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<Tony_> hi, in the mainline kernel git repo, which is the defconfig of rk3188 ?
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<Tony_> finally, I used radxa's defconfig for rk3188.
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<Tony_> naobsd1, I need your help.
<Tony_> ;)
<Tony_> would you help me ?
<Tony_> naobsd1,
<Tony_> I want to run mainline kernel on rk3188.
<Tony_> It can't mount root fs.
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<naobsd> Tony_: please describe more, otherwise all I can say is "mount it"...
<naobsd> on mainline, NAND is not supported
<Tony_> I use eMMC.
<naobsd> eMMC will work but partition in parameter will not be used
<Tony_> first, I want to find a correct def_config
<Tony_> I try to replace CMDLINE with parameter's.
<naobsd> you may use rk30_rk31_defconfig on my github repo
<naobsd> CMDLINE in parameter will not be used if you use defconfig which ignores CMDLINE from bootloader
<naobsd> sorry, I'm extremely busy.
<naobsd> "please describe more" about what you did and what you got
<Tony_> okay, I will.
<Tony_> "describe more" if it still is more problem with your defconfig.
<naobsd> my defconfig may not work well on different ver.
<Tony_> okay, I just want to it work fine by mount your miniroot. ;)
<Tony_> is that okay ?
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<naobsd> every naobsd/next-* branch has updated defconfig for that branch
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> miniroot ramdisk? then it's different story
<naobsd> it should just work...
<Tony_> yes, I know, I can use miniroot for 3.0.x
<Tony_> I think linux-next + miniroot will be easy.
<naobsd> it should work with mainline/linux-next kernel. I'm using it
<Tony_> naobsd, I just confused why the rk3188_defconfig is still not exsit in mainline repo ?
<naobsd> because something to do is not finished yet...
<Tony_> okay, got it. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, the result is out.
<Tony_> kernel said that "Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1..."
<Tony_> naobsd, there is my steps.
<naobsd> are you sure you have ramdisk in boot partition?
<naobsd> your board has 2GB ram, right?
<Tony_> Yes, 2GB ram.
<Tony_> I sure I flashed the ramdisk in boot partition.
<Tony_> I use miniroot many times, so I can sure.
<naobsd> please try to set memory size 1GB in dts and get dmesg again
<naobsd> reg = <0x60000000 0x40000000>;
<naobsd> if dmesg says 1GB with modified dts, then ATAG info is not passed to kernel, which needs to mount ramdisk...
<Tony_> naobsd, ah, I know, is it flash into sdcard ?
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<naobsd> ?
<Tony_> why the root fs path is root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 ?
<naobsd> you have to have kernel and ramdisk on same storage
<naobsd> see defconfig about root= path
<Tony_> oh, now they are same in eMMC.
<Tony_> okay ?
<naobsd> root= in cmdline doesn't matter if ATAG info is passed correctly
<Tony_> okay, I will try some thing first, 1 change dts; 2 flash them into sdcard.
<naobsd> please don't try more than 1 thing
<naobsd> please do same, with modified dts
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<Tony_> I thought mmcblk0p1 is only means sdcard without eMMC. maybe I'm wrong.
<Tony_> okay, do same with modified dts.
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<naobsd> you're trying to use ramdisk in boot partition, it's already loaded by loader
<naobsd> kernel doesn't load it from emmc/sdcard/etc
<naobsd> ah... RK loader may not pass ramdisk info via ATAG... there is initrd=addr,size
<Tony_> naobsd, there is demsg after only modify dts.
<Tony_> down
<naobsd> Tony_: I see. ram is 2GB, ATAG works.
<naobsd> Tony_: RK loader doesn't pass ramdisk info via ATAG. you may need to add initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 in CMDLINE in defconfig
<naobsd> Tony_: or you may use my u-boot-rk3188 binary, which passes ramdisk info via ATAG
<naobsd> Tony_: but I have no experience with rk3188 + eMMC device. u-boot-rk3188 for SD card should work.
<Tony_> okay, I will try first one at first.
<naobsd> Tony_: it might be better to use CMDLINE from bootloader(parameter), not defconfig
<naobsd> anyway, if you use u-boot-rk3188, you don't need to modify any CMDLINE/defconfig/dts at all
<Tony_> naobsd, will it take more trouble else ? about flash image or others ? ;)
<Tony_> then rk loader.
<Tony_> *than
<naobsd> u-boot-rk3188 is relatively unreliable, but lately I'm unsing only u-boot-rk
<naobsd> generally u-boot-rk3188 works as same as rk loader, but there will be some problem
<naobsd> with u-boot-rk3188, I can load kernel/etc without flashing
<naobsd> it's handy for kernel development
<naobsd> it can load parameter/kernel/ramdisk without flashing
<naobsd> Tony_: you can try u-boot-rk3188 for SD, it's safe
<Tony_> naobsd, wow, it can boot in SD ?
<Tony_> naobsd, cool.
<naobsd> Tony_: you said SD is prior than eMMC on RK3188, I assume it's true, so you can keep eMMC untouched
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, I can flash it into sdcard.
<naobsd> follow README_sdcard.txt in
<Tony_> okay, at first, the result of initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 is out.
<naobsd> RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 0
<naobsd> hm, strange
<naobsd> but I don't use rk loader, no idea
<naobsd> please try sd boot with u-boot. you don't need to modify CMDLINE/dts/etc
<Tony_> naobsd, the 3.0 kernel works fine.
<naobsd> (if I can get RK3188 with eMMC, I'll try u-boot on it)
<naobsd> Tony_: of course...
<Tony_> It means that the miniroot is good.
<naobsd> Tony_: I know, you said it
<Tony_> naobsd, next step I try u-boot on sdcard. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, ah, there is a diff between them.
<naobsd> maybe root= need be modified too with rk loader, but please try u-boot, no modification is needed
<Tony_> naobsd, 3.0's CMDLINE is initrd=0x62000000,0x001D0000.
<naobsd> loader modified it after loading ramdisk from boot partition
<naobsd> it's actual ramdisk size (with some padding, probably)
<naobsd> it shouldn't be matter
<Tony_> ah, before use u-boot, I tried all CMDLINE of 3.0. but it can't works fine all. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, the boot is not support for eMMC right ?
<Tony_> I'm talk about rk3188.
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<Tony_> naobsd, I thing the problem is in mtdparts args.
<Tony_> naobsd, the mainline kernel has no partition.
<naobsd> I already explained it
<naobsd> mainline kernel doesn't support it, but kernel doesn't load ramdisk, different matter
<naobsd> if you have problem with u-boot, please ask about it.
<Tony_> about u-boot, I want to flash it into eMMC.
<Tony_> it that okay ?
<naobsd> I already explained it.
<naobsd> I have no experience with rk3188+eMMC. please try sd boot.
<naobsd> you can try u-boot-rk3188 on eMMC freely, and I have no answer about it
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<naobsd> I wanted Radxa Rock eMMC ver. ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, ah, I flash it already.
<naobsd> Tony_: all I can say is I have no answer
<Tony_> I mean that I flash u-boot into sdcard.
<Tony_> naobsd, Is that correct ?
<Tony_> naobsd, from log information.
<naobsd> you used 3.18 kernel on 1st boot, wrong.
<Tony_> naobsd, I just want to say the u-boot is right. ;P
<Tony_> naobsd, I haven't change kernel. ;)
<naobsd> then you know it's right.
<naobsd> please understand I'm extremely busy
<Tony_> okay, "extremely" is more than "very". ;) I try it myself. ;)
<Tony_> there is latest demsg.
<naobsd> strange
<naobsd> please use non-modified CMDLINE
<naobsd> how did you write ramdisk to boot area on SD card?
<Tony_> sudo dd if=kernel.img of=/dev/sdb conv=sync,fsync seek=$((0x2000+0x4000))
<Tony_> sudo dd if=boot.img of=/dev/sdb conv=sync,fsync seek=$((0x2000+0xc000))
<Tony_> non-modified CMDLINE demsg
<naobsd> Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
<naobsd> rootfs image is not initramfs (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd
<naobsd> very strange :(
<naobsd> dd lines should be ok
<naobsd> can you try rkflashtool M/B ?
<Tony_> naobsd, sorry, I don't know how to stop u-boot.
<Tony_> naobsd, when it's booting.
<Tony_> naobsd, I hit any key, but no use.
<naobsd> your board doesn't have recovery key which is connected to adc1?
<naobsd> if there is no recovery key, please connect adc1 to GND when booting
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<Tony_> oh, got it . I thought that keyboard.
<Tony_> naobsd, can you send me a ramdisk.img ? I can't sure It can works fine I create.
<Tony_> naobsd, latest log.
<Tony_> by "rkflashtool M/B"
<naobsd> you confirmed it with RK 3.0 kernel
<naobsd> ootfs image is not initramfs (broken padding); looks like an initrd
<naobsd> broken padding? mmm, it might be a bug in u-boot :(
<naobsd> around rkflashtool M/B support code
<naobsd> (no relation to boot from SD)
<Tony_> naobsd, the only good news, rk 3.0 kernel is good.
<Tony_> by "rkflashtool M/B".
<naobsd> no idea for now
<Tony_> I use the linux-next latest version.
<Tony_> I need use your branch ?
<naobsd> stable is not latest "linux-next"
<Tony_> I do this today.
<Tony_> git clone -b stable --depth 1 git://
<Tony_> cd linux-next
<Tony_> oh, I need try your branch.
<Tony_> okay.
<naobsd> stable is not linux-next
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<Tony_> okay, clear now.
<naobsd> I tested naobsd/next-20150123 on px2
<naobsd> naobsd/next-20150306 is tested only on rk3288
<naobsd> I hope both will work
<Tony_> okay, I'm geting next-20150306.
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<Tony_> naobsd, got back to home ?
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<naobsd> not yet
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<Tony_> naobsd, next-20150306 log was out.
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<panicking> mmind00: I get ethernet working
<panicking> it was a timing issue on physical reset
<mmind00> panicking: great ... did you need to change anything in the code?
<panicking> Yes
<panicking> now it's dirty change
<panicking> because I need it
<panicking> but the issue is pretty simple
<panicking> comuniccation
<panicking> start to early after reset
<panicking> Are you the mainteiner?
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<panicking> Ok
<panicking> All seem again on I will provide a better patch
<panicking> I need to move to 4.1
<panicking> so your suggestion is work on linux-next
<panicking> + dts patch
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<naobsd> panicking: snps,reset-delays-us is not enough?
<naobsd> Tony_: no idea, I have to test myself, but I'm busy :(
<panicking> I have tried to manage it a bit, I will try to change it better
<panicking> --- a/drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c
<panicking> +++ b/drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c
<panicking> @@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ int mdiobus_register(struct mii_bus *bus)
<panicking> if (bus->reset)
<panicking> bus->reset(bus);
<panicking> + msleep(30);
<panicking> +
<panicking> for (i = 0; i < PHY_MAX_ADDR; i++) {
<panicking> if ((bus->phy_mask & (1 << i)) == 0) {
<panicking> struct phy_device *phydev;
<panicking> this is my temp fix
<panicking> I'm working on audio stuff
<panicking> to make it play 32 bit
<panicking> and I have another change in i2s rockchip
<panicking> that to measure in oscilloscope
<panicking> if data are really 32 bit
<Tony_> naobsd, I find something.
<Tony_> naobsd, I can boot success occasionally.
<Tony_> ls: /sys/class/mtd/mtd[0-9]*/name: No such file or directory
<Tony_> 1+0 records in
<Tony_> 1+0 records out
<Tony_> gzip: invalid magic
<Tony_> cat: can't open '/sys/class/net/wlan0/address': No such file or directory
<Tony_> mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /mnt failed: Invalid argument
<Tony_> BusyBox v1.21.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash)
<Tony_> Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
<Tony_> miniroot#
<Tony_> naobsd, the rate is 20%.
<panicking> I'm going to eat somenthing
<panicking> and then move to wifi
<panicking> integration
<naobsd> Tony_: sorry, no idea. u-boot may be unstable on your board
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