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<Tony_> ah
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<Tony_> anybody here ?
<Tony_> I want to know about USB of mainline kernel for rk3188,
<naobsd> it worked well at least if I plugged device before booting. but I never tried very recent linux-next yet
<Tony_> but there are something strong.
<Tony_> such as I have connect a mouse, but there is a mouse dev node in /dev/input/
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<Tony_> such as I have *not connect a mouse, but there is a mouse dev node in /dev/input/
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<naobsd> kernel doesn't do anything for /dev/input/* nodes
<naobsd> you can make any file on there
<Tony_> oh, other question is that It did not worked well even though I plugged device before booting.
<naobsd> if you need someone's help, please explain detail... or all I can say "I see"...
<naobsd> board, device, source tree, kernel config, dts, dmesg, etc etc
<Tony_> naobsd, I use all your branch on github.
<Tony_> naobsd, I pluged in a usb mouse before booting.
<naobsd> to where?
<Tony_> naobsd, I tried to OTG this time.
<naobsd> you tried only OTG port?
<Tony_> naobsd, I have tried to HOST port already.
<Tony_> naobsd, interesting things is that the USB to ETH can be fond.
<naobsd> I guess powering issue
<Tony_> damn, I have not check it.
<Tony_> ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, yep, you are right. there is no power on USB port.
<Tony_> naobsd, Would you give me some advices, I have no idea. I haven't met this issue before.
<naobsd> you're using RR config/dts on _your original hardware_, right?
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, you are right.
<naobsd> check GPIO number for OTG/HOST power
<naobsd> you should prepare dts for your board
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, very very thank you. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, I know dts is other issue for now, but I just want to ensure I just need change ...
<Tony_> naobsd, rockchip,pins = <0 3 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
<Tony_> naobsd, and rockchip,pins = <2 31 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
<naobsd> Tony_: you need to fix both vcc_{otg,host} block and pinctrl block
<naobsd> both need to be matched
<naobsd> both -> vcc_otg and otg_vbus_drv for OTG / vcc_host and host_vbus_drv for HOST
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<naobsd> about HOST, probably actual ports will be under usb hub. you need to make sure that all root HOST port, hub chip, HOST ports under hub need to be powered
<naobsd> I think only "ports under hub" is not powered (by dmesg)
<naobsd> +OTG
<Tony_> naobsd, I've seen DTS for while, it is a little difficult for me now. ;) Maybe I should learn about dts more detail at first.
<Tony_> naobsd, I noted what you said.
<naobsd> Tony_: just change GPIO# for now...
<naobsd> I don't know what number is for your board
<Tony_> naobsd, I just use such as RK30_PIN2_PD7 for a GPIO's name.
<Tony_> before.
<Tony_> naobsd, is that ture the dts just need the two number ?
<naobsd> A0-7 -> 0-7 / B0-7 -> 8-15 / C0-7 -> 16-23 / D0-7 -> 24-31
<naobsd> "gpio0 3" is PIN0_PD3
<naobsd> sorry
<naobsd> "gpio0 3" is PIN0_PA3
<naobsd> "gpio2 31" is PIN2_D7
<Tony_> naobsd, thank you, from 3.0 source I can find the USB-HOST power key is RK30_PIN0_PD4.
<Tony_> key -> *GPIO
<naobsd> you may try to change it by /sys/class/gpio/... before modify dts
<Tony_> naobsd, I guess it should be 27
<naobsd> 28
<naobsd> 24+4
<Tony_> I think should be that 24 + 4 -1.
<Tony_> sorry, I miss.
<Tony_> I missed some thing.
<Tony_> naobsd, how to change it by /sys/class/gpio/... ?
<Tony_> miniroot# ls
<Tony_> export gpiochip0 gpiochip32 gpiochip64 gpiochip96 unexport
<Tony_> miniroot# pwd
<Tony_> miniroot#
<Tony_> sys/class/gpio/gpiochip0/power
<Tony_> ls
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<Tony_> naobsd, thank you I try it by myself.
<Tony_> naobsd, thank you very much, it worked. ;) :) :) :)
<naobsd> you can do same on 3.0 kernel but number must be +160 (e.g. PIN0_PA0 is 160)
<Tony_> naobsd, ah, I know how to control GPIO first time, you teach me, thank you!!!! so cool, I have just imagine this before.
<Tony_> naobsd, is there a mistake on 3.0 kernel ? so need +160 ?
<naobsd> no idea why RK guys did +160... maybe there is 160 IRQs?
<Tony_> naobsd, got it.
<naobsd> it's just my guessing, and there is no relation between irq# and gpio#... I just guessed someone might want to use gpio# as irq# on 3.0 kernel
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<Tony_> naobsd, ah, 3.0 version kernel was gone almost. ;)
<naobsd> in your project?
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, It's stable already, I'm almost never modify it for long time.
<Tony_> naobsd, I have a question, to control the GPIO is safe ?
<Tony_> naobsd, I think it is not safe, do you think so ?
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<naobsd> GPIO should be designed to be controlled...
<naobsd> you shouldn't touch any GPIO _pin_ which is used for some specific purpose
<naobsd> (you cannot touch it by regular way)
<Tony_> ah, it is safe now. ;)
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<Tony_> naobsd, last question, where I change to "28" from DTS.
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<Tony_> naobsd, gpio = <&gpio0 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; right ?
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<naobsd> Tony_: as I said, vcc_host block and pinctrl block
<Tony_> naobsd, but I can't clean what you said. ;) sorry.
<Tony_> *clear
<Tony_> n97: gpio = <&gpio0 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
<Tony_> n292: rockchip,pins = <0 3 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
<Tony_> is that true I should replace "3" with "28" ?
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<naobsd> yes
<Tony_> naobsd, it works fine now, thank you.
<Tony_> naobsd, today is a start symbol i modify DTS. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, it is really cool use DTS than 3.0 version kernel which use *.c file.
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<naobsd> yeah, dts is nice...
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