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<premoboss> dan64b, type your need/question, someone can reply you or not, just try
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<markvandenborre> hi! I am looking for an ultra low cost platform to run a few Debian desktops on for a low-on-funds school
<markvandenborre> it seems like many of the ridiculously el cheapo arm platforms are really close to that now
<markvandenborre> I figured something with rk3288 or allwinner h3, emmc and 2Gb ram on board should be able to deal with light desktop use easily
<markvandenborre> any hints on a board that would do that?
<markvandenborre> bonus points for decent quality audio and lots of usb ports
<markvandenborre> even bigger bonus for something that has a chance of being mainlined
<markvandenborre> and/or Debian blessed
<plaes> #linux-sunxi for allwinner ;)
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<markvandenborre> plaes: sorry about that one
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<mmind00> markvandenborre: I guess some of those rk3288-based tv-boxes would be possible (aka with casing, because you probably don't want a naked board :-) )
<mmind00> markvandenborre: like for example
<mmind00> markvandenborre: otherwise if it's really only a board, I guess something like the firefly
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<GriefNorth> Hi all. Please help me, i build android 4.2.2 from rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk, but for a tablet, not for dev-board, and i can't enable adb access.
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<markvandenborre> mmind00: thx for the hint
<markvandenborre> seems like these are a bit over budget...
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<sunilmohan> Hello all, I have tried to compile mainline kernel 3.19rc7 for Radxa Rock Pro and there seems to be a regression causing MMC speed to be very low. 3.18 seems to work fine.
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