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<naobsd> c0d3z3r0: I guess any defconfig in tree will not work...
<naobsd> I want to make defconfig based on multi_v7_defconfig
<naobsd> need more free time :(
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<mmind00_> c0d3z3r0: From your log snippet it looks like something with the clocks is off ... does it still reach a shell? if it does could you mount a debugfs somewhere and post debugfs/clk/clk_summary please?
<mmind00_> c0d3z3r0: also, if possible mail me the link to the paste or the log itself please [at the airport right now and it doesn't look like I will have irc access till tomorrow - hotel wifi and all]
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00_: it doesn't even mount the rootfs. I'll send you my tested configs with full logs later
<naobsd> defconfig in tree should work?
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<naobsd> how can I set default clocksource? arm_global_timer is not reliable with cpufreq...
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<premoboss> hello guys, i need REAL randomical numbers. do A10/A20 have entropy generator in hardware?
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<rperier> with last "next" :, irq 26 is the one from emac, apparently this irq seems to be emitted before being registered and known by the pinctrl
<rperier> I think that we have two problems here: 1)° irq 26 is unknown by pinctrl (as I said probably emitted before being registered and known by the pinctrl framework), 2)° pinctrl-rockchip.c should not flood logs with this kind of message (a critical message or a warning is enough)
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<mmind00_> rperier: can you try if makes a difference on the pinctrl side? [it hasn't made it into linux-next yet]
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