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<norris> mmind00: hmm, the eDP phy driver looks different...
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<rperier> hi, did someone already play with mdio debug via sysfs or ethtool perhaps ? in other words, do you know a way to play/debug mdio from userspace ?
<rperier> /sys/bus/mdio_bus is not what I am looking for
<rperier> well, apparently that's not possible
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<sjoerd> oh how fun, sometimes my audio playback groes wrong as alsa misreports the curernt buffer level
* sjoerd wonders if the dma engine is playing silly buggers
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<mmind00> sjoerd: with or without the still pending dma fixup series?
<mmind00> sjoerd: aka flusp stuff and burst size adaption
<sjoerd> both
<sjoerd> well i didn't do the full series i hacked up the equivalent to test and it's the same result
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