uris is the sort of idea that original sfs paper - was /sfs/host:hostid (with the hash of the content instead of the hash of the public key)
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interfect: can you write to /ipns too?
I should have been able to.
Now I definitely can, I chowned it me:fuse instead of just root:fuse
And now it seems to work.
random question, can you write to /ipfs/ or is it RO? or is storage only through the http interface
Why do I need write access to fuse.conf? It didn't write anything there.
Stskeeps: today you cannot write to /ipfs, but we may have a path like `/ipfs/mfs/...` that writes to mfs (in dev0.4.0+)
It could be the groups not updating. I tried making new login shells and fuse showed up in groups for them, but maybe I have a personal fuse that isn't running under the new shells or something?
I'll try again after I reboot and let yall know if something is still broken
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Are IPNS/IPFS liable to censorship by public key/hash the same way as IP/DNS by ip/name?
jbenet (curiosity time!) I am curious how ipfs will implement different namespaces, e.g. /ipfs /ipns /torrent /bitcoin
(in other words) who decides on the naming
Ah we won't. That should be the protocol scheme identifier space + system /local
Like /http /ftp etc
dm mentions the idea of having for example a /verisign that acts as a CA and hence can verify /verisign/mit/ and similar
Yeah we can do the same thing with ipns
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(yes I know about ipns)
jbenet I think either here or somewhere I think read about the example of /torrent and /bitcoin
dm has the symlink in the fs
We just have dnslinks and other type of human readable links
when you say "we won't" you mean that you will never add these root paths
or you won't decide on the naming?
You can always do local symlinks but then they're private
We won't decide on it
There's a page -- not sure if iana or w3c that lists protocols
Web* protocols
We recommend those
and I guess you will rely/follow that list
We have to clean up the root fs of kernels first though
mkdir /local; mv /* /local/*
actually, I think /home would be enough, no?
(yes I agree that you loose all the other pieces)
Has it been considered to create a github org for either ipfs-projects, ipfs-clients, or ipfs-implementations github (which forks relevant community projects and moves towards cleaning up ipfs?
mek_ meaning move repos out of the ipfs org itself?
Potentially, to consolidate the core libraries and documentation.
mek_ we have a ton of repos and we'll keep having more. I think we may add multiprotos and libp2p orgs
mek_ the concern I have with that is that it creates a reluctance to make small repos. In js it is very common to make one repo per small module
don't want people thinking they would pollute the namespace and thus not modularizing.
Github has limitations re repos and pages etc, but search so far has worked. Maybe we can fix this with linking to the core repos from ipfs/ipfs readme
I predict that github sometime soon will restyle organization pages
Yeah, on an organizational front, there are a lot of "notes" and "pm" and "specs" and "awesome" and "ipfs" and "community" and "apps" pages
they are pretty unusable (if it wasn't for search)
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nicolagreco: True. Especially to developers. To someone who is approaching the project for a first time, they are likely looking for a client library or an implementation. It's a bit hard to navigate.
Committing to a single master index (some document which at minimum references the other documents (e.g. community, apps, implementations) could be helpful.
Maybe it even exists, but that fact that it's not immediately obvious to a noob like me might mean something. (just for what its worth)
mek_ absolutely.
mek_ suppose there is a project directory-- can you find it?
(narrowing search space: it's on github)
Apps perhaps? Examples maybe? I see a few projects under ipfs like file-browser... (on page 3 now) Dataviz...
Ah, actually, I do see project directory on the #ipfs page now.
[ipfs] jbenet created move-project-dir-note (+1 new commit): http://git.io/v4xNT
ipfs/move-project-dir-note af60e22 Juan Benet: moved project directory note...
[ipfs] jbenet opened pull request #125: moved project directory note (master...move-project-dir-note) http://git.io/v4xN3
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Are there any peeps out there that are familiar with the wire protocol? I have handshake working, but can't figure out what the first 11 bytes of a message in the header, and then how to interpret the payloads...
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ricmoo: wait-- what language are you doing this in?
ricmoo the handshake is unfortunately complicated. take a look at how dev0.4.0 or js does it.
I have completed the handshake.
ricmoo it uses multistream and multicodec
ricmoo with go-ipfs@0.3.8 or 0.4.0?
because it changed.
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I am trying to understand the decrypted bytes... For example, I get a "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01" followed by the next message of "\x0f"...I have established the last byte(s?) of the first message indicate length of the next...
Oh? One sec... I'll check my version.
(I agree, handshake was ridiculously hard to implement. :))
there's a double go-msgio in 0.3.8-- removed in 0.4.0. then there's multistream.
it's unfortunately hard because we're trying to be super friendly to people upgrading the protocol, using other cipher suites and other transports
ipfs version 0.3.10-dev
Does that mean I need to re-implement everything again? :(
not everything, but quite a bit. this is why it is very important for the py effort to sync with the rest....
did you take a look at the specs? daviddias put in a lot of work recently to make those reflect the current (0.4.0+) state
ricmoo yeah-- that handshake is a TLS alternative, but since it doesn't have the weight of a long audit from the crypto community we're not comfortable recommending it. we may keep it as an option.
(multistream allows this)
Those aren't the messages I'm seeing though...
I am completely on-board with using TLS. :)
Getting ECDH and all hashed goodness in the right order was not pleasant. :) Is there also going to be a move away from RSA? Because that was also hair (compared to EC)
My Python implementation was just to orient myself with the wire protocol, so I could start writing it in Objective-C... But maybe you have a better suggestion? Basically all I'm really looking to accomplish is 2 tasks (for now); a) Find a bunch of nodes (via bootstraping) and b) get blocks by their ipfsPath and ipns...
(also, I want to remain using randomly selected nodes, not run my own gateway or rely on a specific gateway... Truly decentralized)
ricmoo: sorry the handshake is notoriously difficult, becuase we're being -- as mentioned -- very friendly to the future and to other protocols.
ricmoo: once you wrap your head around multistream and how it works-- its easy actually
Yup, that's no problem. IPFS I think will change the world, so getting it as right as possible it key. :)
So, are the bytes I'm getting back currently multi stream? Or do I need 0.4.0 for that?
Because it doesn't look like the messages in the documentation...
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I mean, they are in there, interlaced with some header-ish things?
mek_: ok, I'll read through it soon
davidar_: No rush, the average lifespan of a webpage is 44 days
then you will see a tls handshake
when we dial to a peer, we try to multistream handshake into spdy, and once that is agreed, then you see the spdy handshake, and so on
ricmoo: identify is one of the protocols we handshake on a dialed connection, it enables us to tell the other peer the multiaddr we see him and with that telling that peer their public address if they are behind a NAT
it is kind of a STUN service
at the peer level
mek_: I'm just about to follow up with citeseerx on my request of mirroring their collection to ipfs
So, given a message, which is a protobuf, how to you know which protobuf (eg. dht, identify, etc) to parse it with?
davidar_: I'm reading BASE-3 -- there's a lot here.
ricmoo: yes :) , instead of doing Protocol Muxing on the port level, and therefore having to agree in ports beforehand
mek_: once we have ipfs-cluster going, storage should be less of a concern, as we'll mostly be using it for seeding
we open a connection to a peer
upgrade that connection to something like SPDY
so that we can multiplex several streams in one connection
but that assumes people volunteer enough disk space for these things :)
and in each of those streams, we handshake a different protocol
davidar_: I figured along those lines, but to get us going (especially if we want to be ambitious about amt of coverage of a specific domain...
I think I understand... I need to read this over again now. :)
mek_: yeah, definitely
jbenet: ipfs-cluster is still a while off anyway, I'm guessing?
davidar_: I think jbenet would probably agree that if we can get the Archive to do an experiment revolving around wayback, Brewster et al will be sold
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And hopefully could contribute a lot of storage, by virtue of them needingto solve this problem. That's the goal, at least.
Still trying to learn the best people to direct questions to so I'm not always nagging jbenet. Do the concepts of "identity", "post", and "sharing" all fall under the jurisdiction of *ipld*?
Morning :o)
sorry ill brb need to relocate
davidar_: nice email, thank you :o)
mek_: of course I only notice the typo once I've sent it :p
ricmoo: cool
mek_: yeah, wayback on ipfs would be cool
mek_: reading through your notes, looks like you're building something similar as I do, so maybe this will give you some ideas https://github.com/haadcode/anonymous-networks. if you want to bounce ideas or discuss, let me know. I've gone through the same question you have in your notes, so I might be able to provide some input. btw. what exactly are you building? :)
i.e. if you only need to access a small section of the database, that's all you need to retrieve
Gotcha, granular access, relating to the query DSL, right?
mek_: yeah, and the query model is basically JSON addressing
so it's similar to a basic nosql system i guess
Makes sense.
which you can then use to build more sophisticated stuff on top of
mek_: personally I'm interested in putting a full-text index for all of our archives onto it, but that's probably a little while off yet
I have a background in search + access to tons of book data, so that could be fun to team on.
Also, Greg Lindahl at the Internet Archive will be a great resource + contact.
In terms of building more sophisticated stuff over idpl... My goal this week is to contribute towards a spec of "POST" (core) data structure, as well as "POST" (ext) extensions, e.g.: todo-items/tickets, chat-msgs, calendar/schedule/invitations, and blogs/articles/edu papers
mek_: awesome
s/ipdl/ipld? :p
Yeah, a perl style regex replacement!
s (replace) ipdl (with) ipld
mek_: what do you mean by "POST"?
mek_: i mean, you replaced it with another typo :p
* mek_
multivac actually used to execute find-replace statements, but people complained so I turned it off :(
davidar_: Ah, this is jbenet's idea of having a data structure to represent a common "post" of content. Which could be a blog post. Or a message from one person to another, etc.
oh, gotcha
mek_: is this related to the archives metadata format stuff?
davidar_: "POST", you mean?
Or content for full text search
"POST", I imagine, would be a special "type" of object which encodes information like "from", "to" (almost like asking the question... how could an email be sent over IPFS)
Just a convention which all services can adhere to, so they can be interoperable with each others' data.
yeah, sounds relevant to the stuff haadcode has been working on
Cool! Excellent.
haadcode: Would love to help out and hear our ideas
let's bring back djc's Internet Mail 2000 ;)
Ha ha ha
davidar: IPLD is basically "dump your database into IPFS" -- so with IPLD basically you can have an entire relational db ported into ipfs objects?
davidar_: We were talking about "POST" having #tags, and tags coming from RDF entities on Wikidata (which is where Freebase went)
rendar: not relational, JSON
davidar: oh, ok
rendar: but you could build a relational db on top of that, i believe some people are interested in SQL on ipfs (jbenet?)
The pitch is... Imagine a chat client built over IPFS and the "POST" (core) data structure. You can imagine there being a UNIVERSAL conversation going on, instead of being in a specific IRC channel.
Everyone received the same massive blob of text.
mek_: yeah, definitely talk to haadcode
But then you can filter your context (stream of text) based on tags
I'm also trying to get matrix.org onto ipfs
sounds similar
ping Matthew, Erik
they probably aren't awake yet
Wait, what. Why haven't I heard about matrix.org
mek_: also chat.ipfs.io ;)
mek_: have you been living under a rock? :p
it's still quite new I guess, but then again so is ipfs
I think I have been.
mek_: unfortunately it got left out of that "opensource alternatives to slack" post on HN recently :(
back -- davidar_ ipfs-cluster-- no one has started implementing it yet. it's not super hard, just not fully speced/started
i think the author was going to fix that though with a follow-up post
davidar_ i think we've discussed POST before, not sure, maybe not. it's a minimal data structure for "communications" with merkle linking
jbenet: mek_ was asking if storage is a concern for us ;)
haadcode: did you make a chat client?
jbenet_: is it something the matrix folks would be interested in helping with?
jbenet: yes, see the link ocuple of lines above
got used to the trailing underscores :p
jbenet: don't tell me you haven't seen it yet :p
davidar_ mek_ it's not a concern per-se, because we can scale up, but hey-- more storage always useful
haadcode ok are you willing to use POST? it will make your life way easier. mek_ and i will write up stuff on it this week-- welcome to join the effort--
A ha! Okay... That totally explains, I think, to a large degree the stuff I be seeing. :)
haadcode: Is this running somewhere?
If now, would you like it to be?
Thanks! :)
jbenet: nope, not on the list. yes, would love to join the effort of POST. need to understand first what you're planning, IPLD is the spec for it?
mek_: it's running yeah. just clone the repo and hit connect :)
haadcode: submit a PR to add it to the list
davidar_: k, will do so today.
haadcode: no, POST builds on IPLD.
daviddias: is npm-over-ipfs working well enough to use?
haadcode: POST is like unixfs (a datastructure on ipfs) but for defining "communications" {posts, articles, papers, blogs, tweets, ...}
jbenet: ok. you have any notes or discussion as to what you plan to do? or is this the beginning of it?
haadcode: it's roughly formed, but not yet put to paper. mek_ took a bunch of awesome notes today
been thinking about something more general thank LL
jbenet: ah, ok! so the notes I was looking at were the notes :) cool, got it.
mek_: is that using ipfs?
It is cloning npm well and spawns up a registry that can serve the npm cli. Not cloning and using directly IPFS has a very slow start because cloning the DAG node with npm registry listing is being crazy slow or sometimes weird
haadcode: Nope.
But I was hoping to build something using ipfs
So, let's work together.
Language doesn't matter to me.
Let me get your code running.
haadcode: "(async(() => {" wat do?
is it my node version?
Fat arrows are the new function keyword
victory for the (jashkenas) horde!
they are slightly different though, they don't have their own 'this' context
Use node.js 4
i always thought coffeescript got functions + scoping really well.
daviddias how do i use victor's n fix?
well that's useful in a lot of cases, you dont have to do '(function () {}).bind(x)', or 'var self = this; function () { ... self.whatever }'
We should (theoretically, assuming new people could interop w/ irc) use something like this instead of irc
mek_: matrix.org has an irc bridge... ;)
* davidar_
wonder's if haadcode's thing could federate somehow
federate how?
haadcode: federate with the Matrix HS network
once Erik wakes up, I'll ask him for more details :)
jbenet, haadcode, any others interested -- can we set a time to sit down over google hangout (or name your favorite service) to discuss "POST" + helping build out this chat app?
at the very least it could probably be bridged though
If IPFS could be an alternative (optional) method of distribution, then am I correct in guessing that problems such as "mirrors out of sync" could become a thing of the past?
grahamperrin: yeah, ipfs makes syncing mirrors really easy
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and even if a mirror is out of sync, it can just pull files from anywhere in the network
so, as long as you have the most recent root hash, you'll always get an up-to-date mirror
davidar: thanks, I thought so. Now I"m seeking a page that might sum it up neatly to a reader whose mindset might be 'stuck' in CDN mode
pierron: ah, hadn't come across that yet
davidar_: grahamperrin: This was our conclusion too, distributing sotfware in the same way as we are doing with static server should work only with ipns & ipfs.
davidar_: grahamperrin: But one of the concerned that I had was that decentralized sources of packages, means that in the short time that you need to update your computer somebody can attack you by looking at the fact that you are pulling data, in which case running behind Tor might be needed for the clients.
pierron: I was thinking about that. Can't someone already do that with traditional CDNs, by snooping on someone's traffic?
although i guess that's a more difficult proposition
davidar_: yes, but CDN are usually hold by trusted persons, I would hope.
davidar_: I I would also think that CDN are not communicating in clear.
a lot of mirrors are just plain http
apt-get can't even handle https by default iirc
* davidar_
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pierron_ where was IPFS mentioned at nixcon? what talk?
(have a link to the mention?)
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jbenet, just in passing by Eelco, and then between talks
grahamperrin: we would love to help make this happen.
jbenet: in the introduction talk from Eelco Dolstra.
emery: ah -- was it a good mention or bad? would love to solve whatever problems were seen?
good mention, I think its on the todo list, but its a long todo list
(i saw some email a while back from someone who didnt understand the ipfs model saying it wouldnt work or something)
jbenet: I am no longer sure he mentioned it by name, but he explictly mentioned a decentralized way to share build outputs.
emery: right makes sense
btw, we don't _need_ ipns names yet-- we can do everything with just ipfs + dns (people in these systems rely on DNS anyway already)
ipfs + dns actually works really well, with low TTLs.
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I remember Eelco mentioning it, and he said later that there is someone else in the project that was interested publishing binaries with it, but I don't remember who
once we have better signed records (iprs) can even do a dnslink to a signed thing so dont even have to trust DNS correctness.
davidar: are you still giving a talk?
sorry I meant daviddias
jbenet, its at ~25:00
emery: the someone else might have been me ;)
ah, ok
woo \o/
emery: if you are referring to Tuesday
i ask eelco about it after the talk and he said someone was interested
emery: jbenet: A master student was looking for a subject, and IPFS was mentioned as a way to solve the distributed binary cache.
that would be nice
This was 2 weeks ago.
* daviddias
dignifiedquire: finished :)
daviddias: nice :)
pierron_ we would love to help with this stuff. and please bear with any perf problems-- we have a _ton_ of room to optimize. we've been focusing on features more than optimizing perf.
(like its ok, but it can be way better)
got something cool to show hopefully tonight, in the meantime could you do me a favor and check https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-api/pull/130 cause I currently have to depend on my fork in my projects
I'd like to help but I'm trying to leave the land of unix, so I don't have that much time anymore
pierron_ random question -- what tooling do nix and nixos use for testing cross arch/platform compatibility? equivalent of http://build.golang.org/
jbenet: we have a build farm which compiles natively on each architecture.
where you have a ipfs.js frontend that you pass your site's hash into and the js spins up a node and loads it, but you can also take that hash and use your local daemon with it
daviddias, wooo! Can't wait for the Pastel de Nata!
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daviddias: the server went nuts, thus the hang-up. fixed it and now it's back online. if I'd had to guess, there's a bug there somewhere (on the server side) ;)
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daviddias davidar_ mek jbenet thanks for testing! found a breaking bug due to having such a huge load on the network at once (huge > 4 people at once ;))
daviddias: pretty sure I know what’s the problem in #131, you are comparing a string with a buffer, which fails for obvious reasons, trying to figure out a way to compare the two without having nodejs run out of memory and crashing (which I already had happen now twice :D)
daviddias: okay we need to use a smaller file..
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[js-ipfs-api] Dignifiedquire pushed 2 new commits to test/bigfile: http://git.io/v4hfk
js-ipfs-api/test/bigfile 093de9b dignifiedquire: test: Use stream comparison instead of strings
js-ipfs-api/test/bigfile 48b0207 dignifiedquire: fix: Do not parse non json responses
awesome, was on that as well
I think if you make the file sth like 10mb the tests will parse in a reasonable amoun to time
* dignifiedquire
can’t type..
daviddias dignifiedquire hey re. the big file issue, I reckon you should use a file > 256MB because that's the max string size in node.js, so if anywhere we try to convert the full buffer to a string, it'll fail and testing with a large than 100mb file would catch that. just a thought, came across such a bug this week when js-ipfs-api was still using request.
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haadcode: yes, but then we can’t actually check for correctness of the contents because that takes ages cating a file of that size, so we can just start cating it and stop if we see it’s a stream that’s continually running and not throwin an error
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dignifiedquire: catting a > 1gb file into the stream buffer took maybe 10s on my machine (running a local ipfs daemon)
haadcode: yes but cating the file through ipfs + reading the file from the file system at the same time already takes > 60s for me on my machine for 100MB file
cat to fill the buffer and read from fs to compare the data?
streaming both into a buffer and comparing the data
[js-ipfs-api] diasdavid deleted test/bigfile at 4cb5a2c: http://git.io/v4hEp
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daviddias: hmmm ok. you're the first one to have connection problems to the server that I know of so I'm unsure what's going on. do you have aggressive firewall? is there anything in the terminal (nodejs) log?
haadcode: I'm on a "public space wifi"
so, maybe?
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node.js terminal doesn't print any error
last line is "connecting to ..."?
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I am now playing with implementing sundr
daviddias: have you seen https://esdoc.org ? it could be an even better solution for getting good docs on js-api
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daviddias: looking into jsdoc@3 looking pretty nice actually
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[js-ipfs-api] Dignifiedquire opened pull request #132: [WIP] jsdoc3 for docs (master...jsdoc) http://git.io/v4hjl