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<Tony_> is there anything I can do ?
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<naobsd> hi
<naobsd> Tony_: for what?
<Tony_> ah, I want to help others. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, Is there some thing I can do for you ?
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<naobsd> probably I have a lot of things to do...
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<Tony_> naobsd, ah, is there anyting I can do for you ? such as contact with RK or others. ;)
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<naobsd> I'm curious if there is up-to-date & complete RK3188 TRM which include RK3188+(RK3188A?) info...
<naobsd> currently available TRM has many "see another pdf for detail" section :(
<naobsd> Tony_: btw is your RK3188 product work finished? what kind of product it is?
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<Tony_> naobsd, hi, our product is android all-in-one.
<Tony_> naobsd, likes a 18" table. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, for your question, I will think about it.
<naobsd> wow, 18"
<Tony_> naobsd, ah, it likes iMac, it has usb port/ 12V DC/ Ethernet etc.
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<Avagetto> Hello.
<Avagetto> Somebody can recommend mirror for which work well in China?
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<Tony_> <Avagetto> hello.
<Tony_> Avagetto, are you a Chinese ?
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<Avagetto> no, but i`m in China now =)
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<Tony_> Avagetto, 163 will be good.
<Avagetto> thaks
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<hipboi_> Avagetto, welcome to China :)
<hipboi_> Avagetto, there is no mirror
<hipboi_> Avagetto, we mirror it locally
<hipboi_> doesn't have armhf packages
<premoboss> hi hipboi_
<hipboi_> premoboss, hi
<premoboss> how radxa2 is going?
<hipboi_> premoboss, rock2 som is ok
<premoboss> i want board with RK3288 :-)
<hipboi_> we are going to release square base board next week
<hipboi_> premoboss, why not firefly :)
<premoboss> firefly? what it means?
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<hipboi_> premoboss, another rk3288 based board
<premoboss> ok
<hipboi_> premoboss, it doesn't matter anyway
<hipboi_> premoboss, ours is coming
<premoboss> do you made also that firefly or it is a competitor?
<hipboi_> competitor
<premoboss> ok
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<premoboss> im a fan of you since cubieboard A10, i will stay with your products :-)
<hipboi_> they learn from us but did it well
<hipboi_> premoboss, thank you
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<naobsd> there is a ports.ubuntu mirror with armhf at japan
<naobsd> I'm not sure it's fast or not for China
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<Avagetto> hipboi_ , i have local mirror server but it only for 14.04.... need make for 14.10.... but it is 100 gb+...
<Avagetto> naobsd, thanks. i test this server
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<karlp> what are you making?
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