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<dan64B> hi again, could someone please explain "initrd=0x62000000 ,0x00800000" found in kernel CMDLINE to me? Thanks
<naobsd> dan64b: addr,size
<dan64B> does it need to be rkcrc or just raw binary partition?
<naobsd> that's for linux initrd
<naobsd> and probably many other docs are available on the net
<dan64B> for "addr,size", isn't 0x62000000 huge offset, I'm assuming it's in bytes??
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<naobsd> yes
<naobsd> I guess you misunderstood something
<naobsd> what's your original question?
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<dan64B> yeah probably :), I couldn't find "initrd=addr,size" anywhere hence I posted here :)
<naobsd> I guess, you want A, you think B must be answer for A, so you're asking about B here
<naobsd> what is your real question A?
<dan64B> in the parameter.img files, there is initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000. Is this a valid addr,size? Could I change it to point my own partition of root file system?
<naobsd> it's not address of partition for flash storage. it's address of memory(RAM) space.
<dan64B> ah i see. Could it be changed to be address of SD Card range?
<naobsd> mtdpart=
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<naobsd> size@offset(partition)
<naobsd> in sector
<dan64B> Yep, that much I figured.
<dan64B> so can initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 be set to addr,size in sectors (similar to mtdpart=)?
<naobsd> hey
<naobsd> you want A, you think B must be answer for A, so you're asking about B here
<naobsd> "initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000. Is this a valid addr,size?" is A, forget it
<naobsd> sorry
<naobsd> "initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000. Is this a valid addr,size?" is _B_, forget it
<naobsd> what you need is only about mtdpart=
<naobsd> you can modify partition layout in mtdpart=
<dan64B> Understood :), however, I'm curious about initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 because I want to understand its format and usage. If you could point me to where initrd=addr,size is mentioned I'd be glad to read that file/article.
<dan64B> In the previous link, there is no "initrd=".
<dan64B> best I found is but doesn't mention initrd=addr,size format...hence my question here.
<naobsd> more general expression is "initrd=source"
<naobsd> source might be file on disk, binary on ram, etc
<naobsd> it might be architecture/implementation dependent thing
<dan64B> Thanks, the only conclusion I can draw is that the value posted in parameters.img file initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 is fake one pointing to invalid space....sort of a filler value...but root file system is mounted through init file.
<dan64B> Thanks naobsd for your help :)
<naobsd> no
<naobsd> bootloader load ramdisk image from boot/recovery onto there
<naobsd> you may use ramdisk image on RAM as root file system, you may use file system on disk as root file system
<naobsd> just matter of your preference and configuration of your system
<dan64B> I get it now. Thanks.
<naobsd> current bootloader for RK always try to load image from boot/recovery onto RAM even if it will not be used
<dan64B> Is 0x62000000 address a virtual address then? It's too large of a value to be physical address.
<naobsd> valid phys addr for rk30/31
<naobsd> phys mem is at 0x60000000-
<naobsd> (probably "valid for rk28/29/30/31")
<dan64B> Wow. BTW, is this RK specification public knowledge? Could I find the specs sheets somewhere?
<naobsd> kernel/u-boot source is also useful
<naobsd> RK specific
<dan64B> Awesome.
<naobsd> oh I noticed our github URI is not given in topic(?) here...
<dan64B> BTW, why is the kernel version still 3.0.36? Would there be benefits from using latest kernel?
<naobsd> for what?
<naobsd> android 4.4 works fine with 3.0 kernel
<dan64B> I see.
<naobsd> we can use mainline kernel for linux distro
<dan64B> Last question for today, if I may ask, in CMDLINE, I see console=ttyFIQ0,115200, is there documentation on how to work with FIQ0, specs?
<naobsd> "ttyFIQ0" is just a name of debug serial port in RK 3.0 kernel
<naobsd> I couldn't understand about "how to work with FIQ0"
<naobsd> you can specify another tty device for console=
<naobsd> with mainline kernel generally you need to specify "ttyS2" for debug serial port (but you may use another tty)
<dan64B> Yes I was able to get console=tty0 to dump messages to screen....I was more curious to get the physical serial port working on my board as I tried to connect Rx,Tx,Gnd to FTDI chip...but no luck there...hence I wondered about FIQ0.
<naobsd> FIQ0 is UART2 on RK SoCs
<naobsd> you can use another serial port
<naobsd> if you just want "login:" prompt on serial port, only configuration for init need to be modified
<naobsd> to run extra getty on serial
<naobsd> this is not RK specific
<dan64B> Yes that is it. Where is this configuration for init? kernel .config?
<naobsd> it depends on distro
<naobsd> it's /etc/inittab in old system
<naobsd> there is /etc/init/tty*.conf on ubuntu
<dan64B> cool, I can look that up. Thanks :)
<naobsd> console= for kernel and login terminal("login:" prompt) for users are different a little
<naobsd> you can leave console= w/o mod
<dan64B> Excellent info. I only need to get initrd= to load actual root file system then I can move on.
<naobsd> are you using ramdisk root file system?
<dan64B> However, I'm out of time for tonight, we'll resume tomorrow.
<dan64B> I don't know...I have linux root file system, e.g. ubuntu server zip file downloaded, that I plan to have initrd to eventually load
<dan64B> should be able to load any roof file system, I guess.
<naobsd> linux root file system may use ramdisk rootfs or may not use... it depends on configuration of image. but most cases you don't need to care about initrd= parameter
<naobsd> ah, then, what you need is make boot.img with that initrd and flash it into boot partition
<naobsd> default cmdline will work
<dan64B> Yep, I've that, my boot.img is actually initrd and i have flashed works, however, it's simple BusyBox....but my final goal is to load ubuntu server.
<naobsd> well, you may need to modify root=
<dan64B> Tomorrow I'll try something like root=/dev/block/mtd/by-name/linuxroot rw rootfstype=ext4
<naobsd> happy hacking
<naobsd> :)
<dan64B> Thanks a bunch ... this is all new to me but extremely exciting. Cheers.
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