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<rperier> naobsd: very interesting... and how do you erase the internal bootloader ? I flashed RK3288LoaderUboot.2.19.01.bin , then I erased everything in nand which apparently does not remove the loader. I probably need to use a "low level command"
<rperier> anyway, thanks I will investigate
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<naobsd> rperier: NAND? eMMC?
<rperier> naobsd: yes emmc, sorry
<naobsd> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=64 count=1
<naobsd> on running board
<naobsd> this erases IDB sector #0
<rperier> oh I did not try that, good idea
<rperier> I will try this command this evening, I have not my board now
<naobsd> "upgrade_tool ws" may work but I have no experience
<naobsd> about "erase" for flash device, blkdiscard command is the right command, but I think it doesn't work mainline
<naobsd> dd should be enough for this time ;)
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