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naobsd has joined #linux-rockchip
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Astralix` has joined #linux-rockchip
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<naobsd> mmm, thernal_zone[12]/temp were not updated at some point... it works again after reboot :(
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<rperier_> hi all
rperier_ is now known as rperier
<Tony_> rperier, hi
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<Tony_> rperier, hi.
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Astralix is now known as Astralix|away
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<Tony_> Astralix, how about your u-boot for 3188 ?
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<Astralix> Hi Tony_
<Tony_> hi
<Astralix> Not yet finished, a bit too busy at work
<Astralix> 10h/day so not too much time left in the evening
<Astralix> but 80% of that work is related to u-boot, even it is for a different SOC
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<Tony_> oh, your task is so strong.
<Tony_> Astralix, your work seems cool.
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