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<tony3> hi
<tony3> why my Nick name is so populer ?
<tony3> I can't name "Tony". ;D
<tony3> *popular
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<Tony__> hi
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<rperier> everything is sane in the kernel until you discover the clock source tree... (I am on zynq at work)... that's horrible :/
<rperier> :D
<rperier> clk tree in general, I mean
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<mmind00> rperier: yep you have just masses and masses of clocks these days
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<rperier> mmind00: I was busy these days, but I am back to rockchip development now. so I will help
<rperier> :)
<mmind00> don't undrstand the context :-)
<rperier> you mean, you did not understand what I meant ?
<rperier> I was just saying that I was not very active recently ;)
<rperier> I have more time now, nothing more
<rperier> :)
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<naobsd> clk things are cryptic for me ;)
<naobsd> and I'm still toooo busy... I have to finish my work today
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