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<gani> how to get asop ?
<gani> rk3188 device
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<Tony_> you can ask naobsd. ;)
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<naobsd> well?
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<Tony_> naobsd, long time no see. ;)
<naobsd> hi Tony_
<PaowZ_> hi all
<Tony_> hi PaowZ_
<Tony_> Happy New year.
<PaowZ_> Tony_: happy new year ?? why not :) best wishes, then :)
<Tony_> PaowZ_, did you read the adb source ?
<PaowZ_> Tony_: adb ?? android debug bridge ??
<Tony_> yep
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<PaowZ_> It happens I had to use it with my xperia.. but I haven't got into it :)
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<Tony_> which is your feature ? kernel driver or others ?
<Tony_> PaowZ_,
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<PaowZ_> Tony_: my feature ? Well.. I'm a noob xD
<PaowZ_> more seriously, I'm dev C/C++ and work on automatons..
<PaowZ_> ..and I'm trying to get closer to the hardware..
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<Tony_> PaowZ_, cool!
<PaowZ_> :)
<PaowZ_> Tony_: and what about you ?
<Tony_> PaowZ_, if you have some topic we can talk about it.
<Tony_> I'm a noob too, Android APP/C/C++ and even hardware are all my field. ;)
<PaowZ_> nice :)
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<rperier> when you have a question, don't ask a specific person (except if you want to ask him something he did or related to his work), just ask publically here if you have any questions, people will answer
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<di-erz> I broke his head in search of a hardware video decoding on rk 3188
<di-erz> :'(
<di-erz> guys please help(
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