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<naobsd> sunilmohan: can you provide dmesg for both?
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<sunilmohan> naobsd, Here is the dmesg for both:
<sunilmohan> naobsd, It contains dmesg and config for 3.19rc7 and dmesg for 3.18. I've also highlighted the possible issue "mmc_host mmc0: Bus speed (slot 0) = 8057Hz (slot req 25000000Hz, actual 8057HZ div = 0)"
<sunilmohan> instead of "mmc_host mmc0: Bus speed (slot 0) = 31821429Hz (slot req 25000000Hz, actual 15910714HZ div = 1)"
<sunilmohan> Also an rk3x-i2c issue "WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-rk3x.c:553 rk3x_i2c_calc_divs+0x184/0x288()" "Conflicting, min_low_div 2, max_low_div 1" with stack trace printed on every boot.
<naobsd> I guess it's fixed in more recent kernel...
<sunilmohan> naobsd, I can try the latest 4.0rc if that helps
<naobsd> I'm using linux-next, I cannot remember when it was fixed. please try 4.0rc or linux-next
<sunilmohan> naobsd, It is a relief to know it was fixed. Will try that. Thank you.
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<sunilmohan> naobsd, I tried 4.0rc4 and the rk3x-i2c issue went away. However, the boot process hung near MMC initialization. linux-next fixed both the issues.
<sunilmohan> I now get this message every second "rtc-hym8563 1-0051: no valid clock/calendar values available" . Network and USB don't work too (unable to initialize libusb: -99).
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<naobsd> sunilmohan: rtc message should be gone if you set rtc date
<naobsd> sunilmohan: USB may work if you insert it before power on
<naobsd> sunilmohan: no idea for network...
<naobsd> well, kernel defconfig need to be updated for network? (not sure)
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<naobsd> sometimes CONFIG_XXX are changed, if you use old one, it will be missed when you run make xxx_defconfig/oldconfig/etc
<naobsd> critical bug in release ver. should be fixed, but probably it needs more volunteer or free time :(
<naobsd> anyway defconfig is not available, everything should be recognized as in development ;)
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<Avagetto> Hello. Anybody can help solve problem with uboot? I can reflash device on rk3288, after device switching in loader in android tool i can see label "Found ONE loader device" only few seconds... And then she disappears
<Avagetto> If i flashed Uboot v 2.14 loader work well... and i can reflash device... But if i flash Uboot v 2.17 o Uboot v 2.19 problem with loader mode appears again.....
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<Avagetto> Problem sloved. After flashing resource.img, loader working..
<sunilmohan> naobsd, Setting date fixed rtc messages. I had ntpd working earlier so it must be setting the date. When network stopped working, date was no longer set.
<naobsd> sunilmohan: there is RTC battery holder on RR
<naobsd> sunilmohan: no idea for network issue. which defconfig are you using? dmesg?
<sunilmohan> naobsd, I will soon put a battery in the board. Was not available on regular small shops here.
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<sunilmohan> Will post dmesg log. I am using Radxa Rock Wiki Mainline kernel configuration (with changes to compile lots of modules taken from Debian 3.16 config. I am hope to ultimately have Debian upstream kernel support for the sake of FreedomBox project).
<sunilmohan> I did get this network issue one before when I made aggressive changes to the config on 3.18. So, I can try the Radxa Rock Wiki Mainline config.
<naobsd> I'm not sure but it may be old for 4.0/linux-next
<naobsd> anyway you can check .config after make defconfig
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<sunilmohan> Okay, will do.
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<sunilmohan> My current dmesg:
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<naobsd> sunilmohan: emac is detected and linked up. what's the problem?
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<sunilmohan> naobsd, I don't get a DHCP response from the server. If I set an IP address using ifconfig, I am unable to ping other machines. If I switch to a working kernel everything works (DHCP with the same network/cable).
<sunilmohan> naobsd, There was with my USB parameters in the configuration. I enabled both host-only and guest-only mode. It resulted in guest-only being selected.
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<sunilmohan> Just tried linux-next with Radxa Rock Wiki Mainline config + dts the problem with Ethernet persists.
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<naobsd> sunilmohan: kernel config on wiki should be old for today's linux-next
<naobsd> anyway I have no idea for network for now. I'm too busy, I cannot try myself
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