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<brokeTheRock> hi ! how are you?
<brokeTheRock> I believe I managed to break the rock :(
<brokeTheRock> It is even unable to answer RFI / RCI
<brokeTheRock> I can see the device 2207:310b but no nand partitions and pretty much everything I've tried (windows / linux ; 5 USB cables and 4 usb ports in all combinations) does not work
<brokeTheRock> and I can only get it to be discoveredy by shorting nand pins 8&9
<brokeTheRock> any ideas ? I've been struggling with this for 5 days with no results ...
<brokeTheRock> it suddenly got this way, it was operating normally and it rebooted to death
<brokeTheRock> help please ! I am desperate ... any lead you can provide is more than welcome :)
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<brokeTheRock> Currently trying SD Update method but there is no hdmi signal
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