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<rperier> hi all
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<paowz> hi all ! I'm trying the maineline kernel ( ) but I can't reach the prompt, kernel loading hangs around net configuration,
<paowz> any idea ?
<shinobi> hi everyone have good day,
<shinobi> im trying a test into sunxi-mali folder
<shinobi> and i give a command as ./test
<shinobi> this command returned error : failed to open X display
<shinobi> what must i do regard
<shinobi> *regards
<shinobi> anybody can help us please
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<rperier> paowz: hi, could you rebuild your kernel with a single "console=" parameter and try again ? (just keep console=ttyS2,115200) Not sure but it seems that your kernel logs to the framebuffer (problem being that it cannot work in mainline for rk3188), but I want to check another thing before (if both console= arguments are conflicting or not)
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