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<hipboi> rperier, ping
<rperier> hipboi: pong
<rperier> hi Tom
<hipboi> rperier, hi
<hipboi> rperier, if i remember correctly, you were working on the display on 3188?
<rperier> yes, I had started to work on rockchip-drm for rk3188, it mainly focused on dma (as a first step, I have a branch for this part if I remember correctly). However, it was few weeks ago, did not had time to rework on it, I have just 55 things to do in the same time these days on my rockchip devices
<rperier> why ?
<hipboi> :)
<hipboi> i just want to know the status
<rperier> I work on rockchip in my free time, so sometimes I have personnal contrainst ;) . However, that's in my todo list
<rperier> constraints*
<hipboi> rperier, i can totally understand
<hipboi> rperier, if we want to work on this, where should we start?
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<rperier> I have a branch for this part ( ), if I remember correctly, Heiko did some work on crtc for rk3066/rk3188. He had a branch too. You can probably reuse some stuffs
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<mmind00> hipboi rperier: that would be ... where I collected differences in the lcd-controllers itself ... this was also based on a wip rk-drm driver, so the underlying stuff also changed a bit too
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<rperier> yes, this is exactly what I was talking about :)
<rperier> hipboi: ^
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<rperier> I have just posted a live demo of Petitboot on RK3288 to g+ (shared with linux-embedded group and rockchip guys) ;)
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<akaizen> rperier: Do you have a link? I can't find your post
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<akaizen> mmind00: hmm says post cannot be found.. maybe i'm not a member of the community?
<mmind00> akaizen: oh just saw it's "private" it seems ... rperier any reason?
<rperier> mmind00: I only shared with the group "linux embedded" , that's probably for this reason
<rperier> it's me or you cannot change the visibility of a post on g+ ?
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