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<Tony_> naobsd, do you know what's the diff between rk3188 which from diff number.
<Tony_> okay, What I mean is there are diff number in the rk3188 IC.
<naobsd> difference? between RK3188 and ...what?
<Tony_> Rockchip RK3188 SCAU34JR 1438.
<Tony_> The numbers on the RK3188 IC.
<naobsd> where it comes from? print on chip surface?
<Tony_> see it by eyes.
<naobsd> sorry, no idea. I guess it may be manufacturing lot number
<naobsd> please ask rockchip ;)
<Tony_> naobsd, the reason I ask this is that the same board but diff RK3188, the usb controller is diff to handle usb hub.
<Tony_> naobsd, likes picture's rk3188, its usb controller connect to a usb hub, then the usb mouse/keyboard will work worse.
<Tony_> naobsd, from the "getevent", I can find miss some signal during hub to rk3188.
<Tony_> naobsd, do you meat this case ?
<Tony_> naobsd, I will ask them, after they wake up. ;)
<Tony_> *meet
<naobsd> physically different chip may have different number
<naobsd> but I don't think it's only unique difference between working one and non-working one
<naobsd> I guess different RK3188s are on different boards, isn't it?
<Tony_> naobsd, yes, different board.
<naobsd> then it may be board issue
<Tony_> naobsd, next steps, we want to exchange it.
<naobsd> as far as I know there is no different RK3188 which has different USB controller
<Tony_> naobsd, We even tried use a extern usb hub connect to OTG USB port, the special number RK3188 can't works fine too.
<naobsd> is 5V stable?
<naobsd> anyway
<naobsd> I will not say RK3188 is "different"... it may have "problem" around USB function
<Tony_> naobsd, so we think that we has ruled out board issue.
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> all I can say is, board may have issue, or that RK3188 chip may have issue
<naobsd> I cannot say that RK3188 is "different"
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> of course "working" and "non-working" are clearly different
<naobsd> but I don't use the word "different" for it
<Tony_> naobsd, okay, I will try to ask the RK, then if I get some information usefor I will share you too. ;)
<naobsd> now I'm not speaking about cause of your issue
<Tony_> *useful
<naobsd> I think printed text on the chip surface will not be cause of your issue too.
<naobsd> why I said "ask rockchip" is because you asked about meaning of that text, not about your issue
<Tony_> naobsd, for "is 5V stable?", it's stable.
<Tony_> naobsd, without hub, everything is okay.
<Tony_> naobsd, we even has ruled out all other issue, such as replace a new hub IC.
<Tony_> ...etc.
<naobsd> anyway I think only Rockchip can answer "is this special?" question...
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<rperier> hi all
<rperier> ah ah, April joke by the linux foundation is excellent , did you see the new tux logo ? :D
<rperier> it would be fun if it was serious :p
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<Tony_> rperier, cool.
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<amstan> mmind00: woo, i got brain working nicely now with no weird hacks
<amstan> mmind00: needs this though:
<amstan> i will be upstreaming shortly
<amstan> djkurtz helped
<amstan> any more things i should include in that? who to CC to?
<mmind00> amstan: nope, not for mainline yet ... i.e. the powerdomains haven't made it upstream yet ... but normally they should all be on after boot?
<amstan> mmind00: that's what was the biggest blocker for me on brain
<amstan> without that it reads 0xff in random places, it thinks hdmi is plugged in from that(even when it's not), and continues doing weird stuff like spinning up the pll
<mmind00> amstan: very strange ... but I guess the powerdomain driver you have in the chromeos tree does disable unused powerdomains on boot (so the hdmi-pd is probably off with a chromeos-kernel)
<amstan> not sure, djkurtz might know more details if i don't explain it correctly
<mmind00> amstan: I'll ask him, but anyway we don't have powerdomain control in mainline at all at the moment
<amstan> mmind00: so is there a point in me sending it by email then?
<amstan> should i just merge it as CHROMIUM: ?
<mmind00> amstan: nope ... it should stay Chromium-local for the time being
<amstan> mmind00: that makes it easy for me then, nice
<mmind00> amstan: hehe, glad you're not disappointed ... but judging by where the main powerdomain discussion stopped, I'd guess it will still be a while till that makes it into mainline
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