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<mcan> hipboi: is there changelog of bootloader's?
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<hipboi> mcan, no, it's binary
<hipboi> mcan, you can use u-boot
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<plaes> rperier: can you post a link to your petitboot + rk entry?
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<rperier> plaes: do you talk about the post on g+ or about a way of building it ? everything is described in meta-rockchip on github (in the linux-rockchip group)
<plaes> thx
<plaes> weird.. post could not be found
<rperier> do you see the video ? seriously.... g+ is a bullshit....
<rperier> ^^
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<plaes> now when I go to I can see it
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<rperier> ok cool
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<karlp> nice docs there on meta-rockchip, I realllly need to give this a go now :)
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<rperier> karlp: cool :) , an important thing, RK3XPetitbootLoader must be flashed like a kernel+initramfs, not like the bootloader (that's the second level bootloader and not the real one)
<rperier> if you have any feedbacks, don't hesitate
<rperier> I will switch to kernel development this evening, but I can always switch back a bit on meta-rockchip ;)
<karlp> I'd never flashed the bootloader on mine before anyway, I was only ever flashing kernel with an empty initramfs, and rootfs on sdcard
<rperier> okay good
<karlp> I got stuck on problems with ethernet and usb power supplies on my board shelved it for a while,
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<rperier> karlp: don't test meta-rockchip with Fido (yocto 1.8), I did not port it yet, use dizzy instead (1.7)
<rperier> I have just seen that Fido is out
<rperier> I will probably update the README this evening
<rperier> at least for that
<karlp> I have a few other things i'm trying today, it won't be instant, don't worry
<rperier> just in case :)
<rperier> that's because yocto is long to build, I do not want you to waste time ;)
<akaizen> mmind00: rperier: can't find the google+ group "linux embedded" but I'm a member of "Embedded Linux"
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<rperier> akaizen: now, I meant that initially I shared the post with a local group (from my profile) "linux embedded". The post is public now
<rperier> s/now/no/
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