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<rperier> the rock2 is available in beta apparently
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<fireflydev19> Any firefly developer here ?
<naobsd> fireflydev19: some of us have firefly but I cannot understand what's the "firefly developer" you want...
<naobsd> fireflydev19: if you want to ask something, please ask about it
<naobsd> rperier: if no one start to write dts for rock2 yet, I'll do it ;)
<fireflydev19> Hey, apologize for being a little vague. I figured it was a typo
<fireflydev19> resolved. Thanks though.
<naobsd> I see
<rperier> naobsd: I could but for that I would need a rock2 board
<naobsd> rperier: I have 4GB ver w/ square board alpha ver. and I have some time finally...
<rperier> I am not very fan to buy a beta hw, so I will probably wait a bit
<fireflydev19> Are there document(s)/tutorial(s) you would recommend a complete beginner in linux-rockchip ? (Know C and basic linux but that is it)
<rperier> naobsd: do you have the base board or BB with SoM ?
<naobsd> rperier: SoM 4GB ver. and square base board alpha ver.
<naobsd> fireflydev19: what kind of thing do you want to try?
<rperier> oh I see
<fireflydev19> I have a Firefly board that I want to add a 802.15.4(SiLabs EM3588) chip and then build some TV UI
<fireflydev19> *EM3588
<rperier> naobsd: do you know if your changes about the phy regulator rk3288-firefly.dts got merged ? don't remember correctly but the patches serie was splitted and the mainline support (in 4.0) is not complete, right ?
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<naobsd> rperier: it's not only phy regulator part, whole gmac node was splitted
<naobsd> rperier: I guess it's not merged yet, but I didn't look very latest linux-next yet, not sure
<naobsd> fireflydev19: I see but sorry, I have no knowledge about SiLabs EM3588... I guess you need to build driver for it
<rperier> because when I tested 4.0 on the firefly last night, I had issues with phy-usb and ethernet. I can take a look at it if you want (I mean, if you have not time enough for it and If I can help)
<naobsd> rperier: gmac change is already queued in somewhere, just matter of time
<rperier> okay, np
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<fireflydev19> np. Know any developers who might be intrested in freelancing ?
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<mmind00> naobsd rperier: the gmac phy dts is sitting in my dts branch for 4.1 ... the pull request for arm-soc is already pending for 2 weeks but I guess the arm-soc maintainers where occupied with the ELC and stuff last week
<rperier> mmind00: Okay, I did not know, I am not up to date on this topic ;)
<mmind00> rperier: np, now you are :-)
<rperier> np
<rperier> yes :)
<rperier> well, I will play a bit with my firefly and marsboard, I am sure that there are things to do in "next" :)
<rperier> (I mean, that's always the case)
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