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<naobsd> hmm... I cannot try very recent linux-next yet... is clk related boot fail issue fixed?
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<Tony_> hi naobsd.
<Tony_> there is a problem about LCD.
<Tony_> I can sure that it's hardware problem but I don't know which one's.
<Tony_> rk616 or others.
<Tony_> from adb it looks fine.
<naobsd> Tony_: looks fine for me
<Tony_> (what i mean is that when capture screen is good)
<naobsd> Tony_: where is the problem?
<Tony_> color.
<naobsd> Tony_: can you explain things more clearly? I can assume, but assuming is unreliable, and not needed if you can explain more
<Tony_> okay.
<Tony_> one rk3188 device's lcd color is not normally, see
<Tony_> but it looks well from capture screen by adb.
<Tony_> I'm sure it is hardware problem, because other device can works fine. But I want to know where is the problem ?
<Tony_> rk3188 or rk616 or LCD ?
<Tony_> actually, LCD is fine because it can works fine with other board.
<naobsd> then rk3188 or rk616 will be wrong
<Tony_> from the good capture screen by adb, I think the rk3188 is fine. right ?
<Tony_> do you think so ?
<Tony_> by the way, the /dev/graphic/fb0 is fine.
<naobsd> memory is fine
<Tony_> actually, I'm not sure the flow a picture from CPU to LCD.
<naobsd> sorry, I have no idea why you think you can get something from me with a picture... you already tried to exchange components, you already know answer
<Tony_> memory -> fb0 -> rk616 -> LCD ?
<naobsd> fb0 is memory
<naobsd> do you have block diagram of your hardware?
<naobsd> you can see connection among lcdc[01], rk616, and lcd
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, I have block diagram.
<Tony_> I'm clear than before, thank you. CPU ->(problem maybe) -> RK616(problem maybe) ->(problem maybe) -> LCD
<naobsd> you said LCD is fine
<naobsd> is it worth to find out which one is wrong?
<Tony_> Yes, I can replace it with a good one. by the way, I can be more clear about flow that picture from CPU to LCD. ;)
<Tony_> (what I mean is I can replace bad IC with a good one)
<naobsd> unless your board has something like test points between RK3188 and RK616, you need to replace RK3188 and/or RK616 one by one
<Tony_> there are test points between RK616 and LCD.
<Tony_> but Actually, I don't know well about LVDS wave.
<Tony_> ;(
<Tony_> I only know they are Differential signaling, but I don't know what signaling wave will let the display like that problem one.
<Tony_> naobsd, would you please tell me that the problem's name ?
<Tony_> like the picture.
<naobsd> sorry, I don't know. I have no hardware knowledge.
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<Tony_> naobsd, oh, me too, we always give a custom name for that. I even don't know how to Google it.;(
<Tony_> naobsd, custom such as "halo". ;)
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<Tony_> naobsd, I want to talk about software. I'm confusion about GPU memory LCDcontroler CPU.
<Tony_> GPU is only a calculator for picture. right ?
<Tony_> Whether there is GPU or not, the picture is in memory.
<naobsd> Tony_: please read "Chapter 1 Introduction" in RK3188 TRM first
<Tony_> naobsd, okay, thank you.
<naobsd> and "Chapter 22 LCDC"
<Tony_> Yes, I seen. I think this is not rk3188's feature, it is all the CPU's feature.
<naobsd> ?
<naobsd> RK3188 is CPU
<naobsd> RK3188 TRM describes RK3188 features
<Tony_> Yes, I know. RK3188 is CPU, My question is a normally concept.
<Tony_> I think .
<naobsd> if you think RK3188 TRM is useless, you cannot get any information
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<Tony_> ;) I'm seeing it.
<naobsd> if you said "CPU" as "all CPUs in this world", no, RK3188 TRM describes on only about RK3188
<naobsd> there might be similar controller in this world, but RK3188 TRM doesn't describe anything about another CPU
<rperier> hi all
<Tony_> naobsd, okay. ;)
<Tony_> rperier, hi.
<Tony_> long time no see. rperier
<rperier> yeah a very long time... something like yesterday :D
<rperier> ;)
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<rperier> I started to investigate arc_emac issues... the code is very complicated compared to other ethernet driver I think... (I am talking about the core not about emac_rockchip)
<rperier> I will investigate packets lost and perhaps refactore some stuffs, don't know yet
<Tony_> oh, I don't know about arc_emac. ;) maybe you have to ask help from naobsd.
<rperier> no because I don't like to ask naobsd for all things I do on my rockchip boards, and as this is me who developped emac_rockchip (based on arc_emac) it should be okay
<rperier> this is how you learn ;)
<rperier> s/this is/that's/
<PaowZ_> hi rperier ! about packets loss, this is something you got aware yourself ?
<PaowZ_> ..or user feedbacks..
<naobsd> Tony_: <rperier> when you have a question, don't ask a specific person (except if you want to ask him something he did or related to his work), just ask publically here if you have any questions, people will answer
<naobsd> rperier: "the code is very complicated" should be the cause of problem. it should be more simple.
<naobsd> (about tx buffer and descriptor handling, if my memory is correct)
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<Tony_> ;-) Noted, ask publically here.
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<rperier> naobsd: yeah it might help, I agree
<rperier> PaowZ_: I already had few issues using NFS but it was very ramdom, but it was usable and I had more important bugs at this time. But these issues are seriously very boring because I use ethernet for all things I do (uploading my kernel image on the fly to the board, boot over NFS etc..)
<rperier> so I will focus on it
<PaowZ_> ok
<naobsd> oh, it seems my memory is broken ;)
<naobsd> it seems rx issue if my investigation was right;
<rperier> the code is not simple anyway...
<naobsd> (I'm not sure my investigation was right, please don't believe it)
<rperier> we have two separated issues: skb_put() throws a panic in some cases, and we have packets loss
<naobsd> I want to try emac issue too, but I'm still busy a little... I need some more free time :(
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<Tony_> I think you are in free time all day. ;)
<PaowZ_> ?
<Tony_> okay, you talk your arc_emac. I will say nothing. ;)
<PaowZ_> Tony_: where do you come from ? :)
<Tony_> PaowZ_, I'm from China. ;)
<Tony_> PaowZ_, you ?
<PaowZ_> south france.
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<PaowZ_> I had to work over PinYin input by the past.. funny, how many symbols you guys got..
<Tony_> ah, I wonder what kind of work need over PinYin input ?
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<PaowZ_> Tony_: thas was around virtual keyboard..
<PaowZ_> for automatons in chinese market.
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<Tony_> oh, your company should invite a Chinese person for that work. ;)
<Tony_> ah, If you have some thing I can help, just tell me. I know PinYin well.
<PaowZ_> Tony_: thanks a lot.. we already have a german/chinese person in charge of verification and checking..
<Tony_> your company make new device(product) with rk3188 ?
<PaowZ_> nop.. we work with Freescale iMX and Q7 x86 form factor boards..
<PaowZ_> rk3188, I practice in my spare time..
<PaowZ_> this is a nice project.
<Tony_> cool. rk3188 is more cheap than others. "cheap" is a symbol of the product from China. ;)
<PaowZ_> you have to make a difference between "cheap" and "low cost"
<PaowZ_> ;)
<Tony_> ah, is there difference between them ? I think them are same thing. Japan's car is good.
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<Tony_> And long time ago, some one talk about eFuse of rk3188.
<Tony_> from 3188 TRM v1.3, I get some introduction.
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