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<naobsd> rperier: both should be same. if you put kernel.img into kernel part, you need to put ramdisk boot.img into boot part. if you put kernel+ramdisk boot.img into boot part, kernel part should be ignored.
<naobsd> even if you embed initramfs into kernel, you still need to put valid ramdisk image in boot part.
<naobsd> valid ramdisk image = format need to be valid. it's ok if content is invalid.
<naobsd> "rkcrc -k" kernel must be put into kernel part. kernel.img in boot part shouldn't work.
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<naobsd> (I sometimes put kernel.img into boot part as "valid format but invalid content as ramdisk" file when kernel has initramfs)
<naobsd> susedv: build was successful but you get oops?
<naobsd> susedv: btw which device are you using?
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