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<sandy_> Hi, I wonder if anyone has gotten the uplaod to DRAM feature of rkflashtool to work recently. It seems to be hanging for me with RK3288
<naobsd> sandy_: are you sure you're in mask rom mode?
<naobsd> and which binary did you upload?
<sandy_> O.O i need to be in maskrom mode... it works ! ... is there an easy way to get into maskrom mode with the reboot flag by any chance?
<naobsd> "rkflashtool b 3" from loader mode skips boot from on-board flash (nand/emmc)
<sandy_> I'm still working on that what to upload.
<sandy_> I think my sd image must not be correct. I don't see anything on the console after rebooting it with "b 3"
<naobsd> which board are you using?
<sandy_> rock2 square
<sandy_> if my sd image is bad then it would go back into maskrom mode right
<naobsd> it depends how bad
<naobsd> if sd has enough info as bootable media (but broken code), then it will not return mask rom mode
<sandy_> okay, well after the reboot command, "rkflashtool v" says it's still in maskrom mode... I'm trying one of the radxa images now
<naobsd> how did you make sd card?
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> "b 3" with bootable(you tried to make) sd card?
<naobsd> if sd card is bootable, after "b 3", it will boot from SD, so no mask rom mode in this case.
<sandy_> my sd card was booting with emmc booloader... ie, i can put it into the rock2 in factory state and it boots
<sandy_> the problem I think is that rk3288 doesn't actually load the bootloader from the sdcard when the board is in the factory state
<naobsd> bootable sd card I'm talking here is not "images on SD is loaded by emmc loader".
<sandy_> oh, so the reboot 3 command loads the emmc loader but then boots the sdcard only?
<naobsd> you must prepare SD card with header/spl/loader to boot. images such as kernel.img is optional things
<naobsd> no, again, "bootable SD" is "load/run very initial things such as spl/loader from SD card"
<sandy_> okay, I don't think I've gotten that yet
<sandy_> oh, okay, I think we are on the same page
<naobsd> rk3288 proprietary loader should support "load spl/loader from eMMC, then loader loads images from SD", but _I_ don't call it "bootable SD"
<naobsd> this is old a little but you can see command lines to make bootable SD
<naobsd> or
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<naobsd> well, command lines == README in zip on androtab
<sandy_> ah, i'll try the zip file then
<sandy_> I wasn't able to compile u-boot.git ... it seems as though I have the wrong toolchain
<naobsd> which u-boot? u-boot in RK SDK should be compiled with prebuilt toolchain in SDK
<sandy_> do you know if "rkflashtool b 3" should be done from mask rom mode or loader mode?
<naobsd> for mainline, recent gcc will work
<naobsd> "b 3" is only for loader mode
<naobsd> loader mode == rockusb mode on RK proprietary loader
<naobsd> sorry, I have to away for a while
<sandy_> okay, thanks for your time
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<naobsd> hmmmm ATF for rk33? will it be open source?
<naobsd> I'm curious if we can skip binary blobs for trust.img
<naobsd> s/skip/avoid/
<naobsd> but it's impossible to implement psci etc w/o information ;)
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