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<naobsd> oh, hym8563 clkout...
<naobsd> mmind00: pcf8563 manual says 1 is enable :)
<mmind00> naobsd: yep ... but the hym8563 manual said the opposite :-)
<mmind00> which was the one I was working with at the time
<naobsd> and RK 3.0/3.10 HYM8563 driver sets 1 on init and 0 on shutdown
<naobsd> mysteriously there are "//disable clkout" comments on both init/shutdown ;)
<naobsd> what a reliable doc quality as usual!
<naobsd> I'm not sure difference between pcf8563 and hym8563
<mmind00> I don't think there is one [but I realized this, after my hym8563 was accepted]
<mmind00> so at some point someone can merge both into one driver
<mmind00> bedtime overdue now
<naobsd> probably based on hym one... has clk/sleep support
<naobsd> good night :)
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<rperier> hi all
<rperier> naobsd: did you ever try to boot from sd card on rk3288 (bootloader + kernel at least) ?
<rperier> I try to integrate this in meta-rockchip, I would like to generate an image which can be directly dd to an sdcard
<rperier> It is not clear, but is it the same method like on rk3188 ?
<rperier> well, I found informations
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<naobsd> rperier: method/layout is same, but ddr init blob need to be rk3288 ver. please check my u-boot image for rk3288
<naobsd> rperier: boot order is emmc then sdcard, but recent bootloader seems to look sdcard to load images even when booting from emmc
<naobsd> rperier: btw some DDR blob is larger than rk3188 ver. so I changed offset for bootloader(FlashBoot.bin) from 96 sector to 100 sector for both RK3188 and RK3288
<naobsd> rperier: so I changed header values at IDB sector 0 too (idb_sector_0 file in my zip is changed)
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