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<panicking> Hi
<panicking> I'm trying to boot linux-rockchip
<panicking> on my rk3288 firefly
<panicking> I have flashed the kernel
<panicking> but not see anything from console
<panicking> origin/wip/rk3288-display
<panicking> this is the kernel
<panicking> origin/u-boot-rk3288
<panicking> from
<panicking> I follow this blog
<panicking> SecureBootEn = 0, SecureBootLock = 0
<panicking> #Boot ver: 2015-03-08#2.19
<panicking> sn:1006120000000395
<panicking> checkKey
<panicking> vbus = 1
<panicking> no fuel gauge found
<panicking> no fuel gauge found
<panicking> read logo_on switch from dts [0]
<panicking> no fuel gauge found
<panicking> Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
<panicking> failed to load fdt from boot!
<panicking> ERROR: [get_entry]: Not a resource image!
<panicking> failed to load fdt!
<panicking> kernel @ 0x02000000 (0x0060b650)
<panicking> ramdisk @ 0x04bf0000 (0x00275614)
<panicking> Secure Boot state: 0
<panicking> bootrk: do_bootm_linux...
<panicking> Starting kernel ...
<panicking> And have just this result
<panicking> anyone can give me some steps to start and use a recent linux kernel?
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<mmind00> panicking: which defconfig did you use?
<panicking> v7_defconfig
<panicking> multiarch
<panicking> but what is the console
<panicking> ttyS2
<panicking> or ttyFIQ0
<panicking> ?
<mmind00> ttyS2, the ttyFIQ0 is an android-thing
<panicking> so parameters.txt
<mmind00> but with the multiarch defconfig you don't get an earlyconsole at the moment, so the console output only starts when the real uart is up and running
<panicking> should be updated
<panicking> ok, I will update parameters.txt with tty2 and flash
<panicking> activate the early console in the config
<panicking> from rk32
<mmind00> I haven't updated this one in some time, so it doesn't include the graphics stuff, but you should at least see something on the console
<mmind00> and as you can see from the CONFIG_CMDLINE options, just forces a new kernel commandline
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<panicking> Ok, I will try
<panicking> but I will not use a ramdisk
<panicking> I wil try to boot on the same filesystem as already flashed some ltubuntu
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<panicking> Ok
<panicking> now I can boot
<panicking> but it does not find any mmc
<panicking> I have this error
<panicking> reg-fixed-voltage flash-regulator: Failed to register regulator: -517
<panicking> and the probe is deferred
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<mmind00> panicking: do you have the act8865 driver enabled in your config? [it does provide the act8846 functionality for the firefly, not sure if this is already enabled in the config]
<panicking> Let me check
<panicking> I don't find it in dt
<mmind00> [as you said, you're using my rk3288-display branch]
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<panicking> find it
<panicking> ;)
<panicking> I found it
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<panicking> Very good
<panicking> mmind00: do you know why EFI partition is not seen
<panicking> bt the kernel
<panicking> of emmc?
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<mmind00> panicking: not sure what you meant, but maybe the efi partition type is not enabled in the config?
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<panicking> I have created a buildroot
<panicking> filesystem and now is fine
<panicking> video is ok
<panicking> I'm working on having usb working
<mmind00> panicking: usb should be working already ... at least when the device is plugged in on boot ... hotplug is doing strange things sometimes ... using an external hub (having it always plugged in) may help
<panicking> Ok
<panicking> I have seen it
<panicking> but otg
<panicking> does not work
<panicking> correct?
<panicking> dual role
<panicking> I mean
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<mmind00> panicking: don't know ... never tried
<mmind00> it's in the dwc2 driver though
<panicking> I'm going to try linuxium
<panicking> with this kernel
<panicking> now that I have hdmi working
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<kjbsoabga> .
<kjbsoabga> .
<kjbsoabga> did usa & israel covertly supply isis with weapons like they did with al-qaeda to justify wars ?
<kjbsoabga> did usa excute the creative mess in the middle east like they said they will, does the creative mess include explosion with uncertain responsibles to make people fight?
<kjbsoabga> how many human was killed because usa actions included in the creative mess?
<kjbsoabga> i was prevented on facebook and twitter, so plz send my qs there to help limiting usa & israel aggression against others.
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