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<naobsd> ah, pull req for 4.1 was out...
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<Tony_> ah
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<rperier> hi all
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<Tony_> rperier, hi.
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<rperier> mmind00: with kgdb, do you use jtag sometimes on rockchip ? I mean, when you port a new SoC for example... if you get a crash before kgdb is initialized.. it is horrible to debug without a jtag, no ?
<mmind00> rperier: I haven't used kgdb a lot at all ... and also haven't used jtag on Rockchip boards yet
<mmind00> rperier: in the beginning I was working with a tablet device of course (without jtag etc) ... but also didn't experience issues which would require it
<rperier> really ? how to you proceed when you get critical bugs like kernel freezes or hangs during SoC inializations ? (except bisect I mean)
<rperier> initializations*
<rperier> that's just for personnal use, nothing more I try to improve myself on this part :)
<mmind00> rperier: never had any of those ... the biggest unknown was the mmu-thing on the rk3288, but otherwise I didn't have any early freezes or so ... every other early problem came with a nice printout what was wrong ;-)
<rperier> most of the time, I use kernel backtrace with addr2line or gdb , kgdb is useful but boring to use... there are a tons of technics apparently...
<rperier> so you was lucky :)
<mmind00> generally the rockchip loaders bring up most of everything, so you can only shoot yourself in the foot by turning stuff off prematurely :-)
<rperier> I see
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<cheetahw26> I have a rikomagic 802IV and I was curious if there is anyway to backup the current firmware?
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<cheetahw26> Looks like I can boot from sd card first, then run like a disk image?
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