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<rperier> I think that xenomai guys never tested rtnet stack... I get a crash each time I enable it :D
<rperier> hi btw
<rperier> (that's just a friday troll, nothing more :p)
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<Tony__> hi body, I want to ask a question about android input device configure file.
<Tony__> the doc said that device.internal = 0 | 1.
<Tony__> which difference is that if wake up.
<Tony__> but I want to ensure if that is true, I try to enable a touch screen's device.internal set as 1. I think it can wake up system.
<Tony__> but the result is it can't.
<Tony__> the doc said that '0' means the device is external device which can wake up the system.
<Tony__> '1' means the device is internal device which can't wake up the system.
<Tony__> naobsd, what is your opinion ? ;)
<Tony__> in here, wake up is mean what ?
<Tony__> from what suspend state ?
<Tony__> anybody here ?
<Tony__> would you give me a hand ?
<Tony__> ;)
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