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<Tony_> I want to porting rk616 to mainline kernel.
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<Tony_> Astralix, hi.
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<mmind00> Tony_: if I see correctly, the rk616 is the hdmi/lvds/tv encoder used in some radxa rock (rk3188) variants ... the core rockchip drm driver currently _only_ supports the rk3288 and needs quite a big adaption before you can think about external encoder chips
<Tony_> mmind00, yes you are right. the rk616 is the hdmi/lvds/tv encoder.
<Tony_> mmind00, and audio codec.
<Tony_> mmind00, If you just want to use its Audio codec, is that possible ?
<mmind00> Tony_: yep, should be possible ... you probably need to implement a mfd anyway for the encoders + the codec
<Tony_> mmind00, yes, even though only audio codec part is also quite a little big adaption.
<Tony_> mmind00, I met so many errors.
<Tony_> mmind00, maybe there are so many differeces between 3.0 -> 4.0 .
<mmind00> Tony_: of course, 3.0 is from 2011 or so :-)
<mmind00> Tony_: anyway, need to leave ... flight is boarding
<Tony_> mmind00, okay, bye.
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<Tony__> maybe it will take long time.
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<cjd> does anybody know the status of OpenWRT on the rockchip? I see some drivers have landed in the 3.18 kernel but I'm not sure how much patching is still required to be able to boot
<cjd> (HDMI not required)
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<dan64b> hi, anyone, with strong Mali experience here I could talk to??
<dan64b> Please msg me.